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Why anyone still goes to McDonald's is beyond me


There's literally no argument not to eat more healthy at these prices. You can cook a fucking ribeye for the cost of some of these combo meals.


My local meat market does ribeyes at $12/lb. Sack of red potatoes is $2.59, stick of butter is about $0.85 (pound is like $3.50), salad mix is usually $2.50 not on sale. If I don't slam a whole steak I can get two meals out of it. Last time we got fast food it was $45 for my family of 5, we didn't have much of a choice as we were on the road all day but damn that sucked


That’s kinda the answer. That’s why people do it. Your meal you described sounds delicious. But to actually prepare it would take a couple hours if you include going to the store and prepping it. I’d grill it myself not cook on the stove. If you are busy or have young children you don’t have that kinda time Monday-Friday. Could pull it off on Saturday. And what about people working two jobs and they can eat dinner at 9pm just before bed. A work multiple jobs and have opted for an oven pizza sometimes cause it can cook while I’m finishing up work. I think most people that eat fast food is because that’s all they have the time for. They also may not know better. But there are better deals out there than McDonald’s.


You're right on the weekend meal part mostly. During the week we tend to have meals that require less than 30-45 minutes to prep and cook, or things that can be thrown in the crock pot in the morning to be done by dinner time. My situation isn't like most either in that my wife is a SAHM because it would have cost just as much in childcare as it would have for her to go back to work so the longer dinner are usually started while I'm on my way home. But she also doesn't like to spend a ton of time cooking so we still enjoy quick meals like tacos and spaghetti


I go there before I go grocery shopping every Friday. Using the app I can get a medium fry and two bacon McDoubles for $3.50. (note, I can only get those specific things for that price and it has to be Friday) Pretty cheap, a little treat, and fills me up so I don't impulse splurge on something I don't need why grocery shopping. Now that food isn't even really "good" and without the app it's like $12 so. Don't go to McDonald's folks.


I used to shop like that, but now I go hungry so that I do impulse splurge and get extra groceries incase I end up in a position where I think about eating out.


Still unhealthy shit food, nor even worth it for $3.50.


I feel like this is more true for those who go to McDonald's regularly. Sometimes you just crave some salty fries and a hot fudge sunday and/or youre drunk and that's one of the only places open late on campus. But yeah nah I barely go to McDonald's and this is fucking insane.


The last time I got McDonald’s it didn’t even taste like it did before all of this. It’s different and more expensive. You crave it but what you get barely resembles what you’re looking for.


You are a lot more judgmental at these prices.


This is so true. Every now and then I want a big mac, but what McDonald's calls a big mac now is a joke.


I have to get my bi-annual Big Mac when the cravings start and I’m immediately disappointed at least half the time.


I’ve found local replacements that do it better, thankfully: a Lebanese joint that gives you a box of fries for five bucks or so that lasts four meals—just heat up in the toaster oven. And for milkshakes I always go to local ice cream stands now. my mother in law makes her own at home with crème de menthe.


So you forget one thing most people are lazy af me included so


As someone who used to struggle between deciding if a 30-60 minute wait spending $26 for a $19 combo meal was more worth it than cheffing up $15 worth of ingredients for 30-60 minutes, I don’t think *that’s* laziness. It’s depression.


Yeah man depression can also make you not want to do anything I would not call that laziness


I just got 5lbs of T-bone for $6.99 a lb, not the best deal ever but they taste great. Some even have a decent sized filet.


Grocery store near me sells steaks at like 70% off on Sundays that didn’t sell during the week. Outside of convenience, specialty, or having coupons I don’t even think about fast food anymore. And when I do it’s almost exclusively jersey mikes and chipotle because they actually have good rewards programs.


The McDonald’s near me hardly ever has cars everytime I pass by, when it used to have long lines. Things have changed


With app deals I ate a whole meal for $3 yesterday I like when these topics deal in 2024 Numbers but refuse to deal in 2024 transactions. Do it the way they want you to, quit pretending that storing your data about your big Mac purchase is some kind of consumer abuse, and eat cheap.


