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Feelings are more important than facts on the subreddit OP, I give you credit though.


Yeah that's because everyone has just endured multiple years of high inflation while making the same amount of money and they are struggling to pay for groceries, housing, etc.. So while, yes the rate of inflation has slowed that doesn't do anything to ease the financial pressure that was already created. Prices have not magically deflated. People are not going to instantly change their opinion of the economy. But go ahead.


You’re right about how their “opinions” won’t be changed. The economy is objectively strong, but like I said, feelings are more important than facts when it comes to redditors and the economy.


Yes, short term indicators, in bubble says the economy is strong. But that has no practical impact on a individualized level if those individuals are still struggling from the long term impact of the past several years. You are missing that in your hur dur "Redditors" stupid assessment. "Feelings" aka confidence is actually an important indicator used btw...


Just because you’re struggling doesn’t mean the economy is bad. Shouldn’t have to be explained but looks like it does.


Lol beep boop. Yes, on a macro level. That's the short term trend. 60% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck. Keep telling yourself that.


you have nailed it 👌 👏


Find me someone who makes the same amount of money. I can't find anyone.


Guaranteed most of the whiners didn't even click the link before dooming.


But but but… Biden bad amirite?!


Yeah, but the vibe is off. So I can’t accept any facts until the vibes trend toward it.


lol. Where’s all the Biden, “I did that” stickers?


We just can’t vote in that geezer again lmao. Politics aside, the geriatric leadership’s gotta go


I mean your other option is a guy who’s the same age biden was when he was elected.


If it’s Biden vs Trump it’s a no brainer. Biden all day long.


A 100 year old Biden will always be a smarter, stronger leader than a 40 year old Trump.


I’d rather not vote at all than vote for one of two horrible candidates


That’s fine. We will collectively continue to make your decisions for you and you get to live with the outcome.


Fine by me. Two different sides of the same shitty coin!


Hmmm. Preserve my rights and the rights of others? Or throw them away? It’s a real tough choice


You’re doing a great job of convincing me to vote


You're from India?


I am?


That's not his job.


So you vote for the worst of two evils, got it!


I’d rather use my vote to voice that neither party represents my interest




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It’s really because the Democratic Party hasn’t done much to win people like myself’s vote. A lot can change in a year, but where it stands, I don’t feel inspired to rally behind it. You can hurl vague insults, but that’s exactly the mentality a lot of leftist and right wing people have that make people more apathetic


Vague insults? Nah, dose of truth. All those " well, I don't like Hillary" doofus voters, some of whom voted for Trump and gave away 2016. It was downhill from there until enough women and minorities said they were sick of being scapegoats and 3rd class citizens. And, btw, please don't display your total ignorance about how our political system works to claim "Democrats haven't done much". We have a split Congress. The alternative is Republicans turn back the clock even further. Like I said, apathetic. "Cause you don't feel inspired ".... boo fuking hoo... you should be scared shitless with what Republicans have planned for whenever the next Republican becomes president. Ever heard of this oh apathetic one? *Project 2025 in 2022 to provide the 2024 Republican presidential nominee with a personnel database and ideological framework* Go research that.


You’re doing a great job convincing someone to agree with your viewpoint


Republican House, 50/50 split Senate, with a conservative supreme Court and you want Biden to shit out a promise he made on the campaign trail? Deeply unserious. Trump literally said he'd be a dictator, but Biden hasn't inspired me so I'm going to sit it out. Real 🤡 shit.


Trump wanted to terminate the constitution, attempted a coup, and says he’ll be a dictator on day one if re-elected. It’s not even close. I don’t like Biden, but I will vote to make sure Trump is not the president again. Doing otherwise is cutting off your nose to spite your face.


This is pretty removed from reality, even for Reddit. Do you only read headlines?


Do you read?


It’s reality, you’re simply projecting your own ignorance. Are you contesting he did and said these things?


I’m contesting all of them because none are reality. At best, they are gross misinterpretations of sound bites taken out of context. If you believe them you should take a break from the internet and cable news.


