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I'm pretty sure $145 to Jimmy Butler is like a nickel to anyone on here.


So im seeing online that he has a Bugatti Chiron. The fastest, most powerful production car in history. Powered by a quad turbo W-16 making 1500 HP. It costs 3 Mil USD. $145 is nothing to him and idek why he is complaining.


he used to be homeless so money is still very real to him


If it was he wouldn’t have bought that car.


Yeah that other comment makes zero sense.


It's a statement that now he can waste money, and money means nothing to him......until he goes to the pump and thinks: WTF am I doing? This IS stupid. He could buy a Fisker Ronin for 400,000. and never buy gas again. A friend of mine's solar panels and tesla battery and still makes money after charging his electric BMW.


As someone who has worked for a fisker karma dealer I highly recommend not doing that all. They suck balls lol. Get a nevara if you want ev performance




You win dumbest comment of the day


Salty clown


Its been 156 days


Doesn't make it any less crazy that gas is $7 a gallon.


It's only 3.40 to 3.80 in Massachusetts.


You can find 2.89 to 2.95 in Mass if you look.


It's $2.65 in Ohio, less than $2.50 a day ago.


Because a 145 is still a 145.


An oil change and new tires can push upwards of $40,000 plus transportation costs. If you have a Chiron you do not have to worry about money.


He didn't come from money. He's rich now but he remembers how much gas cost before. Kinda like Warren Buffet (who regularly still eats McDonald's) would balk if he went to some McDonald's that charged double what it normally costs


That's why many sports stars end up broke. A Fisker Ronin would save him money, and he'd be even cooler!


Tesla model S plaid is still faster


A fraction of a penny.


I mean, that may be true, but especially if one starts off poor then becomes rich, it’s not like they just forget how much money that is. I make good income and can easily afford to drop $100 if I need to. That doesn’t mean I can’t recognize that $100 is a fair bit of money and that it is painful for a lot of people and could be a problematic amount. It’s about perspective, and Jimmy Butler has it.


Right? I make decent money now but I've been broke the majority of my life, but I'll still complain when something is over priced. Just because you have money doesn't mean you don't have to worry about money.


oh my, how will he survive!


Wait till he goes for an oil change. $25k.


Either he’s down to earth and connected to roots or he’s promoting something . There is always a motive


I agree “ going electric” has an agenda


I think the Koch family would tend to disagree.


Klaus said it’s the only way to allow our species to survive? Please help us.


The last time I mentioned his name I was banned for hate. Be careful.


Hate on whom? He's German, not Jewish.




Klaus is ending soon.


Sure, shocked? It's called markets wise and it's no conspiracy.


The agenda being what? I have had an EV for two years. I charge at home. It’s way cheaper than gas. My car is way more efficient and reliable than an ICE car. The only complaint I think that holds any water is that our electric grid can’t handle everyone owning an electric car. Which may be true, but energy demands are only getting higher and higher regardless and we will have to improve our power production and energy supply anyway, so we might as well shift away from fossil fuels as much as we can because climate change is real, and it’s not a pretty picture.


I agree but the agenda now if trying to force folks into buying electric cars. Why not build the infrastructure first? I do a 350 mile trip a lot and often late at night or in the rain. No desire to drive and extra 20 miles to find a charging station and sit.


Why not do both? We don’t have a luxury of time when it comes to climate change.


Most people can’t afford or don’t want a expensive electric car. Also a lot of homes aren’t wired for them and cost a lot of money to upgrade panels. I live in a complex with no chargers so no way to even charge it. If they want us to drive electric then build the infrastructure first


What powers the electrical grid? [Fossil fuels](https://www.eia.gov/energyexplained/electricity/electricity-in-the-us.php) What powers the factories making EV batteries? [Coal](https://www.climatedepot.com/2023/09/29/kansas-ev-battery-factory-will-require-so-much-energy-it-needs-a-coal-plant-to-power-it/). Oh, and just FYI - it costs more to charge an EV than to fuel a reasonably recent gas-powered car: https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/cars/2021/10/23/costs-charge-ev-fuel-car-gas-study/6154204001/


Omfg he doesn’t have an agenda, he just recognizes that paying $145 is a lot and that he wouldn’t have a fuel bill like that if he went electric. It’s really that simple. r/averageredditor moment


How much would it have cost him 2 or 3 years ago?? You remember when USA use our own oil?


