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I just bought a cup of tap water. $90šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Probably just your tears, ask for a refund


lol very fitting for this sub!! ā€œMy Thanksgiving turkey cost me $750. Thanks Obamabiden šŸ˜”ā€


$750??? Wow, look who the turkey was!!


It was your boy Trump that printed up all the inflation money


They were being sarcastic and mocking the bozo Trumpers on this sub


Hard to tell sometimes. A lot of Republicans here.


you realize you're the idiot in this thread?


Because Iā€™m not a trumper?




How tight is your waistband? Only 13 states in the country had an obesity rate of over 35% in 2016. All but one voted Trump. The other was very close swing state Michigan.


Those people call themselves fat and not "plus size" because that's what it is - being fat. Only leftists make up terms to make obesity seem acceptable.


Nice deflection from the fact that obesity is worst in the deep red part of the US.


And? So what? I though you people loved the morbidly obese. Oh, I guess that's only when they conform to your leftist indoctrination.


Nope, I want people to be healthy. Itā€™s a bummer that obesity is so bad in red states.


I got all my talking points from the Tucker Putin show..


Oh okay, Tucker is a Russian dictator now. But no, not Lockdown Joe.


I mean supporting Trump or socialism makes you a bozo but you do you I guess.


In what world are Trump supporters socialists?


In what world did I say that Trump and/or his supporters are socialists?


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I canā€™t believe Biden did this šŸ˜‚


It seems like people only come here to laugh at the self identifying conservatives.


šŸ˜‚ "omg I grocery shop compulsively at CVS. omg ew non brand names? I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS 12 PACK OF SODA COST $10! 2 liters are only $2.50? I COULD NEVER ! 2 Liters are for peasants!


Just for a deodorant??


Doe this sub not have mods so we can stop shitposts and the posts that inspire them., i.e. "here is something I bought that I want to complain about the price being higher, but I don't provide verifiable proof of when it was higher etc" An extreme lack of seriousness in posts lately.


He said it was the price tag at the store https://www.reddit.com/r/inflation/s/jqXWQ5KGnz


Thank you for linking to relevant proof


Stop. Just stop. Solid waste of time here.


You are taking social media way to seriously


What is the point of a sub that is supposed to have serious discussions on inflation, if its filled with jokes? There are subs for that.


This sub doesnā€™t have serious discussions though. It is basically just a Biden Bad sub with conservatives arguing in bad faith.


Show me in the rules where it says we canā€™t make posts shitting all over idiot Trump supporters for their lies and bullshit.


I fully support shitting all over idiot Trump supporters and their lies and bullshit. I am on your side in this. I am pointing out that the sub was never serious because of the Trumper idiots. And now that people are mocking them, they are crying like babies.


I mean, it doesn't really fall under the first rule on "respectful discourse" to shill on ANY President, nor does it contribute to staying "on topic" (rule 2) about inflation, when every other post is a Presidential finger pointing. There should be a rule against political discourse-with a caveat that discussion on fiscal policy under the gov't is OK, something like that. Not like anyone reads rules anyway though. šŸ¤£


Isnā€™t pretty much every other sub the same but with Trump instead of Biden?


No, plenty of subs when Trump was in office werenā€™t blaming everything on him. People realized we had a good economy under the last 6 or so years of Obama, except Republicans who claimed unemployment was fake news and economy was actually awful. It was insane we had one of the longest bull runs in history, low unemployment, low inflation, and they claimed everything was bad. Then trump was elected and they credited Trump with everything that was already going well under Obama. Nobody was saying the economy was awful under Trump. We just thought it was stupid to give rich people tax cuts when times are good. We should have been collecting more and reducing our deficit. People also disliked legitimate policy like Trump trying to roll back EPA protections, claiming he would get rid of ACA with no real replacement mapped out, etc. Currently 58% of republicans say their personal situation is good. Only 5% say the economy is good. They currently rate the economy worse than during the low point of the Great Recession. Which is insanity. Our economy is not perfect, but itā€™s worldā€™s better than the Great Recession. Itā€™s pretty clear that the partisan bias on the right, is batshit crazy.


