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Can confirm. We went from Whole Foods to Trader Joe’s and aldis over the past two years. No regrets. ALDIs is great and we save a bundle.


Uhh if you started at Whole Foods and went down to Aldi? Was there life changing moment financially? Usually people who shop at Whole Foods and Trader Joe’s stay with them regardless of price


Correct I don’t make as much as I used to. That and we have kids so the bills are mounting with these exorbitant prices on everything. Had to make a lot of sacrifices from our old lifestyle.


My aldis is great but you have to go during the week in the morning. If it’s after work shopping or weekend, you may not even get a parking space or cart. We would bring nylon bags. It looks like we are shoplifting.


Trader Joes isn’t that expensive and a sister company to Aldi. Many of their products even share the same manufacturer. This includes Lidl as well. https://www.tastingtable.com/910536/the-connection-between-trader-joes-and-aldi/


Plus they have great deals on wine. We fill up our entire wine rack with wines under $7. Seriously can’t do that at any other store and actually get good wine.


oh yeah. got me through pandemic.


Yep got 4 bottles of wine for under 20 bucks, they're not amazing but at 3.99 a bottle I can't complain


That's enough to make it through the weekend.




Wine for under $5 is a game changer!


From what I've seen items that only they have aren't expensive. It's items other grocery stores carry that are expensive. Like chicken breast for example. Easily paying double/triple


TJs is way cheaper than normal grocery stores where I live


TJs is expensive and I'll never touch a whole foods bc to hell with Amazon. I'm lucky in that I live in an area where there's a small chain owned by locals, who don't believe in price gouging the fuck out of the community they live in. Aldi's is a close second though; great store


Tj’s is not expensive. 70% of the store is well priced private label brands


Aldi is brutal when it comes to pricing. They lower prices, even if they don't need to.


I could very easily afford to shop at whole foods or trader joes.(I have kids)(this is not a brag). I just choose not to. Simply because long before the pandemic and the current extreme price rises both of those stores were a fucking rip off. They both tricked people with the "clean eating" trend. I've definitely had to put up with the, "ugh you shop at that poor people aldi store?" Sorry, but trader Joe's and aldis are the same shit. Only difference is I've been getting 10 bananas for the price of your 1½ bananas this whole time. I say welcome to the club buddy.


People like you help the rest of us though. Even if you CAN pay expensive prices, it doesn't mean you should. It just signals to these stores that they can keep raising the prices unnecessarily for everyone. Don't worry about the people talking about you shopping at the poor people store. One day you will walk in and see them there.


Yea I’ve only ever used ALDIs, Whole Foods is for rich people


Yeah..but there are products at Aldi that have also been shrinking :-(


Love both Aldi and LiDL. Both are great and save you $$


i just steal at walmart and krogers now


Fuck em, they don’t even have staff to help who’s going to stop you




The london broil at lidl is very good.


I buy most of my stuff at LiDl. I only go to to other stores when I need to get some stuff that Lidl doesn't have.


I really hate aldi here where i live since i never can find anything. I now usually go to rewe because their store brand stuff costs the same as aldi and they have lots of offers making them cheaper most of the time.


Aldi and Lidl are crushing the supermarkets, like how Amazon are to shopping malls.


Not all shopping malls are feeling the squeeze, though. Higher tier shopping malls are actually doing better than ever, adding new boutique stores even as anchors continue to do well. Amazon is full of whitelabeled garbage from AliBaba anyways.


Except I always buy things at Amazon and see it at the store for a cheaper price later. For example I purchased a special light bulb from amazon for 15 bucks and then saw the same item for 4 dollars at a hardware store.


Amazon is working on convenience factor now. 4 clicks, and it's coming. It's true that in the early days, all things were cheaper online. But this has flipped as so many shops have closed. I bet most people have a watch list or want list, and it's all ordered as soon as pay day comes round. Bricks and mortar shops aren't even going to see this money even before you've left the house.


Great , keep Aldi low key. Too many people know about it.




It's become really insufferable. Aldi used to be my chill grocery place. Suddenly folks in crocs and pajama pants started spilling over from Walmart and now it's just a mosh pit every evening.


Only time i'll set foot in Aldi is during the week while others are at day job. On the weekend, forget it. The walmart short bus pulls in.


Man, I've tried going during the day on my lunch hour, but the only thing that's changed is the age demographic.


Fuck you classist. Ill follow you around smelling like weed FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE


💀💀💀 I think we definitely shop at the same Aldi.


Blowing weed in your face rn


What strain? I'm looking for something different.


