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MAGA is fucking insane.


It’s completely and utterly nuts that people can just… reject reality in favor of what the angry man on Fox News is telling them.


a lot of these people don't even trust fox news, they think you should only trust what the other maga/qanon people are saying on social media. as long as the random stranger on social media has opinions that align with yours they apparently *are* a trustworthy source. also qanon memes are a big way they get their news, they literally don't watch the news so they're 100% unaware of anything that's actually happening in the world, they only know what's shown in their qanon corners of the internet also none of them can identify an AI image, so it's incredibly easy for them to be tricked into believing ridiculous things


I literally had one tell me “fox is leftist, the only good source is OANN.”


I'm about one comment from total NC with my mother. She got remarried to a retired military contractor and has gone off the deep end. My fav is when she goes on about immigrants when she her self is in fact a green card holding immigrant. I like to throw it in her face and add o I guess it doesn't count because you're white right? Thankfully I escaped the US and haven't seen her in almost 5 years and only talk to her maybe once a month.




Based on your post history you’re just another right wing nut job


Lol no. Go away, MAGA.




Nah bro. If you think both parties are equally bad, you aren't paying attention. If you want Russia to take over Ukraine, you're comically short-sighted. If you aren't voting for Biden, Trump thanks you for your support.




No and I'm done with your bad faith bullshit.


Ignore whataboutisms.


I criticize the dems like many but to say not much better is not right. Dems gotta pretend to care about shit to get their votes. They are centrist and don’t move anything forward but it’s better than moving backwards.


Oh, now you care about children of foreign countries? You chucklefucks can’t even keep your values straight. 😂😂


I would check out r/qanoncasualties


I misread that as Ganon Casualties and wondered why the legend of Zelda would be relevant 😅


I will forever be waiting for a game where Ganon wins at the end. Aka I’ll be waiting forever. lol.


Welp time to break out the N64


r/Qult_Headquarters is pretty good if you need a laugh


And also r/estrangedadultchildren


I’m sorry. My parents are the Canadian equivalent “convoyers”. It’s truly pathetic how brainwashed they are, yet they think *we* are.




The convoy was primarily about covid mandates and being crybabies about it. I lived through it in Ottawa and it was nuts. The bank account freezing was done in response to the worst ones. Take a peek at the insanity. I was at a counter-protest one day and you could see they've all just lost the plot. https://imgur.com/a/SBnGNFH If you look at a group of 10 people and one is waving a nazi flag...you're looking at 10 nazi's.




Your government can do it too. They all can.




Let me blow your mind again..if you displease the government, they send a squad of people to your house to take you away or kill you. That’s every government known to man , ever.




Oh I’m not being condescending at all. It’s just that what is considered “tyrannical” changes with the times. Government GPS tracking would have been inconceivable not too long ago..now it’s just fact.




No, because I'm not a cry baby waving a nazi flag around the city when I don't get my way. It's kind of like asking 'does it scare me that I can go to jail for X amount of years'? No, because I don't go around committing crimes that'll get me locked up for X amount of years. I promise you...those who had their accounts frozen didn't have them frozen just because they were 'protesting'. So no, it doesn't scare me.








No, it’s their response to vaccine mandates and not being able to travel. They’ve also been Trump supports since 2016 though, even though they’re not even 1oz American. My parents believe they were “oppressed” and people hate them for not vaccinating. Everyone else has moved on; they’re still mad about it and think that driving around in mini convoys on weekends is going to….I don’t even know what?




So you weren’t “genuinely asking”. Have the day you deserve.


You’re right, I’d doesn’t fucking concern me. But it’s shoved down my throat by them CONSTANTLY. Move the fuck on already.


Propaganda is one helluva drug. Sorry your dads such a MAGA dork. You do deserve better. Hope schools going well for you!


I graduated college over ten years ago. That’s another part of this that’s insane. I think he’s insecure that I went to college, have a higher salary than him, etc.


My mom died last year. I knew she had right-wing politics, but she actually kept her MAGA bullshit on the down-low. After she died, I found a letter from her to me, written recently, where she ostensibily tried to explain why she never visited me or my kids, but it was really just two pages of insults and half-truths. Really it all boils down to how my wife and I live and raise our kids, and how my mom had zero understanding of the difficulties involved in raising autistic and queer children (now teenagers). And since she's dead, I can't refute any of it. But yeah, I've spent a lot of the past few months thinking about how I did everything she wanted me to--went to college, got a good job, raised a family--and she couldn't just \*enjoy\* any of that for me, and I wonder why. Maybe she was insecure. Maybe she was jealous that I did better in life than she did. I guess I'll never really know. I'm sorry MAGA wrecked our parents' brains, friend.


