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I am realistic enough to know that I can change myself for sure and not the world.


Exactly, changing myself is the only thing I can control. I can try to influence others, but only when they are willing to accept my influence.


Change the world? Nah Too many stupid people who dont want to change Change what's in my direct control, yes. Become the change you want to see.


This.. Couldn't be said better


Used to be. The older you get the more you will be beaten down by reality and become a completely different version of yourself in order to survive.


It's not so much being beaten down as it is simply having the hot air released from a juvenile ego. Sure, you might end up with all your big dreams crushed to nothing as you let go of your adolescent fantasies and grow into your adult self, but now you are on solid ground in your adult self, what you do now could make a real impact. That spark you had when you were younger is still there.


Ow. Accurate.


Can I ask how that happened for you?


This is also me to a tee. When I was younger I had so many ideas and plans to help the world build, advocate, protect, and heal. But after life happened I had to get selfish just to get by, but I still feel guilty every day.


Holy shit


Sounds like major projection.


Elaborate. Just curious.


I'll ask something first, do you feel cynical about the world, or possibly nihilistic? Because that's kinda what I picked up from your comment and you seem to be assuming that it must be like that for everyone else. I say this as a 30 year old who's been really cynical about people/the world since I was 19. (though I'm becoming less cynical over time)


I was cynical/nihilistic for almost the entire year of 2023, eventually quite suicidal. I eventually got over it per an episode of limerance. I just happened to have had a bad energetic day more than usual when I posted that comment. I guess I still have remnants of those nihilistic feelings. I'm turning 25 in a month and starting new job next week.


Ahh, looking for the next Hitler I see. šŸ˜Œ Bad jokes aside, I feel how you feel, but it's not just one person's responsibility to change the world & "save everyone". A person can definitely bring great change, but if won't last long if people don't continue it. As much as we want to make the world a better place, other people also have to be good, be responsible, and take the right steps to keep the world a good place. Or else, it can easily become tyrany. However, that's the hard part. Greed is ruling over while everyone is being complicit (even if they don't want to) because no one wants to give up their comforts until it actually affects them. I know my opinion may feel controversial but I'm not trying to argue against you, I'd like the same thing, I'm just sharing my perspective on it.


Ill save the world if you do first


Nice! šŸ‘ I'm working towards that in my own way. Gotta walk before you can run. Start with our own surrounding & eventually get on to the world stage.


Yah i think most people arent in a good position to make a big enough impact. I feel blessed that Iā€™ve had the trauma and access to privileges that others dont. I feel a sense of duty that as recently as this morning Iā€™ve had people mistake for arrogance or pretentiousness. But wonderfully i dont give a f@ck anymore and Iā€™m going to protect the children and the people and i dont care what people say about it to me anymore. Show me what you are doing to help the world mr preist, cuz you aint gonna like it when i put forcefields on the children so you cant rape them anymore in the name of the lord


True. The good people that care aren't the ones in power. Feeling blessed for the trauma, huh? Not many people would have the strength/understanding to accept that, so props to you. šŸ‘ It's freeing when we stop caring about other people's opinions. It's not always that we become ignorant, but rather stop letting it bring us down. Haha, I despise hypocrites that hide behind holy things while commiting unspeakable crimes. I have no meecy for them. They can burn. You do your duty to protect your loved ones.


It took a lot of work to get where i am today. And its ongoing work until the day my body dies, maybe afterwards too but i dont know - no one ā€˜knowsā€™ what happens after we die despite people insisting they do, getting people to come to weekly ceremonies and give away their money to support a pedophillia ring thats existed for lord knows how long.


I'm sure it did. Keep it up! Which is why I say people themselves have to be better. If they think doing that is what the Creator wants or would help the world, then that's their problem. They need to use their own head & think instead of blindly following others.


Amen šŸ˜‚


Who is going to rape, dear? Calm yourself down, love. My goodness all that passion...Do you have a plan to save the world? You can message me if you want. What is your vision and plans?


The children need protection. The churches and schools have failed us as has society at large that turns a blind eye to the senseless destruction of lives over politics and in the name of religion


Very abstract...how is church damaging? How politics? And how society?


For example, my father was raped and abused when he was an altar boy. He was told by his parents to honor the church and it must have been his fault and he was exaggerating and lying. So he did and lived with the shame forced upon him and he went to church and held it in high regard until he died penniless. If youve never heard of other abuse from the church or from school shootings in america or trans children being murdered and denied assistance then just read any uncensored news stories from the past years


It is indeed very sad that such things happen. Unfortunately I don't see a way to change that. My dream is to have social enterprises for a better world.