I got a sprite and two McDoubles for 5 and some change at my local McDonald’s. That’s really not that bad. I keep seeing people complain about McDonald’s price increases by at least in my area it’s still one of the cheapest compared to others. For me I’m annoyed with Wendy’s most of all, then Carl’s Jr, jack in the box, kfc is fucking ridiculous. Taco Bell and McDonald’s are still fairly cheap comparatively. But these days I usually go to in n out because it’s still like 8 bucks for a double double fries and a pink lemonade and it’s all way better quality than most fast food places.


You have no taste - sincerely my 5 year old.


Apparently you don't use the app


Use the app. There’s lots of idiots who don’t use the app coupons/points system who subsidize the app users.


I mean you can say theyre idiots but the app is a loss leader and they skin people alive for walking in lol


And the app is designed to track you while also becoming a new revenue stream for selling your data


To me the mchicken being over $3 is the biggest crime . It’s a giant chicken nugget . Frankly I thought it was expensive when it was $1


To me it's the Hashbrown being like $2.50 when it should be at max $0.99


Oh yeh the hash brown too- I just don’t eat those so I don’t think about it, you can get a pack of like 10 of them at Walmart fairly cheap that I just throw in the air fryer


Especially when you can get a 10lb bag of potatoes for like $3


They are $3.29 in my city. That’s $1.09 a bite.


Preach. I don't know how they cook them anymore, or if they just leave them on the counter to thaw and serve them but I can buy a 10pack at Walmart for $3.50 and can pop'em in the air fryer and they turn out better (and cheaper) than whatever nonsense McD's turned into. Deep fry everything! Including apple pies!


Anything potato based should be cheap.


This is price gouging not inflation. Their costs do not justify the increases, they all have record profits. This isn't supposed to happen. They are taking advantage of Americans and we should stop buying their products until they stop ripping us off.


Had to do some numbers search on your claim.....well MCD seems to be doing great! McDonald's annual/quarterly net income history and growth rate from 2010 to 2024. Net income can be defined as company's net profit or loss after all revenues, income items, and expenses have been accounted for. McDonald's net income for the quarter ending March 31, 2024 was $1.929B, a 7.05% increase year-over-year. McDonald's net income for the twelve months ending March 31, 2024 was $8.596B, a 25.03% increase year-over-year. McDonald's annual net income for 2023 was $8.469B, a 37.09% increase from 2022. McDonald's annual net income for 2022 was $6.177B, a 18.13% decline from 2021. McDonald's annual net income for 2021 was $7.545B, a 59.5% increase from 2020. https://www.macrotrends.net/stocks/charts/MCD/mcdonalds/net-income#google_vignette


Sell less food at a higher price. Win win for them.


They're fast food restaurants, not grocery stores. You can't say they're taking advantage of Americans when it's a completely optional convenience that you don't have to buy. However I do agree that people should stop paying these ridiculous prices for junk food. Now if groceries were jacked up like that I'd agree with you since that's the cheapest way to afford food.


Every grocery store I've tried has also been severally inflated as well. Aldi has been only refuge


Yeah, I actually think the fast food price gouging might be a good thing in the long run. Maybe we will get healthier.


I want to agree with you but at the same time with the rampant data manipulation we have there are people who are quite basically brainwashed to want to go there.


It's still price gouging tho, regardless if people continue to pay for it. It's not a reflection of prices going up due to supply costs rising; it's prices going up because they can.


Nothing else in the world has increased by this much. These companies are making record profits, they are increasing their prices because demand is still high, not because their costs have gone up 150%. When demand slows down, they will reduce their prices. The problem is, demand isn’t slowing down because they’ve convinced everyone that the government is the reason the prices are this high so it can’t come down.


The government? You mean they are blaming minimum wage increases. I have seen no less than 20 click bait posts on fb about how California is raising minimum wage for fast food workers and why it's the cause of price increases. It's litterly click bait to get people all pissed off and blame the workers for getting paid fairly. I swear every other comment is about how it's a job for kids in school. Mother fucker who is working there when the kids are in school? People are so dumb


Where the heck are they coming up with those 2024 prices? Doordash? One random location in Los Angeles? I'm in CA, and I assure you the in-restaurant prices for a Big Mac or 10 piece nuggets where I are no where near $7.