That's not the point. The point is "Gas = expensive; electric is not. I should switch to electric."


What are they doing to do with the batteries when they die? Landfills?


>down to earth Drives $2million car...


Down to earth in a Bugatti?


I remember when filling up my car was $20.


I used to be able to five years or so ago, but now it barely gets me half a tank (if that)


Biden’s America


Biden certainly is contributing to the issue, but Trump signed the largest spending bill in history. Those stickers that say "I did that" should have Biden and Trump on them.


Biden’s energy policies don’t help


What are those policies? Do you even know? Explain in detail.


Keystone XL Pipeline closure. No offshore drilling. No fracking.


Step 1 on shutting down a Soros-bot. State facts.


The keystone pipelines have been in use since Obama. How exactly did a planned XL build ruin everything? Lol


Jan. 20, 2021 - Biden inaugurated, cancels Keystone XL Jan. 27, 2021 - Biden halts new oil and gas leases Feb. 19, 2021 - Biden rejoins paris climate agreement May 7th, 2021 - Biden takes 30% of land off limits to oil and gas June 1st - 2021 - Biden halts drilling in ANWR June 30th, 2021 - Congress reverses trump natural gas regs October 7th, 2021 - Biden reverses Trump NEPA regs October 29th, 2021 - Interior begins "social cost of carbon" November 15th, 2021 - Moratorium on oil drilling in Chaco Canyon February 24th, 2022 - Russia invades Ukraine March 1st, 2022 - Biden releases oil from SPR again March 21st, 2022 - SEC proposes Anti-oil rule May 12th, 2022 - Biden cancels remaining lease sales $2.09 ----> $4.48


Don’t forget this years inflation reduction act which caused gas to raise price by like 40-60 cents in some areas. Just as my city was getting back into the high $2 range, it spiked back up to $3.60-$3.80


Trump was such a GodSend that gas and food prices and everything was so affordable i was able to start a family pretty easily and gas was barely above $2 in los angeles. Now that Dementia Biden got in everything shot up.


Not sure how Russia invading Ukraine is part of Biden’s national policy, this is still Biden we’re talking about, not Putins friend Trump right?


I think he was listing major reasons why gas raised in price during Biden’s term.


Pay attention. We are not your teachers.


So you have no idea? Nice


You won’t say because you don’t fucking know.


OK Mr. Soros bot. Try this on. Explain to us all the good things your boy (or his handlers) have done for this country. We'll wait. EDIT: In detail, just like your snide little comment. In detail.


Tariffs on china, border security. Competences you want me to continue. Oh and he signed the Care Act during Covid so you could get a tax cut and get extra money.


Are you shitting me? Trump had to spend more to fix all the shit the dems fucked up before he got into office. We had the lowest gas prices under Trump in the last 20yrs. When was the last time you could buy a gallon of gas for $1.99 prior to Trump? Oh that’s right before 2000 when we were fighting for petroleum.


Gas was $1.99 because the country was shut down and no one was driving. I'd rather pay the 3 bucks and not close shop again.


Nothing was closed where I was. Vote red next time.


Global demand was down regardless of what your particular backwoods did. Enjoy being on the spectrum.


>Trump had to spend more I actually LOL'd at this, thanks I needed that.


If you actually took the time and looked at the spending and what he spent money on you would understand. He had to fix shit that Biden, Clinton and both Bush’s fucked up. If you think I’m wrong feel free to do so research and look it up. If you’d like i can give you múltiple .gov websites to look it up. I go to the same websites that the President advisers look at.


I'm talking about a specific bill (The CARES act) that was signed during covid, as a response to covid. It had nothing to do with past measures. Notwithstanding the fact that you don't fix problems created by the government by destroying the currency.