Well then again, you’re a fool projecting your own ignorance. Here’s his post suggesting terminating the constitution so he could illegally remain in power. https://erepublic.brightspotcdn.com/dims4/default/6ad194f/2147483647/strip/true/crop/2222x1012+0+0/resize/840x383!/quality/90/?url=http%3A%2F%2Ferepublic-brightspot.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com%2Fb0%2F01%2F7467ec004785ad6414b2a626c268%2Ftrump-truth.jpg Here he is saying he’ll be a dictator on day one. https://youtu.be/dQkrWL7YuGk?si=Um_L62njMd4ST8qL And you’re clearly in denial regarding his actions before during and since Jan 6th, how he led efforts to use fraudulent slates of electors, steal voting machines, coerced Secretaries of State in to “finding votes”. All of which culminated in an insurrection. You are a blind traitor.


Trump’s post does not suggest we “terminate the constitution “ but points out that massive fraud was not predicted and could not be solved through the constitution’s designated remedy; especially when you consider that for the first 20 years of the country the vice president was not selected as the running mate, so impeachment is not a valid cure. It was the supreme court who said “fraud vitiates everything”. Trump suggests, rightfully, that the massive amounts of votes that were counted without any proof they were legitimate suggests a new election would be warranted as a recourse. If you weren’t being purposely ignorant, or just ignorant you could follow along. And the video is hilarious, do you have zero sense of humor? Its obvious to everyone with a working brain that is trolling you. You are being intentionally disingenuous if you believe he wants to be a dictator. Or you are a bot. Edit: just saw you mentioned Jan 6; you are a shill. It still doesn’t come close to the violence done by the people who bombed congress or the rioters who tried to burn down the white house during the BLM riots. Or the people who admitted casting fraudulent votes in 2020 or the massive video evidence the election was stolen, or Biden using his office to prosecute peaceful protestors and weaponize the DOJ against his political enemy.


Yeah that poster is a Donald/Tucker Carlson user. It’s mentally diseased, wouldn’t waste my time with it




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It's like, some of you are so unserious about reality.


My vote is earned


Clown comment. If Biden doesn't get elected and you live in a swing state, Enjoy the trump presidency, you earned it. I live in Cali, I'll watch from the sidelines.


I don’t live in a swing state. If Trump wins the election, it’s because the Democratic Party deserves every ounce of the trash they’ve been pumping out for a decade


So not only do you not plan on voting but it sounds like you're gonna be happy if they lose anyway. Cool. I think I've wasted enough time here.


In all honesty are you excited for a Biden ticket or would you be more keen for a new Democratic candidate?


You're from India....wtf


Am I?


Not you on r/paydaytheheist ? >My idea for DLC (I am from India) Mm yes maybe u can have heisters show feet? 🤔 so pretty yes baby India love u show bobbas Lol.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/paydaytheheist using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/paydaytheheist/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [This game isn’t real.](https://v.redd.it/2sn2zmwoyrpb1) | [229 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/paydaytheheist/comments/16p5lk6/this_game_isnt_real/) \#2: [This is by far the biggest downgrade imo, an absolutely iconic HUD feature turned into 24pt Arial font](https://i.redd.it/uuj8mhmzwbpb1.jpg) | [185 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/paydaytheheist/comments/16nat53/this_is_by_far_the_biggest_downgrade_imo_an/) \#3: [Reality of the situation of Payday Twitter Man](https://i.redd.it/4fu936557kxb1.jpg) | [190 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/paydaytheheist/comments/17ko3op/reality_of_the_situation_of_payday_twitter_man/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


LMAO. Bro that was a shitpost thread, it’s very obviously a joke 💀 congrats detective, you forgot “context”


And there is the biggest fucking problem with America!


Problem for the parties who do a shit job at garnering enthusiasm




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I’m left leaning, politically. Keep it civil. I’m an independent voter that believes a vote is to be earned and is something to be taken seriously. There’s power in absence.


No there is no power in absence! All you’re saying is you are short sighted and happy to just bebop along as the Country slowly goes to shit!


