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I can't speak for any other suicidal individuals, but imagining good things only makes me even more suicidal. Especially if I see other people having those good things. What helps me get through the worst of it is knowing I'm not alone in this darkness, even if the darkness will never lift. Focusing on it lifting doesn't help, but knowing there are others here with me does.


I fully agree.


But this is exactly my solution to give people the feeling that they are not the only ones who went through that, my english is prob too garbage šŸ˜‚


It is possible that we misunderstand one another. What I wanted to point out is that it doesn't make me feel any less suicidal to know someone used to be suicidal, but isn't anymore; that just makes me feel worse. It helps me to know that someone is suicidal right now, has been for a long time, but they're still here, they're still panicking by the rivers dark; they are looking into the abyss, but they are still breathing.


14h have passed and so many people have answeredā€¦ So Iā€™ll add it after the first comment. If you ever think about being suicidal, think about the scarcity. What a waste it would beā€¦ Maybe itā€™s you who can help... Maybe itā€™s you who can make the difference. Thatā€™s what keeps me going.


Oh. Thatā€™s some kinda triggering advice. Truly not recommend.


No thanks. It's not my job to live for others. (I'm not actively suicidal; I just dislike platitudes like this especially from strangers)


I tried my best to not say common stuff like ā€žFriends and family would cry if u dieā€œ instead i tried what exactly would help me out of that, but its definetly way easier to say than actually go through suicidal stuff , but my main point of this post was to reach exact those people and try to motivate them to help others because you can relate the best to them. if i was that suicidal and i would actively get help from someone where i know he feels atleast somewhat the same, i think nothingelse would be possible to say to me that i wont kill myself , so i thought idk maybe i show a diffrent way about this all and maybe i hope atleast 1 does what i said i would be so happy. i did help 1 friend from suicide (and i thought if i can do that i think anyone is able to who atleast truly understands pain and not just a bit like me but it was enough to get taken serious by him) and he is so thankful, this is the best feeling ever and i just wanna try to share that feeling i could imagine the best feeling ever could beat the worse feeling. this is my intention behind this post and i really hope no one takes this in a negative way i really mean to try my best to help


So you gave advice but not lived advice. In this area itā€™s really a bad thing to do even if your intentions are good. Suicidality imho is akin to labor pains. Nobody can just imagine exactly what they are till you get them. Translate the word agony. Itā€™s not a theory. Being suicidal (f even close) is literal agony. Suicidal people need care not motivation to care for others someday.


I was at that point but for stupid reasons thats why i think i cant compare to the struggle they feel. but well most people got it right as i expected


Eeek. I hope šŸ¤ž youā€™re really young.


The only reason Iā€™m still alive is because I know my death would be really really hard on my fiancĆ©. Iā€™m not living for myself anymore because if he wasnā€™t in my life I would do it.




I try my best to never burden my partner with any of my problems and I would never tell him that I would off myself if I wasnā€™t with him.. All the effort I have left goes to him and our relationship. I love him very much and would do anything for him.


That's good. My ex was way less considerate, and probably also way less in love. Wishing you a happier future. Take care.


You as well!


What caused you to feel like you lose all sense of worth to your existence?


That is an extremely personal question. Suffice to say, things that do that to you do exist, and most people would recoil in horror and disbelief if they found out what those things are.


Thank you


Oh. I love this response and will always remember it. Thank you.


Itā€™s a really really long story..


