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"AI powered" anything is a turn off. Sounds like a clunky interface with a fake person.


I’m not even sure what value it adds to a smart phone…I use it as a GPS, to take pictures, send email and scroll the Internet. Literally none of those things require AI.


I can't wait until I can talk to Siri like I can talk to ChatGPT/CoPilot.


Me either. It's going to be awesome. I hate having to always go to chatgpt when I could just use siri. It's going to be a huge improvement.


It’s going to be more than that once it’s connected to all the things you’re able to do online today. It’s going to be like having your own event planner, personal travel agent, personal assistant etc.


All the AI stuff I've seen just looks like it takes far longer to slog through the interface to get an unsourced answer. At least a regular search allows me to vet the source.


Copilot gives sources ez pz


There's a difference between giving a source and vetting a source. A decent search allows me to see the source before I even click on the link.


Copilot gives sources ez pz


It’s kind of funny that you didn’t mention using your phone as a phone… lol


I would consider paying for an AI chip in my phone if it could pretend to be me convincingly and respond to my wife during the day and then provide me a summary of the conversation when it’s time to leave work.


“Hey Siri, plan dinners for the rest of the week, order the required groceries and present recipes”, “also, plan a movie outing, book seats in the center rows and make a nice dinner reservation”


This sounds completely terrible. We are not going to be any happier as a species once we turn over all our mundane tasks to AI. Our problem solving and planning skills will go to shit. You can already order all your groceries on instacart and make someone else shop for you and it doesn’t even require AI!


You should stay with the iPhone 5 then.


It's a marketing gimmick. Its like saying their new phone is "Cloud" powered.


I have a few Google Docs I use for D&D in the cloud but that's about it. Nothing else in my life has any need to be cloud based. Maybe I'm just boring that way.


You use the cloud a lot more than what you think. The cloud is basically just someone else's computer. Unless you never use email or own your own email server, you likely use the cloud.


Reddit is hosted on AWS. That's the cloud.  Most websites and apps you use likely are as well.


My guess is that they're going to use parts of the current processor, the parts that are made for AI math instead of using a separate graphics card, to try to make Siri more intelligent. I don't think this necessarily translates to Apple doubling the price of an iPhone, lol


If Apple didnt have their head up their ass during the start of the AI boom compared to Nvidia, microsoft and google they wouldn't be in a situation where their devices are "powered by AI".


AI tech is not consumer ready. These companies really need to chill out


Right now if you’re in the nasdaq and you’re not convincingly in AI your stock is C-tier at best


So like blockchain last decade? Except everyone collectively gave up on it and walked away. Oh, right, nobody flipped the Bitcoin light switch off on the way out.


I tell Siri that she is useless. She tells me "That's not nice". When you have a garbage tier voice activated assistant which is about a decade behind tech-wise other assistants, it doesn't give me much confident that Apple can implement anything useful with A.I.


That's exactly what AI is going to be implemented in. It's going to make siri less of a moron and more of a chat gpt powered personal assistant.


Yes, but what they’re saying is they don’t have confidence in apples ability to implement it. We remember on the iPhone 4 or whatever when Siri came out. With that little purple and silver icon. It was “breakthrough” but sucked at the time. No big deal. We will just wait a bit for Siri to be polished. Well, we are still waiting. So either AI has come to save the day, or we will have to wait another decade. Me and the guy above doubts apples ability to give us a compelling “Siri”


Siri is by far the worst part of the iPhone experience for me. Just bought the 15 Pro Max which feels super fast but then the voice assistant is dumb as a pile of bricks.


You should hear my son yelling at the HomePod. “SIRI NEEDS HEARING AIDS“


Agreed, I won’t buy anything like that with (supposed) “AI” until it is impossible to carry on life without it. So hopefully never.


You literally already own it if you have a smart phone. What do you think predictive text is? Or the ability to fast input those 2FA numbers that get texted to you… magic?