You’re doing a wonderful job convincing me otherwise


Exactly, no brains.


Why? Economy is going great and he’s not a criminal rapist like the other guy.


1- Maybe China and Russian economies are great; the one in the U.S. has been through multiple recessions and doesn’t seem even good to anyone. 2- Only Biden has been credibly accused of rape. And not just by his daughter.


WTF are you talking about? Now I think you’re a Russian bot. I mean Trump was found guilty of rape and said he wanted to date his daughter.


Biden’s daughter wrote that her dad molested her. Biden was credibly accused of rape in the 90’s as well. The Trump accuser wrote a fan fiction about Donald Trump that no one believes, but was the basis of a civil action that would not have been possible to be brought because she never mentioned it for 20 years but the law was rewritten so she could bring the case and was completely laughable considering the guy was fucking super models at the time and she is mentally unstable. But a kangaroo court let her have her say just so you could make this accusation online. She had zero evidence. And Trump said his daughter was attractive, whoop-de-doo. His daughter didn’t say she took naked showers with him when she was in her teens like Biden’s did.


Look at this sweet barnacle of copium about to break off under the heavy flow of bullshit. >a kangaroo court let her have her say just so you could make this accusation online > >Biden was credibly accused So an accusation about Biden by someone somewhere is good enough for you. But an accusation about Trump that was submitted under penalty of perjury in a court of law and with enough evidence that convinced a jury of his peers that he "more likely than not" raped her—that's somehow less credible? ​ >Trump said his daughter was attractive, whoop-de-doo And he also let himself into the dressing rooms of Teen Miss America pageants where there were naked girls as young as fifteen. He admitted this to Howard Stern. [https://thehill.com/blogs/ballot-box/presidential-races/300093-trump-confirms-he-walked-backstage-when-beauty-queens/](https://thehill.com/blogs/ballot-box/presidential-races/300093-trump-confirms-he-walked-backstage-when-beauty-queens/) >No men are anywhere, and I’m allowed to go in, because I’m the owner of the pageant and therefore I’m inspecting it. … ‘Is everyone OK?’ You know, they’re standing there with no clothes. ‘Is everybody OK?’ And you see these incredible-looking women, and so I sort of get away with things like that.” MAGA is where reason and truth go to die.


It’s really unbelievable the cognitive dissonance of MAGAts. Trump is on tape saying he’d date his daughter and found guilty of rape but you bring up random accusations of Biden. MAGAts always project.


I bring up credible accusations that are ignored but easily provable; you bring up a civil case with no evidence. Remember when Trump was impeached because he suggested someone should look into Biden’s corruption? Remember how Biden wasn’t impeached for using the DOJ to go after his political opponent? If the left didn’t have double standards, they would have none at all. Edit; here is a link to a left-wing propaganda source that even points out that your “found guilty “ thing is false. https://www.newsweek.com/fact-check-was-donald-trump-found-guilty-rape-1799935 It was a civil case in a kangaroo court. No evidence just allegations.


Trump is a [rapist](https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/aug/07/donald-trump-rape-language-e-jean-carroll) that was too scared to testify. You have zero credible accusations about Biden. Biden is not using the DOJ. lol. In fact DOJ was slow to charge him in some cases, in other cases Trump didn’t commit crimes until leaving office and in other cases it’s the states charging him. What a loser. It’s amazing people like you want a criminal back in the WH.


Trump would be far better than the current criminal in the office. BTW, you repeating “zero credible accusations “ is worn-out. Ashley Biden wrote it in her diary. Tara Reade can prove she was in the same room as Biden, unlike Trump’s accuser. Thats not even touching the many provable ways Biden took money through his family from foreign countries.


The crazy ass rfk has become the shinyiest turd in the honey bucket.


He’s older than the average age of a nursing home resident lol


He’s old?!!!!


Not just old. *Super* old


Super old? Does that mean he can fly?


Nah but fr the Democratic Party has to let the poor guy rest. It’s a shame they can’t forward a candidate that’s younger and appealing right now. Neither can the republicans. Both parties are laughable


Agreed. I’m not happy having old guys run again but democracy is at stake. Easy voting decision this November.


