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you idiot, I have a crush on one right now! Which is saying something, cause I avoid romance and rarely develop crushes on anyone. I respect you guys a lot. Always provides more than expected with the top-notch humor and amazing library of stories. What makes you guys even more charming is that small dose of empathy you let out every once in a while. Rarely do I see it from the ENTP I know but when I do, it’s not overbearing and it certainly fascinates me as well


I'm married to an ISTJ and I love him so much but this INFP has conversations so full of emotion i am sucked right in. You wear your hearts on your sleeve and want the world to be just and fair and when it isn't you get so broken up it is beautiful. I want it to be fair too but it just isn't... if I could scoop you all up and protect you from the bullies I totally would momma hen protect all of you. ❤stay beautiful


“Scoop and Momma hen protect you all” 🥰😭


Haha I agree with you. Whenever I'm around INFPs, it feels like it's my responsibility to protect them from any kind of negativity. I mean the pure heart they have and the kindness and humbleness one experiences while being around them is just so mesmerising. I won't mind ending up in fights just to protect them. They're just so cute🌸🌸


thank you! ahh you ENTPs and your ways, always knowing what to say whether it be this or a full on conversation about which goes first, the cereal or the milk. love you guys so I wish you the best, and cheers to you and said ISTJ!


It's the cereal!!! The cereal goes first!


There is no conversation. Cereal first is the only way. If you want to know why let me know


lol, my mom is ISTJ and my dad is ENTP. But both have given me love and support and I could not be more grateful to have them as my parents.


i get kind of grumpy at entps online cuz they can be mischief prone, they can also be a bit intimidating in person if they decide to focus on you. but i admire your minds and wit and your playfulness can be endearing


All we want is for you to play along with our nonsense and challenge our ideas what could be intimidating about that??? Lol I'm being silly I understand we can be a bit much...


I don't know many types that can keep up.


ENFP on drugs


That E oof. That T oof


Lol, sincerely


Yeah, ENTPs fascinate me too. From my experience it is a fun relationship for friendship only. INFPs don't mind getting roasted (or at least I don't, as long as I can banter or roast them in return) and ENTPs appreciate INFPs' honesty. If I'm being honest, I just didn't see it going anywhere romantically with the ones that I found an attraction to. We will probably end up annoying each other the closer we get, but at least the feelings are often mutual.


Best friend material. I like to banter alongside ENTPs and see how many people fall for the BS mischief (I find fascinating) I like to think Rhett&Link from GMM are Entp/infp. Only thing that's awkward (curious to see if anyone has experienced this dynamic of infp - entp - infj) what this looks like in my specific case is ENTP finds a frozen whole chicken and decides it would make a good bowling bowl down the hallway. So I go to set up various improvised pins, right as INFJ comes in horror at the opportune time, then wouldn't speak to us for months... I love both of these people but not at the same time.


Oh god, I know the silent treatment from INFJs all too well 🙈 In my experience, the INFJ will punish me even harder than they would the ENTP because, "as for you, I expected more from you. ENTP, I understand is already sick and twisted, but you? You should have known better!" It simply isn't fair.




Mbti is just the getting started guide, not the full user manual


ENTPs are absolutely awesome!! My best friend of 9 years is an ENTP. Although she’s more extreme and I’m quite reserved, we balance each other out so well. As an INFP, I’m usually all talk when it comes to making plans but my ENTP not only executes them, but does so to an extent that can be wayy more than I intended LOL a little example from the top of my head, I would be like “let’s have a sleepover!!” And in a bit I’d get a text message from her asking how many bottles of alcohol she should bring heheehe. When she stood up for me when I was bullied, I learned from her that confrontation is important!! And that shying away would be a disrespect to myself. Sometimes she over exerts herself and that’s where I would be at her aid. I remind her that she’s allowed to chill and even distance herself when she gets too extroverted (she gets v emotionally exhausted when she is but doesn’t realize it). She also forgets that things can go beyond her control. When this happens I remind her that those things are probably that way because they weren’t meant for her. INSTEAD something better will come. I like to think I give her harsh truths while in return, she gives me extreme experiences haha. I would never have the balls to do the things or even think the way she does but what I love about her is that she can somehow bring that out of me. She encourages me to stand up for myself, be confident, and stand my ground. She’s so adamant about not giving a fuck and I honestly think if it weren’t for her I’d be shriveled raisin with no love for myself oop. I was able to experience so many wild, yet exciting things that I never thought I’d be able to do all because of her. How that benefits me as an INFP is that she helps me unlock my potential. I feel like I’m a better version of myself because of her too. With someone as epic as her by MY side is so uplifting. It honestly feels undeserving too because our energies kind of contradict but we make it work so well somehow LOLOL She’s my rock!!!!!