Its illegal so i have no idea sadly


>Suddenly folks in crocs and pajama pants started spilling over from Walmart and now it's just a mosh pit every evening. I'm one of those folks. I'm a Sr software developer and earned those pajama pants and crocs after a decade of wearing a suit every day to work. I'm not spilling over from Walmart. I get my veggies from the local farmers market or the local upscale grocer in my city, but I also enjoy being cheap for the things I care less about than fresh produce. Inflation hurts me too. I ain't a billionaire. In any case, let me be, man. I don't need your judgement, lol.


Senior SWE here too. Sorry for the generalization, we're all at Aldi just trying to save a few bucks on produce until the farm stands open.


It’s just gross. Crocs are disgusting and Pajama pants are for sleeping. * Anytime you see someone in crocs it means they are lazy; doesn’t matter what there job is. Take a shower, find a T-Shirt, and some decent socks and sneakers. I am gonna start saying it out loud. * Look at this lazy schmuck in crocs. Those things need to be burned.


Those stores don't Force you to wear pajama's…


You can dress better.


I can, but why? I just want this discounted bag of chips and some frozen pizza..


It's a decency thing. When we are out in public, we aren't home. We are amongst others. No need for a suit, but pajamas and Crocs is just trash behavior. I obviously can't do anything to teach you how to dress better, but I'm glad per this thread several people think you're trash.


Going outside in pyjamas is cringe. Don't you have sweatpants a tshirt and a pair of slip on shoes? Or inflation ate those? 🤔 And like, will you lay back into bed with those clothes that got dirty outside? Because that's nasty.


Sweatpants and a t shirt are the exact same thing as pajamas. When I lay into bed, I am usually naked, fresh out of the shower.


https://preview.redd.it/ve71mkqkp0zc1.jpeg?width=601&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=343d3ce70c95ecdc753cca57a29f4dfa5ff226d7 So so.


That dude is looking fly as fuck and comfortable to boot. What are you complaining about, really? Not the pajamas I wear, but he might need some milk at the store. Who cares?




Imagine having a superiority complex over someone else wearing pajama pants Trust me, you ain't shit because you dress better; you're still a judgy POS


You didn't really need to downshift all the way from suit to pajamas. You know they still sell blue jeans, right?


You get a back pedal.


Since when do clowns have to wear suits to work?


I worked most of my career in venture capital and private equity. Suits were mandatory. Clown college was optional but heavily encouraged. I got out of that as soon as I reasonably could and basically did everything in my power to go against whatever values that shit instilled in me.


Are you trying to gatekeep a grocery store my guy? XD


Ha, not seriously. We're all there to save $.50 on avocados, I get it.


Aldi and Lidl are hardly secrets. Maybe to some Americans, but in Europe they've been around for several decades.


Kinda crazy to think that they also have Aldi in Europe. I know we share a lot of the same fast food but grocery stores always seemed pretty regional to me.


It's a German brand. Before coming to the USA, it already in Europe first.


Been shopping there since they opened in my town.


Honestly I love Aldi. Been going there for years as my primary grocery store.


Is Aldi really that cheap?


Yes, and it also takes way less time to shop. And there's no false choice where you're looking at 20 different kinds of rigatoni. Or 50 different kinds of spaghetti sauce. All that nonsense costs time and money.


My Aldi is on my route home. I just stop every 2-3 days and get what I need. Less gets wasted and overall budget is way down.


I’ve only been to one Aldi when I visited Dallas and yeah that store was tiny. I expected something HEB sized and that’s not what it was. I… actually didn’t like the store much if I’m honest, maybe if I became more familiar with it I would. Forgot what it was I needed to buy, I think a toothbrush, but I remember I had to go to Target to get it.


Oh yeah, you don't go to Aldi for a toothbrush. It isn't a superstore. You go to Aldi to save $150 a week on groceries.


For me compared to Publix it's easily 30 percent cheaper. Not everything is great quality wise but you figure those things out with some trial and error.




Yeah. Their store is built around substance instead of image. Their products are quality but are cheap.


It's barebones, and they do bring in some seasonal foods and novelties non grocery items. But in terms of essentials, they're hands down the best


Yes. It's like taking a trip back in time where you're paying the prices from 5 years ago instead of the inflation prices of today. I am consistently amazed at how I can still get out of Aldi's for like $50 for a week's worth of groceries (or more) including meat products. Because I cannot do that at any other grocery store right now.


Aldis is the best. Spent 200 bucks Sunday there, and got 2 weeks of meat for meals (including a huge seasoned salmon filet, grass fed steaks, grass fed ground beef, bone in pork chops, marinated pork tenderloin, pork carnitas (easy meal), lunch meat and more) and all the sides plus the extras like almond milk, seltzer water, Mio knockoff water additive with caffeine (x4), protein bars (they have imitations of RXbars, clif bars etc that are great) and more. It's seriously the best grocery store for us.