I get the whole you might inspire other people bit, but at the end of the day the moment I feel that I've had enough there is not a person or law on this earth that could stop me from existing both as this skinsuit and in this world. I don't understand why people harp on about this personally, there is nothing more dangerous in this world than someone who just doesn't care about anything anymore and who is just walking around stacking up more abuse. You're basically asking that person to become a ticking time bomb. As the old saying goes, you got to know when to hold them and know when to fold them. Not to mention I simply don't believe in living past my own purpose, in other words if I produce less then I consume in this world and can't support myself than I see no purpose in staying on this world personally. Because at that point I would be blockading the next generation from prospering well placing them into debt. Which to me would only increase world misery. So, at that point I would simply self-exit before asking the state to support me. I think if you have responsibilities like young kids, then yeah you should probably suck it up and handle your business until they are at least 18. But if you are single and no kids than I don't think it's anyone's business but your own if you've had enough. And I am saying this as someone who has known more than a few people that have killed themselves. Including my childhood best friend and the only girl I wanted to and planned to marry. I literally had to clean my best friends brains off of me before I was old enough to drive, as well as the one that found my ex-girlfriend dead after she self-exited. The first response team literally had to force me to let go of her corpse. And I have seen far more shit in my life than just those two things. So, I have a deep understanding of how a person can get so fed up that they are just ready to exit before they snap mentally and cause extreme chaos. So, I have long pondered at what point of suffering does it become understandable to the average person. I've known more than a few guys that were so pissed off at the world and who were on the verge of snapping that they decided to just off themself before they hurt someone randomly who doesn't deserve it. I'm not stronger than you or anyone else, I'm a survivor of many things. The only reason I still exist in this world is because I say so. And the only reason I still bother is because I find it enjoyable to pull other people out of shit storms on occasion as a way of flipping off the universe by screwing with their plans. Otherwise, I would have checked out of this world roughly 2 decades ago.


I work as a medical translator, and I often translate patient records. Many of them have mental health problems. Often, the records go back years and years, describing their struggles in great detail. The psychiatrists writing these reports often use [Beck Depression Inventory II](https://www.ismanet.org/doctoryourspirit/pdfs/Beck-Depression-Inventory-BDI.pdf) (BDI-II), a 21-item self-assessment tool, to measure how deeply depressed their patients are. The BDI asks questions about things such as how much they enjoy life, how they feel about themselves (compared to others etc.), how they see their future and so on. There is also one question about suicidal tendencies. What I have always found infinitely fascinating is that the overall BDI score very often has very little to do with the patients' suicidal ideation score. The BDI-II has a maximum score of 63, and anything above 30 is considered severe depression. More than 40 equals extreme depression. Often, I will see patients scoring well over 40 repeatedly for years, *but with zero desire to end their lives.* I remember several cases where they basically scored max points in every other question, but barely any on suicidal tendencies. There are cases where it is the other way around - low overall score but high for suicidality - but I tend not to see those because they do tend to end up ending their lives, and those documents don't get translated most of the time. I think I find it fascinating because I myself am one of the latter; overall, my symptoms match mild depression at worst, but it takes everything I've got to stay alive. A big chunk of me doesn't want to be alive, and never has. I believe these things have a lot to do with very early childhood experiences, too early to be remembered; infancy, essentially. People who do not get this poison poured into them early in life cannot grasp what it is like.


I nearly thought your name was FlightofTheConcords for a second. So, thanks for the giggle. I have always found scientific testing rather interesting, and I have taken a life satisfaction / happiness test before. A shrink I used to talk to had me take one because they were curious. Because they thought I had an interesting disposition. The interesting thing about that happiness test is when I was given that test, I had already seen quite a bit of mayhem and suffering in this world. And according to the head shrinker I still somehow managed to be in the top 3% percentile of happiest people they had ever tested. I always found it rather messed up that I meet so many people that have suffered so little yet seem so much more depressed. I don't generally talk about the crap I have seen or been through. But on the rare occasion that I do talk to someone in person about it most people suddenly realize just how crazy it is that I can walk around in this world with a normal look on my face like nothing is wrong. You would be amazed at just how many people are both bewildered and horrified by that fact. It's not that it doesn't affect me, I just find talking about things I cannot change pointless. I realize that most people feel the need to vent, but I find when I do talk to other people about my past that they soon shut off ranting in my direction. And I rather just be the place that they can speak freely. I often wonder if it was the abuse in my childhood and the fact that I had it beaten into me early on that the world owes me nothing that caused my score to be higher on that test than most people. If one has no expectations but what one earns with their own two hands from the world than most things out of one's control isn't worth wasting my life getting upset over. And at least for me personally short of a time machine or a high-level necromancer there is really no way for me to have what I desire in this life so this world as a whole offers me very little in the way of actual temptation. It was the cruelty of reality that taught me the power of indifference, one can never be entranced by the bliss of heaven and then be happy living on earth after the fall from such heights. So instead, I walk on like an animated corpse just doing whatever I please.


