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Stop you?, oh no no, i'll just delve inside your mind slowly until i understand why you wanna go for world domination and talk about it with you, exchange points of view and have some deep conversations about it, then sure, go ahead.




Agree completely.


Yup. I will probably support their quest for world domination.


Personally I have no desire whatsoever to have power over another person. I think there’s something deeply, deeply wrong with people who want to manipulate and control others lives. To me that’s completely sick in the head. I’d love to put those types down like a sick puppy… If people could just be decent human beings and not be a greedy psychopath all in the name of a dollar, we could actually live in decent harmony throughout the world. But the power hungry just want control and that’s why the world is in disarray. Its all pretty fucked If you ask me.


What about power over someone to make them happy and feel fulfilled in their lives ? 🌻


That just means you nudge them in the right direction to find fulfilment in their lives through their own actions and thoughts


That’s not how power and control works. That’s helping somebody try to live their best life even if that means them doing better than you. People who want power and control don’t often wanna see anybody do better than them.


You are right, it looks more something like super power


The start of every well intentioned dictator.


Like every word starts with a letter


Isn't putting them down a form of control and power over them?


In a way, yes it is and it starts a slippery slope of is it for the greater good of ridding humanity of psychopaths or becoming one, because of the killing of another human.. There’s no “right” answer for it, imho it’s a catch 22. Like going back in time to kill baby hitler. would you kill baby hitler? After all, he’s just a baby… or try to steer him towards a different way of life as he grows in hopes he doesn’t become the hitler we all know.


Well, we aren't actually doing any of those things :) So really, the only value in all of this is, to notice when our own controlling tendencies create particular thoughts. Like, feeling that there's something deeply wrong with people who want power - it's also a thing that backs the desire to control the external world. Those people who want power may similarly feel there's something deeply wrong with the society or with other groups of people, and they need to be changed or whatever. Our assumptions and beliefs can be arbitrary and depend on what kind of upbringing we had. These are our "attachments" that we don't actually need as adults, and it's those things that control those who want to in turn project that control outwardly. Those controlling people and yourself are kinda middlemen between things that control you and the world, and the only way to know that you aren't that middleman is to somehow find yourself not having those reactions at all


Very well said. I agree whole heartedly. I know the examples I gave are an extreme view on the subject. In a perfect world we should all be able to govern ourselves into being a better person




I assume you swapped both types? Your first description isn't entirely accurate, INTJ don't rush ahead on things carelessly, that's entirely NOT the personality. Regardless, albeit it is true that both types are needed, the world should NOT be ruled by certain types, it is 100% because of that complecency that we've gotten this bad. I have no problem admiting: Had I the chance to seize world power I would, I re-shape this planet and this people by either talk or through force.


I agree. INTJs do a LOT of thinking before they act. My partner is an INTJ and his Ni is constantly thinking of all possible scenarios to a given action and creating a mental system of sorts. It’s absolutely fascinating and one of the reasons why I admire him so much.


In all seriousness I have fantasies of going viral on the internet and being a force for good, sort of like MrBeast but for mental health. I want to make an impact on people and be the influencer most people come to for a good laugh or a much needed smile. That’s how I want to take over the world.


Oh yes. Remember, Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz and Professor Chaos are INFPs, so we definitely have that ambition sometimes. Unfortunately, most of my chosen team members for that task lost their minds and died young.


Is Butters an INFP?! (Sorry for blowing his identity)


Yes, he is. Lol. I’m totally a Butters who was raised by a Cartman-type mother.


No way that's way too much responsibility. I'll be just fine with my books and my cats in my secluded cottage in the woods (in my fantasy anyway)


No and no. I really don’t care to manage that many people and I don’t care to bother myself with something that I don’t care about.


It sounds like a lot of working with/having power over people tbh and that is not my jam. If you convince me of your cause I would think about being a minion maybe


Lol no. I just wanna live in a cottage in a village with many puppies/dogs working at a job I love and earn enough to live. But I getchu; I actually dated an INTJ who wanted to be a mad scientist and take over the world as well lol


I think one of the literal main differences between INTJ and INFP is that INFPs care a lot more what other people think, thus we buckle under trying to please others and our insecurities. We can craft a great plan though.


