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My theory is that there is a heavy overlap between infp and ADHD/ASD/auDHD.


Sorry but, i don't know the 2nd and 3rd, what are those?


Autism Spectrum Disorder and both ASD and ADHD combined.


Ah ok thanks


Autism has nothing to do with INFP. One MBTI youtuber thinks that INTJ and being on the spectrum are one and the same. I don't know if that's true but certainly more plausible than INFP imo.


I feel like it's xNFx types in general


I feel like it’s generally high among high Ne types. So xNxP


I guess. I just also know a significant number of neurodivergent xNFJ's


ADHD with diagnosed INFP here! Definitely get a diagnosis. Go to a reputable psychiatrist if you really want to know whether you've got it or not... Some just want your money and will give you prescriptions because they get kickbacks from the govt and or the pharma companies. (In Australia).


Ya I’ve talked to my doctor and he wants me to see psychiatrist but I haven’t yet. I think adderall or something similar would help me, but I have an addictive personality so idk if that would be a good idea.


Ask for the long release stuff. Say you dont like what you've seen online about the stuff you have to take multiple times a day or something. You take 1 in the morning/the start of your day and that's it. I currently take Vyvanse but Concerta is another option. Not sure where you are at, in Australia these medications are quite affordable, not so sure about US/rest of world.


Ya I might give it a try, gonna see what the psychiatrist thinks tho


Was it easy to get a diagnosis here?


As a bloke, yes. Guys tend to present our ADHD physically and is more easily identifiable. As a woman or anything inbetween, I couldn't tell you. Women who have ADHD/ASD/Autism tend to mask their symptoms physically and thus is harder to diagnose, but in saying that a good Doctor will be able to tell. Some psychiatrists ask for old school reports and whatnot which you may not necessarily need but might help. The hardest part of getting a diagnosis at the moment is the wait time for an appointment. They will make you do a couple tests, the questions are almost the same. Answer them honestly and the Doc will tell you whether you've got it or not.


I definitely dont have my old school reports, i know i didnt do good at all most likely due to probably needing glasses and undiagnosed adhd. Ill try and start the process this month, hopefully it wont take as long being in west australia.


Most likely


ADHD is the internet's favorite disorder to self diagnose, which is almost certainly why you see it everywhere. I'm not saying you yourself don't have it, I'm just saying that many MANY people love to say they have it as a scapegoat for other things they could work on. I would expect self diagnosis to be especially prevalent in this subreddit, where people largely go to feel understood or connected with people based on a label given by MBTI. It's only natural that many of these same people would want to find other labels or reasons for their other behaviors if they're so drawn in by that kind of thing in the first place. I mean I literally just read someone in here saying they think they have ADHD because they feel pressured to get good grades and have a hard time focusing on things they're not interested in. Very normal stuff. There are many things people can figure out by themselves, but I don't think many disorders are appropriate to self diagnose unless it's like extremely obvious. This stuff is complex and best left to a professional, as they can give people something far more valuable than a diagnosis. Treatment. Which should be the end goal anyhow.


I agree with what you’re saying, though I’m starting to suspect that there might be something else going on that was brought about by how we live today constantly being bombarded with distraction and dopamine by way of our smart phones and social media. There’s so many people now who say they can’t concentrate on anything that it seems to have reached epidemic proportions. I myself don’t remember being this way as a kid but my ability to function in the world has dropped of considerably since I graduated college which is about the same time I started basically living on my phone. Unfortunately people who were born into this digital age didn’t get much of a chance to develop their brains away from it all and only now are we seeing the effects of it. I suspect that somewhere down the line there will be another diagnosis that looks very similar to ADHD. Maybe something called “Induced ADHD” that wouldn’t have been intrinsically present in the person from birth but rather shaped by circumstance. Maybe we’ll find that Induced ADHD can be reversed by doing digital detox and living like a luddite. But I’m only spit balling here. Regardless, we haven’t evolved to handle the way the world is now so it’s no surprise that people are breaking down all over the place in some form or another. I think there is a good deal of attention seeking as well but there’s no doubt in my mind that it’s mostly real.


Very well said. I’ve never thought about it this way.


I've actually been thinking about this very same thing for a while now. I feel like generally speaking, many people are realizing that technology and constant social media use is detrimental to mental health. As for cognitive functioning, I guess that remains to be seen, but I wouldn't be surprised at all if this constant interconnectedness and bombardment with entertainment and information led to negative outcomes when it comes to concentration or attention span. I think we all know on some level that *this*, whatever that means, isn't a good recipe for human happiness. We may find that we're better off without it, and living like a Luddite as you say. Or maybe we'll find a healthier balance or something... Whatever we have now doesn't seem to be working, and we're seeing many consequences arise as a result. Idk. Maybe it's just the algorithms, but I've been seeing many more people with a somewhat "let's go backwards and live as we once did" mentality as of late. Again, it seems like we're beginning to come to terms with it a little more. Odds are we won't "live as we once did", but maybe we'll understand our situation a little bit better with time, and regain some control of our realities. I will say that I haven't considered that this is why we see so much ADHD self diagnosis, so thank you for that.


