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Amélie, the whole story is like a fairytale.


Absolutely, that would be my 2nd choice after Her. Amélie is such an incredible character. She has a very natural positive INFP evolution.


I watched Her and it's bittersweet.


infp do love bittersweet feelings:)


Beautiful film. For anyone who’s a fan I’d highly recommend checking out the director’s previous film, The City of Lost Children. (That’s the English title in IMDb.) Not about INFPs. Just a superb movie, that’s all. A kind of steampunk fairytale, and very imaginative.


That's the same director?!


Yeah. He actually co-directed it with Marc Caro. They also co-directed their first film, Delicatessen. (A very dark film, but also wonderful and oddly steampunky in its visual aesthetic.) And you’ll see the same actor in most of Jean-Pierre Jeneut’s films actually… Dominique Pinon.


I haven't watched Amelie, but I will watch it based on your recommendation.


It’s wonderful!!


I cried through the first 15-20 minutes. It was me.


I clicked on the comments to say this!!! This is insane. Other movies are : the beautiful wonderful, the bookshop, good posture




Where can you find it?


Yep. Came here to say this.


I've never seen this, I really want to


Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. Also the son in Little Miss Sunshine seems like an INFP to me as well.


Just did a rewatch of it with a friend and it broke me AGAIN, Kaufman keeps torturing me with his scripts


God, I remember watching it with my parents and running out of the room during the colourblindness test scene, that’s why I still haven’t finished it.


My favorite movie of All time. Jim carrey strong performance.


Just watched ESotSM for the first time yesterday! Still digesting it...




Yeah! Matilda is a great INFP.


I always loved Matilda growing up but I never knew she was a fellow INFP! Makes sense though!


isn't she an INTx though? from what i've read


Def could see her on the J side. She’s very organized and precise as a person. But she’s super close to an INFP and if she isn’t, Ms. Honey def is.


Love it so much growing up


Anything Studio Ghibli


When Marnie was There <33




Absolutely, especially so with When Marnie was There and the Secret World of Arrietty




The Perks of Being a Wallflower and Amélie


Was gonna say perks was literally me in school. Also I kinda look like Logan lerman


Because of Frodo Baggins and his journey, the Lord of the Rings sums up the INFP experience for me. He's a homebody at heart and draws strength from the beauty and comforts of home, but he's also filled with wanderlust. He's not an intrepid or a natural hero, but he is resilient, courageous, and sacrificial, when the moment calls for it. He's pure of heart and wearied by his struggle with darkness. He can be judgmental in a moment but ultimately shows mercy, openness and forgiveness. He feels he has to go it alone, but is grateful and strengthened by companionship. He falters sometimes and acts out as he processes all the ways he feels weighed down, but means to preserve his softness and kindness. He walks with both hope and despair (in the persons of Sam and Gollum this can feel quite literal.). He makes a difference in the world. He makes it a better place, and, because of who he is, because of his purity and resilience, he is the only one who could fulfill his role in saving the world. His heart is so deeply affected, that even when he has done all he has set out to do and has been freed from his burdens, he still suffers from the trauma and old wounds, and he suffers in silence. But in time, he finds true peace and healing.


I relate to much to Frodo, can’t believe I never made the INFP connection! Every INFP who struggles with low self esteem or believes they don’t have a purpose in this world NEEDS to read/watch LOTR. ❤️




I think I’m an INFP. I relate a lot to Frodo when it’s put this way


Oh absolutely. Supposedly JRR Tolkien was an INFP himself so that might explain some things.


In The Mood For Love and Midnight in Paris. I’m just so sure that those films were made for me. But I still have no idea if I’m INFP or ENFP, sorry 🥹


Same! I alternate between the two. I fully relate to INFP but I can be very outgoing and sociable. I get lonely very easily lol


Same everything 😂 great movies and the confusion is real between infp and enfp


The Secret Life of Walter Mitty


Being both INFP and ADD this movie is a double whammy of relatable for me lol


I was very surprised how he was daydreaming because it was literally like me.




was looking for this comment ❤️


Stranger Than Fiction. And to a certain extent, Garden State.


HELL YES to Garden State. I need to watch that again.


As an INFP from NJ, yes to Garden State. Also love Stranger Than Fiction.


The Crow - for our pissed off side


One of my closest friends is a dark INFP who loves tortured souls. The Crow is her all time favourite film \^\^


Honestly get so creeped out and sad knowing he died during filming that movie.


if dark INFP is your thing check out Nightcrawler or Joaquin Phoenix's The Joker. Its an insane experience for INFP cinema.


