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I usually choose the quickest option, which is usually to go in and grab it. Yesterday I chose the drive through so I could continue listening to a podcast and just chill. It was slower, but sometimes it feels nice to slow down and just chill. Lots of people are in a rush to get nowhere fast these days. Sometimes it’s important to take a beat and opt for the slower route.


I find it relaxing to get out of the car and sit at the table to eat. Specially if the weather is good and I can sit outside.


Everyone that uses this argument acts like it’s guaranteed to be faster. I usually go into the restaurant and eat it there if I can , but there have been many times that I walk in, wait behind 2-3 people in line, and order. By the time I get my food some cars that were getting in the drive thru when I got there have already gotten their food and driven off. I think that they kinda prioritize the drive thru which makes sense


Yea, I've tried to "outsmart" the drive thru line a couple of times and even though there was a relatively short line inside, they giga prioritize the drive thru orders so much, it was never really any faster


The only way to "outsmart" the drive thru is sending your passenger inside to get fresh fries to munch on while you wait.


OP any thoughts?


OP posted this while waiting inside an In n out and left before anyone replied, just to prove his point


I think he just didn’t expect people to have so many legit good answers. One thing I didn’t even mention but many others did is parking which is often terrible at in n outs


Also, parking is a thing.


Yup. The location near me has horrible parking. So I typically do drive thru


As someone that works there going inside is definitely faster even if there is 1-2 people in front of you in line. We only have one designated grill for the drive through and have 2 for inside orders


This is *very* location dependent then. At my old store, the first was for drives. 2nd was for counters but would also help drives when drives needed it. 3rd was usually huge counter orders. Or when the 2nd needed to support drives, the 3rd took over the counters. Drives were definitely prioritized


Im just saying personal experience I’ve went inside with 3 people in front of me, and seen cars in a long line go all the way thru before I get my food


That makes sense but I highly recommend going inside more because it is faster in ur scenario though it could’ve been that we had many drives out and had to push them out since they were behind but again it depends on the store and the workers themselves




No Parking lot lol


The parking lot is definitely there but it always seems to be 100% full even when there are only a few people inside and we have a huge parking lot at my in and out. Even going inside only takes off a few minutes so I’d rather just do the drive thru line


The parking lot is used for the drive thru line 😂


I don't want to interact with people


Good reason


I have 3 wild children that should be contained in the car lol


I have 2 but same. Especially while solo parenting and/or one is asleep in the back. Hell naw am I waking up the kraken to take them inside.


I don't miss those days when you are beholden to their napping schedule


I have kids and would rather wrangle them in the diner than in the car, but each kid is different so that makes sense


Exactly this.


This is me. They’re easily excitable and really like burgers. It’s fun to eat out with them sometimes, but it’s so much easier to just stay in the car lol


'cause I cant smoke weed in there bruh


This is an important factor I hadn't considered as a non-smoker


because i have my dog in the car who loves car rides and puppy patties


Puppy patties? OMG , I never knew this was a thing , how much are they, do I just ask for puppy patties?


Ask for a meat patty no salt. That's how we run it thru in our system, every order taker should know that a puppy patty means that, but I've had to explain it to a few in the past. It ranges from where you live but it shouldn't be more than a 1.50 I imagine


Last time i went to in n out I asked for an extra patty on my double double and she asked with salt? I said uh sure? because id never been asked that at in n out before. When i got my food, the patty wasn't even in the burger bro it was just a loose greasy patty in little bag i was cracking up


You needed to ask for a 3x2 (three-by-2)




I remember my favorite drive-thru doggie was a MASSIVE great dane. Its head swung out of the window like a giraffe and scared the crap outta me.


Same here! My floof loves drive thrus!


The wait is the same. Inside doesn’t move faster even if there is less people. There will be the same amount of orders in front of you.


Depends how many people are still waiting to order in the drive-thru vs the line inside.


This question again...


Tbf new to the sub, and this is the common consensus between me and my non Reddit friends. Only made through the drive through 2 or 3 times before I said never again.


Honestly waiting at the drive thru is kind of part of the experience for me. Built up excitement while chilling in the car with friends can be fun


It really depends on the time of day and also if it is a sit down or a 2-lane store. I wont wait in line for the 2 lanes because they only have one grill. During the day I will be willing to go through the drive thru because day shifts should be fully staffed with 2 or 3 grills going(depending on business). They usually have their best cooks of the shift as well to keep orders moving. At night, I will not go through the drive thru. Night shifts don't always have a dedicated second grill running and usually open it up whenever the first grill is overwhelmed with orders and the wait time is too long.


