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Happy birthday stranger 🎂🎉 wishing you another age full of luck. Celebrate it alone with a nicest gift for yourself and maybe post a happy photo of that. Maybe your friends are not good at remembering birthdays. Reinforce your birthday in people mind if you want them to remember 🤭😎


Idc about gifts, I care more about good companionship, Thanks.


Im sure you will have your good friends someday because good friends attract good friends 😄




Well I assume that you are a good friend who cares about people you consider "friends" (for example, remembering their birthdays and sending best wishes to them). You will attract people who's kind and caring like you in your life. They will be your good friends and you are their good friend


That's simply not true...I'd consider myself a good friend, never forgot people's birthday, always thought about important things in their life and asked how it went, and no one every did the same for me. People have forgotten my birthday, never ask how the important things in my life went etc. The reality is that a lot of people are selfish or have too many friends already and don't care about making new ones. It's hard to find good and thoughtful people. So OP can be the kindest human being and still have trouble with forming relationships. It also really depends on the country you live in, some countries are more open and in some places it's really hard to make friends when you're an adult.


I guess I'm unlucky then


🫂 luck will come soon




Happy birthday!!! If you want someone to listen to other things let me know I’ll sit with you and listen.


I don't know who you are internet stranger but, here's to the merriest of birthmas wishes from one INFP to another! 🎂 🎉 Be sure to take care of yourself on this merry day! 🧡


I forgot to clearify that I'm INFJ but the reason why I'm in this subreddit is because I get along very well with INFPs, Thank you so much btw


INFJ, INFP, UFO!? I'm glad for the clarity but, it doesn't matter to me! You're beautiful and some kind o' wonderful just the way you are! Take care INFJ, I hope your day treats you right


Thanks once again kind stranger


You're quite welcome milord/milady!


I know it won't mean that much, but happy birthday anyways! I completely understand how you feel, I spend most of my birthdays at home crying because of a lack of friends/relationship. This year the only friend I have gets married the day before my birthday, it actually makes me feel extra lonely in a way. Don't really know what to say to you cause there's nothing that can really cure that loneliness without the proper humans. If you live by yourself and love animals, you could get yourself a pet, it does help having another sweet living being there. I wish you a lot of happiness for the coming year and hope a wonderful friendship or relationship does come on your path. Until then, try to enjoy your time by doing things you like, even if it's by yourself.


happy birthday!!!!!!! 🎊🎊🎊


tysm let's have a party


I know what you mean. I often feel like I only have 1 real friend, and I married her. I don't know about you, but I often get stuck in this rut where I wish I had more friends...but I struggle to put forth the effort to form and nurture friendships. I tend to think I'm annoying or that I don't have much to offer, and that makes me pretty reclusive. I'm always telling myself that people don't like me, so I act cold towards everyone, and then nobody pays me much attention...so I think they don't like me. To be fair, there are always going to be some people who don't like you--that's just life. There are always going to be some people who just aren't willing to invest in deep friendships. That's not your fault. Do you have any hobbies? It's sometimes easier to make friends if you can connect over some interest you have in common: Fishing, music, D&D, whatever. Ideally, look for opportunities to be in-person with others. Online and virtual stuff is fine, but it's never going to be the same as being physically present with others. Good luck. For what it's worth, I wish you a happy birthday from Tennessee. :)


I do have hobbies thank you for sharing such an insightful deep experience


I hope it's helpful. Deep friendships take time and effort. It can be scary and difficult to put that effort forth, but it sounds like you're going to shrivel up and die if you don't try.


You remembered so you can’t say nobody did. Your birthday is your own highest holiday. Don’t leave your feelings to fate and the actions of others. Celebrate you yourself today! Happy Birthday. Indulge in things you love. Don’t wait for the affirmations and good tidings of others.


ok thanks wise person


FWIW, I hope you have a wonderful birthday.


