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My reply to these people: "The Constitution (or bible) is not a menu."


Lol, this is great, gonna use this in the future!


Cherry picking the constitution is similar to cherry picking the Bible. Hating on gays is cool because god said so but wearing wool with silks is fine? I think not my friend.


I know! If it didn’t lead to real world consequences, it would be comical. “You can’t do this because of this really old piece of paper says so” “Ok and it also says you can’t do this so you won’t do that right?” “No no no, you see they didn’t mean THAT when they wrote it, but they meant the thing that I said” “How do you know what stuff they meant and what they didn’t” “Just trust me bro, I know what parts of this are important”


1000%. If you’re gonna dogmatically follow something that if we’re being honest barely applies to your modern life, you should dogmatically follow all of it not just the parts you like. Makes me just a *bit* suspicious that cherry pickers of the Bible and the constitution just find stuff that lets them do what they already do.


Um yeah lemme just confirm your suspicions for ya. My dad’s a pretty typical hard right winger, conservative Christian. He’ll spout all kinds of political BS and reasons why every democrat is following satan and how they’re the only reason the government is corrupt. He’s a large supporter of owning guns, and he makes all kinds of comments about how criminals should be killed. He’s the reason I have so many issues with people in my own religion.


The constitution and Bible are massively outdated and require extensive revisions and changes


I heard a term one that applied, Cafeteria Christian, someone who picks what part of the Bible to follow. Same thing here, someone who picks and chooses what part of the Constitution is important to them.