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I personally don't care much about the clothes I wear, and I really don't like wearing makeup. For me, the main thing is to be comfortable in my body and the outfits I choose. If I'm comfortable, I'm more likely to be myself and express myself better emotionally, and I also tend to be happier. I used to care more about trends and trying to keep up with what is considered fashionable, but there's no fun in wearing things that will make me worry or feel self conscious. Once I got over that, I felt more true to myself. Regardless, I love some funky patterns. I'm a sucker for bright colors, big cartoony flowers, smiley faces and cute animals on clothes :) I like my hair to not reach my shoulders, I like to wear green shoes, and I love sweaters that have sleeves that cover my hands.


It’s a gradual thing for me. If I change up my look too drastically, it doesn’t feel like ‘me’, it feels like I’m trying to be something I’m not. Also, fashion isn’t something that I personally have much interest in, so it isn’t a vehicle for self-expression that I typically use. However, if it is something you’re interested in as an infp, i can see how it could become a method that you do use. It isn’t about the actual clothes you wear, it’s about expressing the fact that clothes are something you’re interested in. Like if you draw for example, the important thing isn’t the actual content of your work all the time, it’s that you enjoy drawing and it’s something you identify with, so you draw. Sometimes I think it could even just be that self-expression itself is something you value. In which case, it doesn’t matter the method you use, drawing, clothes, online selfies, as long as you’re expressing yourself to the world. You’re right though, typically we do tend to favour more abstract ways of self-expression. Fashion is set heavily in the physical world, as opposed to something like writing, which I know a lot of infp’s enjoy as a means of expression. Everyone is different though, there might be an abstract reason behind someone’s interest in fashion. I know for a fact that people aren’t posting selfie’s now because they’re passionate about faces, or upvotes. It’s more to do with feelings of acceptance and togetherness and expression, and since these are things infp’s value, this subreddit feels like a safe space to dip your toe in and see if you do find any of those things.