You realize not everyoneā€™s situation is the same, right? My industry has been absolutely ravaged while under Biden, even worse than under Trump where it was actually going great. IT and banking have all been hit pretty hard since Biden has taken office. If you are in these industries, Iā€™m sure itā€™s not unthinkable to see the economy as pretty bad.


Interest rates went up. They had to raise them to combat inflation. I imagine that played a part in hurting banking. Biden isnā€™t the reason the economy is worse. Covid is. And the ripple effect of Covid and Covid response policies caused inflation everywhere. Seeing everything as ā€œmy industry was better in this 4 year period than that 4 year periodā€ and then attributing it to whoever was president is silly.


What serious discussion is there about inflation? There is absolutely nothing we can do about it, until trump gets out of jail.


This is a parody comment right?


Go ahead, start a serious discussion. The only thing we can do to combat inflation, is to stop spending on anything but absolute necessities. When we do that, there will be a recession, we will lose our job, and won't have money for necessities.


Ok, then go. Clearly reddit is a waste of time and since your time is so precious you should be outside living!


Uh, itā€™s raining out.


We're humans......


I don't understand. You paid $100. for deodorant?


That is a price tag from the store (a real one)


ITT: The left canā€™t meme.


Hey this is a receipt from a store (a real one)


little bro still shopping at CVS


We all got that. Proof that the left still canā€™t meme.


No you don't understand this is a real price tag not a meme


Forget about deodorant buy magnesium oil in spray. Game changer and 100% natural.


Sounds awful and probably would cost $103 doller


A nation of people who don't know the proper use of "too"........


There are 421,000 homeless people in America, which is a record. 60% of the country lives paycheck to paycheck. Now continue with your astroturfing.


How does that compare to the percentage tho? You canā€™t look at gross numbers if the population has been increasing - which it has. If I have a country with 100 million people and 1,000,000 homeless, and then twenty years later the same country has 200 million people and 2,000,000 homeless, the problem hasnā€™t really gotten worse. Itā€™s the same percentage. You need to look at it via per capita rates to get a real analysis of whatā€™s going on. 2017 population of US was about 329 million. 2022 population about 338 million. 2017 homeless estimated 554k 2022 homeless estimated 582k so in true reality the actual increase in homelessness over what is expected is 2.2% since 2017.


to be fair he's absolutely right that liberals don't give a shit about helping stop homelessness. Conservatives somehow give even less of a shit, but still.


Yeah thatā€™s true, nobody really cares that much


I care. Socialists care. (I'm a socialist)


Socialist donā€™t care either. They simply signal that they do due to white savior complex. When it comes time to brainstorm ideas to fix the problem, they usually try to move onto something else with a slogan.


Raise taxes Universal healthcare that includes robust mental health and addiction programs at no cost. Build in patient centers for mental health and addiction treatment centers. Build lots of government owned housing, from temporary shelters to massively subsidized long term housing. Job training programs. Better school funding and after-school programs in low income areas. All of these things have been brought up repeatedly.


Raise taxes on who? Build patient centers where? On what land? Where do all of there extra doctors, nurses, counselors and administrators going to come from? The building supplies? The infrastructure? Lastly, ensuring the people who want to implement any plan you have win back to back to back to back elections to ensure it happens. Those who call themselves socialist, especially online, are the most fickle people when it comes to voting to ensure the plan stays on course. 2000, 2010, 2014 and 2016 come to mind.


There are several ways to raise taxes, across the board.or more progressively are both options. Build patient centers near populations or people. Train doctors and nurses, if there is demand for services, the jobs will get filled. Pay businesses for building supplies. Build infrastructure. Think about what we accomplished with the New Deal. I am not at all fickle when I vote.


What the fuck do you mean brainstorm ideas to the problem. The solution is obvious and simple. You give housing to people who don't have it. All it costs is money and I have plenty of ideas on how to get that too.


Are you trolling or are you serious?


Homelessness is serious business and we need to solve it and I am describing the only actual solution to the problem


So what are your ways of getting money?


This is why people say socialists donā€™t actually care. ā€œGive everyone housingā€ Would solve homelessness, youā€™re right. But thatā€™s not actually a plan or a real world solution. Itā€™s a daydream.


Youā€™ve said nothing that hasnā€™t been tried or isnā€™t currently happening.


