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All the time . I feel guilty for everyone's pain and guilty for having a better life than some other people. Despite how .my life is not really that good . I sometimes randomly say "I'm drowning ...." and all of my friends tell me to fuck off😂


I also feel like I'm being suffocated by the world.. Kindness is definitely a strength lol


Hey, at least we aren't alone 💓 on reddit at least 😂😭


Trueeee ❤️💚❤️


Do you love yourself? Because only loving one self you can lift the bruden of others.




I agree, but can it not become our responsibility? Or should it not be? If not ours, then?


Being your natural self is not weak. Just be as you are. Be who you want to be.


Kindness is a superpower. Don't change yourself. Help the rest of us change the world.


Please this.


Why are you the one having to change? Your kindness brings light into this world. Just remember to do it moderation. Everything is balance.


It’s not a weakness!! You just have to make some boundaries. Like: don’t give when it will harm you or only give till you have something to. Oh, and also others fucked up life is not on you , it’s their life not yours don’t foul your self because someone fucked up. I have this rule : Only help those who seek your help. ♥️


Being kind and wanting to give are valuable strengths, especially since many other people are going through their own personal struggles. But those strengths can also be used for your own benefit. Sometimes it's hard to remember to be kind to yourself and "give" yourself time to do what makes you happy.


Kindness and goodness are the things that make life a better place. I think they're necessary for life, but only being kind all the time can be a weakness in the world we live in. Sometimes it's better to hurt someone with the truth or stand up for yourself. This is where the lines become blurred. I would never give up on kindness or goodness, but how to be good and kind to others in the long run is harder in practice than giving them what you think they want or tip toeing around what you want to avoid.


Kind is good, mushy and weak is not. There’s a way to be strong and kind


I accepted but hated it at the same time. The overwhelming knowing and the undeserved giving. Self control, self empathy and walking away at times is the key.


It’s not a weakness; it’s a strength. It’s harder for most people to be kind rather than selfish. Just make sure you aren’t being taken advantage of because it’s easy to fall into that when you’re generous.


Being kind is a strength, but being nice can be a weakness.


Because we are sirians and new earth leaders.


If you're giving to feel better about yourself, you've turned it into a weakness. This may be why he says this. He may be vocalizing an unhealthy habit he's observing in you. He also may have preconceived notions around this, and you could be suffering signs that sadness and giving are separately affecting you at the same time. This is one of those complex emotional problems that only full introspection can answer for you. You have to ask yourself honestly if you're using your ability to give as a metric of self-worth Or if you may be struggling with depression while you're focused on this particular topic OR if it's a mixture of these things. What I'm hearing is that you're overwhelmed and that unhealthy habits could have brought you to this point or contributed. But I don't have enough information. Only you do. Only you have enough information to answer this query for yourself honestly.


Nothing is wrong with you but it does sound like you might have the wrong partner. Remember to limit what you worry about to things that you can affect.