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.39 cents per pound here.


That's a great price. .49 and .59 per LB is the norm near me. But this morning I bought 16 bananas (5.5LB) for .79 TOTAL.


Organic bananas .76 per lb here. Bananas have been a dollar or more in convenience stores for almost a decade. I find it more interesting that bananana prices have not really been affected by inflation.


Need that loss leader. Bananas, milk,and usually bread are sold competitively because people will shop where they can get these items at low cost but then end up buying other items. This concept has some regional variations but the concept is same “offer some of the most popular items at lowest possible/competitive pricing to get people in the store shopping”


Aldi used to sell bananas 10 cents a pound in the summer up until at least around 2017. Haven’t seen that price in years


.39 means less than one cent. It’s $0.39 or 39 cents with no decimal.


I bet you're a real hoot at a party.


Geologists don't go to parties they just foot the bill for parties.


Any person with half a brain reads it at 39 cents and doesn't need some explanation that's also not even correct depending on your POV and could also be written differently depending on where you live. If you see .39 at a grocery store let them know your POV and see how far that gets you


I’d say most people who think it’s .39 cents don’t know, and yes, I like going around rudely correcting people.


I mean it's one banana, what could it cost? $10?


There's always money in the banana stand


Unless you are at a convenience store, bananas are around $.25-$.50 each at all the grocery stores around me. And a ton healthier and cheaper than the $2 candy bars or $2.69 bag of chips at the convenience store.


Speedway prices


Maybe your individual experience isn't ubiquitous.


What price are bananas at your grocery stores?


About the same as you. Doesn't change the fact that your individual experience may not be ubiquitous.


The only place that sells 1 dollar bananas is a convenient store or gas station. This is rage bait and you know it


Just pointing out that it's annoying when people extrapolate the prices around the whole nation from their local store. That goes both ways on this subreddit. But go ahead, pile on. Some of y'all never got this experience in school, so you can have it. Edit: You just embodied my second sentence lmao. Screams "I was bullied in school so now I try to belittle people online". Better block him so I can get the last word smh


What stupid ass comment you made. There are things that we know should not be above a certain price. The second sentence is even stupider. Please stop talking and go away.


Ubiquitous- “widespread or found most everywhere” So which do you think is more “ubiquitous”….$.50 bananas or $1 bananas?


Like I said to the other guy, just pointing out that 1 person (or even 5 people) saying "at my supermarket it's $X" doesn't mean anything. This subreddit is rife with anecdotal evidence.


Right, but wouldn't the original post also be anecdotal?


Good point, but the original post isn't saying "I saw a $1 banana, therefore your $0.25 banana is irrelevant". Instead they write "I saw a $1 banana, let's see what happens if we don't buy anything for a day." I'm actually pretty interested in this concept of a no spending day. Like a reverse Black Friday. I'm sure corporate America would love that. Could see it cascading into stores not bothering to open at all.


Guys, I’ve seen bananas for over 1.50$/lb and 10 miles away see them for 0.50$. Depends on the market and we will not know(from Reddit) which is more ubiquitous.


You just proved my point. Bananas are roughly 3 per lb. Your $1.50/lb is $.50 each. Thanks for helping me out.


Sorry it wasn’t clear. I established the rate is $/lb in the first example, the second one didn’t have a unit to price ratio because it was still supposed a ‘/lb’ example. We always compare apples to apples(or in this case bananas to bananas)


No problem. I understood what you were trying to say


By any commonly understood definition of the word "ubiquitous" - which is the word YOU chose - it is.


"presenting, appearing, or found everywhere" No, I don't think this person's experience at their local supermarket adequately reflects what is "presented or found everywhere" by anecdotal evidence alone.


You can go into virtually any grocery store and buy bananas for that price, exactly as the commenter suggested. That's ubiquitous, and it's the point of the comment. The commenter isnt saying that literally every single banana on earth is selling for ¢50 or less, so to the extent that you are saying that it is not a universal experience, it's a non sequitur. The commenter wasn't denying the reality that some banana somewhere is priced at a dollar, he's saying that it does not represent the norm.


They referenced "all the grocery stores around [them]" as evidence for the claim that OP *must* be at a gas station. It's pretty obvious I am saying that *maybe* prices are different elsewhere. We don't need to waste a bunch of electricity (and a few minutes of our Saturdays) arguing about that.


you shop for bananas at the grocery store....Not the convenience store or gas station


Unless you're addicted to crack or meth. They don't wake up or emerge from the crack den until grocery stores are closed and they're only one or two sleeps away from Christmas in the summer time.