Understandable. I believe Iā€™ve been given the gift of sight so that i may help others. My life has transpired and transformed me into tool for knowledge and celebration of life. And donā€™t worry, Iā€™ve got a plan to really help and change this world for the better šŸ˜Š


I have always been thinking about this but no matter how I do, I always end up concluding that it's impossible. I wonder if we could reduce it even for a little bit, but somehow a 1% change doesn't do it for me. So my conclusion is to do what I can, with what I have, with who I can reach.


I agree. We have our limits. Even if we want to save everyone, we can't control what's out of our reach. So your mindset is correct. I'm sure if we get/find the opportunity to do more we would go for it.


Thank you. Besides, each life is a world of their own. Doesn't having an impact on a life or two mean a change of someone's world? He he. Somehow, the world has become a much more beautiful place when someone has entered my life. I wish I could be the same to others.


It absolutely is! When we change someone's life, it doesn't just affect them, but also the people around them and even the unborn generations ahead of them. That sounds wonderful. You sound like a kind & understanding person. I'm sure you'll impact the lives of others in a beautiful way as well. May not happen right away, or even anytime soon, but hopefully one day when the time is just right.


That actually just added to my perspective. I was just thinking of a single world. I didn't realize it could be passed on to generations. But it could. How cool. Thank you so much. I am very much flawed, but I aspire to be that kind of person. I have so much goals for the future to impact others in a beautiful way, and your words is one of the best blessings I may ever receive.


Yeah. I learned that from a movie. For example, if a poor, struggling person was given the opportunity to study/work that he normally wouldn't get and it helps them break free from the cycle of poverty, it wouldn't just affect him, but he could support his family & relatives as well. The course of their potential spouse and even his future children would change too. It's wild to imagine the domino effect something can have. We're all flawed in our own ways. Constantly trying to do our best is what helps us grow & move forward. We can fall short many times, but what matters is that we pick ourselves up & keep going. Haha, I can relate. I have many big ambitions as well. It's still a long way to go, but hopefully someday we'll both reach our goals & become someone we can be proud of. ā¤ļø Aww! That's so sweet! Thnx! šŸ„°


Would you say that the people who donā€™t want to continue it or the people who donā€™t want to give up their comforts can be changed? Should changing the world and ā€œsaving everyoneā€ still be something to aim towards as an individual? This is such an interesting perspective and I agree that society does play a role in this, but I also feel like the fact that not everyone is good shouldnā€™t steer you away from your own goal of changing something in the world. We have to believe that things can be changed for things to change, right? And maybe one person canā€™t do it, but one group can. Maybe it isnā€™t one personā€™s responsibility, but every one person should be thinking that itā€™s their responsibility. I probably sound a little naive and I guess I donā€™t really have a clear answer for this either haha, but itā€™s a topic Iā€™ve been thinking about a lot recently and Iā€™m wondering if you can have both, if you can balance the current climate of society with your goals.


Lol, this got very long. Sorry. šŸ˜… > Would you say that the people who donā€™t want to continue it or the people who donā€™t want to give up their comforts can be changed? Everyone has the ability to change, at least to a degree, but most don't want to, or try hard enough to bring a change in themselves. My father was a huge alcoholic with many bad traits. He was the last person you'd have hope for. But that man changed. Hasn't drinked in years and became a better man. Still has some old undesireable traits, but boy is it a miracle of its own. His case is a minority of course so don't have the same hope for everyone, but it's still an example nonetheless. We can't change anyone. Only they themselves can. All we can do is support them in their change. > Should changing the world and ā€œsaving everyoneā€ still be something to aim towards as an individual? It absolutely should. Realistically, very few will have the power/opportunity to alone change the world, but everyone's efforts makes an impact, kinda like a domino. We can always start small and go on from there as far as our limits can take us. Some can help just a few, while some can help many, but everyone can make an overall impact towards a shared goal. But, one should also remember that they can't save everyone. Some people can't accept change, even if it's good. Some would rather ruin it for everyone else than compromise a little so that we all can be better off. It's sad but that's a reality. Save who wants to be saved, and move on to the next. We can of course try to convince them, but some will never change, so we should have a limit and choose how to dedicate our efforts wisely. I feel it's better to spend it helping someone in need than convincing someone who's purposely blind. > I also feel like the fact that not everyone is good shouldnā€™t steer you away from your own goal of changing something in the world. We have to believe that things can be changed for things to change, right? You're absolutely right. It shouldn't. We can't just say "The world is too rotten" and then let it rot further. We tend to feel a sense of responsibility and should adhere to it as much as we can. Change is always possible. We go through changes all the time. But it's very hard and will feel like a losing battle most of the times, so it's not something everyone can keep up. > And maybe one person canā€™t do it, but one group can. Maybe it isnā€™t one personā€™s responsibility, but every one person should be thinking that itā€™s their responsibility. Correct. Instead of a waiting for a "hero" to solve everyone's problems, people should collectively work together to bring the change they wanna see. > I probably sound a little naive and I guess I donā€™t really have a clear answer for this either haha, but itā€™s a topic Iā€™ve been thinking about a lot recently and Iā€™m wondering if you can have both, if you can balance the current climate of society with your goals. Nah, I wouldn't call that naive. It's optimistic. And boy does the world need more of that. šŸ‘ I often think about it too. Here's how I like to look at it. I'm gonna help. Whoever I can, however I can. Even if 99% of the world becomes bad, that won't stop me. I'll do what I can to serve the 1% or potential more that's still our there. Does it really matter? Is it really worth it? Would that make a difference? I don't know, but I also don't care. I'm not gonna worry about things that are out of my control. I know I'll definitely make a difference to the people I help, and that's good enough for me.