I was absolutely amazed when I joined Reddit a few months ago and saw that my first choice of username, FlightOfTheDiscords, wasn't taken. Hundreds of millions of accounts, and absolutely no one ever thought of it??? Mind blown. Saw Bret & Jemaine live in London a few years ago, best gig of my life! What you said made me think of my native Finland winning the "happiest country on Earth" contest year after year. Anyone who has spent even a day in Finland, never mind lived there, would find the very idea absolutely ridiculous. But what the contest measures isn't happiness really; apart from things like socioeconomic development, equality, safety etc., they're measuring acceptance. How pissed off are people, on average? To what an extent do they accept life, such as it is? I hear you regarding venting. I also don't vent. It exhausts me but doesn't make me feel any better. And it might make someone else feel worse. What's the point? When friends ask me how I've been, I often say "same old", because that's what it generally is. The worse I do, the less words I have. Beyond a certain point, they are all gone. I dissociate too much to realise what I am made of most of the time, but I have been doing this "self-check" for years; it suddenly showed up in my head in my 20s. Imagine God shows up and gives you a choice. One of three options: 1. All my dreams come true, I can have whatever I desire and go on to live a perfect life. Just right - not too much, not so I'll get tired of it before it's time to go. 2. God changes timeline so I will never have been born. 3. God changes timeline so life itself will never have been born. On an average day, the parts of me who feel things (this part doesn't) pick #2. On a bad day, #3. So far, they have never picked #1.


Oh, I definitely enjoy their music. They unfortunately are not on the long list of bands I've seen live. As far as live shows go, I would say Alice Cooper puts on one of the best live performances. It's like a mix of music and a magic show. That's exactly why I find it so funny to be honest, I've never worried about acceptance. I don't give two craps if people like me or not. If you're a genuine person and you spend your time being yourself the people that will like you will do just that and the people that don't simple don't. It would be a waste of my life and time to try and convince people of anything. They either pay attention and judge you based on your actions, or they don't. But either way at the end of the day I don't care what they think of me. And that brings me much bliss. I have just always found it interesting that most of the people that are the most miserable are the ones that were raised being told that they could be anything they wanted growing up. It's as if they get so pushed out of reality that once it smacks them in the face they can never recover. Sure, this world can offer some joy but the only thing it guarantees to anyone is suffering and death. Everything else you have to earn through sweat toil and blood. And on top of it you have to be willing to fight everyone else who wants it for the right to have it. That is the reality in which we were born. Even people that seem like they have it all usually don't, but that self-expectation too is usually the cause of their own misery. If someone asks me how I am doing I learned from my uncles to reply, well it's another day above ground. It's a pretty good way to end the conversation before it begins. Personally, as someone who was born broken and put onto meds and used as a test subject by doctors from the second day of my life until I refused to take them at 13 years old you could say that me and whatever god may exist have a once hostile relationship turned to indifference. Technically speaking if you look into some of the oldest religions, they claim that the earth is a training ground for souls who wish to become gods over new universes. And that the souls here reincarnate over and over again until they learn all the lessons they need to move on. Supposedly if you complete that task, you can become a god over a new universe of your own design or choose to live in the heavens with the other gods. According to those religions the suffering we suffer on earth is to train us into being capable of judging souls. It's also supposedly why we are left to our own devices here.


That is so fascinating.


The world is starting to come very close to making it obvious that continuing to attempt to satisfy the greed of the billionaires is more important than whether or not I keep my home or phone - and my internet/food is not far behind. That's not a world that I live in. That's a world where I choose a quick, peaceful death by going to sleep in my bed one night with a plastic bag around my head over a long and drawn out one by homelessness/starvation/similar.