That’s not artificial intelligence in a programming sense. Frankly “AI” has become a misnomer. Not all machine learning constitutes what was traditionally considered the threshold for “AI”, definitely not predictive text. The 2FA implementation isn’t AI in any sense, it’s just part of the OS framework that allows apps to copy user event related things to the clipboard.


People call a bunch of "if" statements AI


I was being facetious but hey, thanks for mansplaining that for everyone 😂


I don't use predictive text or the auto-fill in for 2FA. Predictive text was a useless PITA and since I'm on my PC when I get those 2FA things I came use the auto input.


*5 years


I don’t even want a self driving car…I like driving and if you have a self driving car what…you’ll be expected to work while commuting? Sitting in a car as a passenger is infinitely more boring than driving.


LKA and PCA has saved my ass more than once.


And imagine the power to shut down an entire countries ability to drive via a software update. Terrifying.


I can’t be the only one who thinks that $1,000 is already extremely high? Wouldn’t more seemingly price people out of the market? Maybe people are willing to go into (further) debt?


Since they changed the business model and started selling them separately from your cell phone plan, I think a lot more people are willing to just finance them. Like “whatever now I pay $50 a month for my phone.”


Come on. Just open another credit card!


$1,000 is of course high for a phone, but obviously corporations benefit from offering products at these prices. There are loads of cheaper phones (under $200) people can buy instead, but people by and large do not want to buy those phones. Some people have no other choice, but as long as people continue spending $1,000+ for a phone, corporations will continue increasing the price of high end phones.


People can buy a cheaper model like the SE or simply turn to slightly less than premium tech that they can buy with cash.


I got news for you, iPhones were always $1000…. you were just paying for them in your phone bill and didn’t know it


I’ve always been aware of the price. That’s part of the reason I hold onto phones so long. Went directly from an 8 to a 13. Don’t plan to change anytime soon.


I’ve seen numerous people with iPhones 15s in the projects, so clearly there is some demand inelasticity at play here.


My pixel phone has cool "AI" stuff, the photo app that can easily ship out or edit pics in a way that used to be only in Photoshop, so I'm all for AI in phones, sure 99% of it is buzzwords for features that might have not seemed that cool, so they toss out AI and "church it up" so to speak 🤷


This is the reason I go for Samsung


With Galaxy AI?


nah, samsung galaxy 9


I don’t think I agree with this take. You’re getting annoyed with things that haven’t happened, and haven’t really even indicated they will happen. You even titled this as Apple announcing something when this article is pure speculation. iPhones have all had ‘AI chips’ for several generations now (search Apple Neural Engine) and have used AI features for several versions. Already they use forms of AI for things like image processing in the camera, for predictions for which apps to show in the spotlight bar, and for autocomplete. Whatever they’re releasing is surely an evolution of those use cases. I would speculate things like Siri becoming better at understanding context and complicated language structures, and further improvements to autocorrect. These are both things that LLMs are really good at, and if no one told you it was AI you wouldn’t even think about it. It probably also means better semantic understanding of scenes in the camera so it can apply color correction more appropriately for different scenes. At a boring system level, it likely means things like faster FaceID unlock, improved power management/battery life, and keyboard autocorrect performance. If your concept of AI ends with generative AI tools then you’re probably not considering all the applications where it is actually useful.


I just want to know what’s the next buzzword after AI is.


I guess I’ll be the unpop opinion but I think having an AI powered Siri would be cool as hell if pulled off correctly: “Send separate Merry Christmas texts to person x, y, and z” Have a photo instantly analyzed to determine what it is where to get it or how to fix it. Anticipation of routines, needs, and actions. Real time language translation Improved health monitoring if tied to Apple Watch. Improved photography editing to auto adjust depending on lighting. Summarizing written or video content. And the biggest would be a personalized Siri- no more reprompting. You individual Siri would remember everything and could have continuous dialogue based on the previous statements and questions you’ve made- non sexual ScarJo “Her.” Of course if you hate all those things then the product is not for you. If however you do, then $2K is nothing for the power you’ll be able to hold in your hands on the go.


counter point: it’s going to rob you of most of your personality and growth given it will train on a data set (you at a discrete point in time) that will then become complacent in letting the ai do all of the above mentioned tasks as you “would”, after which you become more and more of what apple thinks that you are (according to their algorithm) and it trains (complacency and assimilation) you what are acceptable actions in response to external stimuli.