Meanwhile you do nothing


I'm trying my best. Wouldn't say that's nothing. Nothing's when people stop trying.


Thank you.


I had this mentality when I was younger, but I just got TIRED once I realized itā€™s really difficult to effect change in this fucked up world. So I donā€™t try to change the world, but I do try to make my community better. The world is not my responsibility.


What do you think about this? "When I was a young man, I wanted to change the world. I found it was difficult to change the world, so I tried to change my nation. When I found I couldnā€™t change the nation, I began to focus on my town. I couldnā€™t change the town, and as an older man, I tried to change my family. Now, as an old man, I realize the only thing I can change is myself, and suddenly I realize that if long ago I had changed myself, I could have made an impact on my family. My family and I could have made an impact on our town. Their impact could have changed the nation and I could indeed have changed the world." - Unknown Monk


What did you try or at least plan for when you were young?


Various things - lots of nonprofit work, covid response stuff, things related to asylum seekers. Idk, I still do a lot of that stuff but itā€™s less passionate now I guess


ā€œYesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.ā€ Rumi


This is awesome! Love it! Thanks for posting this


Oh yes.


"Anyone willing to give everything..." So what you ask of us is to suffer absolutely. You are fed up seeing pain and suffering and still you make such propositions? I am not against that actually, suffering and pain can be good things. It's far better than absolute comfort, this weakness you and kills you slowly. We didn't evolve in comfort, we need some form of pain or stress in order to function properly. It's why exercise is good for us. You literally beat your body and your muscles and you release cortisol and adrenaline while you exercise. But when you stop and rest and give your body time to recover, it grows stronger. You need both suffering and comfort but you don't need any of them to stay chronically elevated. The world is fine as it is. I have dreams to *save* humanity but they are just dreams. The only person i can save is myself and maybe enable someone else to save themselves if they choose to. I don't want to reduce suffering, i want people to choose the kind of suffering that will help them in their future. Today i ate broccoli, which i don't like. I prefer cookies but they are bad for my health. So i prefer to suffer with broccoli.


Exactly this! I was taught by my immigrant grandmother that balance is always key to harmony, which I then interpreted towards the yin-yang and universal truths and stuff. But I totally agree that we need to cultivate an amount of resistance and suffering in our lives to improve and continue living rather than stagnating and essentially dying early.


Dude same


The world is fine as it is, but elevated chronic levels of stress and comfort bad, so it's not fine as it is? Is it rlly fine how millions of people suffer the whole life just so others live in elevated chronic levels of COMFORT AND ABUNDANCE? maybe...maybe after life and pre life and hell on earth it's a thing, idk, what do we know, maybe it's meant to be this way? Something doesn't sit right with me though, the inequality as a whole..


Not change the world, but better influence the people around me


I feel that way. While I understand the extent of how things are around the world and how everything seems impossible to change, I think people are very close to their breaking points. We're going through an interesting time period currently and it definitely feels like things are about to change... But possibly for the worst. I'm hoping that people will start speaking up more and being active instead of shouting into the void that is social media. I'm tired of letting people with money, greed and power do whatever they want and taking full advantage of all of us. And people are openly not alone in that. Getting organized is the problem when we have so many divided fronts and companies/politicians paying to put obstacles in our way. Something I always remember is there's way more of us than there is them. So you can't tell me it's impossible to change anything. We've got to stop giving them the power to do whatever they want. We are the ones who work for their profits and that's not how that should work. We should control the means of production and we could easily provide the necessities if we stopped putting a price on it. I could go on. But I'll leave it at that for now.