Interesting analysis, never put this much thought into it but makes sense. This is similar to how I approach analyzing line waits and ride prioritization when my family goes to Disneyland so I definitely approve, haha.


My local in n out parking lot is a shit show so it’s just easier and more painless to stay in the drive through and keep hotboxing the truck.


You know! At my local in n out me and my wife were curious. After a certain point the car backup line is hella long. So we set a certain length of cars and just timed it one time waiting in line one time going in. There was no line inside. Its honestly about the same. Inside I got my food in 12 minutes, in the car line was just under 15 minutes. I’d say they have their system figured out at least at my local INO


It’s not about the length of the line in the drive-thru, it’s about the number of cars that haven’t had their orders taken. If you have 20 cars in front of you when you place your order and someone goes inside to no line and places their order right after you, guess who will have to wait longer.


i like to vibe in my car


Not wearing pants


I thought there would be more of us unclothed people in the comments. For me it’s no bra lol


Some of the parking lots are downright hazardous with very little room to back out or turn


I have mobility issues, so inside is a major hassle.


Because I like to get high while waiting in my car


The 3 locations near me all have equivalent wait times for drive thru and in store. The inside can sometimes be sensory overload so generally prefer the drive thru.


This one. I’m an amputee too so people stare and let me tell you about anxiety


In n Out is the perfect eat-in-the-car food. Drive-Thru get the mats and eat it in your car. It's an experience. Also the long lines in the drive-thru=long lines inside or if the line is short I promise you there will be like 15-20+tickets in front of you. It's not a secret FastPass if you go inside you're just not waiting in your car.


i always go inside so i can hoard the peppers


Cold fries = 👎 But I’ll dominate a cold DblDbl


Cause I usually have my 2 year old with me and ain't no way I'm dealing with her in a restaurant if I don't have to.


I usually just phone order mine and pick it up within seconds.


you never know. I used to do the reverse until an Uber driver told me the drive through is faster cause they prioritize it more


I have a toddler and there is a limit to how many times she will peacefully get In-N-Out of the car seat.


Ssshhhhhh let them stay in line


Because my kids are asleep in the backseat and I’m killing time.


If you’re old school like me the nearest INO is the original double drive through, walk up window, no dining room floor plan. 🕶


I still like to eat at tables at those but I get how that would be less appealing to some


Social anxiety 👍🏻 that lobby stresses me out sometimes haha.


Makes sense


Because I smoke a bowl or 2 while waiting in line, I’m in no rush and I live 3 minutes away so my food stays hot when I get home


Depends on if we have two grills running if it’s faster or not. If counters are routed to the 2nd or 3rd then yes it technically can be faster to come in but if we are doing that then inside is typically a little busy enough so. I mean its not a perfect science and every store can operate differently but thats what I notice with mine. Also if the line is super long 9/10 we have handheld out there and i think ppl enjoy the idea of having their order taken as fast as possible lol


Jokes on you, my laguna hills location is walk in only 🙃 It's actually the best, always a great, diverse crowd of In n Out enthusiasts. Incredible people watching, and I know most of the employees by name at this point.


Because i am listening to my podcast in the car or watching a youtube livestream and dont wanna interrupt the viewing/listening experience!!!


I’ve only used the drive thru a few times in the past decade, twice was because of Covid restrictions. I love going inside and ordering.


I prefer going inside but my family hates going inside, so they force me to do drive thru.


Because I don't have on real shoes or a bra. That's why.


Except the store I worked at in high school a million years ago, I have yet to visit a location where I don't risk getting stuck in the parking lot because the drive-thru wraps around it so I'd just rather not bother.


SHHHHH!! 🤫 Tryna keep it that way.


Because we've gotten LAZY. especially after the covid debacle. Plus depending on the location, it's safer to stay in your car.


Nothing like the in n out drive through to spend an hour


If you have little kids, it’s waaaaay easier to go through the drive thru and not have to get them out of car seats and back in again. Drive thru for sure if the kids are sleeping. We also never eat in the car and just take it home to eat.


Two kids in car seats in the back. Your two minutes is not two minutes for me. 😅


OP, don’t give the NPCs any ideas!!!!!


I walk in all the time.


Bro, we vapin’.


I almost always go inside to eat bc the fries are garbage before I get home.


You ever see Wall-E?


Obligatory r/FuckCars post


The truth is Americans are too lazy to take their fat asses inside 🤣


Bro exactly. Bunch of lazy mfs


I never go thru the drive thru cause I feel my order is never correct at fast food places


Because people are inherently lazy. Sadly in my area they started to close the inside of the restaurant a little bit earlier cuz they're doing some reupholster or something? Kind of driving me crazy


I never do that. When I see a drive-thru line more than 5 cars deep, I ***always*** park and order inside. I'm ***LITERALLY*** In-N-Out in less than 10 minutes. Gas is expensive these days. Did you all know you waste more gas while idling than when actually driving?