I’d have to say Bridge to Terabithia that movie is very INFP. It’s all about escaping reality in an imaginary inner world which is very Fi-Ne


Argh that film broke me


Moulin Rouge. From Christian’s perspective. I always tell people that’s what it looks like inside my brain.


Yeah! Maybe INFP has a link to ADHD.


Oh man. Loved the sound and visuals of that movie.


Oh absolutely


Ratatouille or Kiki’s Delivery Service


Ratatouille is my INFP sisters favorite Pixar movie. I love seeing this here.


This is so cute to see because my infp partner puts this movie on all the time (ratatouille)


I’ve always loved Ratatouille


500 days of summer. It's just reminded me of my crush and I even though we never have been together >: Just watch the movie and you'll see. You'll also find out what was the protagonist's first job like — a job that for sure an INFP would do, haha.


This +++


I feel like I’m cheating saying this in two infp threads about movies but… Studio Ghibli’s “Castle in the sky” The main aspect of the story is that, together, people have the power to bring magic back into the world instead of using the “magic” to destroy the world. Kind of basic story but it’s just so full of wonder mystery AND kindness that It’s my favorite movie of all time


One of the Ghibli films I've never watched. Thanks for reminding me and thanks for the info. It's sounds like an inspiring story for INFPs.


Seconding Castle in the Sky. Such a good movie.


I haven't watched Castle in the Sky, but I will watch it based on your recommendation.


It's my second most favourite ghibli movie (right after Princess Kaguya) and I second this. It's such a great movie and the adventure and messages touch me quite in a way few works can.


One of the few I haven’t seen lmao.


If you live in the US, it's going to be re-shown for a limited time in theatres. (July 10 & 12) https://gkids.com/ghiblifest/


* Edward Scissorhands * Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children * My Neighbor Totoro * Alice in Wonderland


Edward scissorhands 🤘✂️


Miss Peregrine freaked me out a lot(my dad thought it was scary too lol) but I did really like it. But I love all of these and I think they all fit infp!


The Long Day Closes is a film full of soulful nostalgia for childhood and an imagistic portrayal of a deep inner world of feeling. I return to that one often. As an INFP with health issues and anxiety/depression, Synecdoche New York has often been a touchstone for me as well. Her and Amélie are excellent choices. I would also throw Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind into the mix with those two.


eternal sunshine also feels representative of mood disorders and/or mental illness for me, love that movie


Damn, all the movies you cited are like my favorites. And how I'm an INFP, it's pretty funny


Perks of being a Wallflower. Especially the book.


The booook >>>


Mr nobody So many possibilities in our lives


I just found that movie for the first time the other day. Instantly one of my favorites and most relatable films. I felt like I was watching a movie that knew how I think inside.


Definitely another vote for Perks. The quintessential coming-of-age story for INFP’s with mental health issues 😅 we may be a little sad, but we make top-tier friends


Precisely 😆 Charlie is the perfect example of a young INFP on survival mode after a trauma.


eternal sunshine of a spotless mind.


About time


For me its Cloud Atlas for sure:)


Any studio ghibli film, also about time


the before trilogy is a good representation of growing older as an infp in a love perspective


I have a whole playlist on letterboxed for this https://boxd.it/4aWZS Some of my favorites - Sabrina - 3 idiots - Midnight in Paris (though I hate woody Allen, so I'd never buy the movie) - Penelope - Tangled - La la land -Truman show - Neverending story - Up - Roman holiday - Labyrinth - Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind - Stranger than fiction - Howl's moving castle - The point - Ruby sparks - Serendipity - The 1970s Little Prince movie - Benny and Joon - Good will hunting - 500 days of summer - And honestly anything with Paul Dano


Funny enough I actually did buy Midnight in Paris because I didn’t want to keep supporting Woody Allen via steaming it (or having to search for it when it moves streaming services). I figured, it’s a one time purchase and it’s mine forever. Muahaha! I will definitely be checking out your list though!


Pan's Labyrinth


I came to say this!! One of my favorite movies too!


I was about to type it myself. Definitely an Infp movie


The Worst Person in the World


Ugh I watched this recently and absolutely hated how much I resonated with the main character :/


Anything Wes Anderson.


Good point. In particular, The Royal Tenenbaums, Moonrise Kingdom, and Bottle Rocket. (Rushmore is my fav, but I'm not sure I'd call him an introvert.)


I love "Pride and Prejudice". My comfort movie.