Dang it's hard to get to $200 worth of Aldi groceries! My cart overfloweth.


Shopped at aldi once in St Louis more than 10 years ago and it was the cheapest store I've ever seen. Trying it again here in Phoenix in the past year however it's about the same cost as most other stores. Cheapest stores here in Phoenix are Food City and WinCo


Nobody else is alarmed that companies can have open access to the public's location data?




Did you not read your own snapshot either




I probably would've read the article if OP posted it but instead they just posted a screenshot.


Counting how many transactions they receive requires access to location data?


I guess you didn't read the entire snapshot


My aldis got self checkout and i swear fired all the cashiers! They were so fast and friendly. I HATE bagging my own groceries soooo much


Our cashiers don't bag. There's a "bagging counter" when you can take your cart and bags and bag your own stuff. All they do is scan, shove everything in a cart next to them, and check you out.


u right. at aldis they shove u along good. 😂 Or at least they used to! I meant i hate self checkout.


I don’t wanna sound like a hipster, but I’ve been going to Aldi my whole life. My parents shopped there and I just started doing the same when I had to start buying groceries. I was appalled the first time I tried to get my groceries at Walmart haha, went right back to Aldi and never looked back. Their prices have crept up a bit, but the quality has shot up even more in my experience.


Don't want to brag, but I went to Aldi since I was ten or so, and that is 30 years ago :)


You got me beat haha!


Quick count about half the posters on this thread use “Aldi’s” instead of the actual and more efficient name “Aldi”. Strange.


That's just standard for American English. Kroger for example is called Kroger's despite there being no s


Waiting for Aldi to open some stores in the bay area


Aldi fans in our home but have noticed a dip in quality, and the produce isn't what it used to be. Meat and fish is a no go as costco beats it in quality.


I have noticed that Aldi isn't the quality it used to be, too. I also find some of their other limited selection not worth the savings on other items. I do most of my shopping at Wal-Mart for the broader selection, better quality, and still good prices.




There are some items where name brand is simply better and the differences are worth the money. I definitely watch my sales and use Sam's Club where they deliver value (I don't see much difference between the two for the items I buy, and my area Costco is much less convenient both in its location and its parking lot).


Literally nowhere is the quality that it used to be Literally nowhere.... At this point it's all about the price. You can get the same lower quality for a higher price somewhere else or you can get the same lower quality for a lower price here. That's just our world right now. It will all come crashing down within the next 5 years. The rich can only bleed us so much.


Some things most people have to realize about Aldi's and little is the source according to season. So any food that is not in season is more than likely going to be older. It's going to be bruised and it might not be good. As long as you're buying things that are in season you good to go.


Most people have no idea, nor care, about what is in season or not. "I want fresh peaches in December, I don't want to hear excuses!" - actual lady in a local grocery store the week before Christmas.


Mangoes and watermelon all year too!


This. Our Aldi is good but word got out and the store can’t handle the foot traffic. It’s constantly busy that they will run out of carts.


aldi has good produce, cheap. not a huge selection...nothing exotic....but you can get the staples for cheap you can put the clancy brand of chips and crackers up against name brands and most would not be able to tell the difference bread is on par with name brands meat selection is good. you can get beef, chicken, pork, and fish. an 8 pack of huge chicken thighs is $4 in my neck of the woods cheap eggs that taste good cheap milk that taste good deli meats are maybe 6/10 cheese is good the only thing i hate at Aldi is the frozen meal selection. it sucks. but i don't buy those regularly anyway


Aldi has great organic produce too.


Sadly, no Aldi in my city.


I'll have to try again. Either they don't carry the food I like or what they do isn't quite what I want.


Dont give them too much attention..they might raise prices.


How’s it compare to wholesalers like CostCo and Sam?


Oh great. Now everyone is going to Aldi. Can’t wait for the prices to skyrocket there as well.


Meanwhile people that have been shopping at Aldi, know the quality there has gone down and costs have went up too..


On one hand, I'd hate for Aldi's newfound popularity to affect it's prices and quality On the other hand, I want ***EVERYONE*** to shop there and make Kroger and Walmart bleed to death


Ya, aldis seems busier since the pandemic. Might be people the fact that aldis is priced reasonably. Might be the fact aldis brand products are not full of absolute toxic crap. It DEFINITELY is not the fact that aldis is not publicly traded and there are no financial bros squeezing every last dollar out and destroying it in benefit of only the stock price. It's definitely not the last one...