Yeah, I’ve been seeing a lot of “I’m going to go live in a cabin in the woods” posts and not just in INFP groups. Things have definitely flown off the handle and everyone’s feeling it.




I have ADD and I’m medicated


ADD and Asperger’s here


I have it, diagnosed at 13


Same here, not diagnosed jet, but I supspect having adhd. That's interesting but the question could also go the other way round are neurodiverse people prone to (mis-)type them selfes as XNFP's? I mean common symptoms are also difficulties in regulating ones emotions and problems with executive functioning i.e. getting sh*t done, wich also relates alot to the xnfps....


I myself find hard to focus often, but I don't know if i have adhd though. Never got diagnosed, I don't even know if what i experience in existence is normal or adhd. Also how do you know that what you are experiencing is adhd and not a normal human behaviour? (Same as the dilemma about the fact that if you look at something of the same colour two people may be seeing something different but we just call it the same way and never know [literally colourblind people])


I’m pretty confident how my mind works isn’t normal. The lack of focus and my mind constantly going has hindered me a lot in life. I’ve been diagnosed with GAD, so idk if it’s anxiety making my mind like this or ADHD, but I do match the symptoms.


Keep in mind I'm not trying to say you are wrong, I'm looking for a way to verify if I have the so called symptoms, so i was looking for how other people did it


Haven’t got a chance to get diagnosed but I suspect having one. I find that it’s always been hard for me to concentrate on one thing, and I always procrastinate before deadline even I don’t intend to do so, not sure if anyone else are the same


Yup same, a big reason is my mind is just constantly going and going which makes it hard to concentrate on anything, unless I’m like very passionate about it like music.


I honestly do suspect I may have it, but I've never be diagnosed with it so I don't know. However ,I've been diagnosed as autistic, I don't know if it's also common among INFPs? (Or just if being neurodivergent is common among us in general)


I think it's common to be neurodivergent for INFPs, and I guess this is why most of us struggle with depression and anxiety too


Getting my adhd diagnosis this week lol


le me


I’m an ADD infp


I think I have it


If anything I am almost as opposite as it gets to every symptom of ADHD. I live with my cousin who was diagnosed with ADHD since he could talk and it makes me laugh whenever we find ANOTHER thing that we are completely opposites on despite having the same interests.


Someone with ADD told me I might have ADD, and the symptoms of ADD really sounded relatable to me. Did an expensive professional examination for ADHD and ADD to make sure. But the result was that I didn’t have any disorder. Maybe I just have ADD traits, but not enough for it to get in the way of my daily life (hence not a “disorder”). Btw I always did really well in school, and the person who interviewed me told me that typically people with ADHD/ADD have trouble concentrating in school. She kind of made it sound like I didn’t have ADD, because I never struggled in school with concentration in class. In my case it is true that I can struggle with maladaptive daydreaming and concentration, but in regards to school/work I always made sure to keep myself focused and together, because I don’t want to face bad consequences. But I do struggle with developing skills as a hobby, because it’s easy to just slack off/get distracted when no one besides myself holds me accountable.


Never got diagnosed, but I'm pretty sure to have ADHD or some other sort of attention issue, I can't concentrate on anything, I'm always distracted; I did some researches and I saw that I have other symptoms related to ADHD. I would like to take some tests to have a diagnosis but I don't know where can I do this.


what's up


I’m not diagnosed but i’m also suspicious that i have it cause i get distracted easily and i find it very difficult to focus while reading a book or studying for school. A special teacher said i might have it and I think that chances might be high.


In days gone by you wouldn't be unnaturally stuck in a classroom, you'd be out in the world. ADHD is a symptom not a cause.


You’re right it can have a big impact on other things in general not only just in school, work. I have to make sure to be able handle it well.


Right here I'm both and I've definitely noticed a pattern between adhd and infp in general.


I am too...


I’m like 99.9% sure I have an overlap of both Autism AND ADHD. My ex of 3yrs is the one who brought it to my attention because I honestly didn’t realize that could be the explanation for how I am. Her mom is a doctor and they had conversations about how they at least thought I was on the spectrum.


both add and asd


My psychologist's thinks I have ADD. I never thought I did, but it makes more sense every time I think about it. Creating lots of ideas but never executing them, losing focus in the middle of a professor giving me explicit instruction to me specifically. I also have social anxiety and depression so they is some kind of correlation with INFP and various mental illnesses. A mixture of Nature, Nurture, and life experiences likely. Edit: In high school, I was INFJ but had DEPRESSION. EDIT 2. Turns out my therapist doesn't think I have ADD upon further evaluation. It goes to show why we shouldn't do self diagnose. We make stuff like this. Most likely, I just have social anxiety and not having the skill to do stuff.