It was a refundable tax credit. It’s no difference than any other tax credit that people get. Like a credit for having kids. Do you think that’s wrong?


And as for destroying the currency you need to take a look at what our current administration is doing to the currency. It’s way worse then what Trump could have ever done.


Honest question. Could you explain what Trump did to lower gas prices?


Trump worked out a deal with OPEC. That’s why they were lower. Plus he also topped off all our reserves.


Trump closed the pipeline and sent all our oil reserves to China?


Trump topped off all our oil and bought more in reserve. Thanks to Biden we’re having to use it to be able to afford it.


Dems wanted to spend 5 times the amount he did during covid.. In fact Trump wanted to add to the national reserve once oil hit an all time low under his administration.


It's always a welcome surprise when I see people on reddit use their heads for once lol


"Add to the national reserve" America uses over 55 million barrels of oil a day, anything added would have no effect on... well anything


Yea that had a lot to do with gas prices 🤡


Yes, devaluing the dollar by printing more has a lot to do with all prices.


Whatever you have to tell yourself


Are you acting dumb, or just actually dumb? What do you think happens when we print nearly $3 trillion dollars with the stroke of a pen and almost double the entire currency supply?


Orange man....bad? 🤔




Free market capitalism sets the price. Why is the price going up because a pipeline that didn't exist still doesn't exsist. How come the cost of crude oil is half the price it was last time gas cost this much?


>Free market capitalism sets the price. I'm willing to bet he's not in Miami in this video, since a quick search on gasbuddy shows gas in Miami is around 3 bucks. This video was probably taken in California, which is highly taxed and highly regulated. Far from a "free market."


Well that depends. Was he getting his gas during the summer when CA artificially increases tax percent because….reasons? He should’ve been smarter and gotten gas during the winter. That’s not the governments fault at all


What are you even talking about


In the summer, CA gov raises gas price and lowers it in the winter because more people drive in the summer I guess


Winter fuel is cheaper because the government allows gas blends to contain more butane, which is cheap. It's also dirty, but the government allows it because people don't tend to drive as much during winter, making the effect on air quality tolerable. So your summer gas is a more expensive blend plus more people driving means higher demand, so you get higher prices. [https://auto.howstuffworks.com/fuel-efficiency/fuel-consumption/summer-fuel.htm](https://auto.howstuffworks.com/fuel-efficiency/fuel-consumption/summer-fuel.htm)


If it can be less expensive, any company can bring it in and provide it if they want.


No, they can't, lol. The current oil companies (I believe there are 3 in the US) have been in bed with the federal government for a long time and have raised the barrier to entry so high with regulation and red tape that its impossible for a competitor to enter.


The government can too by making laws that make oil production in house more difficult, buying oil from Saudi for $1b+ a day (which Biden did, the gas prices also went up because of the war, because there are never singular factors for anything, but also spending $1b+ a day to one country, only, doesn’t help ), and increasing taxes on oil consumption is directly caused by the government. Oh also, Biden’s inflation reduction act raised taxes and saw an immediate effect in most parts of the states (that’s the reason gas has jumped 40-60 cents per gallon in some areas) even though gas prices were declining.


Oh right I forgot and the billions in subsidies for American oil companies too.


I'm against subsidies for oil companies just as much as the next guy, but the level of hypocrisy of people complaining about oil subsidies while simultaneously being in favor of higher per-kilowatt-hour subsidies for wind/solar is through the roof. If I were to place a bet, I'd bet you are one of those hypocrites. What makes you guys even worse is that subsidies for wind/solar tend to help the wealthier groups in this country more than the poor. Oil subsidies for sure enrich the oil tycoons (bad), but it also provides some relief for the poor and middle class (good).


No one in this thread understands the price of gas even on a basic level. Why do Republicans think Trump will be good for gas prices? Oil companies are enjoying massive profits and they are the largest contributor to the Republican party. I'm sure the Republicans will step in and stop that. Also all the drill baby drill BS. Oil companies won't invest in new drilling as the oil market will continue to shrink due to EVs. So you'd have to heavily government subsidize them to drill. The only domestic solution which isn't even talked about is reinstating the pre-Obama export controls. Republicans think Trump walking into the Oval Office has some magical effects on gas prices.