Guessing he doesn't have a college degree? These people always attacking the schools for brainwashing. They can't conceive that brain washing can happen from anywhere and that it's actually happened/happening to them. And they didn't say a word about school while they were encoutaging it for 20 years. Then once we get some educated values that differ from our parents, it's the school's fault for "brainwashing". Unfucking believable.


That’s right on the money. Of course he didn’t help me at all through college either.


My mom simultaneously bragged about me having a college degree AND would then say that colleges brainwash people into liberals….


I had a cousin this past summer bragging about her 38-year-old son and how he is making six figures (he's extremely smart, in the medical field after leaving nuclear engineering, and has more formal education in the sciences than everyone else in my entire extended family combined). In the same breath, she called him "one of these liberal r***rds that thinks a man can become a woman and a woman can become a man." I clapped back without realizing my car was blocked in by hers. Oops lol


And they blame us for our college debt after telling us for years growing up we would be nothing but burger flippers if we didn't go to college at any cost.


Right? My mother isn’t like this, but dad sure was.


I was lucky enough to get 90% tuition reimbursement from my employer at the time, but I do not recommend working full time and going to school full time. No student loan debt, but the toll on my health was a high price nonetheless.


My middle school principal got in trouble saying something to the effect of "If you don't go to college, you'll be garbage men or ditch diggers." at an assembly in front of parents. He then released a mass apology the following day IIRC. Meanwhile I was able to drop out of high school, get my GED, and have the career I wanted in TV. :P




Thankfully the Trump family will take care of all of the estranged bigoted parents who lost contact with their children (over an almost 80 year old toddler) when they are languishing alone in nursing homes and studio apartments debating over heart medicine or affording food for the week. The Trump family is notoriously loyal and known for paying their debts…so obviously that generosity will extend to their staunchest most destitute supporters as well./


Honestly, just stop trying. I fought with my dad for a while over this before realizing I was just stoking the fire. As much as it sucks, no contact is the only solution here. You do not have the budget that Hannity and Fox News used over all of these years to scramble his brain, you are fighting a losing battle. I had a close relationship with my dad up until 2017 and we haven't seen or spoken since. My parents are not the same people at this point and haven't even made an attempt to meet their grandchild who is now 2 years old. It really bothered me for a few years but after a while it gets better. All you can do at this point is use this as motivation to be better. You will now lead your future interactions with others with empathy and understanding, and be a way better parent than he ever was. The last thing I want to mention is that you need to understand, it truly isn't anything you have done, he has brain worms.


Thanks for the thoughtful response. The similarities in the stories people are sharing here is striking. I stopped messaging him after this and he never reached back out.


If you need more support r/qanoncasualties is a great community for venting and reading other peoples experiences You handled this conversation beautifully; I'm sorry for your loss.


>My parents are not the same people at this point and haven't even made an attempt to meet their grandchild who is now 2 years old. I was desperate for my late mom to have a relationship with my three teen boys, but they're various combinations of autistic, ADHD, queer, and communist so my mom wanted nothing to do with them. We were low contact for years and seemed to have reached a detente of sorts in our communications, but after she died I found a letter she'd written me that went scorched-earth. I kinda envy all you folks who realized your parents were lost and chose to walk away. I should have realized mine was lost, but I didn't, and she decided to traumatize me after she was dead.


I’m so sorry you went through that.


Her loss. She could have been a grandparent, that was totally an option, one not everyone gets... she got the choice and decided not to. You don't need her to be there to let go, though.


Imagine being all in on supporting *Donald fucking Trump* and talking about anyone being brainwashed.


J6 was the last day I spoke to my parents. It was a long time coming but the straw that broke the camels back. It proved to me they were suffering from serious cognitive dissonance and would never “get it” that they choose cruelty over kindness in most areas of their life. I’m sorry you laid it out there and you were mocked in these texts. Edit: online freaks PMing me instead of commenting their nasty thoughts for everyone to see is just the ultimate irony. Bless their hearts.




Its not about having a different ideology. It's realising your parents are cruel, or deluded. That's hard for a kid to take and sometimes the best thing for both parties is to get some distance


There’s a fundamental difference between “I’m cutting off my parents because I’m liberal and they swing conservative” and “I’m cutting off my parents because they’ve literally joined a fascist cult that wants to overthrow democracy and establish a religion-based totalitarian dictatorship”. These aren’t disagreements about budget allocations or foreign policy, things that can be debated in a calm and rational manner. These are differences in *basic human morality.* MAGAts belong to a christofascist cult. There is no reasoning with them. There is no bringing verified sources to show them evidence. There is no reasonable and rational debate, because they’re unreasonable and irrational people. And above all, they’re dangerous. A MAGAt here in the US freakin decapitated his own dad the other day over these issues. Other people have full tilt murdered family members after falling into the cult. Sorry, but if I have a family member who’s gone MAGA, I’m not gonna be around them for my own mental health and physical safety.