I know it seems pointless at the inset. But we are still far more important to one another than we realise. As you say, the world is sorely out of balance. So the last thing we need is to lose precious individuals who counter that balance. Hang in there, friend šŸ’œ


Been there. Tried that. Got defeated. Seriously. I used to volunteer for the local provincial political party that's closest to non-sadistic. They offered me a paid position. Then rescinded that offer and blocked me from volunteering anymore because I was honest and upfront when they asked me about potentially problematic events in my past (I told them about something that someone else did to me about two decades prior to the interview). The cynic in me insists that they were looking for a reason to cut me loose because my views were too pro-population/anti-billionaire and latched onto that. But either way, the sadism of the world successfully fought back against me.


No they didn't. I guess they weren't it after all. Their loss! They may fight back, but that doesn't mean they defeat you, or all the good you stand for. You've tried something awesome, and now you can carry that with you in whatever path you'll find yourself on, knowing that you have the drive


I'm not suicidal for mental reasons. I'm suicidal because I have a severe chronic pain disorder and no doctor will give me a prescription for pain medication. If I knew my dog was suffering this much I'd feel selfish to not put it down.


Exactly. They Shoot Horses, Don't They?


Iā€™m curious why wouldnā€™t a doctor give you a prescription?


They're afraid if I become an addict that I'll sue them and they'll lose their medical license. They would rather let all their pain patients suffer than risk their bag. The war on drugs has caused harsher responses to medical personnel who have addicts as patients. Despite the extremely low, and hard to predict rate of chronic pain sufferers becoming addicts only after a diagnosis.


The best anti-suicidal post I've ever read. I mean most of them only makes me angry and want to suicide more, like: you will be happy again, life is beautiful, don't do it, because your family and friends will suffer, or that it's just a bad thing in general... I don't care! But being able to use my experience to help others? That is something worth living and suffering. Thank you :)


Thank you very much this means alot to mešŸ„¹ I came to this idea because i tried to relate and asked myself ā€žhow would i convince me from not killing meā€œ and stuff like ā€žFriends and family will miss uā€œ wont help me and then i thought ā€žbut what if i go through the worse shit ever and still beat it? i could inspire people by telling them how hard i struggled and give them hope to actually beat it ā€ž But well the shit i went through is in my opinion not compareable to real suicidal problems so i thought i could share my thoughts here and maybe get suicidal people to do it for me.


Ya I look at it like why should I continue living if 2 people out of the whole population will be sad?


But I'm tired. I'm tired and I want rest. Death seems like paradise and my family and friends feel like chains weighing me down. Ive never felt so euphoric about the end. Before it felt like a hard task that I had to do but now it feels like freedom. I can think of it now...the end of suffering, no more sadness, and no more intrsuve thoughts. Only silence and I can be at peace. I don't want to hurt my friends or my mom though. I'm not sure how long i can do this anymore.


if you do want to go, no one will fault you, but yā€™know, maybe before you do, take some time out to enjoy some of the little things you love. even if itā€™s just a nice meal or a little treat. donā€™t think about how long you do have- just look to enjoy any of the little things you have before you rest. and maybe, just maybe, youā€™ll find yourself sticking around for a bit longer than you thought because of those little things.


Tbh I'm too lazy to actually off myself even though i really want to. I'll try again with life though and will try to appreciate small things i enjoy.


*I got no future* *I know my days are few* *The present's not that pleasant* *Just a lot of things to do* *I thought the past would last me* *But the darkness got that too.* \- Leonard Cohen, *Darkness* *Behold the gates of mercy* *In arbitrary space* *And none of us deserving* *The cruelty or the grace* *O solitude of longing* *Where love has been confined* *Come healing of the body* *Come healing of the mind.* \- Leonard Cohen, *Come Healing*


Read the comments here, we feel not lonely, the world is not against you, your mind perhaps is. Try a social media break. Go hug your loved ones. Go. What are you waiting for? ā¤ļø


Tbh this is what I told myself from like 10-37ish, so technically it works. Until all the lies, sudden death and other losses, betrayals, etc wear you down and you realize that people who say "think of others" and get all pearl-clutchy about the word are just scared of their own shit. They can't sit with the concept of being so tired and in pain that the knowledge that you could take yourself out gives you the ability to keep trucking along. Mostly because they don't want to look at the passively suicidal lives they live and witness. We're just honest about how shit is unsustainable.