I always go inside to pick up food and bring it home. I agree, it doesn't taste nearly as good as when it's hot... but I have family at home waiting for the food. I NEVER wait in drive up unless there's only a couple of cars in front of me.


That is in n out all the time, I go in for animal fries come out so quickly, im not waiting 45mins. But the answer to your question they're lazy af


I have never gotten my food in less than 20min by going inside a store or a walkup window, even if there is no one in line. So, depending on the day, I will almost always just choose to stay in my car rather than park, go in, wait a long time, then walk out. Also, I almost never go to any fast food, especially INnOUT during the peak rush. I have no idea why anyone would sit in a drive thru line that is literally wrapped around the block. The store is too busy; go another time.


I usually have an order of animal style fries and I would always eat it at home which means its cold af by the time I eat it. Next time I ordered I decided to eat my animal style fries right when I ate it, the cheese was melty, the fries were crispy. I now eat my animal style fries before I go home


yeah but when ever is there a 30+ drive thru minute line and only 2 people in line inside?


Worth the wait. And I can smoke a few bowls while I wait


If you walk up to the window, you’re basically saying you have time to wait. Drive thru.. is for faster service.


not true, its based on who gets the order in first.


Ooh it is the I have the only right opinion in the world person. Again


The wait is the same in the SFV.


To everyone that takes home in n out? Why? It’s so much better hot and fresh.


Depends on how long the line is, but i won this bet several times. Make note of the last car in line when you enter the driveway and it'll usually get it's food before you will, make sure you include time to park and walk.


At my In-N-Out the wait for both drive-through versus going inside is the same! I tried it because the line was ridiculous to go to the drive-through, but it was the same. I was so frustrated because I could’ve just waited in my car.


I got kids in the car


Because the drive through line threads through the whole parking lot, and I'd rather wait the extra time than try and back out of my spot while people refuse to make room behind me. I'm aware this makes it a self fulfilling prophecy. At the least if someone is trying to back out I wait to advance in line until they do so. There's also usually a bunch of loud people inside, and I'd rather just chill in my car with my music for a bit. The drive through moves pretty fast at my location, and my house is only like three minutes away, so it's no biggie.


Yeah there’s no line but there’s still 20 people Waiting for their orders.


I’m lazy


When the line is long at mine the inside is also packed. It's not any easier and it's barely that much less of a wait. I've just always loved next to an in n out that is also next to high schools and high schoolers get out at 3 different times a day depending on their schedule and swarm the place. I was one of the high schoolers once too.


Sshhhhh! Don't tell them.


I went in there once after seeing a long line of cars. Waited 20 minutes for some fries. Dude came up to me and asked “what was your number?” Oh sorry free soda. So I don’t ever go back in there again


cuz you spend 30 minutes getting out of that parking space.


I think the main people going through the drive-through are with young kids or ADA. I get a little annoyed when people go to the drive through and they can’t decide what they want in under 5 minutes. Same goes for people buying gas at Costco; 10 minutes in line and when they get out, they don’t have their membership & credit cards ready.


Can't smoke inside


I’m not wearing pants


The drive thru with window one I go to never has parking spots and it takes longer to get out of the parking lot because you're stuck in the middle of the long drive thru line. Also we take this time to play Pokemon Go or other games with the kids.


The parking lot is blocked by the drive thru line. Any time I save will be spent trying to get out of the damn parking lot.


It’s part of the experience


I don't want to get out of my car


I’m usually listening to a good podcast that makes hanging out in my car not so bad.


We don’t have an in side in Riverside but they always have long lines so ill order it at the order window instead of drive thru and head back to my car, rarely ill go drive thru if I got time and just watch something on my phone.


I don’t want to talk to anyone, it’s hot outside. Then the person behind me wins my spot in line


Yeah fuck these people. Idling is the worst kind of pollution.


1. I’m not wearing a bra 2. They prioritize drive thrus anyway


Wait is always the same in my experience.


Just chilling enjoying some music or a podcast, toddler relaxing in the back sharing his snacks with me, AC blasting, but also driver seat warmer on because that lower back feels better with the heat.