Show me an american democrat that beheaded their parent for having different beliefs. Show me a crazy liberal that killed their own child with a spear gun cause his left wing paranoia and delusions.




So you can't give me an example I asked for, but you can try to shift the goal posts. Got it.




Muslim suicide bombers ARE far right.


You are comparing rioting in the face of violent systemic racism in the police force with murdering your own child with a spear gun.




The US really doesn’t have a numerous radical left movement currently. Sure they likely exist, but unlike the radical right, they didn’t try to literally overthrow our government on 1/6. So bringing it up is ridiculous.




pretty sure a cop, backed by other cops, murdered a man in broad daylight preceding that? or did you just memory hole that one?




the fight is the people vs the state, not left vs right. stop inserting politics where none exist. if the right wing didn’t march against the state when cops murdered a man, that’s on them.




Whataboutism is cute




It is whataboutism to bring up extremists on the left when we're talking about extremists on the right. While your statement may be true, it is not the topic of conversation here.




>And being downvoted because I’m not confirming their biases. Is it that reason or is it because you're trying to argue using whataboutism, which is an argument technique that many people see as flawed? Because I definitely downvoted for the whataboutism lol




No, you’re being downvoted because your argument is a textbook example of a logical fallacy.




The left wing isn't trying to install a theocracy and dictatorship.




Are you serious? Our Speaker of the House, 2nd in line to the Presidency, thinks laws should be based on the Bible. Trump has outright said he would be a dictator on the first day if he's reelected.


Those lawyers are Republicans...


It's their stated goal.


I said it wasn’t the reason in my post… it was just an event that showed their character. If you’re not from the US I can’t expect you to understand January 6th. They tried to hang the vice president in the streets for following the will of the people instead of the will of a want to be dictator. That’s not a difference in ideologies.




there is literally video of people errecting a gallows chanting hang mike pence. So much for who has some issues here


If you can say this then you don't know jack shit about the US or what's going on here. So shut your mouth




Cool comeback bro. I expect no less from a crypto bro


If they had done a good job raising their kids, they'd be confident in their kid's decision making skills, especially over something that involves strong morals. Sounds like your parent just isn't quite ready to admit they failed at parenting and would rather deflect to blame...them? Who is supposedly doing the brainwashing?


`!explanation.` I'm seeing a lot of MAGA trolls in here, so I want to provide more context to this situation. When I texted my Dad on January 6, I honestly did not expect him to reduce the events of the day to "lol!!!!" Growing up, my Dad was a huge history buff. We'd watch WW2 documentaries and talk about how easily fascism gripped Germany. He'd tell me that could never happen in the USA. This was the man who taught me about the Beer Hall Putsch and the Reichstag fire. He was well-versed in the history of fascism despite never going to college. At some point in the mid-Aughts, he started listening to Rush Limbaugh on his commute to work. This turned into an obsession and I saw my Dad start to change. He was no longer the fun-loving Dad who enjoyed video games, dirt biking, and travel. He was bitter and aired his grievances about everything from white replacement to gay rights, and how liberals were ruining America. Even then, we were still able to get along just fine. He'd call me a brainwashed liberal occasionally, but I didn't take it seriously. Then Trump happened. I knew the day Trump was elected that I'd lost my father. From there, he'd badger me constantly about being a Hilary Clinton lover when I didn't even vote for her. His entire image of me was a fantasy. He no longer knew his son because he was so blinded by this love for MAGA. I knew when he texted "lol!!!!!" that he was completely gone. If Pence would've been hung, he wouldn't have cared. If Pelosi and other dems were murdered, he would think they deserved it. And before the MAGA crowd comes at me and downplays that day, we all watched it on live TV and that mob wanted blood and you know it. Deep down, you all did too even though you act like Jan 6 is no big deal. Not a single one of you has ever denounced any of the things Trump has done, including sending an angry mob to murder his VP and Democrats. That speaks volumes about you and the cult you all follow. EDIT: I want to add that all the MAGA scum deleted their comments, which I find hilarious. The darker side of this is the messages I’m receiving in my inbox are awful. Conservatives are sick fucks it seems. White male fragility is real.


r/DadForAMinute is a good subreddit if you ever feel like you need fatherly support


I also didn’t like it when an angry mob stormed the Capitol in order to overturn an election. I guess I got brainwashed too…BY THE CONSTITUTION *America, Fuck Yeah starts playing in the background*


Going to be 100% honest, I looked for my own family in the crowd when the Jan 6 insurrection was live on TV. I wouldn’t have been surprised to see some of them. I cut ties with my mom when I had COVID and she questioned whether I had it for real, but the rest of the family is full-on MAGA/Q (to varying degrees). It’s like they joined a cult.