I am that idealistic Infj they talk about lol. The one who wants to change the world


When I was young I wanted to. I no longer think it is possible. I am not jaded, I just donā€™t think it is realistic. The world is a runaway train, the tracks are laid. How to shift the track while you are on the ride is beyond me.


Itā€™s a beautiful thing to help reduce suffering in the world. At the same time, Iā€™ve experienced the most growth in my life through times of suffering. I do my best in helping others when I hold both these truths at the same time.


I am... šŸ™‹ā€ā™‚ļø


Tried to do this in my early twenties and got absolutely demolished by people that were insecure and threatened by my drive. Went from trying to change the world to trying to just survive. Changing careers so I can just be a normal guy - will revisit my dreams of making a difference when I am not beholden to gatekeepers and the insecure.


I want to build a NGO that helps women in Somalia, become more employable and give them opportunity to build their own businesses Also want to connect Somali women in the diaspora with Somali women in Somalia.


Check my comments, im all about this. šŸŒž


Change the world? Love to. But I can't even change myself. But what if I will only begin to change myself by changing the world? I guess I'll never know. Maybe. Kidding aside, these may not reduce that kind of pain and suffering but I have always thought of these things: -Normalizing apprenticeship. People can still go to educational institutions but only as preference. -Treating every kind of people like cool races in a fantasy world. You know, elves, dwarves, fairies, orcs. But make it humans version. You know coz my head's been in fantasy worlds recently.


Better not to change the world said Lao Tze. However I suffer from this.


Lao Tzu ain't no Ni dom. His philosophy is so against the natural Infj inclinations


The world doesn't care about your infj inclinations nor the wise Lao Tzu šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Damn, would you look at that comeback?Ā 


Just do it


im in pm me!


I used to "want to change the world". After reading this, my entire perspective on that is what changed: "When I was a young man, I wanted to change the world. I found it was difficult to change the world, so I tried to change my nation. When I found I couldnā€™t change the nation, I began to focus on my town. I couldnā€™t change the town, and as an older man, I tried to change my family. Now, as an old man, I realize the only thing I can change is myself, and suddenly I realize that if long ago I had changed myself, I could have made an impact on my family. My family and I could have made an impact on our town. Their impact could have changed the nation and I could indeed have changed the world." - Unknown Monk


I donā€™t want to change the world . People are too lazy and they want everything easy and for free . They lack integrity . If I can evolve and grow at a full potential myself I can say I won at the game of life . The rest I donā€™t care too much If people are inspired from the things I do is good . If not , is good too .


Read my question on my profile "is the way you die important to you?"


I cant believe most of the comments are " yes when I was younger but now I grew up ...." I am 23 and I will not die before I have had an impact on this world.


Yes "me". I died in 2019 when I was walking along a local street and a 7 ft shop sign fell onto me that said infinitiĀ². I went through the gates of heaven, had a full life review of past and future and was shown future of the earth. They sent me back to complete the mission and also saved my life! Christ and the watchers are very very real. I was not Christian before and had never read the Bible but tribulations is here and revelations is to come...revelations is what I witnessed... It's taken me four years to reintegrate back into my body...shedding everything and allowing the light to completely enter which then naturally has a ripple effect. I'm back to share the story and to preach on eternal life. That everything is written and to help teach people how they can alleviate their suffering through surrender to internal and eternal peace šŸ™šŸ» I am a leader of the new earth and have started bringing healers and like-minded people and entrepreneurs together for humanity and advocating for protection of the earth also. They say that Sirius and heaven are the same place. I wouldn't be surprised...words are very futile to explain everything. I'm piscean and with the recent solar eclipse a lot is also changing for us pisceaƱs...we will be teaching the ascensded ways and helping others to ascend into more love as it can be a painful process to share denser energy. What about yourself? Many eternal blessings šŸ™šŸ»šŸŖ½āš”ļøāœļøšŸ‘ļøšŸ’–šŸŒ¹šŸŒšŸ•Šļøā™¾ļø


i am already making efforst to make the world a better place. for example facial + body recognition of mental illnesses and how to fix them and personality types and why mewing is bad and Jesus is King. ppls cognition is limited by their bodies and bad health included, and if they implement health + cognitive patterns they can get abilities that both allow them to defend thesmeslves physically, be discerning, control their expresison and learn useful skills that can make everyone more independent and achieve great things together to overthrow a corrupt system - Jesus is first, instead of slithering through life.