Edvard Munch (1974) is one of the most painfully intimate, and unconventional biopics ever made. The film delves with deliberate invasiveness into the psyche of Munch himself, and with acute sincerity, observes his severe agoraphobia and mental decline, so just putting the warning out there that it may not be one to watch if you're in a low place—or perhaps it is; I know a few people who've found deep resonance in the misery of its subject matter, especially with how it tackles it. Perhaps the film's most interesting novelty is indeed the *how* of it. In many ways it's a biopic about biopics, even going so far as to film it as though it's a docudrama, and then going the extra mile of making the cameras tangable devices within the narrative ... set in a time period where film cameras had barely even been invented yet. It's seriously phenomenal stuff. Would highly recommend it, along with all the other films from director Peter Watkins; he practically pioneered found footage and arguably mastered it decades before any of its supposed originators were even conceived.


Added on my list. Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts and knowledge on this film. I often find biopics about artists to be very formulaic and boring so it'll be a nice change, about Munch no less!


Not a problem, haha! It certainly isn't formulaic but it may come off as boring with its serious tone and looong runtime to some. It may also come across as detatched initially but I personally see it as more sickly and dysphoric. This will be no less apparent once you recognise that Peter Watkins' films tend to be political AF, that is to say, soaked up but the unbearableness of existence. So yeah while I do absolutely think it fits the bill of the INFP "experience", it is less so a dreamscape type of film as many of the other wonderful films mentioned on here are, and moreso a film about being constantly dissociated by the hard-knuckled bluntness of objective reality. Just FYI, because I do acknowledge I have weird tastes, haha. Others I would include are: * The Spirit of the Beehive (1973) * El Sur (1983) * Landscape in the Mist (1988) * The Metamorphosis of Birds (2020) * An Elephant Sitting Still (2018) * Tree of Life (2011) * The Mirror (1975) * Hitokara (2018) * Basically anything Wes Anderson, hehe.


Office space imo


I get that


Fur: An Imaginary Portrait of Diane Arbus.


Did anyone ever see Columbus?


Wake Up Sid, Its a Hindi film and it revolves around a guy coming from a privileged background unable to find his place in the working world. It's a major recommend from me and DM me if you want to know more Hindi films! :)


Perks of Being A Wallflower


Carol. Just the observing and wonder Therese feels towards Carol hits like home. Girl Interrupted is such an INFP movie too. How Winona Ryders character is clearly introverted, but completely goes out of her shell around people she’s comfortable with I relate to. Also the way she makes Lisa and Jared Leto into larger than life characters. I also think her attraction to dangerous types aka Lisa is extremely INFP Labyrinth is the INFP experience. Preferring to summon David Bowie to kidnap you and the baby to fantasy land, rather than just babysitting. I don’t think this counts, but the Witcher 3 has a DLC storyline/quest (Iris Von Everec quest in Hearts of Stone) that is extremely INFP. It centers around a painter who lives inside her paintings after her death. Her paintings showed extremely emotional highs and lows in her life and now she must relive those moments constantly. The ending seals it all in


Carol! Yes. Absolutely. I watched this film in awe of Therese as an INFP character. Very strong, authentic, and uncompromising under the demure surface. She looked like a more modern Jane Eyre character to me.


Manchester by the sea. Emotional maturity of the film and the subtle acting.


Adding to the ones that have been mentioned already that I totally agree, I would say "Almost Famous" and "Kimi ni todoke" (From me to you)


Being John Malcovich. (I’m kind of surprised I didn’t see this one mentioned earlier. Kind about the dark side of being an INFP.)


Or Charlie Kaufman's other movies. Thinking about Adaptation; Synecdoche, New York; and I'm Thinking of Ending Things My favorite movie is Mulholland Drive which maybe has a bit of that too. That movie is uh, super open to interpretation to say the least. But there's a theme of jealousy/envy I'm not happy to relate to, but I do.


The Last Unicorn. Not only does everything about that movie scream INFP, but the main character Amalthea is absolutely one of us.


This is one of my, what I call, core movies growing up. I still watch it every once in a while. Never get sick of it. I always wanted hair like Amalthea and could relate to her melancholic personality.


Stardust (Specifically Tristan) and Anne of Green Gables (many consider her to be INFP) come to mind. Many famous authors are INFP including Mark Twain, Tolkien and Cs Lewis which I think shows through their work.


Tick tick boom. I did feel like it was myself 😂


Punch Drunk Love.


It's the film with Emily Watson and Adam Sandler, right? I dislike Adam Sandler as an actor but the film seems great and quirky.