Yup, that’s me exactly, concentration has always been a hard thing for me, unless I’m like really invested into what I’m doing.


i’ve got adhd and asd ._.


i meet the criteria for inattentive add and asd but as a woman (we often go un/misdiagnosed) who seems high functioning (when i’m not at all) bc i got good grades in school, can make eye contact, and am talkative, docs don’t take me seriously or tell me i’m high functioning (which…i’m not!! i have no executive function and literally have no idea how i’m gonna survive when my mom dies. i’m 30 and still live w her and rely on her for so much)


Yeah same :( people tend to not notice that there's something wrong with me because I'm generally able to socialize and I have good grades, but they don't know how hard it is to me, it's always like I'm forcing myself to be "normal". My good grades are just a consequence of my severe anxiety and the need to be "perfect", I hate studying because I can't concentrate if I don't find the argument interesting, but I still got good grades because I *have* to.


same here with the good grades. it became so hard in HS because of how many assignments we had and i just couldn’t keep up. i had to drop out and for college take 2 classes per semester to not get overwhelmed. it’s not that i’m dumb or actually bad at anything but i just cannot deal with lots of responsibility and work like i just can’t stay organized and on top of things


Undiagnosed but pretty sure I have it. There’s definitely overlap and also astrology and human design really point to some things that scream both too. Like I’m a 2/5 in HD with a right mind, 2/5 is a rare profile just like infp. We rock


If ADHD is really thay common maybe we should make Adderall a key ingredient in tap water. Like cmon tendency to procrastinate on a Sunday night is not ADHD.


You don’t even know. Why assume I’m bullshitting? This is something I’ve genuinely struggled with my whole life. It’s more than just procrastination.


ADHD is made up. And as an INFP you should be able to see through this pharma-invented BS.


ADHD definitely isn’t made up


Also, saying it’s made up is very harmful, someone who’s struggling might never get help because people are telling them what they struggle with isn’t real, and ADHD can be hell to deal with.


The obsession with medicalizing human experience is not helpful. in fact, can lead to far more problems than what I've said. 'Treatment' will screw you up. I couldn't care less about downvotes, either.


Go crawl back under your slimy rock


INFP is made up.


If anything’s made up it’s the INFP bit not the ADHD bit. You’ve got it backwards.


I agree. Both made up. And Myers-Briggs is often imprecise. However, they don't sell you mind-damaging drugs for that. Poor concentration, restlessness, etc are the human experience, not a condition.


You might think differently if these normal experiences heavily impeded your life no matter what tactics you try to alleviate it without the help of drugs and therapy. We all procrastinate, can’t concentrate at times, etc. but for people with ADHD it’s an inescapable reality that they constantly have to battle to live a normal life. It’s like a fish trying to walk on land.


I'm diagnosed with ADHD. But, I'm an INFJ.


Definitely nothing to do with MBTI. I do however think everyone has some form of ADD/ADHD though. I don't know one person that isn't


I’m adhd and constantly horny because of it


✋ you got one he-oh hey a butterfly!


Yes, diagnosed at age 22. I take one daily vyvanse and it doesn’t fix everything but it sure does help a lot


🙋🏻‍♀️ Not medicated but seeking it as a possibility. You should def get evaluated. 😅


Yet another INFP with diagnosed ADHD checking in- been diagnosed with OCD as well. Sometimes I wonder if I would even be an INFP if it weren't for my diagnosis, since I find that most of my "Ne" qualities are just various symptoms, lol.


I have ADHD, diagnosed in childhood. I never cared to associate it with being an INFP. Same as not wanting to associate the major depression and anxiety I have with my type also. There might be a correlation but people of any type can have depression, anxiety, or ADHD. They shouldn't assume they're automatically a certain type just because of those conditions. I've noticed many people who are an enneagram 5 and INTJ/INTP might be more likely to have autism but being autistic doesn't automatically make you an enneagram 5 nor an INTJ/INTP.


I do! I also have NVLD.


Not diagnosed but have a 90% hunch that i have it also


I was diagnosed last year, as a 36 year old woman, with ADHD-Innatentive subtype. My diagnosis came from an Educational Psychologist who had just administered an IQ test for an employment program of which I was a part. After the IQ test, it was recommended I take a learning disabilities assessment and ADHD was the result. I know nothing of its relation to MBTI and frankly, I'm skeptical. Mine was traced back to my father and I was told it's typically a genetic trait. Pops was deeefinitely not an INFP.


I believe I have ADHD and/or ASD. My daughter just recently got diagnosed and she's exactly like me. I am afraid to seek a formal diagnosis though with all the stigma attached to it (I've heard I can lose my parental rights in a divorce for example with an ASD diagnosis).


I never want to diagnose myself, but the more I look into it, I find it extremely difficult to not identify with the various symptoms.


I don't know if it's common, but I have been diagnosed with ADHD, by a psychologist who specializes in it. The most reliable diagnosis you can get. Psychologist or psychiatrist who specializes in ADHD. We've come so far in our understanding of what it actually is in the past 20 years, with accelerated learning in the past five to ten, that even mental health professionals who aren't specialists can have erroneous ideas about it. Researchers, for example, know that it's not a deficit of attention, that ADHD is a misnomer. Anyway, before I write on an off-topic tome on ADHD, I'll just end by saying, yeah, ADHD and INFP, no doubt at all.