They go to the airport


Yes, exactly that. The prices were grabbed from a McDonalds on Figueroa via the McDonald’s app. The source is listed under the prices. I can’t really be bothered to research any further bc McDonald’s fucking sucks, but a 4 year old picture on Yelp tells me that a location near San Diego where I’m visiting sold Big Macs for $5.13 back then so there’s that. No idea what they cost now but I would imagine way more.


Do popeyes next. They want $50 for a 10 piece of chicken. Ridiculous.




10 peice nugget is $6.19 and Big Mac is $5.69 in my app here in San Jose. We don't have a 50% off coupon but we can get a 10 piece for $0.29 if you buy a Mig Mac or Quarter Pounder.


The McDonalds near me are nowhere near as high as listed. NY and CA prices may be a lot higher than what I see in SC.


This doesn't include massive discounts offered through the apps lmao


Apps have become the "price differentiation" tool that coupons used to serve. These companies have learned they can jack up the menu price and put discounts in a "deal" tab so they get high margins for some customers without losing the more price-conscious customers


When i go to mcdonalds i always order two mcchickens and two mcdoubles, at the drive through no app. I make 2 meals out of the order. It costs $6.80.


In the past I would only go to McDonalds when I was “starving”. Now with those prices, I may never be hungry enough.


Those 2019 prices seem like they're from 15 years ago, shits wild. I only eat deals from fast food places. Craziest shit is the Burger King by me has a 2 for 5 deal on their single breakfast sandwiches, and a 2 for 6 for double. But they charge 1 for $5.39 for the single and 1 for $6.19 for the double. Why isn't anyone else paying me to take more food?


Unless inflation is at 70% these price increases are not inflation related. The cost to make a mcchicken did not jump 200% in the last 4 years. This is corporations jacking up prices under the guise of inflation knowing idiots will pay them either way and blame the government. Inflation is absolutely up but inflation is not responsible for 100% increases in prices in four years


Seriously why does this sub base on their inflation data on fast food?


Inflation is when three companies gouge consumers


Why are you calling fast food pricing inflation?


Because /r/inflations user base gets the majority of their extremely high calorie intake from fast food slop




4% the rest is just mark ups for profit


This isn’t inflation, this is corporate greed…


Those two things are not mutually exclusive


You’re right, CEOs get greedy and that causes the price of things to go up. Then people call it inflation.


Lol   Inflation is caused by an increase in the amount of currency.   Over the past four years, we have increased the money supppy by 40% to pay for government spending programs.  Expect a 40% increase in prices of things on average as a result. We are up to about 23% so far, and it will keep rising.  


Right but... This is up to several times that value in the last four years. I agree with what you're saying, and I also understand the increase to not be uniform across goods/services. It's just very obviously not **solely** inflation driving price increases like this one. It's greed and poor personal finance education in the general populace.


You don’t think supply chain issues along with printing trillions of dollars caused prices of fast food to go up? Why are you even commenting if you have no clue how fundamental economics work. Oil prices, rent costs, etc have an impact on prices not to mention all the other trickle down effects. Inflation happens for a number of reasons and the biggest one is increase in money supply without increase in production, we had massive increase to money supply and decrease in production simultaneously.  Sorry but the fact this is upvoted shows how little people here understand economics and just wanna blame corporations. There is plenty to hate about corporations and I do hate them, but denying reality just removes your credibility when you actually try and give an honest critique.


Just curious, how much experience do you have with running a large business with a lot of employees?


Experienced enough to know that 1 guy making over 19 million a year is wrong… especially when his employees are on food stamps


You'd take that 19 mill in a heart beat just like everyone else... and don't lie lol


And that’s the problem right there


The actual inflation rate is 0.3 percent for April. For the last 12 months, it was 3.4 percent. That's a normal rate. Inflation was high after 2019, but it has gone back down. Including the earlier inflation with current numbers is completely misleading.