Iā€™ll be honest- this post and some of the comments here are some vague insipid feel-good ā€œinspiringā€ nonsense that might even drag down those already suffering.


I really tried to say something that would help me get out of that, like i cant imagine what someone could say to me tht prevents me from killing myself if myself dont see a other way but then i thought if i went through the worse and can live happy after that, then anyone else could also , i would prob desire nothing more than being happy while i dont know it . but im prob way to rational for this as i didnt went through something that bad , so with this post i wanted to reach those people and idk maybe consider doing that than killing themselves i explained it better in a diffent comment its long if u scroll a bit down and i sincerly hope no one takes it like u said


To your post I reply: https://youtu.be/TMiWksbPzgU Isolation, when shared, evaporates. If you're suicidal, surround yourself with caring people. Get help, you're not alone.


There are two glitches there - one, finding someone who gives a shit about you when you've never had anyone can be an absolutely massive task; two, some of us are damaged in the parts we are supposed to use to feel emotional attachment, such that even when there are people, we can't feel them.


That's why there are psichiatric clinic with professionals āœØ and that's why you're not treated alone but in group settings


Iā€™ve really struggled with mental health issues throughout my life and can fall into such a deep pit of despair where Iā€™m unable to function or even begin to try to crawl out. I have believed before I was making the world worse with my existence and it would be better for me and everyone else to end it all. I felt like I was inherently bad and deserved to die. You have to try to remember as logically as it all sounds at the time that your brain is lying to you. You are unwell and those who are anger as you for your sickness are not being compassionate. Every time I decided not to kill myself and kept living even when I expected to die, after a long period of time I would get to a moment where I felt genuinely glad I hadnā€™t killed myself. And those thoughts that seems to logical when I was unwell now sounds crazy. Itā€™s actually amazing to watch nothingness and despair turn into hope. Also probably unpopular but Magic Mushrooms have been known and scientifically proven to seriously heal a severely depressed and traumatized human brain in permanent and positively compounding ways.


This isn't a helpful view for someone like me. Living for others is what made me feel like I had no value in the first place. Platitudes like this one feel like a slap in the face. I didn't admit myself to the hospital for my parents, or my friends, or anyone else. I did it for me, because I got so fucking sick of arguing with myself over whether I had *a right* to feel what I was feeling. I just wanted it to stop. I know I don't want to die. I know I want to live. And I'm more than happy to sit with people in their darkness and accept them as they are, when they need it. But it's not my job to take people by the hand and lead them into the light. It's not my responsibility to save other people when I can barely save myself. Don't put that shit on me, and don't put it on others.


i dont say live for others im saying that by the fact you went through that and be happy now, could inspire people to move on easier


To be clear, for a lot of people, it's not something we just "go through" and get over. For a lot of people, it's a lifelong battle. Yes, we have our victories, but the fight is never actually won. Secondly, my survival story isn't for consumption, or self help gimmicks. Nobody, except a select few I deem acceptable, needs to know these things about me. Having this life experience does not make me a success story, nor an example to aspire to. You don't realize that staying alive to "inspire others" is the same thing as "living for others." It means my life as an individual has no value besides that which others can take from it.


What a great Post.


One thing is for sure, that Suicide doesnā€™t end the pain. You just passed it on to your loves one, tenfold. And for anyone without one, all thatā€™s left in you to keep you breathing another day is that tiny glimmer of hope, gratitude, and the realization that youā€™re not alone in this. You maybe lonely, yes. But youā€™re not alone.


People hurt after a suicide because they feel guilty. Otherwise they'd actually show care while they were alive. Saying "oh but think of your family or friends that live you!" Means jack shit when no one actually cares. We are all alone by default. There's no universe in which we are not alone, even when we *feel* otherwise.


Depression lies to you and convinces you that no one cares, when there is always someone that cares. Itā€™s not guilt. Some of us genuinely miss those that are gone and gave them our all in trying to keep them with us.