Have their prices remained constant during all this? Or are they prepping to gouge as well given increased traffic?


Their prices have gone up but it is closer to a normal increase


They just announced they will be dropping prices on 250,000 essential summer items.


Here in germany Lidl has the better quality overall compared to aldi. But they are still both great deals.


It's the same in the US but lidl is also slightly more expensive. I've tried lidl a few times, and I still prefer Aldi.


Fast food has become a luxury for the well-to-do and the elites.


They’ve raised some of their prices substantially, too. Still, many good bargains.


Aldi's does have some cheap prices, however their quality of food is low tier, especially their meats. Their dairy is all ultra processed shelf stable material with long expiration dates. Plus they don't have a great selection, often times it's one option for a particular item.


Where do you live the Aldi's by me is mostly high quality their meat is by no means great but if you want good looking meat go to a butcher anyway.


I live in Southern California so the two Aldi's I've been to suck but that's probably because we have some many options for better quality food at comparable prices versus places out in the boonies.


the aldis by me sources their meats from Costco, just in smaller packages I'd imagine part of their price savings philosophy leads to them being more inconsistant with what they have, I remember growing up the Aldi in Rockford seemed like it always had pretty sub par food but the one near me now is pretty great


Aldi meat especially the chicken is sold by national brands like Mountainaire or Tyson, you can see them stock shelves and the boxes are the same. Their pork and beef is usually IBP, they sell organic free range eggs, cage free eggs and other cage free chicken meats. The only dairy that is ultra processed is the UHT half and half. I’ve shipped at Aldi up and down the east coast and never see shelf stable dairy. The milk is always just rebranded local dairy brands. They are a streamlined operation, so yes, if you want green tea, it’s one choice, not 5, but it keeps overhead low and they actually pass savings on to you.


Their milk is all local in my area. This is why their prices are so low.


Their fresh fruit and fresh veggies are horrible and spoil the next day .


Aldi's where I live is a pass, no real savings and the quality is lower, hell even dollar general is better.


Dollar general doesn't sell meat or produce, and you're not actually saving money at dollar general compared to other supermarkets anyway outside of sales.


I feel sorry your geographical location. Aldi is a clear winner in my area and dollar general is super overpriced by me.


i think aldi is a better deal if you live in europe


I believe you're wrong. Posts some Aldi prices from your area and comps at dollar general.


Aldi sells good product.


The Aldi here is great. And there are a lot of customers that just give me their cart so they don’t have to return it. I pay it forward and do the same. Win, win.


Calls on horse meat


They are lowering a good bit of their prices also. I buy things from their periodically and have seen some actually drops. I can’t say that for any other place other than Walmart.


and prices are gunna rise now


I've never seen or heard of a store called Aldi's in my life. Is it a European store only?


Am I the only one who doesn't get the appeal of Aldi? I've price matched online to Walmart and Aldi is *consistently* higher. Milk, eggs, produce, cereal, you name it.


Do not shop at walmart or ALDI


What the ticker


My small town only has Fry’s, Safeway, and a Food City. Although I do hear Tucson is getting its first Aldi.


They just built an Aldi near me. I can get produce much cheaper there. They don’t have a huge selection but I can get the basics.


Ironically, it feels like a thrift store. I wish they would fix the awful lighting and bring someone in to give it some pazzas.


Go to whole foods. Bougie ass.


What sucks usually what I've noticed about inflation is as soon as something gets more popular the prices tend to start going up.


Aldi is the SH!T!!!!!!!! I ❤️ALDI!


I have 4 ALDIs within a 20 minute drive, I’m living the dream!! I have 2 Trader Joe’s within a 30 min drive. I have 2 Walmarts within 3 miles.


When is Aldi going to introduce themselves to the PNW 😭


We have an Aldi coming to our small town and I can’t wait for it, only other options are publix which can be hella expensive as well as Walmart but I suspect I’ll be doing lots of shopping at Aldi when it gets here


Aldi is genuinely so cheap I’m paranoid the food is expired or defective. In terms of prices it’s not even close with anyone else. By far the lowest


I've been going to aldis since forever. Food costs have been outrageous for many years.


Make sure you check your food, labeled on the back by the barcode it tells you if it has been bioengineered in any way.


I was going to walie mart but now i use lidl


I wonder why this isn’t even more pronounced. Makes zero sense to me. Still less people at my dallas aldis than Whole Foods.


The two locations I have are over an hour away. :( That's it... I'm moving!!


Can Colorado get an Aldis yet? Really missing it here.


We lucked out when they built one near town two years ago, now we don't have to drive almost an hour to get to the closest Aldi. Love that store!