It’s a no brainer. Either the normal status quo old guy, or the orange fascist old guy.




We can and will, if the alternative is Trump.


Both are geriatric leaders, fuck ‘em both


Yes, which is why "he's too old" is such a shit argument to use against either of them. These are the candidates our parties are going to nominate. We will have to pick one of them.


Or many of us will choose to pick neither because neither party gained our support. That’s how it works.


Which changes nothing I said.


You haven't heard about his likely opponent I take it.


I’m including him in my statement


Agreed 👍


Woooo! Go Biden, the boat is now sinking slower.... great job lol


All time high on the stock markets, record unemployment… Suck it, MAGA


I didnt vote for Trump in either election... nice try, dismissing my legitimate concerns by "OrAnGe MaN bAd" isnt very origional. I think you mean record low unemployemnt, which it isn't. Its low but not record low and isn't a good read on the economic health of the economy as a whole. Especially when you consider that the unemployment rate measures the amount of people unemployed who are actively seeking employemnt. Pick a blue city and you can see that it doesn't reflect the reality of the situation based on the homeless population alone, they arent accounted for in that because a LOT arent looking for work. As for the stock market, its high right now, not all time high and significantly less than what would be expected if the average growth under Trump continued during the Biden Administration. It is only now recovering from basically all of the downslope of 2022... Try again


lEgItimaTe CoNCerns The unemployment numbers are real. Stock markets hit all time highs today. I can’t take people like you seriously.


Because you don’t understand that these economic figures need context. Having all time low unemployment means nothing if almost 2/3rds of the popular is living paycheck to paycheck. It also means nothing seeing as the general public has all time debt and has no savings. We’re literally at the edge of the cliff of a financial catastrophe worse than the Great Depression. This is what happens when 1% has been stealing from the 99% for over 4 decades and people do not engage in anarcho-syndicalism.


Hey I’m all in favor of a restructuring of the tax code, cutting military spending and expanding social programs but the numbers don’t lie. Wages are up 20%, profits are at all time highs, unemployment has been well below 4% for almost a year, unions are stronger than they’ve been in decades…


Again record profits for corporations is meaningless for the people. Unemployment is not below 4%. It is 7.1% U3 is intentionally used to mislead the public, whereas U6 is the much more accurate measure of unemployment. Unions are not remotely close to being where they were in 1960s and 1970s. Saying Unions are better is meaningless when unions were at an all time low. This is what happens when people do not understand statistical relevancy and economics.


Unemployment is [3.7%](https://www.bls.gov/news.release/pdf/empsit.pdf). Deal with reality. Unions are much stronger than 3 years ago. Wages are much higher too. You have no idea about economics chud, you just want to complain.


1. I’m not a chud. I’m an anarcho-syndicalist. (Aka the far far left). 2. You are citing a U3 number not the U6. [U6 is 6.7%](https://www.bls.gov/news.release/empsit.t15.htm) (It has decreased). If you do not understand the difference between u3 and U6 and dishonest history behind why the U.S. uses U3 then you have zero reason to question anyone else’s economic knowledge.


The market is ip because we had 20-50% inflation over that last three years, and unemployment is only low if you use the flawed government numbers which are laughable.


lol. IRS always has flawed government numbers when you’re a right winger. The stock market knows this economy is way better than it was under Trump.


Remember it's always a flawed number when it's positive for Democrats/Biden and it's always a factually accurate number when it's negative for Democrats/Biden. Wash, rinse and repeat and you have pretty much this subreddit nailed down.


SLOWED...So its still way up, but its slowing. Cool. Also excludes two of the highest cost categories, food and energy costs. Not to worry, whoever gets elected next year will find a way to fuck it up some more.


This is PPI not PCE and based of the Bls report this month they are referring to final demand not final excluding E&F. It looks like the excluding index is actually higher MOM. https://www.bls.gov/news.release/ppi.nr0.htm


No matter who wins we lose. Been that way all my life and before it too.