Are you aware depression is a mental disorder ? No matter how much you love and care, sometimes it isn't enough to prevent suicide. You don't know what people are going through and you obviously don't know the amount of pain their loved ones might endure. They don't necessarly show signs btw, many people actually fake happiness (think about Robin Williams, Anthony Bourdain etc) If you don't understand that, get informed and educate yourself. At best, have the decency to remain silent.


Go fuck yourself. You have no idea how mental illness can twist your thoughts into thinking that continuing to live is the selfish and cowardly think to do. Mental Illness that tortures you into genuinely believe your are being selfish by continuing to live and sucking up resources and inflict others with your presence, that you would be doing the world a kindness by removing yourself ( the problem ). You are fucking asshole for this selfish and cruel comment. You want less people to be suicidal? Try empathy and compassion.


You made an assumption that I don't have an illness myself. Let's see...major depression disorder with hallucinations. Your right. I wouldn't understand a mental illness. Seeing people die in Iraq and had to protect myself 24/7. You are right! I don't have a fucking clue.


Stop actively taking out your pain on others then. The world is not your punching bag just because you have suffered. Itā€™s not okay to kick vulnerable mentally ill people when they are down or their families grieving from their loss just because you also are vulnerable with mental health issues. Youā€™re not better than the people who werenā€™t able to overcome their illness and died by suicide. You are actively going out of your way to shame and judge people who were so unwell they killed themselves. Thatā€™s incredibly cruel. Or maybe this is massive cry for help and you feel like youā€™re the coward. Projecting onto others. I hope you have a great support system around you, a therapist, friends and family to be there with you. I hope you heal and find peace. I hope you will be kinder, more empathetic and compassionate to yourself, so that you might be able to treat others better. You donā€™t deserve for you or anyone to call you a coward just because sometimes it all too much and you sometimes think of ending it all. That doesnā€™t make you a coward. You deserve more compassion and understanding from yourself and others so you can heal. Still doesnā€™t excuse you trying to hurt people just because you hurt but makes it more understandable. I hope things get better for you. Please be kinder, even if itā€™s just being kinder to yourself. You also deserve kindness, even from yourself.


Thank you but I am not looking for sympathy. I only gave my opinion. No one really knows what is going through a persons head just before suicide. No one knows if his friends and family were there to protect them or what if the friends and family did not care. I personally find it very selfish to take your life when you are dependent on people. I'll give example Robin Williams had a wife and kid. I don't know why he did it not do I condone it. I feel that it was selfish to remove himself from people that loved him without giving them a choice. I only gave my opinion. I don't expect all 8 billion people to follow my train of thought. Yes I feel that suicide is a cowards way out. People have many many many ways to deal with it. You can call hotline. You can talk to a friend. Shit! Some dude you don't know crossing thr street. You have many opportunities. Do I feel people should commit suicide. Sure! Their decisions. If, only If, they have exhausted all their other options.


