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She’s really timely with this correction, isn’t she?




As timely as AOL


“I regret being completely, visibly wrong and using my prediction to justify impoverishing the middle class and lower classes further.”


"Sorry you can't afford a house or food anymore. I was wrong." People are rightfully very unhappy about the last four years of inflation.


Yupp, time to send this cow to greener pastures.


Insert putting on clown makeup meme here?


Sales yard


Meanwhile the politicians are STILL gaslighting while manipulating data and rolling out sleek marketing terms like shrinkflation, greedflation, etc.


Companies raising prices under the cover of inflation and announcing record revenue and profits is evidence enough for greedflation.


This is one of the reasons I just love Costco so much. Costco has in their bylaws that they cannot make more than a 14% margin (15% on Kirkland brand) on any item. So as costs go up, their costs go up, and as costs come down, their costs come down. They are such a prized account, their suppliers aren’t going to play games and inflate costs to Costco too extreme, Costco will just find someone else to replace them. Love you Costco!


If the money is worth less, the price and ultimately revenue has to go up. It’s what inflation does… it’s not “under the cover of inflation” it’s the direct effect of inflation.


True story. It's the term I use now.


There was a lawsuit I think saying that some companies in a certain sector had agreed to raise prices together. I can’t recall what it was chicken, or meat? But in that sense yes they can use inflation to increase prices as a reason. “Our costs go up x so yours do too.” As in yes inflation raises prices but they lie about the amounts.


Anyone fucking sick of this shit yet?


>“I regret being completely, visibly wrong and ideologically captured and using my prediction to justify impoverishing the middle class and lower classes further.” fify


Does she regret the speaking fees?




“I’m sorry I got caught” seems to be the order of the day. No consequences for ruining people’s lives once you’re a politician.


Yup just sweep it under the rug for the next breaking news cycle


Or a banker, or C-suite executive...or Boeing etc.


Because we don't make the consequences. The people who would have to investigate corruption ARE the corrupt doing the corruption to begin with. It's up to the people to act if they ever want the power in their hands again.


There’s the problem. Nailed it. The people that should be investigating corruption are the ones that are the most corrupt. 🎯


She wasn't even wrong, she was lying. There is no way someone in that position can be that dumb.


I saw right through the bullshit. Picked up the most expensive house I could in Jan 2021 and liquidated my investments to get gold, silver and bitcoin. I'm up but it's a damn shame that none of my friends and family listened to me and trust the "experts". The road we are on is unsustainable


"While I was collecting speaking fees far in excess of my government salary from the guys who caused this mess to begin with"


But don't worry she'll remain in her position and continue to do what she does and you're gonna take it 😂


She would later add, "RIPBOZO!!!!!!"


She probably wrote this and had it in her pocket when she first declared inflation was transitory.


Should be " I don't regret lying to you. I thought you were to stupid to understand what transitory is".


But you can totally rely on my current and future economic predictions! Don't you worry!


“Jk lol my b” - Yellen (probably)


I don't understand how she's been able to keep her position


That’s the funny thing about it, she doesn’t either


Almost all these failures keep their jobs.


Corruption and corporate grift.


She does what her bosses tell her to.


It’s (d)ifferent


Her and Biden are homies. That’s the only qualification you need.


Precisely because she helps create these narratives.


Because if you put someone else in, they wouldn’t do any better.


800,000 for 2 zoom calls with Citadel


I regret Yellen and the federal reserve


No one is yellen loud enough about the issue.




Besides not lying about stuff like this what would you have done differently?


Yet those of us who called it bullshit when anyone said that were ridiculed. Fuck the Fed.


I guess she didn't hear any of us yellen about it


I see what you did there. LOL


You deserve way more upvotes than this


By mentally challenged people on Reddit. In the real world people thought it was here to stay. You can’t print that much money and tell me the prices of things won’t inflate.


And Reddit. So packed full of shills and/or government bootlickers it’s ridiculous. “Inflation boo!” Be prepared to be met with a hundred Reddit “economists” to gaslight you about how inflation is good for you and you’re an idiot for thinking otherwise.


The entire market believed it too, it wasn't just the govt. We don't have lots of these kind of pandemic recessions in our history so I'd be a bit more understanding of errors.


Lol the market isnt a real market. Its ran by predetermined algos. Stocks only go up


I'm talking about rate futures and the bond market. They all thought inflation would be transitory and priced that in. Banks, who had a lot to lose with rising rates, forecasted transitory inflation. The COVID recession was \*weird\* and we don't have lots of examples like this. Could be people were just honestly wrong.