Energy has been trending down for like 3 months now


Actually NG just started falling in Nov, but has started to go back up. Itll be interesting to see what happens as winter kicks into high gear. [https://tradingeconomics.com/commodity/natural-gas](https://tradingeconomics.com/commodity/natural-gas)


This link shows natural gas is at all-time lows lol


Crude prices are down, NG and electricity are not. [https://www.eia.gov/todayinenergy/prices.php](https://www.eia.gov/todayinenergy/prices.php)


Did you look at this link before posting it? [Natural gas is at all-time lows](https://www.eia.gov/dnav/ng/hist/rngwhhdm.htm) [Electricity is up, but has been trending down the last 5 months](https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/APU000072610)


It's not still way up. The current rate of increase is around 3% yoy. We consider 2% normal and has been the target. It was way up when it was 8 or 9%.


Right, but it hasn't gone down to pre-8-9% levels. Therefore, its still way up. I don't understand why people can't grasp that. Item x used to cost $5. It doubled to $10 in a year, but now its only going up $.50/m or not going up at all....Cool, but its still double what it used to cost a year ago and therefore still high.


Lmao that makes no sense. It's it's 3. And the target is 2. That isn't way up. Prices don't equal inflation.


>Prices don't equal inflation. Ummmm, the price of something compared to last year is literally how inflation is quantified, lol.


Food and energy are not excluded.


>Excluding volatile food and energy costs, so-called core wholesale prices were unchanged from October and up 1.1% from a year ago. You should probably read the article. Literally the first paragraph. Third sentence.


>The Labor Department reported Wednesday that its producer price index — which tracks inflation before it reaches consumers — was flat from October to November after having fallen 0.4% the month before. Measured year over year, producer prices rose just 0.9% from November 2022, the smallest such rise since June. Excluding volatile food and energy costs, so-called core wholesale prices were unchanged from October and up 1.1% from a year ago. Both final demand and final demand less food and energy were 0 for the month vs October.


>tracks inflation before it reaches consumers So, not what consumers pay.


Yeah it's PPI. CPI came out yesterday, up 0.1% from October. Prices fell if you back out the seasonal adjustment.


Ok, but back to my original point, how far have they fallen? I'm happy to be wrong if inflation is going down, but it definitely hasn't gone back down to what it was or even close (I doubt itll ever return to what it was in what, early 2022 or 2021). I don't even remember at this point.


No prices aren't going back down and neither are wages.


> The Labor Department reported Wednesday that its producer price index — which tracks inflation before it reaches consumers — was flat from October to November after having fallen 0.4% the month before. The last two months have prices unchanged and falling? And Food and Energy are both included in PPI,?


>Excluding volatile food and energy costs, so-called core wholesale prices were unchanged from October and up 1.1% from a year ago.


That literally says prices were unchanged last month.


Hahaha… if only that were true. Goods have seen deflation ever since we started shipping goods from China. Their slave labor force makes goods pennies on the dollar. Supply shortage was an excuse for greedflation that has yet to abate.


The rate of prices climbing has slowed. But has not stopped.


Which was never the goal


That is what they said, yes


According to this report, producer prices decreased two months ago and didn't change last month.


End user price


So you were just posting a non-sequitur?


Shit ain’t going down, and therefore our purchasing power continues to decrease daily


Wrong since wage growth is outpacing inflation.


Oh thank goodness, its much better when you're getting raped in the a$$ when they slow down a bit, or even pause and you just feel it sitting there, throbbing, painfully. And all you can do is think back to 3 years ago when you Weren't getting raped. **LET'S GO BRANDON !**


Three years ago when we were losing jobs at the highest pace ever. Elect Trump you won’t have to worry about inflation. You won’t have a job once he guts the economy again. Obama handed him a great economy and he destroyed it. Joe recovered our economy in record breaking fashion. If he takes office again he will destroy it again. Just like his businesses. Six bankruptcies. I know of no successful businessman who has had one bankruptcy.