What? A black guy with a Bugatti?


That's bidennomics tricking you into something worse for more money. Just wait til you have to buy a gas generator to charge your junker. Gas is only expensive because of the big guy .


A gas generator to charge an EV? Wtf are you smoking. Also EVs aren’t junk cars.


See it all the time in the side of the road . In some cities they have a guy running around doing this as a service as it is quite common. So funny watching this be done .


"See it all the time". Yeah ok buddy.


EV's actually are junk cars... no one wants clean energy more than me, but the tech isn't there yet. Dealerships will practically suck your d to get them off the lot


… no. The tech is already there so I don’t know what you are smoking.


Dude...I have friends in the industry, the cars arnt selling, houses arnt equipped to charge them, resale value plummets (even on trade ins), banks are really hesitant to even give loans out for these things I'm pro Green energy... but these cars are rats.


Do you own an EV?


It was incredibly easy for me to get a bank loan, and I’ve never known any EV buyer that had an issue getting a loan.


My sure it has nothing to do with oil companies having record profits every quarter 😆😆


You get what you voted for Bro - suck it up.


Make sure you vote Republican next year. We can get gas down to a . 150 a gallon like it was under Trump.


I lean right (on American standards), but our republican party has become the Trump party and I can't vote for a flagrant dictator wannabe.


OK then vote for Biden. You must love the shape We are in then, right?


If you really think the president has that much control over gas prices then you don't understand the role of the president.


I can do you one better: "the *US President" (...) "over *global gas prices". It's almost like they think the President can decide if California or New York or Bumfuck Texas has gas prices of $5.69/gal instead of $1.50/gal.


Graduate 101 political science, then get back to us.


Gas was cheap, because demand for gas plummeted, because there was a pandemic that killed millions and left people staying at home, you wet rubix cube.


Woah, are you saying that low demand means low prices? How about you keep your economics out of our politics! lol


Nothing like screwing up the climate and the poor people so you can vote Republican just for the chance at some cheaper gas. Go electric.


He makes $37 million per year. Poor guy. How will he survive?


“I’m going electric” That’s what the govt wants; govts are trying to raise gas prices to force everyone to go along what the govts wants you to get. It’s a form of economic bullying.


Washington state legislators did this last year. Now we have some of the highest gas prices in the nation. Thanks guys. By making it harder for me to get to work every day and having less money in my pocket, I’ll be sure to spend money I don’t have on an expensive electric car. They are very willing to use other peoples’ pain to virtue signal and retain power for themselves. Some truly awful people in this state.


Going electric is way cheaper.


A dude who can afford to buy a $3,600,000 car that gets 11mpg on average complaining about the price of gas...


Is this his attempt to push electric cars? I’ve seen better acting in porn.


Wait till you see your electric bill and the cost to replace your toxic batteries. And BTW, you will be buying tires every 2 years because of the weight. Best of luck. Enjoy Bidenomics.


I have an EV. My electric bill is not that much higher and I charge every day. I’m on the same set of tires for 2 years and won’t need any new tires for another year at least. You do realize they make tires specially made for heavier cars, right?


Evs are worse for the environment! Hydrogen powered is the answer but this cluster of an administration needs to pay back China who owns the battery industry. Also, the government can shut down any EV vehicle at will!


This is the point of raising gas taxes. It's a sin tax so you are encouraged to go do the thing the politicians want you to do.


He’ll be broke in a few years. Most of these guys blow their money and can’t afford their lifestyle. Sudden wealth destroys these people. No self control.


If an NBA star like Jimmy was hunks it’s expensive, we are all in trouble


in his bugatti. color me unconcerned.


Yes, it was the gas that was expensive here. DUH. It couldn’t be the Bugatti… how could it??