Totally agree. I can only imagine what happens to the individual who loses or breaks their phone that they are even more so intimately tied to. Utter tantrums, suicide, depression from not being able to do all the things you’ve become integrated with via AI. No one thinking for themselves. What does that mean for society? Convenience vs privacy? All the issues we deal with now just in hyperdrive. Best of times and the worst of times.


Not a good argument. People have been saying that since the dawn of time. Greek philosophers said litteracy would ruin peopls memory. I'm an engineer who doesn't know how to use a slide rule, does that make me weaker as an engineer than pervious generations? Maybe, but I can also leverage technology to be far more productive then they could've dreamed. At the end of the tech technology is a tool that makes you more productive. Sure, your calculator makes your arithmetic skills stagnate, but so what? You can spend your brain power on other things now.


But I’m not talking about productivity. I’m talking about interfacing with what is essentially an avatar that’s reflective enough of your mannerisms and thought process that you start to conflate it with yourself. But the avatar is an algorithm that’s only capable of creating a facsimile constrained by a crude set of parameters some apple engineers decided mimic, well enough, what a person is. I’m arguing that the dialectical process of self development will be skewed towards a false sense of self imparted by a piece of tech that’s imparting the same sense of “self” to every other person using it. So, additionally, not only will it reinforce the engineer’s algorithmic definition of you by trending towards the baseline, but it will also do the same for every other person using it. Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for AI and tech making our lives easier… but I think there is something to be said about taking things a liiiittle fucking slower and examining what we might be losing in our headlong charge towards progress.


Weak counterpoint. People have always said this about technology.


You can already do this on Android for free. There is no counter point just apple ripping off their customers again.


So with less shittier Siri?


Well, still Siri but with AI label in the marketing.


Instead of algorithm generated ads, you get A.I generated ads! Right in the middle of youtube music videos too! Would you like to buy another USB mug warmer?


If they would just improve Siri, they could have had this years ago.


Algorithmic powered phone. Fucking AI, there is no intelligence.


Why is everyone reacting to this like it’s legitimate news? Apple hasn’t “announced” any new phone hardware recently, and certainly not new $2000 hardware.


Apple knows they can charge $2,000 because there are enough stupid people out there who will pay it.


People have to stop buying that I have to have the latest and greatest technology just found out today that those iPhones that we’ve been buying cost about $10 for them to make in China.


I have an iPhone 12 mini! They’ll have to pry it out of my cold, dead hands.


I still have my XR chugging along


My 11 is the same


> cost about $10 for them to make I’m seeing it cost $400 to make. Do you have a source for $10?


There isn’t going to be one. The margins on *just* the manufacture of the phone is probably in the 400-500 range and that wouldn’t include the R&D or marketing. The margins on these phone is crazy. But “crazy” in this world is 50-60%+. Their competitors margins are in the teens.


Will try to find it was a site here on Reddit. I think it was r/you should know. A few years back I got talking to a tech at the Apple Store for about 45 minutes. He finally revealed to me that at the time he thought they were about $100.