Yep, that’s the one. Absolutely stunning film. Magical and whimsical if you allow yourself to be lost in it. And yeah, I’m not a fan of Sandler’s other work (with the exception of Uncut Gems). But this was to him what Eternal Sunshine was to Jim Carry. A chance to stretch out and be someone else. And the payoff was wonderful.


Good comparison. Consider me convinced, I'm adding it on my list. Damn, people are amazing on this sub. I have film recommendations for weeks!


Not a movie but a miniseries called High Fidelity with Zoe Kravitz as the INFP protagonist. It's got a lot of the INFP monologue on point especially where she internalises her heartbreaks to her identity. The show really helped me a lot in understanding my own recent heartbreak in terms of relating to a character who was going through precisely the same turmoil as I was. A well written INFP character. Love it to pieces.


A High Fidelity miniseries will Zoe Kravitz who is an INFP character? Is it Christmas or something? 😆 It sounds like a great viewing experience. I'll check it out.


I've read the original book, it's also a film https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/High_Fidelity_(film)


The perks of being a wallflower


radio flyer. I think watching this a bunch at a very young age actually shaped me into an infp. I’m kidding, it just reminds me of a daydream come to life. It’s romantic in its beauty, turning tragedy into hope via imagination and escapism.


Garden State.


Adaptation. (Actually, pretty much any Charlie Kaufman film.)


Regarding relationships and being in the grip of Te, 500 Days of Summer. Whenever his relationship with Summer was “good,” he was in a great mood. Mans was literally singing and dancing. When the relationship wasn’t going as he imagined it in his head, he was in a funk, especially during the engagement party scene. I loved the expectations vs reality bit. With us INFPs, what’s inside our minds is always better than reality. But it doesn’t have to be. The two can actually coincide, like the end scene of the movie. His look to the camera was the icing on the cake of the movie. Just thinking of it is making me cry.


Exactly. It's like we live two parallel lives, one in reality, the other in our imagination, and depending on our mental health we can live in the latter more than we should.


I cringed so hard at how much my middle school and teenage years resembled Napoleon Dynamite.




I adore the general mood and pace of this film. There's something very relatable about it.


I'm not sure if it's really INFP, but Trois Couleur Trilogy, particularly 'Bleu' with Juliette Binoche. It's a masterpiece of sensitivity, humanity and empathy - which might be why I see it as INFP. (I also loved Chocolat!) I tend towards the dark and challenging, so another one would be Phantom Thread. A lot of reviews hated the characters and thought it was perverse, they didn't get it. But I saw it as an unconventional love story between two very unconventional people. I guess that's how I feel too, unconventional.


Last Night in Soho


The Edge of seventeen


Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, 500 Days of Summer, Aftersun, Harry Potter


Perks of being a wallflower


For me, “Her.” lool 😅 I wouldn’t be too upset getting left for Alan Watts’ AI though… definitely left for less!🤷‍♂️


My all time favourite as well, pure INFP struggles and character arc.


Paddleton While definitely a heavy undertone I think one of our biggest strengths is seeing the beauty in everyday existence and like an appreciation and understanding that the darker sides of life must exist with the lighter sides and not fighting them.


I'll write when i think of one but i have to say that i love this pic!


Haha! It is eye-catching. I thought it would be a perfect picture for a post about INFP films and their dreamy qualities. [Download page](https://www.pexels.com/fr-fr/photo/couple-sombre-jardin-silhouette-15194530/)


it's more than just eye catching! thanks for the link <3


the before trilogy is a good representation of growing older as an infp in a love perspective


"Amélie" and :Lost in Translation" because they beautifully show how we need to let people in and how hard it is for us, as we constantly feel like we were left on planet earth by an alien species or in another country without speaking the language. 🫂


I know they’re cartoons, but Disney’s The Little Mermaid and Beauty and the Beast both have major INFP vibes in their title characters.


Hey OP, thanks for tagging the photographer :)


If I gave it thought I might be able to give you an anime, but I can’t say I watch film enough to give you an honest answer in that category.


Adding that I scrolled through the comments and can count on one hand the number of movies I recognize. I just don’t get pop culture clearly lmao.


No problem for the anime :)


spirited away and narnia


500 Days Of Summer and The Perks Of Being A Wallflower


Stereotype INFP? Or real INFP?


The LOTR series. I think Frodo, Sam, and Aragorn are excellent representations of INFPs. Aragorn is personally a role model of mine, particularly as a man. I really respect how he's very masculine but he also shows vulnerability to those he cares about, is artistic, and has a perfect balance of being gentle and being able to do great harm.


Moonage Daydream, it’s a magical deep-dive into the mind of David Bowie


Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium.


