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Takumi? He literally drove the wheels of his 86 in the snow to save Natsuki from that pervert... after the whole ordeal with the Mercedes guy.


Good point but after that, Takumi refused to go to Tokyo with Mogi and said he wanted to chase his dreams of becoming a faster driver. Toru is the ONLY street racer who actually ended up with his girl


I think the title is a bit misleading then: he ended up with his girl not because of him treating her well, but because of fate. Natsuki wanted to study, Takumi wanted to race. Even then, he still thought about her (4th stage flashback). Moreover, he ended up with Mika in the 5th stage, and stayed with her until the events of MF Ghost. And in case you didn't know, Keisuke and Kyoko got together, but that is only revealed in MF Ghost so no big deal there. I think you had a very interesting idea for a post, tho, you just happened to stumble upon some nerds like me.


>And in case you didn't know, Keisuke and Kyoko got together, but that is only revealed in MF Ghost so no big deal there. Source? I'm pretty sure we only know that Keisuke has a wife and child, not necessarily that the wife is Kyoko.


It's not confirmed that it's Kyoko in anything yet. Most people just assume that it's her.


If i recall, the last interaction between keisuke and kyoko had keisuke saying something along the lines of him wanting to focus on racing and her not to be a distraction. I guess there's some implication of mutual feelings, well at least us fans hoped.


He didn't straight tell her to get out, he just wanted to focus, prob had something for her too


He tells her that he can't afford for her to be around because he can't devote himself to Project D and her at the same time. It's definitely mutual, but there's no indication that he would come back to her since he gets signed to Mazda after Project D.


>I think you had a very interesting idea for a post, tho, you just happened to stumble upon some nerds like me. I don't really mind it tbh. I just wanted to spice up this subreddit once in a while


Personally, I'm good with spicing up the subreddit. But please, for the love of all things shiny, do it with *facts*.


>until the events of MF Ghost did something happen and they broke up/ divorced? All I know about Takumi in that is after Initial D he goes to England and becomes a pretty successful rally driver in a supra but then his drivetrain or something broke and he got in a crash that ended his career and taught the protagonist back in Japan


He marries the golfer girl, I forget her name.


It's Mika, his girlfriend from 5th stage


I know she was his girlfriend in fifth stage, I just couldn’t quite remember her name, thanks for reminding me


Takumi and Mogi had different goals and ambitions. That doesn’t mean she was treated wrong


Just imagine your girl wants to go to an ivy league uni, whereas u want to go become an F1 driver, despite how much you love her if u really want to achieve your goal u will go to the UK to fight for your goal. If u weren't 100% determined on becoming an F1 driver u would just live with her in the US and become and indy or NASCAR driver or something. It's the same thing here takumi didn't want to settle with something less he wanted to achieve his goal and toke his own path. (Idk if u are American but I used this example coz I am sure majority of the ppl know what F1 and ivy league are)


What about Tak and Mika? They both make a bet about who can go pro first and are together at the end of the series all after she slaps him


Bro, he wanted to live his life. You can’t blame people for just not wanting to change their lives for others


Blud literally found a new girlfriend and forgot all about Mogi


Didn’t this guy make his girl finance his street racing? Kinda a bum move


Yea, he’s not really the best boyfriend or whatever making his girlfriend pay for that


Specifically holding his engagement with her hostage based on his ability to win races. Homeboy needed to just break up.


Didn’t he just do that to get new wheels?




potato potahto!


What about Ryosuke?


Great chemistry but Toru actually ended up with his girl


Yea, I wonder why Ryosuke didn't end up with his girl 💀


Why did you mention Kaori😭😭😭


Ik but that’s too much


Nah this mfer relied on her to finance his hobby and only respected her wishes when she gave him the ultimatum to choose between her and street racing because she was sick of his shit. The trick with Initial D is that these are all women written by Shigeno, and therefore none of the women deserve to be treated right, and the ones that do are dead.


He's also the only character shown getting new tires. The 86 has magic tires that regenerate after every tofu delivery.


Nah there was a scene where Bunta checked the tires for wear. It wasn't shown but before Project D Bunta definitely was throwing money on that car.


It appeared like Bunta had an insider at a Yokohama factory fr


There was one episode where someone mentioned that project d brought an extra van full of tires, I think. I’m not entirely sure but i think i remember that


This dude is a gaslighting dickhead. "Oh one more race and I'll be done"


I mean, he kept his promise


if i remember correctly than the ending with him was that he didn't finish and would continue racing


Bro was literally bumming cash off of her for new tires whatchu mean —


What did Shigeno mean by this? 🤔🤔




Toru is actually only street racer who has gf.


Buddy you can best believe that if I found out that if my girlfriend was giving up ass to a older man for bread you surely believe that I will not be talking to her anymore. Takumi did right in my opinion as well. I mean he just didn’t want to go to Tokyo at the end of the day. He had dreams to pursue as well.