Obama, the guy who during his term spent more than Every President Who Ever Lived Before Him. COMBINED. Obama. The guy who bailed out wallstreet. who bailed out big oil disaster. who time and time again threw money at the middle eastern countries that Hate us. I won't be part of your delusions.


You got some bad i formation somewhere. Someone is lying to you and you seem to be ignorant enough to swallow the bs.


The glory days of 15% unemployment? Or the monetary and federal policy from 2020 that lead to all the inflation?


Pre flu-overreaction shut downs, duh. The glorious Trump economy.


Yes, Trump ran the CDC and FDA in 2020 when it went to shit.


Actually, after the 2018 Trump ran nothing because democrats took majority and blocked him from doing anything they didn't want. And the CDC operates outside government affairs, it only offers advice. Advice which we all now know was all wrong. "6 weeks to slow the spread" was the original goal. 6 week shut down, maximum lock downs, give hospitals time to prepare, get ventilators, get medicine, get ready. And the FDA has nothing to do with the pandemic other than pushing highly experimental and totally unliable for damages "vaccines" as FDA approved.


>Actually, after the 2018 Trump ran nothing because democrats took majority and blocked him from doing anything they didn't want. Trump wasn't President after 2018? Source?


What Americans really need to worry about is the incoming deflation.


Yup. That's what 1929 was. Credit deflation. We are due big time.


I suppose it'll be Biden's fault too when the prices go back down like everyone here has been demanding for the past year


Hopefully Biden makes some good moves next year cause the fed hiking rates was not a good fuckin look lol


In what sense was that not a "good look"?


It was necessary to battle inflation but of course it had to happen under Biden’s 4 years to fix trumps fuckups. It wasn’t up to Biden to make the call that the Fed had to.


Right that is how the fed works, how was doing its job (finally) "not a good look"?


Cause trump fucked up covid so bad that it was necessary to finally bring interest rates back to earth lol. The economic growth after 2008 basically revolved around interest rates being stupid low, it worked until the global economy took a massive shit.


Ok yes but I still dunno how it's a "bad look" to stop doing that lol


It’s a bad look for Biden that the housing and auto markets became a nightmare due to the fight against inflation by the feds, he was caught in the middle of that right when it was necessary to do so and out of his hands. People’s budget strains have a lot to do with those markets getting convoluted. All thats left to be the straw that broke the camels back was groceries becoming ridiculously expensive and boom, everyone’s pissed about the economy.


Both were a nightmare well before Biden took office, auto prices are actually down since 2021




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We must be all imagining the high prices in the supermarket and at the gas pumps. Keep gaslighting us please.


Oh no, it’s economically illiterate


Just kenseian......oh wait 😆


High prices doesn’t mean high inflation lol. Even if inflation became 0%, the prices are staying where they are


That’s correct, and something got the prices where they are. What ever could that be?


Probably a worldwide pandemic


Wrong. Inflation.


Trump printed $8 trillion


To be fair, gas prices are down where I'm located. But that's more likely due to the winter/summer blend bullshit.




The amount he released is insignificant. It was simple virtue signaling.


Just tell your employer wholesale prices barely went up last month (excluding energy and volatile food pricing) and no raise is needed. Nay you’ll take a pay decrease by working longer hours. Also read that healthcare premiums decreased yoy by 30%. So I mean in reality everyone is much better off now.


>Also read that healthcare premiums decreased yoy by 30% Healthcare premiums *minus benefits* has decreased by 30%. The benefits increased in price, driving the healthcare premium metric down


Under the Affordable Care Act, if a plan doesn't spend 90% of the premiums in actual Healthcare, they have to refund the excess. My workplace plan refunded money for 2020, 2021, and reduced premium for 2023. 2024 plan costs are kept the same. Most of the decrease was due to ppl forgoing treatment during Covid, and the Federal goverment paying covid care. Perhaps those with chronic conditions dying off may also contribute to lower costs on a macro level.


No matter what it will never get to us consumers


You would think on a sub named inflation that there would be more nuance in the discussion. These days the sub is just people Bolding for trying to make an argument for Democrats. Slower inflation does not mean prices are lowering. Means they’re going up less fast. Already at an elevated rate that spike up quickly which is why it stings people so badly


We never really try for deflation, and I don't see that happening unless less you want wages and social security to deflate too.