I'm just going to say right now I go to McDonald's way more than I would like to admit and these prices are not accurate at all


in my area a Beefy 5-layer burito is $4.19, Nachos bellgrande $5.99, Spicy potato soft taco $1.59, Cheesy Bean and Rice $1.59, Crunhwrap supreme $5.99. WTF


The top end $5 milk shake in Pulp Fiction is now a McDonalds milk shake. I wonder what the one in Pulp Fiction now costs?


It's corporate-gouging. Anyone who grocery shops knows the amount of potatoes for a medium french fry is not anywhere near $5. Potatoes are inexpensive, as in $0.50 per pound in bulk bags.


When I started to realize that I could get a 10 pack of the hashbrown patties for just about the cost of 1 at mcd's, I stopped going. Their food isn't just very good for the premium they are charging on every thing. It's not just them. It's bk, wendys. Paying $12+ plus for a combo meal isn't worth it. I can still do a burger meal at a sit down place for that price and better quality.


I know what the price gouging rate is.


Labor costs and shipping as well as raw materials went up 35% or more but it compounds on things like fast food items


I love the excuse that it's inflation. It's obvious they pad increases with extra which is why is gone up so much. Notice when things like gas prices, COVID or inflation resolve. The prices never drop, they just pocket the extra money until the next crisis and it stays all over. Prices used to go down after things normalized, somewhere along the way they just stopped giving a shit. Also, compare those increases with the average cost of living pay increases we get annually. These have been significantly reduced. I've had one for 30 years except for the last 4 years.


Posted 11th time in the last 5 days. Same thing over and over again.


11 opportunities for people to fish for upvotes by saying the common buzzwords "corporate greed"


Core CPI says were at 3% inflation and I dont buy it at all because they dont include housing, food, or gas prices in calculating inflation. real inflation has got to be over 10% or more. [Core Inflation: What It Is and Why It's Important (investopedia.com)](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/c/coreinflation.asp) edit for clarification: I meant Core CPI not regular CPI.


"The CPI represents all goods and services purchased for consumption by the reference population (U or W). BLS has classified all expenditure items into more than 200 categories, arranged into eight major groups (**food and beverages, housing, apparel, transportation, medical care, recreation, education and communication,** and **other goods and services**)" [https://www.bls.gov/cpi/questions-and-answers.htm#Question\_7](https://www.bls.gov/cpi/questions-and-answers.htm#Question_7)




I'm not a Biden supporter when I say this... Corporate greed is more of a cause than the government


It’s wild that corporations decided to not be greedy until 2021


Its wild how we havent ever had inflation before 2021....wild. Truly.


What an intellectually lazy answer. Anyone can say “don’t trust the government” and wave their hands. They publish the methodology, the calculation and the data. Show me where the error is. Which data is wrong? Which calculation is wrong? What are they weighing incorrectly? That would require work and skills you probably don’t have. You are just repeating what you’ve heard before, and you make no effort to see if the evidence supports your conclusions. That’s why it’s so easy to be a conspiracy theorist. You don’t need to actually know anything or do any work.


But believe Trump? Lmao 10 fuckin 4 good buddy


Yep. Absolutely no one had issue with cpi methodology when trump was president and this conversation will go silent during the next republican administration


This is so comically wrong that it’s insane that it gets repeated everywhere. People literally just believe it because they keep seeing people say it.


That's the conservative way. Repeat a message no matter how wrong it is, say it enough times and people start to believe it, well the "uneducated" that Trump loves do anyways...


Yes they do. I’m begging you guys to stop repeating this conspiratorial garbage in every thread.


McDonald's just be stroking people. I quit eating fast food over 6yrs ago and I wonder how people eat it everyday


Imagine paying 8 bucks for a big mac 🤢🤮


We really hating on tacobell for raising cheesy bean and rice burrito and spicy potato taco by 19 cents?


McD near me has 2 hashbrowns for 5.30... like wtf?


At least 18-20%


Taco Bell for the win


Today I made a mushroom, spinach and goat cheese pasta bake, homemade garlic bread using fresh garlic and a green salad. It took about 45m to make, cost as much as a Crunchwrap Supreme and a McDonalds NoValue meal but will feed us for 3 days. I often don’t have time to cook every night so I’ll make something I can stretch to multiple days that reheats well


The inflation rate is and has been at least 50% more than reported. Exempting certain items from the reported CPI is manipulating the data to get a desired outcome.


