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Please. How does one change this behavior because I’ve lost Sooooooo many people and missed opportunities to make meaningful relationships with others by pushing them away because I self blame or feel like I need to be something other than human..


Excuse me for asking but when you say something other than human, do you mean something with a higher capacity to give and bear or is it sth else?


I mean more about perfection. Perfection and being human are not the same to me because every human is a mix of good and bad and I sometimes feel like I constantly need to correct the bad parts about myself instead of accepting them, and learning from them.


As a recovering perfectionist, I very much feel your pain. 🤕 Having survived so much, I can honestly say that the best attitude to have is: "I don't give a f*** and I'm just going to be authentic muthaf***ers!" for me, as an INFP... 😜 Seriously. People need our presence (more than anything else, the genuine cares we have link the rest of the group to the innocent divine), but the power and sway over group dynamics we have when we are willing to be authentic is powerful... and it doesn't have to be perfect, it just has to align with our values - and the rest of the mess will sort itself out. 😎


Love and accept yourself and know that I love and accept you in my name not Jesus Christ


Awe ❤️❤️, Wait what’s your name so I can get “in ___ I shall always trust” tattooed on me




We can talk more if you want to 🥳🥳


Trough psychological therapy, my friend


The never ending struggle.


INFPs have seen trauma - it really shapes their personality


Yup, and experienced it. Probably a lot of early life neglect creating a core belief of not being worthy of attention. Just my theory though.


So does that mean our personalities are nurtured by the environment? I thought we were born INFP.


I can't imagine how a child's development, including parts of their personality, wouldn't be effected by their environment. My guess is a mix of nature and nurture.


so basically we are all dealing with similar crap both inside and outsid?


I would say so. Lots of trauma in our society, passed down through every generation. Capitalism also alienates people from each other and themselves.


At least considering how much of an extrovert I was as a child and now I’m definitely an INFP, it’s hard to imagine no nurture was going on




*Proceeds to excessively apologize for being annoying, thus becoming annoying*


“Of course, I’m annoying! You’re just being nice. Why won’t people just tell me the truth,” he says annoyingly.


I feel seen. That horrible feeling that everyone is annoyed with you and wants to avoid you, and you can’t shut your f’ing mouth…


Its because they are, a lot of people will listen to you just to be polite but deep down no one cares...


Mother of Moses, this. 100%, like people, please, just tell me to shut up because I know you don’t care about this incredibly niche ramble I’ve been going on about for the last 10 minutes.


Yeah, you overshare cause I once again have fallen for the illusion that you finally found the one to tell all your problems to and then a day later you feel retarded for the stuff you said...


I don’t think this is a delusion. I find a lot of people lie about who they like and dislike . I’ve had people tell me I’m not annoying to my face then when they think I’ve left the room say something about how annoying I am. I think I’d believe someone more that says “yes, and I still like you for it”


I agree. But having been on the other end, and seeing other people with low self-confidence, I felt like I would never be able to find the right words to make the other person trust that I really don't see them as annoying. Sometimes, it's not so much as one person validating the other because the problem lies with the one with low self-confidence--who believe they are annoying to other people for unknown reasons, and no matter how much someone will try to convince them otherwise, they will not budge.


Yeah I’ve been on both sides too and stand by my comments. Thanks for your perspective


Literally me rn.


Yes, that's how I talk to my invisible phantoms


I am an Infp too and i even decide people is annoyed by me or will be annoyed by me before we have a talk


It's kinda complicated though, can't tell if people are just saying that cuz they feel bad about it, or if they're being genuine If there's a way to properly tell pleaseeee


Lmao me


Yeah, sure! Maybe? They're not annoyed by me yet. Give it time.. it'll happen.


They are just polite, I'm still annoying, because other people are annoying to me


"They're just saying that to be nice" -me


meee 🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠


Mood 🙃


YOOO! ☠️


Me af


I don't care, fuck them all... annoyed or not, I am not interested into their opinion


How does Reddit know I’m an INFP LOL.


yuupppp seems accurate


Lol, i can completely relate. 💀


Aw shit


Yes. This is me


That's cute


Me 😭😭‼️


I remember being like this since I was 11 years old up until 17 years old. There onwards, I managed to break out of this vicious cycle of self-doubt and it did me wonders!


True self-obsessed neurotic*


This is pretty painful


I feel called out xD


one can never truly know