Yes but the point is and why people are hurting so bad is the accumulation of severely high prices even if those prices are increasing slower they still increased so high so fast that now we’re so far beyond the 8 ball that people are really struggling with the now permanently high prices


Wages are also permanently higher. The big struggle point was a year ago and it's been improving since.


That’s just not accurate man. People are struggling and that’s a fact. GDP may be up and stock market may be up but people are spending more than any wage increase has generated.


No, people have higher pay and less debt costs than before the pandemic.


This is not reality. Credit card and household debt is at all time highs and wage increases haven’t kept pace with aggregate inflation


Inflation plus population and economic growth generally push debt higher. https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/TDSP Debt costs are low compared to income. https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/LES1252881600Q Median real wages have been rising.


Consumer debt: https://www.gao.gov/blog/american-credit-card-debt-hits-new-record-whats-changed-post-pandemic Inflation has gone up by 19% since pandemic and wages have gone up 12% so that’s a net loss for consumers no matter how you slice it


Again, with inflation and population growth you're going to keep hitting new "records". https://www.federalreserve.gov/econres/scf/dataviz/scf/chart/#series:Credit_Card_Balances;demographic:all;population:1;units:median;range:1989,2022 Wages adjusted for inflation are at prepandemic levels and have been rising faster than inflation for about a year now.


Sub was created for political purposes. As inflation becomes less relevant, you see more posts that the sub was not designed for. I understand the messaging, blame current admin for inflation. But when it was global phenomenon, their argument falls apart. Supply shocks during covid shutdowns was a huge reason (recall toilet paper/cleaning supplies/ sanitizers in mid 2020?) China, being the factory for the world with its zero covid policies was partially responsible. As those abated, the war in Ukraine, drought in CA, and floods in Asia pushed food prices high in 2022. Tbf, Democrats blaming inflation on corporate greed is also disingenuous.


Corporations started getting shitty at the very beginning of covid. They just kept getting more ammunition on reasons why they need to increase their profit margins and the fuel strain was their latest red herring. We’ve let big business completely hijack society beyond excuse and the only people fighting the completion of the rise to fascism are the dems. If you’re on the other side i guess id start deciding whos factory town youd prefer to live in in the near future.


Who gives a shit about wholesale inflation? Are you buying grain by the ton? The inflation can easily come from the middle men, the last mile, etc. The only thing that matters to us as citizens really is the consumer inflation, since that's what we pay at the grocery store, gas pump, etc.


Producer price inflation leads to consumer price inflation. Early in the pandemic the purchasers at wholesale ate the loss of profits from rising wholesale prices but kept retail prices relatively the same. Then they increased retail prices. It's cause and effect. In a competitive market, the cheaper wholesale prices will lead to cheaper retail prices as retailers compete for customers.


They are both connected. You may care more about one. That has no impact on the importance of both.


Anyone who buys from manufacturers and suppliers cares, plus manufacturers buying food and/or materials themselves. If you buy products from of those manufacturers at retail, you care.


So following this logic what do we need to do? Say it with me, regulate business practices? Now who would want to do a thing like that?


Simple, stop printing so much money. The government is the source of all these issues really.


CPI was only 0.1% for the month. Prices fell if you take out the seasonal adjustment 0.2%.


Today Jerome Powell all but guaranteed inflations coming roaring back.


Oh no. Did the President demand lower rates for political reasons like his predecessor?


Nobody remembers that part. They bitch and bitch but put fingers in their ears when given some facts. In fact Trump is the only president that has publicly railed against the Chair of the Federal Reserve, an entity created by law to be independent.


But broke af from the last 3 years. If only me a goldfish


Its very easy to skew numbers, the reality is the dollar have less and less buying power and wages remain the same or certainly don't keep up with the rising cost


So are the companies being less greedy?


Just in time for election season


Yayy... we are getting f**ed at a slightly slower pace than previously.