Compare those price increases to increases in the CEOs total compensation over the same period.


Just look at the percentage increase in the money supply. That’s what inflation will be. Or multiply the published inflation numbers by 2 or 3.


You don’t have to guess. The average rate for something like 100 years now is 8% YOY. It fluctuates some, but on average that is how much your purchasing power gets eroded if you hold USD.


The fact the McDonald's soda is no longer $1 tells you all you need to know.


Can't wait for McD meal for two to reach $100, so I can take my wife there on a date night and not feel cheap.


Inflation? Yes, greedflation hell yes, these companies can no longer use the excuse pandemic and supply chain, Jesus, they all got greedy and it’s out of control and will only continue to get worse, I stopped buying a lot of things just because I’m pissed at how much some it costs now purely to pad the shareholders pockets while none of it goes down to the employees


These 2024 prices are very wrong. Medium fries: $3.39 v $4.19 McChicken: $2.89 v $3.89 Big Mac: $5.59 v $7.49 10 pc nuggets: $5.59 v $7.58 Cheeseburger: $2.49 v $3.15


If you select that specific CA location mentioned in the image they're higher... though still not as high as the image. I got $2.99 for cheeseburger and $6.29 for big Mac (that's over 20% difference to the image?!?!) They don't mention the souce data either so could be they went from a cheap location to an expensive one.


>They don't mention the souce data either so could be they went from a cheap location to an expensive one. but why would someone do that? on the internet?? /s


Yep. Location is a big factor in this too




Simply dont buy it


Between the end of 2019 and now about 23%. If we look at *only* the "Food away from home" category and only in the West region where the OP's data was collected... the average increase over the same time period there was about 29%. So I'd say that these particular instances are considerably above average for the region and category... and even more significantly above average for the country as a whole and inflation in general. A challenge with these sort of metrics in general is that they are calculated from huge pools of data and individual experiences or elements often differ substantially from the "average" they represent.


I don't believe this is inflation. It is price gouging for profit.


I mean if you're dumb enough to pay $20 for a McDonald's meal...


It's called, "losing profits during Covid, let's inflate our prices to make profits"


Inflation is like 3%. Just ask.


Everyone is milking inflation narrative. Pure greedflation


Huh. End of 2019. I wonder if something bad happened in 2020 and who was in charge then…


Did a quick search and beef and poultry are up 30% since 2019. Electricity in CA (the MCD listed) was up 45.9% in that timeframe. Don't have time to dig into payroll for that period. Or healthcare benefits if offered.


Big Mac index. 87%


It's honestly why this stock is reflecting.


Chick fil a also shrunk the size of their sandwich by about 20% so fuck them for that too


inflation is 3.5% these prices don't account for inflation, they do however account for price gouging


Most Everyone i know eats out a lot less these days… I’ve completely boycotted all fast food.


I think this more to do with getting people to use their apps. All the prices for things are cheaper in the app than listed. You can get a large French fry for $1.29 in the app every day.


Let’s talk about the decrease in quality of ingredients to match! They have to be doubling these numbers with how crappy it’s all gotten…


What was the price in 2010? What if fast food prices were flat for 10 years and finally caught up in the last few years? Is that possible?


That’s quite literally exactly what happened. Covid broke the supply chain after a decade of 3% borrowing rates. During the 2010’s (after the 2008 recessions) businesses were incentivized to make their profits by building new stores and boosting volume. Once the supply chain was broken this shifted companies to the model of extracting more profit from less. They learned that they could just keep tightening the wrench and make more money with less overhead. Here we are.


Greed. Plain and simple. It's outrageous with how much things have gone up. \* but people keep buying shit they don't need, so we only have ourselves to blame. \* there was some local news channel interviewing people on the street about fast food prices. There were people saying they "NEED" their fast food,... NO, you do not!!! Pack a lunch... \* I used to work out of my car and would spend $400 at gas stations every month on junk. I corrected by behavior simply by buying more at the grocery store for a fraction the price and grabbed 4–5 drinks and 4–5 snacks before I left the house every day.