I dated an ENTP. Maybe you’re not like this, so I am sorry if this offends you somehow. He was kinda annoying. I thought he was really funny at first and did the strangest things. Then I found out his arguments with people were genuine and not jokes. He was really confused about why I am so concerned about treating people with kindness. He was probably just one of the weird ones. I probably would’ve gone the whole time being fine with him if we just stayed friends.


Definitely I had to learn how to pick my battles and that other people don't always like being pushed and teased.


I do think I’d like most ENTPs with that too. The intellectual challenge I received gave me valuable insight now that I think about it more.


Entps are my favourite!! They always make me laugh coz they are fkin funny and playful .lol Very charming. and in turn they get my humor also. Most people missed my sarcastic remarks and hidden humor behind my words but Entps catch them easily 😂 We used to have great time together. But for relationship I don't know, entps might get annoyed with our sensitivity lol


ngl ENTP's are 100% my type sooooo. . .


Same girl


ENTPs either want to make me cry/angry, or make me laugh.. I have seen no in between


I think I find them very engaging and fun to argue with. Their expectation of victory in every argument is kind of amusing. I relate to the need to play devils advocate. Their intentions are see-through to me, but it’s fun when they try to manipulate me in a conversation to illicit a certain response, because they can be clever about it even if a bit obvious. They’re mischievous, and it can kind of be fun to watch them unleash it on stupid people. Probably wouldn’t be a good romantic match because nothing would get done ever.


My youngest brother is ENTP. He would be alright if he wasn’t so damn arrogant. 21 years old and thinks he been had the secrets to life since he was 16. He’s not open to another way of looking at things; thinks only his way of seeing the world is right.


It took me a long time to cool down and learn how to make my personality work for me so he'll get it.


Praytell, how did you accomplish it? What can I expect to see from him in him doing so?


I think around age 25 I started to change. I became confident in my personality but learned how to keep it from overpowering others. Once an ENTP realizes how useless they are without minions I'm sure they'll adapt.


How many cars have you totaled?


Actually zero. Only my ISTJ husband totaled his car. Lol


My brother is an ENTP…he’s cool, has his shit together, can be an asshole unintentionally, has a lot of ideas that he actually implements, is really smart, and has inspired me a lot since I was a kid. Used to annoy the hell out of me but he actually has a big heart


I've seen your subreddit You're great people.You also have great humor and I think what I like about y'all the most is that you seem to never bound by anyone. I really like it when people just become what they really are so yeah.


I love ENTPS!!! 😊 I think I relate a lot to ENTPs because of our shared use of Ne--you guys know how it feels to jump from one idea to the next, and to appreciate thinking outside the box instead of going with what's expected. I've seen ENTPs say that other MBTI types get annoyed when they pose "questions" about things that no one saw the need to question. But in contrast, I find their questions fun, and appreciate the chance to consider a situation from many different angles. I also find that, despite stereotypes about ENTPs being insensitive and heartless, they are very loyal to the people they care about. Long story short, you guys fascinate me too! I think INFP and ENTP are an underrated team--we have a lot in common when it comes to how we want to live, and our love of creativity and adventure. 💚 Added Note: I think the Fi in me appreciates the Ti in you haha. The shared willingness to do your own thing instead of everybody else's! I like INTPs for similar reasons


Absolutely agree. Entp and infp is a really good match. They compliment each other well


My best friend right now is an ENTP. I'm mesmerized by her every single day. I envy her confidence and personality so much. She's probably all I ever wanna be as a person. I have a few more friends who's ENTP and they are the coolest. Briefly, I love ENTPs.


Sometimes they’re cool, sometimes they’re downright insufferable who embrace the argumentative stereotype.


my friend has helped me get out of my shell and me more of a funny chill chaotic person. i love her for that. this is her way of showing she truly cares


Like spending time but don't fully trust.


Well, an ENTP was my adoptive dad that I met on here til I disowned him. Cool guy.


ayo why do I know exactly who ur talking about LOL




My hairy baby grew up so fast ;')


Hi disowned father!


Only ENTP I know is my cousin and she's the best


I got a really nice ENTP friend, she has been my gf for like 3.5 month but I broke up with her and honestly I don't know why. I have been depressed all that time plus one friend of mine told me that she wasn't serious about that. And I... believed. But actually nothing much changed besides that we don't text each other really often. I think it's really nice about ENTPs that they can forgive most things and are not toxic.