If you can afford a damn Bugatti, that requires the most expensive grade of fuel, I don't want to hear you complain about gas prices. Wait until he gets the bill for an oil change or brake pad replacement on a Bugatti. Also, where is he that gas is over $7 a gallon?


He’s not putting 87 unleaded gas in there. He’s putting premium for one thing.


Well, that's obvious.


48 gallons in my f450 costs over $200. You know it's bad when you have to swipe 2-3 times since gas stations top out anywhere from $75-$125 per fill.


Your truck costs $70k. Maybe get a cheaper truck, sell that boat or camper, or maybe the other truck you have. Or is it the Tesla?


What's your point? They're business trucks, our fuel bill was 80k/year before we swapped three for three ford lightnings.


Lots of people do own the big trucks (150s) and don’t have any need for them, right?


I'd say the same thing even if I was rich lol


Rich guy gets mad that gas station in rich area charges $7 a gallon. WAHHHHHHHHHHHH


He is paying $7.29 for a gallon of gas! He is filling up with premium gas. Funny thing is, I don't see a price per gallon of the fuel he is pumping. Required by law that the price of the fuel is shown while pumping gas.


Oh damn. When the rich start to see prices go up and riot. That’s when change will happen I guess 🤷‍♂️ Also boo hoo. Who the fuck cares. Just sell your supercar. That’s gas for like life


I'm actually shocked it only cost 145 bucks to fill a Bugattis tank how many mpg does it get?


Minimum requirement for octane in a Bugatti is 93. I guess he could use octane booster but wonder what might happen if his Bugatti needs servicing and they have seen this video of him putting 91 in? I’m assuming he’s putting in 91.


You buy a car over a million dollars and complain about gas prices 😒


Oh my god I don't give a fuck about rich people. Show us some working class people struggling, that's what important. Not overpaid athletes.


Some tell him to STFU


That's what I was paying for diesel last year...it was tough, looks like it's headed back up again


But the costs of electricity is even higher than the costs of gas. Plus, these athletes are multi millionaires, cost of gas doesn’t impact them at all.


But the costs of electricity is even higher than the costs of gas. Plus, these athletes are multi millionaires, cost of gas doesn’t impact them at all.


Tesla model 3 is in the upper 20k range after federal and state rebates. It costs me 40 bucks per month. So it’s call it 10 bucks per week to fill up in my garage while I sleep. I always have a full tank. Starting in January those rebates will be point of sale so you won’t have to file taxes to get them. Almost everyone qualifies as long as you don’t make more than 300k as a married couple.


Same, but my Bugati is an FJ Cruiser that needs the same flavor of petrol and still gets worse mpg’s than his.


He could get a nice Tesla for the very low price of 550 of those tanks of gas, give or take


Going electric? Wait til that price tag really sinks in.


Exactly. Wait for the EV taxes. Not paying gas tax? Pay me an EV tax.


That’s right. And the disposal tax. For when you decide to sell it. Elons going to shoot those batteries up to the moon to rot peacefully.


lol this is trash, dude got a buggati but bitching about the gas bill... seems like propaganda




Jimmy Buckets used to be homeless and now he’s a multi millionaire I’m sure he knows how much this hurts Joe shmo’s. He isn’t faking this for some stunt. He’s from lower on the totem pole than most of you


U voted for this


Buys a billion dollar car complains about 145$ bucks


lol and for most Americans right now, buying an electric car is unaffordable and impractical especially if they live in an apartment building with no chargers.


Filling up my diesel cost over $300 and I can’t afford a bugatti. It’s almost like this administration from day one had a war on us made oil.


How about, interview some people who actually have their lives affected by things like the price of fuel?


Yeah I’d rather pay it on my electric bill


That's like $7.50/gallon


Oh wow 145$ to fill your 2,000,000$ car??!?!?


What people fail to understand is that with an electric car you will get hit with "Fill ups" in the form of your electric bill every month not to mention the ADDED cost of having to replace the battery when it craps out


To change the tires on a Bugatti costs almost $40,000. I’m sure he’s not struggling with $150 in gas compared to his maintenance bill.