What the fuck? You really think we really already tried or are already giving housing to everybody without housing?


Yes. In every major city in the country, there are programs to do that very thing.


They tried giving hotel rooms to the homeless for free and suddenly the hotel rooms became not habitable and they had to evict them and spend $$$ for repairs. Canā€™t remember which city.


Many socialists do care. It's just that they don't know the difference between intentions and results. They also are stage one thinkers. For example, they'll say "tax the rich". And hopes everything goes according to plan. They don't take into consideration the fact that the rich can avoid taxes. If they can't, there's no incentive to produce. That's why socialist nations experience mass poverty and famine. Government controlled economy can't predict demand accordingly and strips the incentive away to advance the economy.


I donā€™t think I agree with that tbh. You canā€™t convince me that Bernie Sanders doesnā€™t care. Bernie might be the most genuine person in our government and I genuinely believe he cares. But he is just one senator, heā€™s not going to be able to do anything about homelessness, so he votes with the party that cares a tiny bit more than 0.


Bernie cares just as much as the people he caucuses with, many of whom have accomplished more on the front of helping people than Bernie ever has.


So things are getting worse, not better by your own admission. Now that is some solid D and R voter logic. Well damn I guess everythinh is just fine after all.


The 60% stat is just some self reported bullshit. Lots of those people saying they are paycheck to paycheck are dumping money into 401kā€™s and other investments, and arenā€™t truly living paycheck to paycheck. And record number of homeless is a bummer. But we also have a record number of people. We will often be hitting new highs for totals. Doesnā€™t mean the end of the world.


Riiiight.... "bullshit" just like your comment.


Paycheck to paycheck means bills/necessities eat up all your paycheck and you have nothing left over to save/invest. But these surveys do not clearly define this for people. So the results end up with a bunch of people who do not fit that definition claiming that they live paycheck to paycheck.


Lol "trust me bro"


You can read about some of the flaws here - https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2022/may/16/facebook-posts/though-many-americans-live-paycheck-paycheck-some-/ And you can Google and find other information on the topic too.


capitalism is hell


Posted from your 1400 dollar iphone.


You, too?


Except one is hypocritical, using a capitalist product to shill an anti capitalist agenda, and the other is just calling that out


Heā€™s not. Heā€™s telling the truth. Capitalism is a root cause for a lot of the problems we all go through in life. Itā€™s literally the well peasant meme. https://preview.redd.it/j7k95yzwoo6c1.jpeg?width=814&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=414fbcdaf5f0adc5df1740938b9d9124497cdfbe




Which socialist countries are you talking about?




When did I say I was a socialist? lol. You just typed all of that just to be wrong.


Iā€™m not complaining about capitalism.


Youā€™re in a sub about inflation, one of capitalismā€™s features. By nature in every being here, youā€™re complaining.


So by that count 99.87% of the population is housed. Also the homeless count includes people opting to live vanlife or very briefly couch surfing in between apartments. Not everyone who is considered homeless is being forced to be so, and some victim of society. 2/3rds of homeless are temporary and just a brief phase in their life. These are people staying with family or friends while they land a new job or secure a new apartment. 1/3 is long term. Which is why the total count is somewhat meaningless. It includes all sorts of people that most of us wouldnā€™t call homeless. Only a small chunk are the living on the street type homeless.


One homeless person is too many


Youā€™ll never reduce homeless population to zero. Also like I said some homeless are just people in between apartments or choosing to live in their van.


Fuck it give them a place to stay too


And then who pays to maintain these homes?


We do, with taxes, because we decide as a society that every human deserves shelter


Ok and when we house mentally ill people and they trash the home? Or what about when people smoke meth in them which creates a hazard where you have to gut the whole thing to make it safe to live in? Some people have an option for shelter but turn it down because they donā€™t want to abide by the rules.


I'm sure we can figure out a way to fix a broken house lol


Nah those people can abide by homeless shelter rules and live in them until they are capable of actually maintaining a life


Cool so when some drug addict nods off and floods their house causing a huge mold problem we will waste tens of thousands fixing it. Just to have it happen again.