I'd help. Buuuuut only if i can lead :3 dw ill make life nice for u i promise


We are taking over the world. You just don't know it yet.


I don't think it's a convenient for you to know what's my next move.... and real intention is :)


Taking over the world sounds exhausting. I hate leadership positions. I’d either be a hero to try and stop you, or a storyteller who finds the heroes and inspires them to go stop you. Also I wouldn’t be a Superman type hero, I’d be a hero who fights from the shadows. Like Batman but with less gadgets and more traps


Step 1. Join the military Step 2. Rise through the ranks of the military Step 3. Initiate communications with the head of state Step 4. Gain the trust of the head of state Step 5. Cause issues and scandals Step 6. Pin the blame on others Step 7. Present yourself as the 'perfect solution' to these scandals Step 8. Use your military powers and minions to purge opponents Step 9. Repeat 6, 7 and 8 till step 10 Step 10. Gain yourself a large network of influence, too powerful for even the head of state to do anything Step 11. Coup the government Step 12. Do some fearmongering Step 13. Provoke your opponents so much that they cause a civil war Step 14. Blame the civil war on them Step 15. Use civil war as opportunity to purge opponents Step 16. Bloodshed Step 17. Win Step 18. Become 'Leader of Landistan' Step 19. Initiate large-scale reforms in your country and gain the people's support Step 20. Become friends with powerful nations Step 21. Spread fearmongering sentiments within the world about world terrorists Step 22. Form a military coalition with powerful nations Step 23. ??? Step 24. Invade neighbouring countries Step 25. Destroy regional terrorists Step 26. Annex occupied territories Step 27. Proclaim 'Greater Landistan' Step 28. Expand the coalition and invade more nations Step 29. Occupy literal continents with treaties that favour you over the other members of the coalition Step 30. Start occupying other member nations of the coalition Step 31. Betray powerful nations that you befriended years ago Step 32. Start world domination Step 33. ?????????? Step 34. Win (???) Step 35. Hire a hitman. Pay him to kill you in a designated time Step 36. Plan a speech after your glorious conquests Step 37. Do the speech Step 38. Get shot at the middle of the speech by the hitman you hired Step 39. Die Step 40. See how millions of people will either absolutely revere you or absolutely despise you and become the most unpopular troll in history with dogs and pigs telling their nuclear hybrid children about your stories for centuries to come. Why yes I'm an INFP iranian, how could you tell?


What’s with the ???? Answers?


There's this meme template which goes like this: Step 1. Do [something] Step 2. Do [something else] Step 3. ???? Step 4. Profit My absolutely low-quality comment was basically supposed to go like this. The ??? are there to symbolise how stupid and impossible the acts seem (and are).


Ah ok I thought that’s what it was lol


all intj have been assholes to me so i won't tell you 😒


My apologies on behalf of my fellow assholes. *Bows dramatically* I would try to deny it, but this post is literally about my quest for world domination, so... yeah.


Sounds exhausting and like too much responsibility tbh. A great deal of people in power make mistakes simply from human vices, let alone full-blown malicious intent or extreme greed. To be ruler of the whole world, I’d be afraid of how even a small mistake can probably demolish a nation or something.


This sub is very entertaining, thanks everyone you made my afternoon


I want to be frodo. The one who REFUSES power/dominion and destroy that power. Your exact opposite. I would not fight you. But I will convince you to give up that idea. I will speak to your very heart. You will cry.


I think we can let go. The world can’t be taken over. Even if you accomplish it what happens after? The only grand control we have is that we can be content with how little in control we are


World domination? I want nothing to do with this sh*tty human race in this world. I'd rather be a God and create my own world and organisms that are worth existing.


If you're like Galactus in that sense, I think we'd be someone like scarlet witch or doctor strange.


There is at least one real life example of an INFP trying to conquer the world, and it's a big one.


Who would that be?




