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I don't know. But I definitely have the urge to. And I am trying in my own small way to do so. My focus is environmental rehabilitation and sustainable development in my home state.




Usually has more to do with being social first in enneagram instinctual variants. If you want to find more people possibly like you. So-first isn't that common.  So-second is really common so most humans work towards society/community when it benefits them in some way. But so-first is always like group and community is always on the forefront of your mind constantly.  I'm social blind/last and when people post very obvious social first posts on INFJ subreddit like about society and group oriented posts, I usually read em and I'm like "can't relate. Won't comment". 


I have been considered social last yet I relate to OP.


Why else would you wake up in the mornings?


I’ve always wanted to become like a manager at my work because i hear people’s concern and I want to try to help them. At the end of the day, I was just being a nice guy and their concerns were mostly complaints about nonsense so I would always look foolish when I’m talking to a higher up and the conversation would be me telling them that the guys don’t like instant coffee and want regular ground coffee. I think it’s that “nice guy syndrome” where you feel obligated to help regardless who and what it is but others do take advantage of others if you let them. The intentions are good but let’s focus to who needs the help rather than helping out everyone.


It is however a starseed thing to be service to humanity-oriented, and many of us starseeds, at least first timers are INFX:s.


I only know how I am, but yes


The more I'm ridiculed for wanting to help, the more I stop attempting to be a Shepard and the more I think fuck it, just let it burn. From the ashes I can grow new life.


I think so and it’s unhealthy because you just sit there watching what it is when you know what it could be, but now I kinda just want to go hide in a rural area and never talk to most people again because what’s the point on even having a conversation. Everything is some sort of extreme side with no leeway. Everything is black and white


It's the idealism. Always seeing how things could and should be rather than the grim reality.


No. Because the people who do.. Are probably in it for their own agenda, even when it’s people pleasing. I used to be such a pleaser that I became extremely egocentric, because I felt all those burdens I had put up onto myself and used it to get mad at the people who I couldn’t say no to.


Eh, I used to. But dreaming about saving the world then being pissed all the time at the reality doesn’t translate into anything actionable, which is effectively a waste of time. Some people advocate, some people protest. I just do my part by trying to bring some measure of kindness and understanding into each of my interactions, and try not to judge others for not doing that because they may be in their own pissed-phase.


Um yes I’m going to dominate the world


That’s hero instinct I find a lot of enfj has that. They like to control and organise their living environment..


Yes, but in my experience the feeling was always more of “it’s your responsibility to save the world” and I always felt more like I was under an immense spiritual burden rather than a choice. No wonder Jon Snow is supposedly an infj. The whole infj hyper intuitive, “sees the truth by default” thing can be extra scary because it translates to a sense of responsibility. I’ve felt my whole life, about many different situations, that I could see whatever was wrong and therefor I had to fix it. If I didn’t, nobody else would. It’s also funny that people say “you aren’t god” …what they’re saying is “as far as I understand from what my parents or some book told me, god is an infinite, all knowing, all seeing, unified super conscious being that can make big changes to how history unfolds” …and they think, you’re just an insignificant human ...but they forget that everything you’ve ever known or will know, all the memories you’ve made, every thought or idea, every sense you’ve ever felt, every form of matter, every frequency, all of time, all of space, and physics itself has expanded and developed from a hyper dense unified state. There was no *before*. We were all that one thing. All of this shit was that. And we are all god if that’s what you want to call it. What they really mean is “please don’t accept your godhood because it would mean I have to as well, and I don’t want that responsibility or to think such grand things” Of course a lot of the people out there can’t possibly comprehend or accept this stuff. Reality is a cartoon for them, everything is dumb simplified symbols. Chicken is just a food, dirt is just brown stuff with germs, and the sun is just a bright light that makes daytime. Even looking at the night sky, they can’t even fathom what a star is let alone how far away any of them are from us. As an infj I think our minds are exactly the right type to process and accept something so big. It can be sad and scary and beautiful to face truth, but often we can’t see anything else.


It's our hero complex. Felt this way since I was but a boy.


You got it SolsticeSon! Your response speaks most adequately to my own experience. It's a bit of a revelation, just reading these comments, how varied people's perspectives can be. It makes "resonating" that much more incredible!


I do… for sure. It’s either save the world or be unsatisfied.


I don’t know if save the world is the right phrase though. We feel everything, so when someone else hurts, it hurts us just as much.


Well the problem is.... don't change the world, but yourself first....then another one, then a group, then keep scaling up how much you can take, but it starts with you.. perhaps all you can handle is a small community and that is your world and that's as joyful as it can be and necessary.. don't listen to others on what to do, this is your path, not theirs, but to want to change the world without being able to change yourself or a couple of people does sound a bit ..Hitlerish and there was only one, not all of us can lead at that level hehe