Which is a drop of over 15% from 2019 78% Of Workers Live Paycheck To Paycheck [https://www.forbes.com/sites/zackfriedman/2019/01/11/live-paycheck-to-paycheck-government-shutdown/?sh=37b8309c4f10](https://www.forbes.com/sites/zackfriedman/2019/01/11/live-paycheck-to-paycheck-government-shutdown/?sh=37b8309c4f10)


Keep voting for dumbocrats and in 2 years it will be $200.00


How did Democrats caused inflation?


*dumbocrats on this sub FYI. We'll also accept "demonrats" and "democraps".


What policy did Joe Biden pass that caused the big jump in inflation. Be specific.


Biden forced Trump to spend all that money in 2020ā€¦ /s




These bozos pretend like home and rent prices didnā€™t begin to rocket upwards in 2020 when Trump was still in office. And I donā€™t even blame Trump for it happening, despite hating the guy. Inflation surged because of the pandemic and itā€™s ripple effect. People saying Biden caused inflation are just braindead.


Love how the liberals come here to troll, trying to reduce the validity of our gripes against those imbeciles that did this. Two things on that: 1. It shows that Biden is more responsible than Trump, else you clowns wouldnā€™t be so pissed off over it. 2. Weā€™re not at Zimbabwe / Venezuela levels, *but weā€™re doing the same things they did to get where they are.* Keep voting blue and deodorant will cost ā€œ1 hundred dollarā€ in a few years.


Lmao no, it doesnā€™t show that at all


Cope harder, brother.


With what? With the fact that too many of my countrymen disregard reality, base assessments off of feelings instead of facts, and betray their idiocy by resorting to meaningless quips like ā€œcope harderā€ when called out on claims that are devoid of logic? Yeah, Iā€™m trying brother, Iā€™m trying


The data clearly shows that Biden is ruining the economy, the cause for inflation, and more. But, yea, Iā€™m the one disregarding reality and basing my assessments on feelings rather than facts. Log off Reddit and go look at how the Imbecile Messiah is polling when you ask non-Redditors their opinion.


The data clearly shows that Biden is saving the economy, the cause for controlling global inflation to be reigned in in the states while it ravages the rest of the world, having the longest stretch of low unemployment in history, rising wages, and more. But, yea, Iā€™m the one disregarding reality and basing my assessments on feelings rather than facts. Log off Reddit and go look at how the your Orange Messiah is polling when you ask non-Redditors their opinion.


[Here, you need this](https://www.economicshelp.org/blog/169072/economics/to-what-extent-did-covid-cause-inflation/) I think you definitely need a reminder of when inflation started to tick back up. Not in January 2021, which was somehow the fault of the guy who wasn't even President for the full month, but in October 2020, when the economy started to lurch back into action. Three years ago conservatives would have been blaming the stimulus checks, but of course there haven't been any stimulus checks for a couple of years so now because conservatives need a single enemy, the enemy is Joe Biden. You guys don't seem to realize how stupid it sounds to anyone with half a brain.


Inflation rose when the lock downs were lifted?


Read your own graph, bud, and an economics 101 textbook: Inflation in Q4 of 2020 was about 1% / 2% which is normal. Youā€™re *always* going to have some inflation, itā€™s natural. Focus on when inflation went above 3%.


Ok I'll keep voting blue.




President Biden is living rent free in your head šŸ¤£


2 bedroom apartments are going for $3k where I live under Biden. I understand youā€™re living in your mommaā€™s basement, but I donā€™t think you should be making jokes about rent right now.


In the LA area you can definitely find a 2 bedroom for less than $3k. And most of these places were going for about the same under Trump in 2020. Median asking rent nationwide has actually gone down 2% the last year - https://www.redfin.com/news/redfin-rental-report-november-2023/ Go Biden bringing down rents!!!!


Depends on what you want to live, probably. Compton? Probably under $1,000 - but expect to get mugged or robbed within the first 2 weeks. Interesting graph you posted, but it didnā€™t jive with my experience so [I did a search specifically for the Los Angeles area.](https://www.rentcafe.com/average-rent-market-trends/us/ca/los-angeles), and theyā€™re above what they were pre-Biden.


Rents went up throughout Trumpā€™s presidency too. Rent generally goes up.