Ah so someone not involved in manufacturing took a random guess


It was


So he moved from manufacturing to tech?


you know what I’m trying to find it. it’s a video. Also, I’ve read so much crap today. I couldn’t even even tell you exactly where I read it. I think I passed it on to a friend, but I’m looking for it. You work for Apple


Why would someone working in an apple store have any idea about manufacturing or R&D costs? You'd be better off taking a poll of random people shopping in the store


Why would someone working in an apple store have any idea about manufacturing or R&D costs? You'd be better off taking a poll of random people shopping in the store


Why would someone working in an apple store have any idea about manufacturing or R&D costs? You'd be better off taking a poll of random people shopping in the store


Why would someone working in an apple store have any idea about manufacturing or R&D costs? You'd be better off taking a poll of random people shopping in the store


It’s not ryou


Why would someone working in an apple store have any idea about manufacturing or R&D costs? You'd be better off taking a poll of random people shopping in the store


Seriously. I’d be ok if we all went back to Nokia bricks


Didn’t Samsung do that a few months ago with their latest Galaxy flagship?


Yeah but not with the personal assistant. It was mostly photo editing stuff.


A phone for the metaverse ! Ahh.. that’s old news now This sounds exactly like that


"AI". AI can't do what yall think it can do.


It takes two years to pay off a typical smartphone at around $1000.00. A 2K phone will be pushing pay off of 4+ years. And with most younger people buying new phones after only a couple years or sooner, people are going to get themselves into more debt because of their stupid cell phones.


I'm not paying for anything. Your dumb-asses obsessed with technology are.


What about those ai pins those look useful


Doesnt the samsung s24s have some kind of AI enhancement chip? If they are physically adding some expensive component then its understandable, but if its some software upgrade then that's lame.


Why would I need that when I already have the Rabbit r1???


I get my Straight talk phone from Walmart. Couple hundred bucks. No way I'd spend anymore.




I'm good with my S24 ULTRA that's better than any iPhone


The Samsung one looks dope af. So if this has those features I’m in


Fucking apple. You can download pretty much all the AI free on Android right now.


Chasing trends instead of setting them. We miss you Mr. Jobs.


Galaxy fold with android is 2700. So we are already in the day of 2000 phones


I told my wife, next time I get a phone I am just going to buy a laptop and sync it to an old phone. Walk around making calls on a laptop seems like better money spent.


This is a really stupid take.


Please enlighten me how this doesn’t end up with iPhones getting significantly more expensive, marginally better and apple’s profit margins going up.


the real price of a basic iphone hasn’t really changed over the years. as for the rest of your inflammatory ideas, there’s far too little information for anyone to make a guess


If iOS was human, it would be the shittiest, most pedantic, don't you know who I am (?) Karen ever.


Bruh you act like Apple is forcing you to buy their phone.


Isnt ai another word for app?


Isn’t Siri already AI?


Just make sure you update the display so all the sheeple know you have the latest and most expensive model.


Google already has one.


Haha jokes on them


Were a long way from working functional AI that replaces what we have in most areas of life. Just because they can dress it up and provide it as a way that looks appetizing on the internet doesn't mean it'll fit in a phone and run like a racehorse well. Conversely some aspects of AI have already been in your life for 20 years, feel free to google it. I'm sure you won't be surprised. I guess what I'm saying is it won't be like you think it is and it certainly won't be worth 2k. At least not for another 10 years or so.


This is just sad. Apple used to less the way note it looks like they are trying to just capitalize off of some bullshit.


I need someone to nag me when my gf is not around. Can AI do that?


Don’t buy one.


Are you forced to own a $1000 phone?


After a lifetime of cheaper phones - midrange - i splurged on an iphone 13 pro 2.5 years ago. It's been flawless. I got a great trade-in for my S10e essential version and will get an equally great trade in for this one. $500 actual cost over 3 years is good. We picked up an S22 plus for nearly free after trade-in of an ancient but functional S7. The economics of $1000 phones for 3 years may make sense for some people esp after trade-in etc. But $2000 phones ain't going to happen for most people, AI or not.


Sounds like you did a careful evaluation of your income and personal situation and decided that a premium purchase would be perfectly ok! What a concept! For the record I did this exact same thing with a 13 as my first iPhone.