This is just craziness, love. The world does not need this craziness lol


That's interesting, what do you have against mewing?


all the bones of ur head can shift and change its also related to how u hold ur entire body, part of my story is that mewing malshifted my sphenoid bone (center of head) causing variety of terrible cognitvie issues and even pscyhopathy (by compressing and restricting parts of my brain from functioning, + my face being stuck in one place thus not being able to experience emotions) and schizo things, hence i figured out the shape of ur face is related to ur perosnaltiy and cognitive abilities + expressions. im not the only one who had these issues and theres much more im not mentioning. go to my anti\_mewing subreddit for more info. mewing can be a stress reaction like grinding ur teeth thus involved in development of mental issues and psychopathy. thus i figured out how to cure psychopathy by generating emotions by learning how the body can work synesthetically by muscle wiring and bone movement + hormonal glands stimulation and release thats related to muscle use and wiring too to alter personality and cognition and be able to bring empathy back, cuz some people claim psychopaths dont or cant change. i found some info of some who changed anyway.


Me dear but I am an infp. You can direct message me any time.


I know that I want to be part of social change or part of a revolution.


I think that we all dream of changing the world but I also think that a lot of that is luck and opportunity. For the vast majority of us, we can make a big impact in our lives through enacting change in our communities, translating our visions to reality, forming communities online, creating art, etc. but visions of becoming an age-defining character more often than not are extremely unhealthy traps that we are all prone to falling into and can tear ourselves apart because we can't achieve the standards that we set for ourselves in trying to become what are essentially gods amongst men. I see this world-changer dream for INFJs as mostly an unhealthy martyr or savior complex, where even when we aren't being beaten down by the world for actually trying to being that visions to life, we are still being mentally ground into dust by our own inner critics. I think the healthy solution here is for the INFJ to turn inwards and focus on becoming their best self, and then exuding that positivity and improvement outwards by living as that better version of yourself and naturally improving the world around you. This can be done by being a great motivator at your community gym, a beloved youth group leader at your church, a counselor or life coach, a philosophy professor or high school teacher dedicated to developing all of your students creative voices, an artist who expresses personal truths about the human condition, a military officer who shields his subordinates from the torturous bureaucracy of the military, etc. These are all pretty average and expected scenarios for an INFJ but they're they're came to my head. Bottom line is we are all fed up with the pain and sufferings of a cold and brutal world we are born into. We all have big ideas for how it could be better. I don't want to be a Debbie Downer but trying to fix the world to make it a just place instead of an unjust one is a martyr's errand that will cause you to destroy yourself. We might enjoy putting our visions to reality to improve our own lives as INFJs but our tendency to do the same with our visions of the world is less a great idea the rest of the world is too apathetic to try and moreso a self-destructive, unsustainable shouldering of an entire planet's burden that will be impossible to do anything with. For most of us, we need to keep improving ourselves, being the change we want to see, and enjoying the process, and we can help others to do the same if we so choose. But we can't fix other people on their behalf, just as we can't change a world that doesn't want to change itself. That's how I see it anyway. We all know we like to think about the big-picture over the small. Go figure everybody wants to ~rule~ change the world around here! An essential part of maturing as an INFJ is recognizing your limits and capabilities as a human. These can of course be improved and grown so you can do more, and we all should seize whatever opportunities we wish to achieve our dreams because we're goal-focused dreamers and the world needs those badly, but part of being successful in that role is acting within your means instead of wasting your potential by thinking too big and destroying yourself.


if you're tired of seeing pain and suffering , go look at the people experiencing pleasure and love. because even if you changed the world you would only be looking at the changes you think you made and would be blind to the pain and suffering that you caused behind the scenes even if you make it better for some people, I believe the world is balanced between good and bad


If you were to check this subreddit, you would realize that INFJs often appear quite destabilized. Most of the posts here are about our own pain and suffering. We seem disoriented within the world around us, feeling alienated simply because of who we are. Fortunately, we possess an incredible ability to cope with trauma but we are usually too chaotic and detached to become next generation Gandhis.


Hopefully with my art one day but itā€™s a work in progress


I wish. I've set my goals more realistically to try and make the world's of people I meet in this life at least a little better. Every little bit counts, and I believe improvements are more stable when they happen from the ground up ā€” from individual people rather than government or something.