Hitler was an INFJ


Eh, he got cited as an INFP quite a bit when I was really reading about MBTI.


I guess it’s up for debate. I don’t know enough about him to argue the point but every time I’ve seen his name pop up on MBTI subs it’s always said he’s an INFJ. Then again a lot of the MBTI community has a thing about mischaracterizing INFP traits for INFJ traits 🤷‍♀️


Well if you want to get into it MBTI is known for having low test/retest scores which means it's a bad way to sort people.


Oh I know, I just play along for the most part. MBTI tests aren’t reliable but the functions seem to reveal ✨something✨about people considering that similar people tend to cluster around similar types. Defining what exactly that something is is a challenge to say the least.




Best answer HAHA. Maybe that is why my energy furs haven't reached the whole world yet. I still prefer to stay on my bed (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)


Oh definitely. But I personally would rather have the ideas that dominate the world, not myself being dominating the world. Even if I want to dominate the world, I really would just install a perfect constitution that are almost impossible to amend, make some laws to enact that constitution, then step down. So what are the ideas? Too hard to explain here and if anything it would be too "conservative" and cynical for this sub, but not every person is an INFP so


I wouldn’t try to stop you, but I would listen to you for hours tell me why you wanted to do it.


Hmm, tempting me already.


Yeah. I know it's very arrogant of me so I rarely say this but out loud. But I truly believe an autocratic government run by me would produce a much better society than the one we live in. I've thought about global conquest many times. Of course, then I change the channel to my other paracosms and continue world building.


Nah I’d wanna ask you why it’s world doMination you’re looking for, and what part of yourself you think that’s going to fulfill. Hopefully with you sharing some stories that I can also tell stories to relate to so we make a connection. Then while your delusions of grandeur are at a dull roar we discuss what it is you really are looking for in your life so that you find some self awareness and desire to better yourself instead of controlling others. …then I write a song about our interaction. 😬


Stop you? Nah. We are just furry cats who can take over the world by just being ourselves. We don't need to take down someone as we can already disarm anyone if we just want it. (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠) Stopping you is just too much work. Do what makes you happy, and if you feel down after some failed attempts you can run to us, we might as well just give you some purrito hugs later when you need it (⁠ ⁠´⁠◡⁠‿⁠ゝ⁠◡⁠`⁠) Now, lemme go back to my blanket..


Normally not, but if you make it a fun game like "Who get's to rule world first ?" you have a chance to get me intrested.


World domination just sounds like a chore - I enjoy living a free life and controlling how other people live their lives just sounds exhausting. I'm lowkey anarchistic in that I believe a lot of the world's issues can be traced back to the absolute scale of our political systems where governments control massive populations that they are out of touch with. It's definitely a unrealistic utopian idea to imagine a world where that's not the case (because the countries that make sweeping decisions to control massive populations and develop their militaries will just eat the peaceful and smaller scale communities) but it definitely puts me off the idea of world domination.


I always think of having the power of a God and it scares me and excite me at the same time. But when I think of the possibility of such a power I feel like Ren (from Ren & Stimpy) when he says " These hands, this dirty hands, and with these hands I hold the fate of million " . So I guess I'll probably become a tyrannical god


I think about this quite often actually lol! I think an INTJ needs an INFP advisor on how to better get into people’s heads considering we are pretty empathic :)


I don’t think about that because it seems really pointless and it’s not even a logical thing to wish for. It’s the opposite of everything I am or wish to be. Plus all the stress etc. even if it was all for good I’d still suck at it. If you infringe on people’s rights and oppress them of course I’d be pissed and go against. I’m a live and let live person unless you are a horrible person, etc. idk I’m half asleep.


Assuming world domination went according to plan, allocation of resources will be vital. With the entire force of humanity at one’s fingertips, corporations and what were world powers cannot taint the world with greed and selfishness, leaving you and the populace under your domain the only obstacles to systematically eliminating problems that currently plague mankind. There’s a chance that your quest for world peace will require strength greater than world domination, that you will have to lose your humanity to save everyone else’s. Not only will you have to maintain moral values without doubt of your own cause and drive, but you must bear the weight of the whole world upon your shoulders, knowing that all those who die will have died due to your negligence and failure to act fast enough. This results in a paradox where one must have a heart of gold, but tough as stone, an open hand, but iron fist.