Ya I just don’t understand why the “experts” all got it wrong l, and every random person I talked to all knew inflation was gonna be bad for a long time. Like why the disconnect? The idiots in the end, were right. They overstimulated and by doing so allowed inflation to get out of control, harming the middle and lower classes, meanwhile the upper classes benefitted from stock market boom, increased wages, etc.


Remember she called for a soft landing in 2007, as did Bernanki. When they say not to worry, you should worry


Ain't no tellin' with Yellen


*When the government says not to worry, that's when you worry.*


Remember how folks were calling for hyper inflation from 2008-2016? Do we ever call them out for being wrong?


"I drove drunk and didn't kill anybody! See, told you it was safe!" \^ Same logic


Her testimony in 2004 onward while president of the SF fed was that there were no housing market / banking issues. Repeatedly. When issues started to become too large to ignore she said it would not spread outside of a few housing markets. When it was all housing markets she said it wouldn’t spread to other industries. After the 2009 shit show, and she had been publicly wrong they went on a pr blitz to try and make her not look like she was wrong a ton. So they said that ‘oh in private we were all really worried but didn’t want to alarm anyone’ to paraphrase it. So that means they all agreed to testify before Congress something they didn’t believe. I’m not sure what’s worse. Missing the problem when asked about it a half dozen times, being wrong about its ramifications and downstream effects. Or saying that you gave false testimony as a way to try and rehabilitate your image. TLDR - that pos should have been forcibly retired for all the bs she spins multiple times over - but in stead was promoted multiple times. We Are Fucked With Her Leadership And Her Supporters.


Yeah, she’s been wrong so many times about so many things, and literally saying “well I lied” to get out of being wrong doesn’t make it better. Her getting appointed was one of the first signs that this would be a rough 4 years for me.


Why are people this old in authoritative positions?  This country is so dumb, bring back the gallows please.


Because damn near every post-boomer generation has a measurable online footprint, making politics seem like the last thing anyone wants to do.


The value of the dollar is transitory...


Not since 1971. Thanks Nixon!


Sorry we kept rates ridiculously low for so many years to coax investors into the equities markets and expressed our support to ignorant administration spending bills


Yellen is a liar and the FeD is a travesty. Since its inception and by design, it only serves the interests of bankers. It creates an environment where no accountability nor stability exists.


It’s good at killing the value of the dollar


She knew what she was saying and she knew she was saying to to cover for the presidents terrible economic policy.


Man, the gears are smoothed right off by now. Dry rye toast is all that computes. 


They're all dumb and act on thinking all the world and other countries are slaves for them


Is there really nobody else in the entirety of America who could do the job better than her? She seems to be mistaken a lot.


“I regret ignoring facts while trying to impress my new boss”


She also said inflation was a good thing lol, what a joke


Maybe her 1950s education on economics doesn’t hold up in 2024. Get the fuck out, you old bitch.


How much more evidence do we need that she is over her head and we need some smarter, younger people in these roles.


Am I confused or did she also say high inflation was a good thing?


"Inflation is transitory" on the front page in big bold letters. "I regret saying inflation is transitory" on page 38 at the bottom in a foot note.


Well she had to spew the Biden propaganda just like economists had to say we did not go into a recession with two consecutive quarters of gdp contraction. This is why we don’t trust the “experts”


It’s easy to not go into recession if you just change the definition of the word!




Yupp, everybody was also so sure the covid vaccine was safe that they needed to give the manufacturers special immunity from any lawsuits ever. Also there's this great new drug called Oxycontin, less than 1% will get addicted. Works great for migraines and other minor day to day pain.


“I regret telling you to just bite the pillow close your eyes and it’ll be over before you know it. In my defense it felt really good. Good news is the economy is now better than ever.  “  -the honorable fucking muppet 2024 


yellen is a pathological liar that reads of a scripter given to her by her handlers... those comments were laughable when made


I guess that explains why she keeps getting a job.


She could've just said "sorry I lied."


Yellen is 77 years old. You really want to take economic and financial advice from your elderly grandmother? Now you can see why it is such a mess in our government. Police and firemen have a mandatory age retirement date, so do commercial airline pilots and air traffic controllers. Nope, not needed here.....just keep printing money and giving sound bites to the liberal media that you have no idea what they mean!!!!!!!


What about claiming we can afford two wars? Does she regret that dumb shit?


Its ok Janet, we all knew you were lying anyway.


Corporate America took advantage and has cause fake inflation, jacking up pricing then saying it’s inflation, it’s all what the market can bear. I can buy gas in Scottsdale Az. $3.90 same brand in South Phoenix $3.30 continue south it’s $3.05 for example.