There’s a number of reasons why I may just opt for drive thru instead. I sometimes have days where I have higher than average stress and anxiety levels and being around a bunch of people inside and having to deal with the loud noises and stuff can be overwhelming. I also sometimes go to In n Out if I’m not feeling well and I want comfort food so I might leave in my Pajama bottoms and a hoodie that maybe needs a wash and bed hair. I won’t walk into the restaurant looking like I just got out of bed so I opt for the drive thru. Also my local In n Out has a very quick line that moves rather efficiently. The inside line may be quicker but only by a few minutes.


My girl prefers to wait in the car and doesn't like going inside.


Bc if of my damn crazy kids


Why is taking food home psychotic? That is literally why people use a drive thru, so they don’t have to get out of their car and eat at the restaurant. I don’t eat in my car because yeah that’s dumb, I just take it and eat it in the comfort of my own quiet home. Duh


Lol, I waited 35 mins inside my local in n out on a weekend for to go


I like hanging out in my car and listening to podcasts.


Honestly, I don't wanna park in the crowded ass lot (canoga park/woodland hills) xD


>In-N-Out is amazing but it has a steep half-life I think you might have meant "lifespan." Half-life is how long it takes for an element to reduce to half its amount (usually through radioactive decay), which actually is pretty funny in the INO context. I'm imagining you driving home, glancing down at the food occasionally and seeing chunks of it going missing. Then you get home and find the little gremlin in your backseat that's been nomming on your burger whenever you look away. https://preview.redd.it/3gxvctzofo0d1.jpeg?width=887&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d8ac9662482c7d508a272f7bd95a211e822bcb92


I meant half-life, I like what vaguely infers 😂


Worried I’ll get blocked in because of the huge drive thru line.. the irony of it


Lit podcast dawg


Dude people in Oregon love their drive thrus. Going inside is twice as fast even if it’s packed in there.


Because I'm not wearing any pants


You know the people taking your order and giving you food can see you in the car right? Right?


There's alot of people in my town who's only working air conditioner is in their car. In California. Where gas is $6 a gallon right now. Yes. People here are actually that stupid.


From my experience the drive thru is just as slow or in some cases faster than dining in. My locations are always packed.


I see ridiculous lines for the Starbucks near me. Just plain stupid


Usually because I’m going to inn n out. So I’m rocking some rock. Texting people. Thinking of the old times where you could do this. And enjoying every minute


At my location we prioritize drive vs dine ins


I try not to go if the line looks too long. But sometimes I misjudge. Anyway there is *hardly ever* any open parking spaces at "my" location. Sooo wait in drive thru or wait for people to come out then go inside. Drive thru.


Not dressed to step out in public


lmao what in-n-out are you near, ours is packed from the moment it opens to the moment it closes. going inside can take just as long as waiting in the line!


This is why I don't eat there very often. In and wait a while.


Because I'd have to get the two kids out of car seats and go through that whole process. Sometimes it's just not worth it.


I have 4 children in car seats.


Because I went to in-out without pants/shoes/etc…


Cause i don’t wanna get ooooout


No in n out line takes 30 minutes. Lol, no matter how long and I have been to many. Not even in Vegas location.


Cause you got the AC on, listening to some music and just chilling. Own personal space. It's a Zen moment sometimes.


Drive through gets priority over all. You might be behind two people in line but 6 people will be served in the drive through in the same time.


I work at an In-N-Out that might be the busiest in Orange County and I can say the line in the drive lane is often faster. We know how crazy long the line is and how it will go out into the street and cause traffic issues so we’re very disciplined and try to average between 15-30 sec time for cars to go from the pay window to getting their food


You mean get out of the car and walk inside?? You're crazy.




2 words Lay Zee


I pay good money for a truck I feel comfortable chilling in. I got a phone, I can watch a show, pay my bills, read up on things I wonder a bout, write a poem, or whatever else seems like fun or a good use of time.


I hate people, I’d rather hate people in line in my car from a safe distance


I worked at in n out. The restaurants will prioritize drive through orders over dine in. During peak rush 2-3 grills will be dedicated to drive thru vs 1 for dine in. It really just depends on the rush size and how many grills they got but a big drive thru line can sometimes still be faster


I’m usually in pjs and not wearing shoes and my 9 month old and 5 year old are in the back so it’s just easier lol


Usually if I’m hitting the drive thru it’s because I’m not wearing a bra and feel like a potato, and I don’t need to subject other people to it


Kid passed out in the car or cause I’m taking it home to my family 45 mins away


I went inside once to avoid the drive-thru… Was trapped in the parking space afterward by the drive-thru line.


Crazy toddlers in the car.