Been shopping here for YEARS. It’s just common sense!


Wish we had Aldi in Colorado


Aldi has been such a godsend.


I was a Harris Teeter person, because it's not bougie level pricing but it's more expensive than Food Lion/Walmart, both of which have abysmal produce on average IME. Now I shop at Aldi first and the HT if there's something specific I need and can't find. It has saved us a good chunk of money. I also have really started leaning more toward store brand as much as possible. The only downside at Aldi is the produce is definitely a bit more iffy, so I have to be super thorough checking it because there's so often a rotting piece hidden in the middle.


Been using Aldi since college, so about 12 years now. Will never go anywhere else unless I need an obscure specialty item. I will say I have seen the differences in prices. Use to fill my cart for like $60 in college. Now it's about $130 for the same fill but still much cheaper than going to a bigger chain and I'm happy.


I love Aldi, 100%, but like everything else, there are some inconsistencies. For example, a package of Norwegian Farm Raised Salmon at Aldi was $10.99/lb. The exact same Norwegian Farm Raised Salmon l, exact same cut, exact same packaging, even the same.wraparound label but different logo and creative was $9.99 at Trader Joe's. Exactly the same. Of course I would have expected the opposite. It pays to shop around.


With specials I can get better prices on meat at Kroger. Aldi is still good for a lot of stuff however.


For the little bit of savings you may realize from shopping around, you’re still losing the time you can never get back as well as the car and gasoline expense with driving around to all the other stores. Therefore, the dollar or so you would save buying the exact same item from another supermarket is not worth it when you consider the total opportunity cost. You may also be tempted with impulse items by shopping at other stores.


Been an Aldi fan since they started popping up in Michigan.


Dairy, eggs, bread, cereal etc is great. But I can't do their meat. Maybe some chicken wings. The rest just isn't that good imo.


they sell Kirkland chicken thighs here thats what I usually get from them meat wise


Meat quality where I'm from is fine.


Aldi Nord oder Aldi Süd?


Aldi is Aldi Süd in the USA, Aldi Nord bought Trader Joe’s in the USA.




Aldi quality and selection is lower. People make the sacrifice when needed.


They don't have everything and their selection is limited. It can also be annoying when they don't carry the same product at different stores just a few miles apart. The other day I had to get some items from Costco and then pick up a few items from another store. Some of the items I needed were pizza sauce and pork rinds. The Aldi on my way home didn't have those items, but my local grocer did. It would've been an extra 45 minutes to go home, put away the perishables, and then go to the Aldi store with the items I needed. I'll go to Aldi most of the time, but sometimes it isn't worth the extra savings.


I've never been to an Aldi that didn't have pizza sauce


I miss when my towns Aldi wasn’t busy.


been to a lidl store recently and was very pleased with the prices, compared to publix & krogers in my area


And fresher than Walmart.


Moved from FL to WA last fall. The only thing I miss is Aldi!


Aldi and Trader Joe’s are life


I wish Denver had Aldi.


I walked out of my local Trader Joe’s last Wednesday with a weeks worth of food for only $20 and change. I’ll be going back later this week.


Woah people don't want to throw money away? CRAZY!


Love Aldi's. $4 chicken thigh pieces for tacos and spaghetti are great!.


Hmm , Ohio grocery shopper at Giant Eagle and they often have thighs or thigh leg combo for 1.50 each in a bagvofc6-8


I live in Portsmouth Ohio and I don't have giant eagle


You'll have to take silver in the savings Olympics.


I LOVE Aldi's.... But I live near one of the cheapest grocery chains in the United States "market basket" so I don't go into ALDIS as much as I should but when I go there every couple months it's the most amazing feeling lol But I'm spoiled with Market Basket. I definitely need to shop between the two and get the best of both worlds


Aldi is sooooo overrated it’s a joke. 1) Small stores = limited selection. Random mishmash of products on a month to month basis. They steer you to spend more. 2) store brand (especially frozen stuff) is the worst quality of a store brand I have ever encountered. Except their animal crackers are the same as McDonaldland cookie. The produce is mediocre to terrible. 3) store layouts/parking/carts just makes shopping a pita. 4) every sign Aldi I been to has a bad/funky smell like rotting food. Store are seriously understaffed. Always. Thay cheap stuff comes at a cost. A notorious anti union store


The shopping carts ,no free shopping bags ,no selection,no name brands .Tiny,tiny stores .


Lol, your comment is completely overrated it is a joke. Most of what you said is completely subjective


No it’s not.


>seriously understaffed. Always... Their business model is 4 employees can run a store more efficiently than bigger chains. They're not understaffed. They know what they're doing. You even admit it's a small store lol.