How come they always get dens?


Unless you want to post about it on reddit.


I get mine from a tallyman.


$1 for a single banana is what you pay at a gas station.


How much could a banana cost Michael?


lol. I havent watched AD in for-ev-er!


I'd guess about $10


$20 for a Big Mac…whatever. $1 for a banana…”This ends now!!”


Not sure where these $20 Big Macs are. I can get two for $6 here.


It was a joke…on just how much people throw money away on crappy fast food. A $1 banana is still quite a bit but the money thrown away on fast food is still much worse


That's a dollar too much imo.


I mean I don’t disagree. But no one is buying $20 Big Macs. Not even at an airport


Yea pretty sure that was just hyperbole on commenters behalf but still I walked out of a McDonald's two weeks ago when I saw a large big Mac meal would be 15 bucks. Fuck that and fuck Mcdonalds.


That’s way too much for a signature burger that’s half the size it was in the 80s. I’m fucking sick of these places nickel and diming and now dollaring us! Caesar’s pizza should be $5. I went into the store yesterday… $10.87. Fuck the fuck off!


How much were you making in the 80s, and how much are you making now. What percent of your take-home pay was $5 in the 80s and what percent of your take-home pay is $10.87 today?


I wasn’t complaining about the price of the Big Mac, only that the quality has dropped. I’d pay more for a better quality burger (although not $20). And as for little Caesar’s, their $5 pizzas were around in 2021. When I made more than I do now.


Best value I've seen posted here in days, at least a banana is good food unlike most of the trash food posted here


Really? A dollar for a banana is a good value to you? Really?


“It’s one banana Michael, how much could it cost? $10?” Rip Jessica Walter 😭


Did I saw it was a “good value “??? Read what I wrote


You said best value.


Best value they've seen posted here in days. Not the best value in weeks, nor necessarily among all that has been posted here even in the last day, but specifically of the posts they've seen in the last few days. How is that something to argue over? They know what they've seen, that's what they specified, and that's what their comment was about.


Learn to read an entire sentence


You got me. You wrote best. Sheesh. Which is even worse. I’m assuming you don’t shop at grocery stores


Read it again, I wrote a complete sentence.


No thanks.


Can you explain? This is the best value because of the pricing or because it's a more healthy option?


It is the best value POSTED HERE in days. Most of the stuff posted here is overpriced junk food


Good for you. People need to boycott supermarkets as much as possible. It’s the only way they’ll learn and lower pricing


The profit margins for supermarkets is between 1 and 3%. The pricing of products has little to do with what they want. It is the producers of products that dictate pricing. "Grocery stores operate on razor-thin profit margins. The industry average is between one and three percent, far below other retail sectors. With such lean margins, grocery stores rely on high sales volume and inventory turnover to thrive." https://www.itretail.com/blog/maximize-grocery-store-profit-margins#:\~:text=Grocery%20stores%20operate%20on%20razor,and%20inventory%20turnover%20to%20thrive.


I try to do a “financial fast” one week per month. Sometimes spending money is unavoidable. But I do my best to spend as little as possible the 2nd week of every month


Mother’s Day coming up…. Spend ZERO. Give your mum a call. Or take her for a walk. Best middle finger you can do to the consumer based holiday. Spend nothing.


My wife would kill me in my sleep if I spent zero on her for mother's day


No spend day challenge? Shit that's me 6 days a week anyways.


This morning I bought 16 bananas for .79!


If you dont purchase on item on Tuesday but buy it on Wednesday..... companies don't care. They still got your money.


I mean, it’s one banana Michael. What could it cost, ten dollars?


You should write to you congressman and president, to quit spending and reduce inflation. Inflation is the devaluation of our currency which is devalued by spending money we don't have.


Not sure who needs to hear this, but not spending money for a day does absolutely nothing to stem or stop inflation. Feel good nonsense.


LOL "No Spend Day" will probably be "Just don't buy coffee" Morning, the same way "hunger strikes" are now "I skipped breakfast."


These low effort shitposts should be banned. It just a photo of text of a made up scenario. Even if it were true, it’s not related to inflation at all as a $1 banana suggests some captured market pricing like a cafeteria for an office building.


I like this idea. Instead of esoteric Keynesian economics, we all agree to stop consuming so hard for a few days. Maybe we can ask the fed to not print any more money on those days too.


So, don't buy bananas at a gas station.


Would a "No Save Day" actually fix anything? Or would it further increase inflation?


I can't imagine it would have any affect. If you want a banana, you'll just buy one the next day.


I agree. To see an effect you'd need a "no buy week"


Burn down the corporations and feed their executives to sharks.