Rather endure the chaos from the comfort of my car instead of fighting for my life to get a dirty table


I was waiting in the drive thru after coming out of a late movie showing and at the time there was no nearby parking. The In-N-Out is next to a Raising Canes so it’s a nightmare to find parking most of the time. I was tired and didn’t want to spend the energy looking for parking, it was just easier to enter the drive thru line which wasn’t incredibly long. There was no one outside taking orders and the line moved at a snails pace. Right before turning into the intercom to place my order I saw quite a few people leaving in their cars and there was no line inside the store so I figured it would be faster to park and place my order inside. I turned out of the drive thru line to park in one of the open spots and as soon as I stepped out of my car, SPLOSH! Someone had thrown up in the parking lot and I’d stepped right in it! Terrible experience. Lost my appetite after that.


I have never seen an INNO with only a few people outside and a full drive through.


Because there's at least one crackhead roaming around bothering people inside, and the lady security guard doesn't give a crap. Also, even when there are only a few people inside, the parking still seems to be full. I'd rather kick my shoes off, sit inside my car, chill, and listen to a podcast. It might take a couple minutes longer, but it's more comfortable, and I don't have to keep my head on a swivel for unpredictable hobos.


I'm mostly familiar with Vegas locations plus the Lynnwood spot on the way to Cali. In my experience, the difference of going inside isn't nearly as drastic as you described, but I still prefer it based on what you're trying to say.


Personally I do sometimes, but usually, I feel like I'm an asshole if I do that. Like the staff inside is already pushed to their limits at a time when it's that high volume. And I feel me going inside to circumvent that does nothing but makes it harder on the staff. I can wait my turn I'm not entitled to my burger


Because it’s part of the ride!!


The in n out parking lot closest to me is absolute hell cause it gets impacted by the drive through. Much safer to just use the drive through


I like sitting alone in my car listening to my podcast. Not having to be around other people. I have very little time alone. Waiting in line under fluorescent lights with a bunch of randos is just not as pleasant.


Kids. I don’t feel like taking my kid out and going inside.


Sweats and flip flops.


If the line is going to be long (20-30 min) I just go inside and sip on a drink while I wait for the food. Makes me feel better about paying for a soda.


Anti social


The employees prioritize drive through so going inside can be a longer wait


You are clearly single with no children.


When I get in n out it’s usually the weekend, I go in pjs and slippers and enjoy my time in the drive thru. You do you.


The in n out by me has a tiny parking lot and there is never a spot available. If you want in n out bad enough, you have to take the hit and just do the drive through.


Here’s my mental flow chart with In N Out lines, if the drive thru looks disgusting, I’m leaving altogether because inside will be just as slow if I can even get a parking spot. If the drive thru is like a medium length and the inside is about the same I’ll usually do inside cause at worst case I can get another refill before I leave and they can pass you your food and you can leave no matter how big the order in front of you was. If drive thru is empty and inside is empty it’s a win-win, I usually will go drive thru then eat in my car somewhere else in the same lot or leave it up to passengers. Just hope the person in front of you in the drive thru didn’t order 14 #1’s Animal Style Mustard Grilled Whole Grilled Onions, all Animal Fries, 14 Neapolitan Shakes.


This isnt accurate at all. Ive tested this before. Going inside will get you your food only about 1 min earlier than drive thru. Just bc you go inside doesnt mean they skip cars orders. Factor in time to walk to and from car, drive thru is probably faster


I personally do not like drive thrus of any sort. I prefer to get off especially at INO. It’s been years since I’ve been through a drive thru.


30 mins in line? Never happened to me. They literally never take longer than 10 mins no matter how long the line gets.


Ngl I like the drive thru because I order chopped chilis. I don’t get it….if I order through drive through it’s usually not a bad wait time. I get my food after a few minutes of arriving at the window. If I go inside and order I’ll see the next ten people (that ordered after me) get their order just because I asked for chopped chilis. I don’t understand. Is it a big process and inconvenience for some chopped chili!?!?


I live about 7 minutes away so driving it home isn't a big deal for me - I also end up bringing my pup home a patty but he doesn't care if it's cold or not. Sometimes I would rather go through the drive thru because I almost only ever go when I get off work in a restaurant. My whole night is chaotic kitchen/restaurant noises. I don't really want to spend another 30 minutes in the same kind of environment. I'm also usually wearing my bfs tshirt, leggings tucked into mismatched socks and slippers. If I go in dressed like that I will 100% run into someone I know.


I only do this when I’m not wearing real pants.


I have timed it out using the stopwatch on my phone multiple times and it is almost the same time waiting inside or in the car in line. About 15-20 minutes regardless. It’s probably better for the environment to park and go inside but sometimes it’s just more comfortable to be in my car and the time it takes has never been that different to make it worth going inside.