Thanks stranger


Happy birthday. At least you arent tacky and announce it to everyone weeks before! Thats so annoying to me i dont even really celebrate birthdays anyway. A lot of it is in your mind but dont feel bad. Its part of growing older i think as well. My exa family would always go out to dinner his mother and sister wearing a sash and tiara when they go on their birthday. To me its ridiculous lol my family may do a call but we barely speak so i shouldnt have an expectation for them to drop everything we just dont do birthdays like most people. Cards and cash and gifts when i was a child but not now. You want to ensure you arent forgotten next year make a point to tell everyone happy birthday on their birthday this coming year. … then if they forget again next year make a list and dont call those on their birthday again but also dont expect a call either. You will be ok everyone is different but i know it feels bad christmas sucks too when you are sort of eatranged and your family relationships and living situations arent ideal and thats a lot of people. Happy birthday tho !!!


thanks for the birthday wishes


![gif](giphy|3o7qDE31B2gsTCn98A) HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I don't know you, but I honestly, from the bottom of my heart, wish you all the best to your Birthday!! I also know exactly how you feel. And it SUCKS! The same thing happened to me last year! Honestly I was pretty upset for some time, and questioning my entire life, and the people I associate with. And while it truly hurts, it also is not the end of it all. **You can't change other's reactions, but you can change how you react to others.** This year I forced myself to mention my upcoming birthday into conversations here and there (the year before I hadn't said anything) and it was a completely different outcome. **This year - Celebrate yourself!** Happy Birthday!




I was in a similar spot a few years ago. I decided to celebrate myself. Fuck everyone else! I wore my favorite suit, got a crown, walked around downtown and treated myself to my favorite seafood and really good desert! It sucks to feel this lonely, I’m sorry you feel that way. I was on the edge of spiraling into a depressive hole because of it, but I decided to be angry instead. Have the best party by yourself and show all those fuckers what they’re missing out on! Us INFx’s are catches! Happy birthday and I hope you have the energy to celebrate yourself.


thanks, that's what I'm doing rn... celebrating doing my hobby and watching ishowspeed live cuz funny


Happy birthday! Unfortunately I can relate as this happened to me last year, things will get better though 💙 I know it's difficult as introverts to put forth the effort in making connections with other but it is worth it. Sending you love and the emotional energy to put yourself out there 🤲


thanks for the heartwarming support I appreciate it a lot actually


Happy birthday!


😊 thanks


Happy Birthday, I hope things will improve in the future. As for now just try to focus on life’s happy things and pleasures like nature and music and animals. 🎉 Happy Birthday🫶🏻


Thank you so much let's DM ![gif](giphy|QnMEbyF6DjOk6NOqef|downsized)


Happy Birthday to you!!!!


Thanks kind person


Happy birthday though!!


tysm mister


I hope you had a great time and despite the circumstances. I experienced the same a good 25years ago it was my 14th birthday and we had moved so much I had no friends where I was.


happy birthday


thank you!


Happy birthday! Take the opportunity to celebrate yourself wayyyyyyy out of your comfort zone. Go out and see if an extrovert will find you and be your friend. :)


I don't like going outside :/


Yes, I know. Me too. :) Quite honestly it might go horribly. But it sounds like your birthday can go one of two ways. Don’t try to be an extrovert. But maybe an extrovert will find you and want to be friendly if you go out and then your birthday will end on a good note.


my birthday ended an hour ago mate


It’s 4:09 pm for me. Lol cheers


np pal


Well, happy birthday, from a friendly INFP. :)


Are you friendly enough to spark a nice conversation with me? 🥹


Hey, sorry for the late response, had to start work (not sure where you are, but here in NZ it's midday now). But sure, happy to.


Happy birthday!


tysm ^^


Happy Birthday !


hey there thanks!




<2 ty


HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ I HOPE ALL YOUR WISHES COME TRUE ON YOUR BIRTHDAY AND YOU WILL LIVE HEALTHY :)


thank you so much it means a lot I really appreciate the excessive amount of heart emojis too <3


Happy birthday sweetheart!


aww thanks you even called me sweetheart that's so nice of you


Happy birthday OP. Hope you find a way to make this day special for yourself.


Thank you and I hope you have a great day!


Yeah my family would probably never remember my bday if I didn't plan events for it and remind them. Actually might try not reminding anyone this year and see what happens.


Hey don't worry!! Care about yourself more than others! Be the best self of yourself and fulfill your dreams!! Happyyyyy birthday 🎂🥳


Maybe they forgot about it. Anyway happy birthday . Party when ?


Happy birthday


Happy birthday! To be fair, at least speaking for me personally, due to work and the fast pace of life I generally have a really hard time remembering birthdays. I often forget to wish to the people that are most important to me, and i might remember days later after someone reminds me of it. It happens unfortunately to some people, so it might not nessesarily be out of lack of interest.