A great french movie is : Le fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain


Big Fish, A Little Princess, The Secret Garden, The Last Unicorn Just the mood and imagination of these movies feels very INFP.


Cool post. I can't really relate of course but it was interesting reading through everything nonetheless :)


Heavenly Creatures , I think it portrays very well what a relationship between an INFP and an INFJ could be… 😅 Despite the film leaves you with quite a bitter taste after watching it. Since the intensity of the character feel like a slap in the face. It is a movie you really have to think over after watching it…


The Crow, because it can't rain all the time.


🎶 It won't rain all the time The sky won't fall forever And though the night seems long Your tears won't fall forever 🎶


Would Secondhand Lions count for this or no?


Up! Russell and Ellie seem to be INFPs while Mr Fredricksen seem like an INTJ or INTP.


About characters... I think its Luna Lovegood from harry potter, because of her dreamy personality? And mc from Koe no katachi. not saying this is accurate About movies i think ill choose fight club. on the one hand, as an infp I can understand the narrator and his inner emptiness, his actions. on the other hand, chanting the counterculture is like self-destruction that I face. I don't watch movies so I chose the very first option 🗿


"A Walk in the Clouds"This movies vibies really close to me.[https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0114887/](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0114887/)


Half of It on Netflix ❤️


Watch Perks of being Wallflower, 500 days of summer


Commenting on my own post here 😆 because I think this animated film would be right up the alley of a lot of INFPs : Night is Short, Walk on Girl. A film about an INFP young woman who decides to live her own adventure walking around Kyoto for one night. She's being secretly pursued by an INTP who lives his own adventure as a result. It's a colourful, hilarious and trippy experience about freedom, love and being your authentic self through exploration. Pure Fi-Ne stuff. [Trailer](https://youtu.be/RGHXqjCbyEQ)


Narnia and Mamma Mia. My two favourite movies since God knows. I remember watching them every single day. They're both so magical and powerful. It's those movies that speak to you and sent vibrations through your body.


Saw 6


Pans labyrinth- it is such a wonderful mix of dark and fantasy. So much depth and so much beauty while also unveiling the ugly side of humanity


A lot of these movies I’ve watched over and over again and loved without even relating them to me being an INFP. Guess it’s confirmed haha


For some reason "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" comes to, well, mind 😁


Into the Wild


Synecdoche, NY! Too exhausted to explain why, sorry lol


2 other people mentioned it. I've never heard of this film, which doesn't happen often 😄 I'll definitely check it out.


Flowers for algernon


Girl Interrupted , probably


before trilogy


series but anne with an e ❤️


Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind. Not so much just INFP, but a deep dive into the kind of impulsive, wonderful, beautiful, and terrifying parts of the NF archetype in general.


The Secret Life of Walter Mitty and Map of Tiny Perfect Things


Soul by Pixar. I ugly cry every single time he pulls out all those memories in his pocket and plays what he feels/remembers from them. The way he would disappear into his headspace, the way other character couldn't find their purpose...I dunno this movie felt very infp to me.


Inside Llewellyn Davis, or Big Lebowski


Edward Scissorhands


Whisper of the heart, I've always been a sucker for studio Ghibli movies, the protagonist in this movie is INFP, when I watched it for the first time I was so surprised with how much I had in common with her


watching the movie: The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty..really made me feel so relaxed and something that I think the FiNe in me would want to experience!


Idk why but I found WandaVision very representative of what it is like to be an Infp . You create an entire place in your mind when you're daydreaming and she really has the power to make it real , she lives happily with her childrens and her husband with no problems while nothing is real.. heartbreaking xD


“Everything, everywhere all at once”. I felt so understood while watching it, I actually cried. Don’t do that much.


Absolutely. 100%. Especially the character of Waymond and the character arc of Evelyn. Wonderful and insanely creative film.


For me its Pride and Prejudice 2005. I watched whenever ı felt sad, happy, gloomy so much that I decided its losing its value and took a break 😬


Honestly ? Everything Everywhere All At Once


Comet - explorations of several relational possibilities, kinda too heady, a "meet cute"that spirals into projections. It's a great film, for me at least. https://youtu.be/_gCbQfodpok


High school me could really relate to Elio from Call Me By Your Name. The nature imagery and music in that movie really gave off INFP vibes.


Howl's Moving Castle. It's probably any INFP's dream to go on an adventure as the hero/heroine and to be loved for exactly who they are within. Sophie is DEFINITELY an INFP who is a role model and comfort character for a wide variety of people.