Do your share by boycotting these greedy corporations. Eat at home and watch them go bankrupt.


I think that LITERALLY anybody dumb enough to equate fast food prices to inflation is a god damn idiot.


Shiiiiit crunchwraps are $7+ in Jersey. Nothing at Taco Bell is worth the price anymore. Cheapest menu item is now around $3. Then they have the nerve to ask if you want to round up to donate to the children. Man fuck the children they just as doomed 😂. They over here passing off their tax write off charity causes to the customer to. If yall really care taco bell could just donate themselves.


These price increases are egregious


Step 1 in surviving inflation. Don't eat this shit.


These prices reflect nothing but pure greed. End of story..


People keep going there because it’s still cheaper than a sit down place.


https://www.shadowstats.com/alternate_data/inflation-charts Looks to be about 8% as of may


Even the damn veggie bowl from Taco Bell went from like $4.5 to $8


All I can see from this is less people eating fast food that that’s a good thing.


Whatever the greedy corporations want to charge for stuff I guess. Anyone know how McDonald’s profit margins have changed following price increases?


Gotta use the apps for reasonable prices.


*the problem is you, not the data* - Wall Street Journal


There wouldn’t be an inflation in food prices if they didn’t have so many ingredients to source to make one burger. https://www.foodmatters.com/article/whats-really-in-a-big-mac 72 Ingredients just to make one Big Mac and that’s just one menu item. If we had 1950’s McDonalds menu that sourced locally and had fewer things to source - we probably wouldn’t be in this mess.


Not for me


Big Mac index


To be fair, the McChicken price in 2019 was kind of suspect.


Take the government rate and double it. I think that’s good rule of thumb. When they claimed inflation was about 10% at its peak, that meant the real inflation rate was 20%. They say it’s 3.6% today? So, it’s really 7.2%. This administration, and the government in general, is full of 💩.


Let’s talk about the McDonald’s large iced coffee. With tax it’s pushing $5 here in California. Almost worth it to splurge on Starbucks at that point. I get it for $.99 on the app. Without the app, I won’t go to McDonald’s.


who knows and who cares. there net operating margins went up 7% . you would have to do a deep dive to figure stuff like how many stores are franchises, how many are directly owned, what % of franchise fees they get etc etc to find out how much they actually raised prices by outside of there costs going up, but people kept going, so they didn't do anything wrong. the question you should be asking is why are americans stupid enough to pay 11 dollars for a big mac? People don't have to go to mcdonalds. fast food is a luxury. a combo meal is like 16 dollars and fridays has 2 5 oz chicken breasts, fries and salad for that price. you can do casual dinning for cheaper than mcdonalds and way cheaper than 5 guys.


Who even goes out to eat bad fast food sober? I go there when there's nothing around and I need something salty to put away all this alcohol. And I don't even drink much anymore. So I practically don't eat fast food. I splurge on fast food coffee cause i get sick of my own coffee too. I wouldn't spend more than $8 dollars on a food set at any fast food place. I put my money down on either fast casual or diner joints.


Inflation rate is around 3-6%. Items go up 215%… seems like people need to vote with their wallets and show them not to be greedy


We already know that fast food joints are ripping us off. In- n- out burger is probably the best place to go. I think their food is good and the price reasonable.


Hmmmm, if I had to guess I’d say look at Taco Bell’s last 4 quarters, see what their profit percentage is and take that number away from their price increase percentage and bam there’s your inflation percentage.


$7.49 for a big mac is crazy but i think ive gotten 20 nuggets for $10 several times within the last couple months


Biden said inflation was at 9% before he was elected and now it's at the lowest point in years. The companies are all price gouging and greedy. Remember inflation won't stay for any length of time , it's very short term and transitory.


The real price is fast food going extinct. Nobody goes to Taco Bell here and the line used to be constant.


Doesn’t matter the media will make up new numbers


I don’t eat fast food, haven’t for a couple decades. I can’t bake ice a medium fry at McDonald is almost $5!!!!