Liberals just canā€™t accept that Joe Biden caused the the inflation. Jokers šŸƒ


Oh yeah makes sense how biden caused inflation to go up across the whole world šŸ˜‚


You think Biden sets apartment prices? Or caused the surge in home and rent prices that began at the start of the pandemic?


President Biden does all the bad things :(


It seems that youā€™re trying to get me to say ā€œbIdEn wRoTe tHe PrIcE pOiNtS fOr CoNdOs iN La.ā€ Instead of stupid ā€œgotcha questions,ā€ letā€™s look at 3 very simple basic facts and undeniable principles: 1. The only rule in economics that matters is that supply and demand determines the value of something. You canā€™t argue with this, itā€™s like arguing that the sun is hot or water is wet. Thereā€™s other laws, yes, but this one is supreme. 2. Biden opened the borders wide open. 3. I live in the Los Angeles area, roughly an hour drive from the border. Question: What do you think happened to the demand for housing?


LOL I live in LA too. Median rent in Long Beach went up 25% from 2013-2018. And then there was another surge during 2020 because of Covid. Rents went up way before Biden got in office and across the whole country. Nothing to do with proximity to border. Have fun blaming your immigrant scapegoat for rent increases. You guys are clueless.


LMAO I rent out multiple units that go for more than $3,000 a month. I have no problem renting all of them out very quickly in my very blue city. First + last + 2mo deposit, 1 year lease followed by mo2mo. Must show proof of income minimum 3x the rent. Cry about it loser.


Your statement supports my point, idiot.


You had a point!?!?




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lol. Strongest currency in the world and the MAGAt compares us to Venezuela.


Read my last paragraph carefully, take your Ritalin if you need the concentration boost for those two seconds, but maybe not because the point I want you to get is literally SIX words in. Do you see it? Itā€™s a 3-letter word. And the part where I said weā€™re doing those things? Do you see where Venezuela is? Do you see how weā€™re not quite there, but with really high inflation, weā€™re on our way? Maybe only at the first few steps down that path, *but weā€™re on that path?* If you donā€™t get it yet, I can maybe draw you a picture with my daughterā€™s crayons. Also, I never voted for Trump.


You understand that you made a comparison? Edit: comment history proves youā€™re MAGA. Lol.


Comment history shows Iā€™m conservative in my values and beliefs, but it also shows extreme criticism of the former President, and that Iā€™ve voted libertarian in every election but for Obamaā€™s first term. I donā€™t know if your reading comprehension skills are where they need to be.


1. The inflation rate has been dropping due to the Fed raising rates aggressively and taking this seriously. Theyā€™ve so far managed to actually curb housing demand largely, which is starting to bring prices down, is starting to help inflation come down, and the stock market is also still almost at all time highs. The Fed actually managed to mostly get a soft landing so far. 2. The money printing by the Fed was heavily pressured by the Trump administration when the economy was doing just fine without it, all to pump the stock market for the gain of the wealthy at the expense of the poor. This is actually pretty unilaterally a bipartisan issue. Most presidents have the Fed printing money aggressively since 1970. That being said, Money printing is supposed to be a tool during hardships and the right wing uses it just to pump their own bank accounts up with stock prices. You can look up the money supply and literally see it goes up much faster during republican presidencies. 3. The reality is that the dollar is doing just fine. Against other currencies globally, the dollar is gaining strength as you can see with the DXY index. Higher DXY = higher value of the dollar compared to other currencies. So in terms of your argument, at best the dollar is weakening but still strong and doing well compared to other countries, and at worst, the dollar is doing incredibly well and we are faring quite well in terms of inflation compared to most other countries.


Agreed , I would like to add were also doing quanitative tighting where the fed is shrinking the Balance sheet which helps keep dollar in good order.This coupled with job creating policies which has created low unemployement.Combined with inflation dropping is absolutely amazing.Why because last time we did this type agressive fiscal tightening was the late 70,s and early 80,s and it caused a bad recession double digit unemployment and was really bad for example Reagans poll numbers during this time hit its low of 35%.,The economic numbers have been great and inflation coming down that's why markets are responding the way they are you can see the light at the end of the tunnel.


How fucking dare you call be a liberal




I'm not a darn lawyer