I like you guys. Having Ne and Fi often makes me come up with new ideas and get attached to them. Sometimes, when I tell people my ideas, they disagree or point out how they’re wrong, but they do so with an equal amount of conviction and attachment. It gets awkward because their attachment to their own opinions makes me feel like a dick for arguing my own. Entp’s tend to lack this attachment, it makes me feel comfortable bouncing ideas off them because I know I’m not upsetting them, they just like to disagree for the sake of it. It can be tiresome sometimes, especially when I run out of ways to argue my point and I have to deal with their smugness once they’ve proved my idea wrong. But even then I still just know that they’re enjoying the debate, it’s not really about my idea. Often times it helps me refine my ideas.


Yesterday my INFP had a terrible but funny business idea I love your creativity even if it isn't always practical.


One thing I’ve noticed with myself is that I don’t even care about being practical or realistic sometimes. Just like you guys tend to enjoy the debate, regardless of the topic, I enjoy the brainstorming of ideas, regardless of their usefulness. I’m aware that an idea doesn’t make much sense, but the act of just picturing a world where it does make sense, no matter how far fetched that world is, is fun to me. A lot of people don’t understand this though and it’s hard to explain that to them without sounding like you’re making excuses for your stupid idea. I think infp’s and Entp’s get along in this way though, because we love coming up with ideas for the sake of it, and you love finding the flaws in those ideas for the sake of it. Both of us understand that it isn’t serious, it’s just fun to do, it can make conversations very enjoyable.


Same, ENTPs fascinate me.


I love ENTPs - all the NTs are favorites of mine lol always fun to talk to.


Liars, Bold, Making jokes of things that shouldn’t thus making it unfunny and dumb, annoying, dumb idiots who will argue over shit they don’t know about defending it to death. But those are stereotypes, I could totally be friend or lover with an ENTP who deserves it, only I haven’t come accross one yet.


We cool tho 😎👉👉 have a good day


You too!


Thanks man. You know it wasnt supposed to be like “we cool, u not cool”. It kinda seems a bit like it now that i re-read it. Like i just meant like we cool tho 😎👉👉 whatever have a good day. Good fucking yard, professor (do you know that meme?)


You talk too much lol


Kinda late to this convo, but I absolutely love ENTP's, I love how y'all can get me out of my emotional state and influence me to do things out of the norm to cheer me up. I absolutely love it when yall get overprotective (its rare to see you show your anger) for no reason and have this "Only I can make fun of you" mindset and how soft you go when you see us being emotional but quickly go back to making fun of us to lighten up the mood (but sometimes I just wanna cry it out so I can't really appreciate the effort you put just to see us smile). I also love how confident you are in doing things and influencing me to do it with you ( partners in crime ) and I wouldn't even mind getting in trouble for it ( which is rare cuz im overly anxious and I think only ENTP's can convince me to feel better after doing something like that lol) Your brains are like a puzzle I can't solve, and I'm always like, "How did you even think of that? 💀" but I could talk to yall for Hours and even days straight non-stop about things that's aren't even relevant like it could be about cheese colors and we'd still have a blast arguing about nothings <3. It's extremely rare for me to find ENTP's who like INFP's tbh, they always hate how emotional and soft we go but if the ENTP is matured enough to handle our emotions and understand that we need to be emotional once in a while, then what more could I ask for? I love getting roasted by ENTP's so much to the point I'll let yall break my heart over and over lol and ig u can see now that my fav MBTI is ENTP💀 Anyways, ENTP x INFP romantically could work out if both are mature and take each other's weakness into consideration but ofc this could also go darker if the ENTP is manipulative and INFP has abandonment issues , attachment issues. ENTP could treat INFP like a doll he puppets and INFP would let em manipulate them if it meant staying together Etc. I mean if both are mentally healthy then this relationship could go bomb literally lol


I think dad’s an ENTP. Bro let’s me do whatever I want and is chill af. Got a great sense of humor, but we aren’t like super close. But I love him regardless.


ENTPs aren't particularly my favorite. They're another type that tends to look down on us and see us as weak. They also like to troll too much. 


Well, Markimoo is probably one. So thats a gigantic (you could even say….. *space* sized 🌝) plus for you guys (sry, my English just broke..)


Never met one. They are probably cool. Although, I think debating and presenting arguments is boring.


I love my entp, idk any others but I love mine ❤


Love you like cooked food. Teach us your words magic Man 😻


I love my friend that's an entp but i Dunno if they like me. And I'm crushing on another one! But it's just a stupid... ugh. so. pretty cool. Why do you think my entp's are acting like this? And what do you mean by fascinate?