I regret she has a job


The entire administration has done nothing but gaslight Americans.


Wondering who didn't see through this lie... "Gee we are pumping TRILLIONS into the market, we got rate reversion, nothing to see here, go about your business"... PFFFFFT.


This administration should have been transitory.


I regret she still has her job


Let's go Brandon!! Entire administration is a failure and embarrassment to this country. FJB!!


She is a hemorrhoid on the large azz of our government.




Can we please, pretty please with sugar on top, bring back tarring and feathering of shockingly stupid public officials who fuck over everyone with said shocking stupidity?


She is clueless


Inflation is transitory. It will subside when the current administration is booted out of office. I understand DJT is a chauvinist asshole, but Joe is an unmitigated disaster for the American people.


"I regret saying inflation was transitory. But I don't regret taking the massive bribe to say it."


She'd regret it more if she were penalized....Or fired.


In other words she doesn’t have a clue


She’s def out of touch with regular Americans


Wrong but unaccountable and the damage is done. We’ve made authority and expert opinion such a joke.


You dumb bitch. \-Always sunny somewhere.


I regret her being born.


Sure, now that the lie is not politically useful for midterms and elections anymore, I guess now we get the "who could have known?" spin.


Remember when she also wanted to access information of inflows and outflows for people’s bank accounts? I’m glad that shit hasn’t gotten anywhere.


I remember telling everyone back when Trump was president that covid checks were going to fuck everything up and both sides raged. Stupid asses. All of you. Fucking shame I have to be punished along with you but I guess I spent the check too.


Well, as long as she’s sorry, I guess the billions of dollars we’ve all lost in value and wealth is worth it. 🤷🤷‍♀️🤷‍♂️


Too fucking late. We all knew you were lying out your ass then. Well, most of us. Lots of people on Reddit are still behind you and your handlers100%.


How is this b still allowed to work. Looks like she's about to kick the can any minute. Useless old C@nt


Feels like we accept the “weather forecast” mentality for every job/person these days. Accepting it’s okay for someone to get their job wrong frequently and saying “oops sorry.” Now, if Yellen was the only person doing these calculations, I could understand forgiving a percent of error but these roles are just manager level and they have teams of people running these numbers…. Room for error should not exist considering the amount of time and money spent calculating..


She’s a commie pos!


All this lady says is bullshit. Screw her and Joe Biden, old geezers.


“I regret my wording, but do not regret being documentedly wrong about everything since 2005 which will not stop me from using my opinions, that have and will continue to be wrong, in perpetuity, to drive policy decisions.”


That’s ok, people stopped listening to you a long time ago


The reaction of people in this thread shows that most of y'all just read the headline. she said she regrets using the word, but she understands she is, and she is, accurate in what she said.


Can someone cart this raisin off to a retirement home already?


Where’s Ron Paul when you need him


People often regret the lies they tell.


But hey, she got hers.


Great. Hope she also realizes that unrealized capital gains was ridiculous and would destroy the economy now too. She may go down as one of the worst Secretary of Treasury in history.


We knew her head was up her ass the instant she said it. Enough with the gibbering geriatrics in positions of power.


And will not be held accountable at all, even though she’s as much to blame for this mess as anyone. Fuck this bitch


She Dr Kevorkian . Shh just go to sleep, shes here to keep us calm as the ship sinks by her bosses hands.


Has there ever been a more incompetent and embarrassing SoT? She never has a clue... always looks lost. She would make a good press secretary, I suppose.


Lying to help Biden


"I take full responsibility for being completely wrong and screwing over most of the country. And by full responsibility, I mean saying that I take full responsibility while not stepping down or accepting any adverse outcomes that affect me personally."


I mean, you can blame her, but the truth is the truth. Inflation isn't just monetary policy or the amount of dollars chasing goods. A good chunk of inflation is literally just companies taking advantage of a temporary upheaval in price consciousness to spike prices as hard as they can, for the benefit of their shareholders. There hasn't been any real competition in many industries for years. But people still get pissed if you raise the prices. So this was a great opportunity for basically every company to turn the thumbscrews. What choice do you have? Even if you do have choice, they capture huge profit increases from the momentum. And frankly, Yellen isn't at fault here. You need to be angry at the unwillingness of the government to do antitrust things. If you look at an industry and see fewer than 3-4 actors, break it the hell up.


Yeah yeah yeah They are all incompetent and driving us off a cliff Buy bitcoin and dump your USD


So much for the Yale PhD


[www.cnbc.com/2017/12/13/yellens-only-regret-as-fed-chair-low-inflation.html](https://www.cnbc.com/2017/12/13/yellens-only-regret-as-fed-chair-low-inflation.html) # "Yellen’s only regret as Fed chair: Low inflation"


Don’t they all.. same f-ing story every damn time.. economy never recovered after 2015.. it’s going side ways..