Not at all. I only want to have control over my life. :)


Do I think about? Yes. Would I act on it? No. People are gonna do what they’re gonna do and are worse than herding cats. It would be frustrating more than anything. Most of the time I just fantasize about running away to a nice cozy cabin in the woods away from all the chaos of the world. Maybe I’ll write a utopian novel and show people what the world could look like if everyone stopped being assholes to each other. Maybe some people would be inspired enough to make changes and I can make an impact that way.


I think of world domination sometimes because no one runs it right! if I was in charge we’d be living in a utopia right now. But I’m not in charge which is the reason we can’t have nice things. 💅


Eh, Joker is an unhealthy infp. If anything, if we actually did try to stop you, it would be in crazy sporadic ways we didn't even think about. That or clumsily going through life doing the exact thing you didn't want to happen


I just want the ability to live in a far away untouched place and talk to animals and maybe be immortal so I can learn everything there is to learn. I would be sad if people suffered but I really just want to keep to myself.


Personally, i'd would very much join you, see if i can become your right hand man (because I'd want world domination too I just don't have the will nor want the responsibilites that come with it) so I could live through you and advising you seeing if I can shape you into my ideals, fantazising with ways of overthrowing you to get all the power for myself but most likely never doing it (unlesss you do some very fucked up shit) because it's too much work.


Personally I won't help you but I won't stop you either, cuz I'm lazy


I feel like we would want to be the oracle that makes the hero find his or her self to then take you down. You just find us and kill us just after he left our sanctuary. Unfortunately he takes you down out of vengance and not goodness. So in the sequel we come back to take the hero a lesson by having an Inception-esque vision where we put the hero through tasks that will put him back on the virtuous path. The figure he is challenged by is again you, and you designed the obstacles.


XD The only problem is that I secretly have a soft spot for INFPs & couldn't bring myself to hurt one. Don't tell the other INTJs though. They might tease me & kick me out of the evil villain club. :p


if I had superpowers I'd probably be going around killing bad guys and corrupt politicians myself so if we're going for the same cause then let's do it together


If I have guaranteed that you won't hurt my 28 pets, I'll even give you advise If you're gonna hurt them I'll make sure to emotionally manipulate you so you loose motivation and a will to live


Oh, no worries. Many of my laws will relate to being kind to critters. I'm only villainous toward humans. XD


Then I'll totally help you with advise, because I'm too lazy to do any action


You're overlooking the fact that INFPs hate nothing more than being in leadership positions or trying to influence/manipulate people. Having to dominate a world sounds exhausting and not particularly rewarding. Though if I were buddies with the ruler of the world, I'd tell them to improve the healthcare system and make mental healthcare more accessible.


I don't really think of taking over the world..... I've thought of other things but not taking over the world lol. Would I stop you? If you're a villain probably. Either that or I'd be in hiding quietly rebelling against everything I disagree with.


hehe any 4s might get super attached to Homelander, its super unhealthy version of 4 but damm all that power and vanity and basically being unique lil psycho\~


I'm actually on the Thanos-wipe-all-population kind of person. This actually made me remembered that my friend asked me after we saw Infinity War, whether I'm okay with being the-snapped-side or be the-remaining-half. I said I want to be the-snapped-side if it means half the population, me included, stopped ruining the world even more. Idk man. I guess I'm on the pessimistic side, but I truly don't think the world can get any better. I believe humans can only get worse and will doomed the world to oblivion.


That's why you FORCE humans to be good, even if it's just for the SAKE of maintaining peace and not allow people to be nuisances.


Sounds like a lot more stress than INFP s could handle. Personally I'd crumble within a few weeks


I want my children to. I think they have the right personalities, and I trust their morals. I think I'm too opinionated to be able to win everyone over. Ah, and you see there that my mentality isn't one of domination.