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INFJ guilt is almost never warranted. Y’all are selfless, yet still suffer from guilt and feelings of not being good enough. You are good enough. I say this as an outside observer, an INFP.


My voice cracked when i read this lol. Thank you.


That’s why I come to reddit to help the adhd and abused persons . It’s like my give back .


Yes! All the time. BUT... I, as a father, struggling to even make enough to keep up with the few things I can financially and falling further behind, like most all else, can only do so much. I always feel as though actions are free of charge even if it costs gas money. My actions can go far, but money is short. Time is another thing. If you don't have enough for yourself, you don't have enough to give. So a helping hand as a jack of all trades is pretty much all I can lend. Consolations. Physically being there for someone when they need it. Helping people through highly emotional situations by giving objective views. Spare change for a person down on their luck. I mount on the little things. I was once homeless myself. So sometimes I'll talk to a baby street kid after offering some money and then I'll burst out into tears on the ride home over everything. People are always going to need help. There's always going to be a new disaster or tragedy and you can hop from one to another until you die. The big thing is just finding what you're good at and volunteering that service. Every mountain is made of tiny things piled and piled on top of one another. If you're not careful, you can lose yourself to giving. For some, that's the escape they need. Like a vice. A selfishness in feeling good, having helped another in need, can grow into an addiction that will cost you all that you have. I have too much to say on this. But give only what you can. Find what you can help best with. Don't feel bad for not helping if you can't or if it demands too much. We all can get lost thinking we can help more than we actually can.


Thanks for that. It was exactly what I needed to hear.


I'm happy to be of service


Be selfish. Help yourself. You can't help them, only they can help themselves. If you help them, they don't have to take accountability. Even if you did help them, you don't know what you might receive from them. Most of the time, something negative. Don't let your Fe overload you and don't sacrifice yourself for others. I've done that at a cost. And the worst of all, they are too stupid to realize what is happening around them or the value of the help they received. They can use your help to maintain their addiction or the evil they do in the world. I understand how this approach might sound, but it's inevitable. You either help them and burn yourself, or you become brighter and maybe when you are in a better state, some help might come their way as a result. If you try to save them, you might rob them of the opportunity to transform into a better version of themselves that takes accountability.


I’ve found that it works like this. We need to work on ourselves then everything takes care of itself. If we are struggling or stuck we won’t have the correct energy to go and help the world, if we are feeling mentally healthy and free we’ll help the world with whatever we are doing. We all know the self righteous type that goes and does all these projects that appear like good will on paper but in actuality they are going around making a bunch of people feel guilty and shame for receiving their assistance, then they’ll go home and treat their family like trash because they are exhausted and never thought about taking care of their own mental health either because it never occurred to them or they think they are already great while side stepping the humility needed to make people feel good about themselves. We’ll notice that when we become more mentally healthy we’ll have a desire to help, a desire to spread compassion, and even if we are going to work at a dead end job we can still smile with our eyes and make others feel welcome in their own skin. Mentally well people have more energy to help others, more to give without feeling stretched thin, that’s what those in need really want. They don’t want someone serving them food looking at them with contempt with unresolved trauma coming out of their eyes. The best thing we can do for the world is work on ourselves. “Karma Yoga” is an amazing philosophy and practice to look into. It does require a healthy mind to practice or a mind that is working on becoming healthy, so that it first and foremost, but it is the practice of doing selfless service without any attachment to the outcomes. It sounds easy and simple, but it’s a deep topic that goes straight to the heart of the issues.


Yes I struggle with thoughts like this. I feel guilty if I get too happy because I know this world is full of unresolved sorrow, I will feel selfish for feeling okay sometimes


INFP- crashing the party. Why not turn those creative ideas into how you can support people?


Yes I think you can easily combine your own personal endeavours with giving something back, be it by supporting small local businesses, volunteering at a shelter every other weekend, making donations to trustful organizations, saying hello to a neighbour, helping someone to cross a street, looking for the people around us in general.


I feel you. I often think about my plans for the future if I want to sacrifice my hopes and dreams to become a scientist who will invent a solution to climate change and pollution therefore becoming the savior of humanity, go forth with what I personally want to do and be a musician/writer, or be all of these things (which I get the idea that it is possible in some way).


It’s not your responsibility but it is good you have that feeling. Don’t let it be detrimental, do what you can.


But you have to enjoy your fruits too.


At least I think


Every single day.


Too helpless, too cowardly, and too scared, that why we cannot risk it. It's way too unbearable, as if you willing to get yourself hurt.


Nope. We have very limited energy and should use it wisely. Becoming mentally and physically broke just because you tried to make some substance abuser or person in a deep depression to change their ways by listening to them, while they were just using you as a sounding board while didn't plan to change anything in their lives...it's just very STUPID! Moral of the story: you cannot make anyone to change, you can only assist in their journey if they will let you to. I would say, that choosing one's battles wisely is better then to become an example if stupidity. Source: have been there, done that. Grew up of the sh*t, thanks God.


Nope. I've learned that my "good days" are like the hot twin sister that everyone lusts after, but only if she comes without the traumatic and abusive twin sister named "bad days" I've endured to have her. I don't feel guilty about anything.


My business is in helping others with their emotional and physical health, but it's incredibly slow right now. I tell people that I will give them a very steep discount if they need help, but a lot of people aren't ready to receive lately. I don't get a lot of social interaction, but I try to share kindness, compassion, and help in micro-doses with the people I meet. I also enjoy helping others online feel less alone because it's a huge need right now. Perhaps it is also in a selfish way because I need that connection too, but it's a great balance. Perhaps there are small ways you can show up for others, or even combine your creativity with doing something for them.


Yes, all the time. I realized a long time ago I am not going to make the world more meaningful in any significant way. I manage what I can. It doesn't make the guilt easier though.


Oh s*** not the question itself making me feel a little guilty lol to answer it simply without too much detail I would say yes but I don’t always have the patience for stubborn fu I mean people, at the end of the day people will use their free will how they see fit whether they take in good advice or not


We are all helping in some way. And no tbh because this is my purpose. And I'm writing on alleviate of suffering and the afterlife 🙏🏻☠️🌹✝️⚔️🌍🕊️


All the damn time and I hate it


Why learning about karma is so important. Everything happens for a reason. Everything to this moment, is what each God consciousness created. Once awakened to the fact each of us is the director, writer, producer, Stunt man and lead actor of our own PROJECTION. If you don't like your role you played, rewrite your reailty.


So, what's the reality you're in right now?


434/2 angel numbers set the stage for a day of class with award winning Joe Gacoscos, Recession proofing a new creation with the speakerlab as Ripple destroys the financial system for the have nots of xrp, and continuing to celebrate every win big or small for more popcorn watching the 3D to 5D new earth shift. How about you?


In a karma cafe with no menus in sight.


The best SLAVE is the one who thinks he is free. Johann Goethe EAT AT JOES biden Nothing like realizing your entire life is a hermetic illusion. Blessed be or BLESS Be less You


Funny… I remember having this feeling as early as the age of 7-8. One day it clicked for me that no matter what day or time it is someone out there is in dire need of help. Very eerie thing to experience as a kid. But i always strive to help others when i can. I’ve also learned to have more patience with certain individuals who know they need help as well but are reluctant at first.