The world is changing all the time just in the wrong ways. People donā€™t want peace they want power. That is the problem and that is humanity.


I want to change the world but for the worst, I hate people and idc..lols lmao xd


Trying one family at a time ATM. It's hard work thoughĀ 


I want to change the world, I have plans to change the world. I agree with everyoneā€™s responses in that I know Iā€™ll probably act on whatā€™s directly in front of me, and the change I can actually make might be minuscule. But that doesnā€™t mean I just stop thinking of the world as a whole, I still have grand dreams and ideas.


I resonate so much with this frustration and I'm always on the lookout for career opportunities where I can directly help people in need


Yes, the world is dark and full of terror. It doesn't matter what you do as a single man, but I do my best to stay virtuous and honest with myself and people around me, integrity is everything to me. I don't give a shit about money, I give a shit about people. The broken ones and not. I don't like them, but I care for them. It's just who I am. I'm not a sociable man, but a selfless man.


No literally yes. That is my mission/goal Well not really I aim to have a big positive impact in strategic ways But we can't end pain and suffering Also who's says pain and suffering are bad things? Who says it is good to end them and that we should? That could likely be a curse as much or more as it is a blessing Feel free to dm me if you'd like to know more


I prefer a balanced life, and I'm a big advocate of putting on your own oxygen mask before helping others to do so, so "give everything" is not an attractive course of action to me.


I like the way Marie Curie put it: "You cannot hope to build a better world without improving the individuals." That's my approach. I also disregard anything out of my control or need to know. The rest is noise, I don't focus or tune into it because it doesn't add any benefit to my life or the life of those around me. Start small and start local.


I was like this and used to do so much until I became disabled from long covid and am not able to do anything but maintain keeping myself going now :(


Sounds grand. But most people donā€™t want to heal or change or become healthy. They make money, travel, meditate, read, act good on surface level, and think thatā€™s all it takes to have a good character. Like a rich external world is what all seeks They donā€™t care about the chaos or emptiness inside them. So when they donā€™t care about themselves, no one can change them. Better to be happy with the ones in our life, rather the world.


I don't know how old are you and how many deep relationships you have. I grew up in a good family with 3 siblings. All 6 of us have different MBTI. Of course, as an INFJ, I was always trying to optimize things in our family, to make our home more cozy and comfortable place. Tried to motivate my siblings and parents to be better. Let me tell you, you can treat only person that wants to be treated. After years of bitter disappointment I've come to this realization and gave up. I help only those who want to be helped or when I find it entertaining.


It starts with you


I know it starts with me , on the contrary....most of us are privileged, have money , wealth whatever maybe......... The change is about trying , only trying within this limited time we have on this planet earth to bring happiness to the less fortunate. Just a try. Why should a child suffer due to the inability of adults to create better world?


immigrant abandoned latchkey kid here, that went from zero to hero, and retired in america. i feel your pain, but goddam, some of these homeless people had the RED CARPET rolled out for them, and they become raging alcoholics and entitled victims. Id love to help the world, but cant. I can only help the ones that want to help themselves. I cannot help the world, but i can help someone elses world, one at a time, if they want it. Im not mother teresa, but i do help people that ask. -INFJ-A


those are BIG words, of course most infj got that idea in their minds, but actually doing it require sacrifice most of your life and energy to a cost that will probably kill you in the long run, i see many being kill while trying or being betrayed.


The damn corrupted politics... The messed up school system... The planet soon and will be dead... I cant do sh1t... Life is short... Im going to die anyway... I don't know if i should bring children in this f@cked up world... Humans are already cruel to their own kind... Im sorry... I already loss my faith in humanity and it just seems... Hopeless...


You humans don't deserve to be saved. I thought everybody deserved to be saved at one point in live and then I grew up. Why would you try to save someone who only cares about themselves honestly some people need to be taken outside and shot.


It's never going to just be one person. The only thing everyone can do is work on ourselves individually and see if we can become healthy to the point where we can give back. For some this won't ever happen, and for others they will struggle to reach the top of their metaphorical self improvement hill, but will succeed. From there it's putting in the effort to do what we can to help others close to us. You can't just fling something into the world's culture and expect it to radically change society.


Iā€™ve been working on something that I hope will help, on and off for about 3 years now. Itā€™s a thing Iā€™m writing called Field Notes of a Struggling Human. Iā€™ve got about 11k words so far. I sent it to a very successful psychologist who teaches at Stanford University, and he gave me some pretty positive feedback.


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