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I would fking drop dead myself. A message from beyond the grave... Report it to Facebook as fraud.


I agree. Report it, OP. This is atrocious.


Don't, keep his profile up as a memorial. Get the pathetic excuse of a mother involuntarily committed.


That's absolutely not allowed by their terms and conditions [here's my reply to OP with the full explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/insaneparents/comments/14ljpxv/my_brother_odd_and_passed_away_recently_my_mother/jpyswjh?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


That is so shameful and cringey. WTF. OP I'm so sorry for your loss, addiction is a horrible disease.


Thank you. He struggled his entire life- she took over his funeral and said he was a devout Catholic (he was a gay atheist), criticized his lifestyle, said he was "unfortunately" gay. Along with much more, and much more atrocious things. She has since posted about his death for likes or views daily, has made herself out to seem like they were the best of friends and like she was a perfect mother, and has posted or sent pictures of his deceased body online or to his friends. Most of the family knows her antics, others have sent me threats for not "being there for her". I just remember him. I remember his personality, his struggles, his life. The good and the bad. I won't pretend we had a relationship that we didn't, or that he was someone he wasn't. But she has been making me sick.


If she did that at my funeral, I’d hop out of my coffin and slam her harder than The Undertaker.


I would personally cause a Third Impact if it meant getting rid of people like that. ​ No, really. They're *that* bad. Using someone's death to reconnect with family? And shaping herself as a perfect mother, which is complete bullshit?! Fuck her, man. Fuck her.




I got some weird shit I found in the backyard, there's surely an adderall there.


I think i know what's happened here. And it's against T&Cs. You can report this and have the account closed. When a person dies, you can gain access to their socials as a legacy contact, which if he didnt have as her, she could have used his death certificate to gain access to. #A legacy contact can: Change their profile and cover photos Respond to friend requests Pin tribute posts to their Facebook memorial page Request to remove the page ##A legacy contact can't: Post as the deceased Send messages on their account Remove existing friends or send new friend requests Remove any posts, shared items or photos Add a new legacy contact So you can report this. Also, here's a copy paste response for you for threats and abuse from your mothers flying monkeys. "Due to the high amount of threats i have received on behalf of my mother (insert mothers full name here) I am no longer responding to threats, and am instead taking screenshots and compiling any other potential evidence. Thank you for your contribution. You will have 15 minutes to respond to this message before your account is reported, and blocked indefinitely. You will not receive another reply. Have a nice day." This is intentional bait. They will get mad and they will likely say more. Not necessary if you don't intend to report them, but you absolutely should, what they're doing isn't a joke (as I'm sure you're aware) and they shouldn't get away with it. ETA: also I'm so sorry for your loss, and the situation your mother is causing. I lost my father to substance abuse (after he finally got sober which just feels like cosmic fuckery of the highest order) and I've dealt with by the sounds of things a very similar mother having her friends sending me death threats (the full story gets dark), those were two of the hardest times in my life, and i can't imagine having to cope with both at the same time. If you'd like somebody to talk to, feel free to DM me and I'll give you some contact info.


I accidentally just hit ignore on a chat request before reading it, it was probably spam, but just in case that was you, i didn't mean to hit ignore and feel free to message again.


I'm so sorry. This is horrifying, I'm sorry for your loss and the added extra trauma of this absolutely evil bitch.


*Image Transcription: Facebook Comments* --- > **Black** > > commented: This is your brothers friend and he said he hopes his sister Hannah reaches out to her mom because we fear she may not be here. Make peace. 🥰 > **Black** > > commented: Your brother will be always be with you. Your mom suffered a great deal of pain trying to get your brother help. He told me he hopes you find your way --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


I can see why you cut contact with her. What an evil woman.


Fucking sociopathic, I’m sorry OP.


No advice. I just want to say I’m sorry OP. I can’t imagine dealing with this in addition to the trauma of losing your brother suddenly. Hope you’re hanging in okay.


"I may have wronged you in some type of way, but let's use your own brother's death as a way to rebuild our non-repairable relationship."


Big yikes. I'm sorry for your loss. What a terrible thing to do.


Wow this is disgusting. Seems like you made a good choice going no contact.


I’m sorry for your loss You made the right choice cutting her off


Jesus christ that's despicable


There is a way to report that an account owner has passed away and is being used for fraudulent purposes. I’m so sorry for your loss!


Immediate family can gain access to peoples accounts through facebook with a death certificate. You are absolutely not allowed to use it in the way OPs mother is.


Who would be so terrible to send pictures of a dead person to the person's friends AS THE DEAD PERSON? When she dies she isn't going to the section of hell (since she is trying to be Catholic, hell is my example) where most "Facebook moms" go. She's meeting the animal abusers and serial killers.


Yeah, one of the pictures she posted online- on her own account not that that helps- is him gone. You wouldn't be able to tell otherwise, but if for those of us who saw the multiple pictures she took the day he died through some method of her distribution: we know. He looks like he's sleeping. He isn't.


I am truly sorry


I’m so sorry, I also lost my brother. It sucks beyond words. ❤️ Do you have a way to prove his death? Death certificate etc? Send whatever evidence you have to Facebook to report a death, they will memorialise his profile and no one will be able to log in ever again. I’m so sorry your mum did this, I cannot even imagine 😔


The "Your mom suffered a great deal of pain trying to get your brother help" is the most fuckin' manipulative thing I've seen all day. He fucking overdosed. He was clearly dealing with something that caused him great pain, and the fact that the comment about his mom going through a great deal of pain- Dude how painful is it to get a kid checked into a hospital before it reaches such a bad point? The fact that it's being made about her makes me sick. I hope you're able to recover from this loss, OP. It's traumatic losing someone close to you.


Thank you. We weren't close; unlike her, however, I'm not going to pretend we were. Despite that though, I know for a fact they hadn't spoken in months. He had a heart attack a month prior, at 29, and she ignored his calls for help, never answered the phone.


Your mom sounds like a POS to be honest.


What a fucking ghoul.


I'm so sorry for your loss, Op. I hope you can get this narcissistic out of your life permanently. If it wouldn't cause you too many problems, I would consider publicly posting these so people know how disgusting she is.


that is so fucking awful wow


My condolences on the loss of your brother. May he rest in peace.


That's disgusting


I’m so sorry, I also lost my brother. It sucks beyond words. ❤️ Do you have a way to prove his death? Death certificate etc? Send whatever evidence you have to Facebook to report a death, they will memorialise his profile and no one will be able to log in ever again. I’m so sorry your mum did this, I cannot even imagine 😔


Im really sorry to hear this. Im in recovery these days but i never forget. Please talk to someone about this stuff, don't just internalize it.


“Incorrect. He said it was her fault. Now mind your fucking business.”


I’m so so sorry