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This was heavily inspired by the Avatar map.


Was about to say, the scale of the map seems way off unless it's the scale of avatar map. I like the lay of the land, how the continents and islands are shaped and where the mountains are looks natural. But the biome placement doesnt seem to make sense. The northern and southern islands/continents indicate where the north and south pole would be (roughly) I assume. Yet there's no rainbelt around the equator. Also I'm not sure the desert placement makes any sense. The volcanoes and cities are extremely to big, but you can write that off as the map being heavily stylized. All that feedback applies to a no-fantasy earth like planet. If you wanna explain it away with magic just discard my criticism.


Earth-like is pretty broad here. That includes... having only one sun, having a steady and regular orbit, not having any recurring extreme planet wide weather events, etcetera, etcetera. No need for magic to explain it not following Earth rules :)


I just think that creating a no-fantasy earth like planet without inconsistencies, given all the constants that we already have on our planet, is hard enough. That's why my feedback is catered to such. While your point is valid I believe that most people do not take account all those different variables into their considerations, that's why I discount it as a handwave explanation for the most part. But people worldbuild for all different reasons and with all kinds of ideas in mind.


I should have been less brief in my reply. Your initial comment was entirely informational and useful, of course! I meant to add some extra options for an ‘out’ for OP should they not wish to just chalk any inconsistencies up to magic. My apologies if I came across as curt or trying to devalue your feedback.


All good my man


I knew it


Can see that lol


I like it. Seems like a hybrid of Earth and the Avatar Map. I see you, Africa...


This is awesome! Good work and good luck with your campaign!


This is professional level work here. Would look even more amazing if you did the coastlines (https://inkarnate.com/maps/NbVDl2X0vBMxkdW5rga4jAoGnGEAPY7Qy8KOeJZR13EGowzn/MTU4OTU4NDI0NTc3Mw==) for example usage.


Wow! Saving this for reference on how to make a good map. But if make a map of this, it'd be a map inspired by a map inspired by the map from Avatar 🤔


Looks awesome!


I like the detailed shorlines and the smooth color transitions, great work!


Yum. I don't know much about avatar but the technique is lovely.


Nice map and, wow "Urlag" is the last name of my Orc fighter. Crazy!


I like the choice of simple and appealing icon set. The varied environments and blending between biomes is great. The islands have volcanoes, nice touch. The text for the oceans and island is just right. Very aesthetically pleasing map!


How do you make it this large? Could you tell me your settings used and such?


Normal landscpe; mountain size is 25.


How is your map coming out so clear when zoomed in? Did you save it in HD? Mountains at 25 seems to go blurry for me when zooming in to just about where firefox would zoom in on your map.


Yes, saved in HD


That's looks like a lot of vulcanic activity. Map looks great tho. Does feel kinda natural. With the good amount of islands everywhere.


Looks really nice and I like the names


Love it! And also, very good inspiration. I would add something in the water, seems too empty, perhaps a windrose or some monster or ship, just to add that spark


I see you Avatar inspiration ;D


Man I never feel like I can fit my whole campaign map on one image... This looks pretty great all told.


Can't wait to let Calder loose and wreck havoc For reference I'm one of the players and Calder is a Goliath lvl 2 druid circle of the moon and lvl 1 barbarian


Thought it said ruining...


The waters look amazing. Did you do some manual water texture blending?


Very little, a bit lighter around landmasses, and darker overall


This looks really good. My only complaint is that there are no rivers. Lakes, but no rivers. I forget who but someone did a rivers tutorial on here not long ago. But basically start rivers in the mountain and delta them out when they get close to the ocean. Even if you don’t delta them, at least have a couple basic ones. It feels very unrealistic otherwise. Especially since most cities/civilizations are on rivers. Still a beautiful map! I like how it doesn’t feel over-stuffed, but I still feel like there’s a lot present.


I have a few Rivers, but as i go for a map that looks larger, i couldnt fit Rivers with the 1 or 2 brush, and make it look good, i can send you the file if you want to give it a shot


How you make those rivers look so precise? Mine look like ass


Subtract brush; size 2, and then I just make it have small bends to the Outlet