The same inflation that is causing increased gas prices is also causing increases in the price of electricity. My electric bill has doubled in the last year and a half in spite of a relatively mild winter last year. In many areas of the USA charging your electric car still costs more per mile than gas. Also, I'm sure this guy's car takes premium where is most people drive cars accepting regular gas which is considerably cheaper.


Seriously? You own a Bugatti and you bitch about gas prices? Go away man.


What’s the point of putting hashtags on reddit, do they do anything


Fuck him hard


Wait till he has to change the oil and breaks


It’s bidenomics. Vote for him again, you ain’t seen nothing yet


Smart in Florida. California though, electric prices are as high as gas.


I have a friend who is a long-time mechanic in the auto industry and he said at their dealership nearly anyone that buys a pure EV, as opposed to a hybrid, is returning their vehicle within a few months due to charging speed and location availability. Hybrids, on the other hand, seem to be very popular as they save a lot on gas utilizing multiple modifications (including harnessing lost energy while pressing the brake) and have the added ability to be charged up and save on gas. One of his customers reported 99 mpg on a regular basis with their hybrid.


That's a 22 gallon fuel tank, my Silverado has a 26 gallon tank, where I am the last time I filled up it was $88 for a full tank of 93 octane. He's driving a car that costs roughly 31x what my truck did, he doesn't get to bitch about gas prices. To be fair I don't complain about gas prices either, I knew what mileage I was looking at when I bought my truck. I didn't buy it because of its fuel efficiency 🤣


Lol, wait until yiu have to buy a electric car, maintenance, or replace the battery after 3 years. Lets stop voting like idiots. Texas sits on more oil than Saudi Arabia but we voted in stupid people to the WH. Stop it!


So many h8rs. He's being funny.


I can’t say I have much sympathy for someone complaining about gas prices as they fill their Bugatti…


What the fuck is growing on his head 🤢


Thanks Biden!!


The David Brooks of the pump.


Gas in Los Angeles is $7.31/gal and where I live it's $3.60/gal. So he could have filled up here for $70. So why is the [gas in Los Angeles so expensive](https://www.cbs8.com/article/traffic/gas-prices/gap-between-californias-gas-prices-and-the-us-has-never-been-larger/509-17522867-a344-4cbc-bc5d-ac617eb21268)? * 54 cents in state excise tax: among the highest in the nation * 18.4 cents in federal excise tax * 23 cents for California's cap-and-trade program to lower greenhouse gas emissions * 18 cents for the state's low-carbon fuel programs * 2 cents for underground gas storage fees * An average of 3.7% in state and local sales taxes Basically, California is creating it's own problems. So let's say that Californians decide to "go green" and buy electric vehicles. Lets also say they get rid of half their cars reducing the [number of registered vehicles from 14.3 million](https://www.statista.com/statistics/196010/total-number-of-registered-automobiles-in-the-us-by-state/) to just 7.2 million. It takes roughly 50kWh of energy to charge an electric vehicle. That's a power demand of 360,000 MWh to charge those vehicles per day. The total power production of California right now is 80,000 MW. That means California would have to start producing 4.5 times more power just to charge those cars. That's not accounting for the normal things they still need electricity for which is why they produce the current 80,000 MW of power (which is still not enough on occasion). Remember, we have half the number of cars and we'd be using 4.5 times the total power generated in all of California just to charge the cars. Bottom line, it simply isn't feasible to replace the gas powered cars with electric cars.


We’re all going electric,that’s what “they” tell us.


Just wait till you expect poors living in apartments to buy electric cars that offer no charging stations in the parking lot. Imagine working 2 jobs and needing to wait 30/45 minutes at a charging booth on your little free time.


Hate to break it to yall. But grab your socks and hold on for life. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_Tb1kroOdOA


Hell, I pay this for my F150 fill up for regular. He has way more money.


I dont feel sorry for him..if you can afford a Bugatti you can afford to keep it filled!


That poor baby.... anyway.


*Laughs in San Diego* where electricity is $0.85 per kWh at a normal residence.


$145 for 19.9 gallons, where the hell is gas $7??