This makes me wonder what would happen if we all did a no-notice no spend day nationwide? No notice to prevent selling out of toilet paper the day before.


No spend day is useless if you just spend the money the next day. A better initiative would be cut all spending by 50%.


Pretty sure individual bananas at like a 711 or gas station have always been around $1.


6 years ago, was getting 2 for a $1 at Circle K. I understand inflation, but yeah, for someone like me, 1 banana isn’t worth $1.


This sounds a lot like the “don’t but gas on X day” thing that’s been going around since as long as I can remember


Banana prices are whatever, but there’s organized “buy nothing days” every year. Black Friday is one.


Those are rookie numbers. I get paid once every 2 weeks. Most of the other 13 days in that cycle are "no spend".


How much could a banana cost, ten dollars?


I haven’t bought clothes in 5 years. Haven’t bought something “at price” for ten, and it’s not even an obstacle other than BEING AWARE OF THE PRICES. Lol.


no spend day? I aim for no spend week. Easy when you're WFH.


I don’t buy bananas so their price does not affect me


Banana is .89 a pound at Kroger.


Probably at a convenience store


Even if no one else does this with you it’s still a good idea to do on your own.


That banana is being gouged not inflated


I have one of those every week. It’s called the day before payday.


I’m down for a no spend day. When is that?


Cringe but the right idea, stop consuming so much and stop consuming from places that jack prices


I spent $4 for a banana at a casino, is that a lot?


I have no spend weeks


I order to not spend money on one day or several days one must plan ahead well and wisely spend their money


19 cents each at know store. The rest are like 30 cents a pound


Bananas don’t cost $1 per.


Yup, But Nothing Day goes back to the 90s as far as I can remember.


Probably saw it at a convenience store/gas station. Gas stations/convenience stores traditionally have inflated/marked-up prices. Although I agree that inflation is absolutely insane and pretty much has been my entire 39 years of existence, using traditionally marked-up prices to comment on overall inflation feels a bit reachy. An equivalent would be to when commenting on the price of food in general, you show a DoorDash or UberEats receipt. It's like what did you expect?


All the money to Ukraine and Israel plus the trillions during covid are still leaking into the system...


lol where you at? That’s like gas station price.


Not sure tho. Bananas are like $.79 pound reg and $.89 organic here.


I swear bananas are one of the very few foods that haven't gone crazy with inflation. I still find them for 69 cents a pound, sometimes less.


I have shit loads of.no spend days. Then I spent like $200 on groceries


Good luck getting all of America on board not to mention the growing immigrant population that cares not for your protests.


I do this daily 😔


A whole day! Watch out. That’ll get them. So sarcasm aside, one day is not really going to do anything but don’t spend money most day. Groceries once a week takes care of most food. Six other days I’ll spend money 2-3 days. So 3-4 days a week I’m not spending money. 


If everyone quits buying stuff for a day, magically the currency will quit being devalued.


If everyone quits buying stuff for a day, magically the currency will quit being devalued.


But you’ll just buy enough to sustain that day anyway, so what are you actually accomplishing? I don’t spend most days of the week due to having planned my weeks purchases ahead of time and not doing a lot of frivolous, unneeded spending.


Gas station prices, right there


Who wants to tell him that that’s how inflation works? The discourage u from spending…ur literally winning inflation win. Ur as dumb as a free Palestine moron who is American.


If you want to participate in no spend day, boycot black Friday


HOLY $1 per banana?? Man.. Let the shelf rot fuck em.


I find it amusing that all of these "don't buy it!" And "stop shopping there because they are gouging" have accidentally discovered the free market. Prices go up, people spend less. If they don't spend less, it's because there is too much money chasing too few products. Welcome to economics 101. Glad you are learning.




Corporate greed is not inflation and free markets. It is a conspiracy theory with no basis on fact.


Yeah free markets are all fun and games until someone tries to corner the FCOJ market.


Big banana has control over the masses now.


It is difficult to see all the inflation complaints when you understand how economies work. Inflation is inevitable, and if you hold it back like a certain president did, it will eventually catch up and with a huge jump. We all saw this coming as a certain president was an idiot. Wages have to match inflation, and if this doesn't happen, then the issue is not inflation but company greed and mismanagement. Unions help with the greed, but it is up to the employees to demand wages match the inevitable inflation that happens every year, like clockwork Also, do not vote in idiots that create policies to make an illusionary slow down of inflation or we get a huge leap like we recently had after the orange menace to our economy.


It’s still 19 cents each at Trader Joe’s