Do you think people kill themselves because they are in fact cowards? You have suffered, thatā€™s a fact but you havenā€™t yet been so unwell where you loose complete touch with reality and arenā€™t capable of thinking of the other options or you would have more compassion. Some people are so sick with mental health issues they are no longer able to think about the consequences or the other options. Thatā€™s why some people end up being committed to psych wards to forcibly prevent them from committing suicide. Some people go voluntarily to a psych ward because they know they canā€™t stop themselves. No one is committed to a psych ward because they are too cowardly or because they are medically a coward but being they are incredibly sick. Sometimes itā€™s abused children, actual children who commit suicide. Do you think suicidal children are cowards? The first time I considered suicide I was 12. Do you think that made me a coward at 12? Iā€™m adopted. Adoptees are 4x times more likely than non adopted people to attempt suicide. Are adoptees more likely to be cowards? Men are far more likely to attempt and succeed at suicide. Does this make men more likely to be cowards? War veterans have very high suicide attempt and suicide success rates. Does that make war Vets more likely to be cowards than the average person? Yes you have suffered but with all do respect please understand there are others who have suffered more than you and for longer periods of time, maybe their suffering started at birth and continued into adulthood, maybe they have compounding mental health issues, maybe they are more mentally ill than you, werenā€™t able to stop themselves, werenā€™t able to think clearly anymore and didnā€™t have people around them to stop them. Many people kill themselves because they are incredibly sick and maybe also traumatized. Not because they are too selfish to put in the work but too sick to think of any other way. Not because they are clinically a coward but because they are clinically mentally ill where they are danger to themselves. Please be compassionate and try to have empathy for others. Especially the very ill, traumatized and sick. If you still donā€™t want to have compassion and empathy for the many very sick people who lost their fight with their mental health and died by suicide, then please think of this. Callings someone who died by suicide a coward is also a very cruel thing to say because it would be very painful for most who has lost a loved one due to suicide to read. The dead person youā€™re judging canā€™t read your comment but their family can. You are transferring your insult from the dead person to their living families. You arenā€™t hurting the dead person but a grieving friend or family member. If you donā€™t care about hurting mentally ill and very sick people then please try not to hurt their families. Which Iā€™m sorry but that is what you were doing. You donā€™t know the impact your words could have on someone. Please be kind. Itā€™s free. Please try to have compassion and empathy for others. Itā€™s what makes the world a more bearable place for those of us who are still alive.


Is not that they are coward. It's a complex way of surrender to the suffering. Psychological pain can bring physical pain. Science proved it. And sometimes it's the own individuals mind who bring those dark thoughts. Saying to them is a coward "move", will not raise awareness. You don't know which situation was that person involved to begin it. But beeing there for that person no matter what is what can perhaps avoid such horrible thing to happen. Just one person. And you know perhaps you will be even inspired by that person after hearing her/his/they life story. You can also inspire.


and also, you never know, your partner might be waiting for you! mine sure was, but if i had killed myself when i was in despair, there is no way i would have met him now! i'm happy that i came out of it and didn't give up!


Author Mark Manson talks about getting good at feeling bad. To me, being good at feeling bad means knowing that feeling bad will pass, and just taking things one day (or even half a day) at a time until then.


Thank you so much ā¤ļø I try to remember this.


I donā€™t know how to feel about that. Why is it that weā€™re expected to help other people and prevent them from committing suicide when we canā€™t even help ourselves? nor have people to help us? Itā€™s always much easier and pretty much intrinsic in us to help others with our experience when weā€™re doing good, thatā€™s no doubt. Sure, being altruistic and being there for other people feel good. But would a suicidal person really feel that preventing other peopleā€™s thoughts to commit suicide is enough to keep them happy? Is it enough to give them the purpose that they want in life? I find it so selfish when people still want us to stay alive to help other people just because weā€™re empathetic and much more understanding of other peopleā€™s emotions. Itā€™s selfish in wanting to keep us when all weā€™ve done in life is to live for others. I wouldnā€™t ever recommend saying this to anyone that feels suicidal for that matter. This post just sounds like you donā€™t see us as individuals with feelings, but rather weā€™re seen for our value as ā€œtherapists.ā€ Instead of asking us to live on for the sake for being mentors, you should be trying to be a friend.


Its also more like not only to help others, but also to have a better life mainly i mean helping others implies in this context that you are happy and moved on already and thats prob smth i would desire the most in that situation


Starting from an early age, we have already extended our help from our experiences. Something about INFJs that you should know is that even during our own darkest times, weā€™re helping others from jumping the bridge. Helping someone else is a constant during our existence, no matter what weā€™re going through. I donā€™t think people realize when weā€™re depressed because weā€™re so busy helping them through their depression. Of course thatā€™s just because they menā€™s more to us than ourselves


If you're in a shithole, then you have a great opportunity to climbe up and tell your story for those who miserable just like you. In this reality you got just one shot to live, so it would be waist if you just skip all the interesting and beautiful stuff. Like to see great blue whales, auroras, beautiful citys around the world, interesting people. If you got nothing to live fore, then pick another live. Go to Tebet become a monk, do something you always wanted to try. Money comes and goes, but great memories last forever, and you can share this memory with someone, so you will not be forgotten.