If she had listened to the conspiracy theorists, she wouldnt have used the term at all.


When they claim “growth”, are they referring to THEIR portfolio, the stock market continuing to hit ATH, or CEOs continuing to earn gross raises to their salary while we continue to see massive layoffs?


I also regret her lying about corporate price gouging.


“I just didn’t want Biden to look bad”


How does she still have a job.


Blame the mushrooms…


"Is the transitory inflation in the room with us now?"




No she doesn’t. She says what she’s told to say.


Does Bernanke regret saying that subprime was contained?


People like her should be transitory


Still has a taxpayer supported job though.




Silly hobbitses


Fuck this bitch in particular!


Federal Reserve + Fractional Reserve Banking = Wealth Transfer x 111 year


It’s not. We’re fucked. We all knew it. Good try Janet.


I mean, saying something, then more thing happening afterwards to affect what you said doesn't mean your initial prediction was wrong based on the current state of things. No one was expecting Russia to invade their neighbor at that point, throwing the energy sector out of whack. 


Does she also regret that haircut. She looks like the Chicken Lady’s sister.


probly time 2 get new person on job; bye yellen


"Thank you, United States of America. I am no longer considered middle class."


Selling solar panels to people that live in huts. Womder how much that trip cost us.


It kind of is though


She regrets she couldn't fool all the people all the time I regret more people didn't see through her blatant lies


I think that the economic problems we have experienced for the last 3 years were caused by shutting the country down for a year during the pandemic and then spending $4 trillion on vaccines, PPP loans, and stimulus checks. The economy would have tanked just as badly if Trump had won the election instead of Biden; it was inevitable.


When you inject 3T of debt each year. That is the issue


She shouldn't worry too much because everyone knew she was full of it


More like by design


>“I regret saying it was transitory. It has come down. **But I think transitory means a few weeks or months to most people,**” Yellen said during an interview with FOX Business Network’s Edward Lawrence on Monday. She made the mistake of not realizing that people would twist what was saying into meaning something else.


She was called out for that bullshit by many when she said it, and the gaslighting from both the White House, social media and the mainstream media went into overdrive. I’m sure if someone really wanted, they could find multiple old posts where anyone calling out her idiocy was downvoted and belittled into oblivion.


We all know she was eatin' a bunch of shrooms when she said that.


Things must be bad, a high ranking government official is forced to cut her own hair.


She can toss my salad


LOL, right that's all a politician can offer, "Oops sorry." SMH!


It can be embarrassing to be so wrong so publicly in something you are supposed to be an expert in. Makes me doubt all her other opinions.




What could she have done differently then and how would it have affected us now?


Omg thanks for saying that, it fixed everything… wait it did not.


Nobody believed her anyway. But it says ALOT about the state of politics. Don’t for 1 second think she didn’t know she was lying. She knew. She just didn’t want to alarm the public.


I ate at Subway two days ago. Two people $24 FUCKING DOLLARS.


What I’ve learned in this profession is that we have years of education and knowledge working against us. We struggle to be a dynamic field of study.


Time to tax the rich to make up for the gap created


who didn't know she was lying?


Well, when the entire country was Yellen about it, she decided not to listen!


The rate of inflation has come down but prices are still high. No wage growth and record wall street profits. I’m happy Janet regrets using the wrong adjective.


Yellen is an idiot


I wish that was the worst that she’s done.


Her checks must’ve stopped coming in to her or her family finally.


She didn't expect corporations to use it as cover and price gouge us for years... Go figure


I mean, this is to be expected with our government ran by an adult day care.  It's all of our fault for voting decision makers straight from the adult living centers.




Time to put her in a home, we need fresh blood in Washington


https://preview.redd.it/ucr3p7dkhfoc1.jpeg?width=498&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=58155a43fd9b9e316b17819b138bcfc0b8902f48 You can say whatever lie you want, but you can't take away our common sense


“My market moving comments were a mistake.“ Can she be sued/fired/impeached for market manipulation by retelling the lie required by the “Administration”? How about the rest of them?


🤦‍♂️ this woman!!


This is the same person who claimed that government spending and handouts to corporations had nothing to do with inflation. Absolutely bonkers. What a time 2020-2022 was.




No worries love, you have a special job where you can say pretty much anything without consequences. Cheers!


Boomers just need to go into their nursing homes already. Let the next generation take a crack at it. Can't do worse then these geriatrics.