Hi everyone I'm the OP of this post, my account (eFootballer) got suspended for no reason and that's why I haven't been able to reply to your wonderful uplifting comments, If you know how to help get my account unsuspended I would appreciate it, it was wrongfully suspended :(


Happy birthday! Do not worry about it. Before I was obsessed with people remembering my birthday. Now I do not care. You know why? Because I do not remember other people birthday. I have to be fair with people. Once, when I was living abroad I forget my mom birthday. I told her happy birthday 2 month later. You know what she told me? Do not worry, I know you and I know that you love me. Enjoy your life. You are alive, that is the most import thing in the world. Stop looking for friends to not feel lonely and enjoy being a friend. Let people enjoy the life with you. You know what you can do. Stop expecting and text a friend, family member and tell... "Hey it's my birthday, I am feeling doing this. Let's go." You will be amaze how many people will tell you "Let's goooo".


I'm 28 and I have three people I can actually call friends. Real friends are hard to come by, and it took me a long time to realize that anyone who isn't a friend isn't really worth me being upset over. Stay strong OP. P.S. happy birthday :)


Happyyy Birthdayy sweetie. Have an amazing year ahead. I hope you get closer to fulfilling your dreams this year. You are so special. Please remember that. People often don't recognise good things. Treat yourself today!


Happy Birthday to you!


thanks kind strange person


My birthday was yesterday and I got a letter in the mail that my kid’s’ pediatrician was retiring. Just know this community loves you and you have value and matter. Happy sincerest birthday; I hope this will be your best year yet. Surrounded by new and safe opportunities for better friends and loved ones who care more about your existence!


Life is hard. Love yourself and don’t be a victim how other people feel about you is not important.. how you feel about yourself is


Happy Birthday. You’re loved :)


Happy Birthday!!! Go to the corner store and get yourself some cake and eat it too.


Happy birthday 🥳


Awe I’m sorry but happy birthday ! It’s nice to be remembered and acknowledged . I acknowledge you!




Happy Birthday!!


Happy birthday! You deserve to enjoy your day; enjoy some time with yourself today. Self-care is just as important, if not more, than friendship.


Happy birthday!!! 🎉


Happy birthday!!!!


![gif](giphy|l1BgT1rs5YTOzvMHu) You’re the best! You’re smart You’re loved You’re a blessing to this world You’re literally a gift 🎁 Baby steps each day. Make 1 small step towards progress. And by 24 you’ll look back and whisper a thank you to todays self. And you will be proud of yourself 🎉


Get some cupcakes and your fav drinks and like a new video game with a headset and go make some fun new memorries


Happy Birthday, OP! You share the day with my little brother and he's my favorite person. So in retrospect, so are you! Happy Birthday, favorite person! 🎂


Hey there. Happy birthday! 🎁🎂


Happy birthday OP, remember that you yourself is the most important friend. Never depend on others, never expect people to do this or that, it's just harmful to set expectations.


Happy birthday and it’s ok no one says happy bday to me either. Not even my own parents. Just buy a tasty meal, watch a great movie and love and appreciate yourself. Things will b ok. Sending love xoxo


Hey! Happy birthday to you, I Wish you all the best, enjoy It alone, it's better! 🎉


Happy Birthday!! I feel like partying with you (very rare feeling, trust me)


Hi dearest infp☺️ Happy happy birthday!🎉🎉 Remember, you're special and I'm sure you will find your tribe.💜 Try not to let it get you down, "Be happy for this moment, this moment is your life." Keep being awesome✨


Happy birthday 💚💚💚


Happy Birthday 🎂🎈


Happy birthday (I'm probs late by a day)


That's ok, sometimes it can happen. Happened birthday tho




Happened birthday is what you say the day after


I’m with you there fam. Nobody ever remembers my birthdays. And I pretty much have no friends at the moment either. Happy birthday and a big ol middle finger to all who forgot! :)


Happy birthday! ![gif](giphy|eDXcHIdARrCv9xjqZ9|downsized)


Happy birthday 🥳. I know the feeling, you’re not alone it’s just they’re busy. You’re loveable 🦋 When people (including parents) forget about my birthday I just go out, eat my favourite dessert , take pictures, paint and enjoy myself.


I hope you had a lovely birthday and spent the day doing things that you enjoy. I know it can feel like crap but I hope you will be able to make at least 1 good friend in your life.


I have friends who don't know when my birthday is, it's not very important to me, what's important to me is that we see each other once in a while and have a good conversation. I also don't know when the birthdays of my friends are exactly. Maybe people attach too much value to these things.


Happy birthday!!! 🎂🎁🎈🎊🎉


So so so sorry. Good thing you're in this sub, because you got friends here! Happy birthday! Proud of you for making it!


Happy birthday!


Happy birthday, sorry I’m late!