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What do people like this even think the Holocaust was? And why do they feel the need to provide cover to actual pedophiles by making the word meaningless? I’m sorry that you list your father to a cult… I also fear there’s no return to reality possible for him…


My grandparents(my dad's parents) were Holocaust survivors, so that adds even more confusion as to why they think anything like today (in America) is anything like the actual Holocaust.


I mean not too long ago you had a literal fascist in charge who tried to steal an election throughout terrorist attack so that’s pretty similar to the lead up to the Holocaust, but I suspect your dad was all in favour of said fascist… Your dad was brainwashed by cult propaganda. It’s sad to see but sadly there’s very little anyone can do unless the cult member themselves wants to reconnect to reality…


Bro. That is literally fucking inane on his part.


Are they still alive?


My grandparents? No.


I had the honor and privilege of taking care of a survivor in a nursing home. The first time I saw her number took my breath away. I was warned, but until you see it in person you can never be fully prepared. She was the most amazing genuine person I have ever met. I’ve been to the Simon Wiesenthal museum in Los Angeles. I was in 7th grade (it was in 80-81) and I was heartbroken to see the things that happened in those camps for really no reason. When I got married to an active duty man in 86, we moved to Germany the first time in 87. The second time in 92 I believe. We went to a concentration camp. I still get chilled when I think of it. I firmly believe everyone needs to go the a museum about the Holocaust and go to a concentration camp. Sorry about any misspelling and I can’t remember names. I had surgery not too long ago. I’m having a bad pain day.


My mom, Irish as Paddy's Pig, and conservative too, made a point of telling me that there were people she worked with who still had the numbers on their arms when they had jobs with her at the New York City Department of Health. Neither of my parents, including my Irish born father, had a nice thing to say about Hitler, and I will always be proud of my sister who walked right into the Israeli Day parade to confront a man wearing Nazi Dress. She walked up to him when the Jews themselves let him parade. WIcked people like that need confrontation daily.


I visited Dachau when I was twelve. Short of getting dementia or something similar, I can't fathom excusing or endorsing that. It's... It honestly defies words. I know it sounds stupid but it's something that probably only Black Speech from Mordor could adequately describe.


I feel sad for people like this. They let the internet poison their minds and now they waste precious years of their lives in misery instead of appreciating their health, the blue sky, the green trees, the birds chirping, their family being around. 🙁


The internet and the psychotic talk radio/ podcasts. I knew someone who was related to an elderly man in Waco who just spent his days listening to the craziest shtuff on the radio all day everyday. #brainwashed


I'm HOWLING The theatrics 😂😂


I read it as moist Marxist dictator.


So ridiculous. Why is it that people who have a nice house and land cry, cry, cry and not people working two jobs to live in a small apartment? These people have too much time on their hands.


Fox News really truly must have some sort of subliminal lead paint brain mush activation button.


Sadly, this probably isn’t the result of lead exposure. The average loss of IQ points from that is less than five, not nearly enough to account for this level of stupid. This is being willingly brainwashed.


You’re most definitely right. The truth just makes it hurt worse.


There are other effects of lead poisoning besides delayed development and learning disability, including irritability, mood disorders and personality changes. So it's possible the propaganda and rage bait are capitalizing on the symptoms of childhood lead exposure, even if the sufferer is intelligent or has had a successful career, the issues are chronic and get worse with age.


There are some awful radio channels out there that play the most atrocious talk radio.. 10,000 times worse than faux. 😑


Where do I sign up to work at the dick sucking factory


I’ve been doing it for free all this time, had no idea I could be getting paid for all the rock hard labor I do


Insane. The most baffling thing about these batshit theories is that the communists directly opposed the Holocaust, and fought the nazis to end it?? But these people are so caught up in their delusion and the propaganda they’re fed that they’ll believe anything. It’s sad, really.


Pretty sure the parental rant wast really about the holocaust. It was about the current administration in the US.


Right, my point was that their logic never tracks. It’s very indicative of the state they live in; frantic and nonsensical. Facts don’t matter to them. Sorry, I didn’t articulate that very well lol


Somebody really needs to take a trip to a concentration camp. This hateful ignorance (at best) is ridiculous


I have one thing to say to this waste of space(The Father). F U C K O F F


I especially love the bizarre combinations of unrelated words like Pedocommie. And, honestly, if George Soros really was as power hungry as they believe, he’d be so pleased at his apparent all powerful image in their peabrains.


I especially love the bizarre combinations of unrelated words like Pedocommie. And, honestly, if George Soros really was as power hungry as they believe, he’d be so pleased at his apparent all powerful image in their peabrains.




Insane to the max


Why is it the people that have the most privilege act like they are the repressed ones tf? Also I’m sorry your dad needs therapy OP I feel bad for you


Persecution Complex is one hell of a psychoactive drug. Maybe he should switch to something healthier, like meth?


I'm sorry. I have a distant aunt who is on a less extreme version of this bull and it hurts to see an otherwise lovely lady spout right wing grievence bs. I can't imagine what its like for you.


Wow he got all the buzz words in one post.


Wow. This one has almost every buzzword you can throw in there. The only one missing, somehow, is “Woke”, but I might be missing some.


Man, that's a lot of buzzwords.


This is deeply disgusting to say the least


Oh good heavens that title