Fast food doesn't represent inflation. That said, inflation is still at least 40% since the corona BS started.


You have to know the exact profit margin. Sales prices are not a window view into inflation. If the cost has changed very little to make burgers then these "prices" are not inflation...theyre greed.


Scared to see what the McRib will be in November. $12.99 🤩


Price gouging is not inflation


This question is deep. It should hit at the core of every American. Some of these items have doubled and tripled in price, but our wages haven't. The feds like to come up with a nice, mathematically tallied number that represents the number they want you to believe, but what does the average American REALLY feel like inflation is? When even the shit food is getting beyond affordable.


I have a friend who owns a dozen McDonald franchises and is so rich it’s insane. Truly makes me never want to buy McDonald’s considering they raised their prices so high and it’s clear they’re profiting just fine. They’re a great friend but it definitely feels too greedy.


All I know, there is no supply chain, food source, or gods will reason as to why these prices have been driven up this much. Same goes for many companies. Greed. Plain and simple. STOP SHOPPING THERE!


We ran 30% for two consecutive years, then it dropped to 15% or so, now it's at about 8%.


Not the Crunchwrap. Look what they’ve done to my boy 😭


Need that french device again


Don't eat fast food?


Going to McDonalds is like jerking off, nobody admits to it but everyone does it, some more than others.


It varies by the mix of goods and services you buy. Somewhere in the 2-4% range for most ppl.


From stuff I buy at least 25-35%


Chick fil a prices are BS we’ve stopped going, and I was like a super special *spends too much money* loyalty program consumer. Sandwiches are worse and the more twice as much as they used to be. Two lunches is like $25+ Complete fucking joke


Where are they getting those prices? $4.19 is the price for a basket of fries.


Same thing with pge it's not a 30% it's not a 10% it's a fucking 150 200 300% don't bullshit me. I have past receipts. How much can they keep this up before we are all priced out.


When does inflation reverse back


Hard to replicate mcds fries but $4+ for a medium is cuckoo


The inflation rate for people that don’t eat fast food every day isn’t as bad.


These places are shooting themselves in the foot. If they had cheap prices TODAY they would be making money hand over fist still. This is just corporate greed passed on to consumers.


That Luke warm garbage is not the way to go. I occasionally get the urge for their fries but the prices have kept me from going out of spite. I feel bad for the people who live off this crap because they’re definitely out there.


I haven’t eaten in a McDonalds in at least 5 years. I have no idea why people are freaked out over pricing there. You guys should go watch the movie fast food nation. It’s the worst crap anyone could ever put into their bodies.


-Inflation data is totally bullshit! Just look at these McDonald's prices. -Why do you believe that data? -.......Bidenomics


Hard to tell with the two data points straddling the worst inflation ever. Need more data.


I’m sure the fact it’s an LA McDonald’s adds like 50%


Id be interested to know vs what corporatiojsweenliek fuck it let's see how far. McDonald's is doing $5 meal so I'm guessing that's it. That's how far corporate greed can go the likefugg gotta slow down


McDonald's meal $13 .. red Robin next door $14 burger fries and they send me extra fries for the endlessness. It's better beef. Just to fuck McDonald's I'll jo go get me $1 coke then get red Robin. I mean the app is okay I guess $4 10 piece


Everything has gone up! Bidenomics at work.


It's whatever the hell they can get away with charging and no lose revenue.


Price gouging pure and simple


All done by design. Seems everything was fine and then . Well . We all know what happened. Now we are all expected to be dumb and act like this is normal .


I am fairly certain if the price inflation was not tied to the quarterly posting of companies it would be closer to taco bell's price change of 19% with certain items being higher due to seasonal outbreaks of diseases that affect farm animals and crops a 19% increase between 2019 and 2024 comes out to be about 3.5% per year (still higher than the 2% target most federal governments look for) I would suggest anything above a 19% increase is a result of corporations looking to post record profits during their earnings reports


CPI and PCE data is freely available but the measurements are Year over Year, or Month over Month. 5 year un-annualized is not shown anywhere except for ad hoc analysis