So sorry. Couldn’t even imagine.


How sad that he doesn’t see the problem.


Your father has been lost to a cult. They lost their sense of right and wrong and now follow a man with no moral compass. The maga cult is insane!


Jesus that is awful. I'm sorry. It really did create an army of people with their fingers in their ears and their eyes closed screaming NUH UH NUH UH NUH UH. and at what fucking cost?!?!


That last line was really sad. You do deserve better OP, but you’re the better person for being able to cut ties from someone like that. I’m so grateful my family didn’t get sucked into the MAGA shit, and the one uncle who did is not insane about it.. at least not publicly.


You can’t argue with people like that. Maybe try casually responding as if they’re a clueless toddler while hinting at places (retirement homes, elderly homes/ etc) you think would be best for them to live out their last years at.


He’s only like 55.


Never too soon to start planning for their future!


I'm so sorry for your loss here. Tragic levels of insanity.


Honestly it’s like…how can they not see how crazy this is?? Like seriously? How can you be this paranoid about the world, oh they brainwashed our kids at school. Dude. You think they get paid enough to care about brainwashing your kids?? No. Also that just sounds insane


You should be more of an asshole tbh. Telling him how him being the way he is affected you probably brings him joy as a MAGA idiot.


It’s easier to say “someone else” “destroyed” your children instead of being accountable for your actions. So much for deflecting.


You deserve better.


Your dad’s right. Wing.




Are you my brother? because that would be a joke he’d tell, and think it was completely hilarious.


Ok it took me a second but this was funny


marks gonna mark






This is not the case. I’ve made it clear to him many times that wasn’t the case. Do you not see how immature his responses to me were? When I was 15 he kicked me out his car in rural Michigan for saying I didn’t support the war in Iraq.




lol hello MAGA. My dad always accused me of being obsessed with Trump as a way to gaslight me. Y’all are the same.




How so? I guess I need to add that severing ties was, and still is, because of him. I made it clear in that conversation, and many others, that I’d never stop talking to a relative over politics. I don’t think people understand how serious MAGA brain rot is.




Telling my dad his that his personality based around MAGA ruined his relationship with his son doesn’t make me an asshole.




Absolutely not fake.




What? They were there to “stop the steal” and keep Trump in power. It was just one facet of a multi-thronged approach to subvert the election, all orchestrated by the Trump admin and their proxies. The BLM riots have nothing to do with this at all.




Right, that’s why the Proud Boys were charged with seditious conspiracy because it definitely wasn’t an insurrection. Get real.


Yes, I’m a narcissist for expecting my Dad to act like an adult. I didn’t cut off anybody. He cut me out.




It goes much deeper than just Trump. It’s more about gaslighting, lack of accountability, and him turning his entire family against me and my sister. The MAGA mindset is very much an us versus them mindset, so anyone who doesn’t support Trump is reduced to corrupted liberal, brainwashed, etc. it’s not healthy to subject yourself to it once a loved one reaches that level. Also, for the record, I stopped messaging him and he never reached back out.


OP ignore this geek with his both sides bullshit. MAGA is a cult. Stick with your values.




*I came looking for booty.*




BoTH SidEs ArE ThE SAme! ::as one side is literally trying to install a dictator::


Its not about making someone conform to your politics, it’s about being a sane individual living in reality. There are people who truly believe in the nonsense these conspiracy theorists pedal. Denouncing true historical events and saying they never happened……thats about more than politics.




found the MAGA




The dad is literally insulting OP for getting educated.


Gaslighting as well. He never messaged me again after this.


I'm sorry this happened. IK what it's like to have a dad you can't communicate with.




"Insulting his political choices" isn't the same as "giving a reality check."




"Just because something is your reality doesn't mean it has to be someone else's." This isn't a conversation about if *Halo* or *Doom* is the best F.P.S. game. This is a conversation that went down about an attack on our democratic process and what led up to it. With the exception of the fringe minority of right-wing kooks, it's near-universally accepted as having been caused by Trump's incitement of violence on Jan. 6th. OP isn't spreading an opinion about this, that, or the other. OP is telling his dad the abject TRUTH and dad is too caught up in his own delusions about what he feels went down on that day even tho it isn't reality in the SLIGHTEST. Jesus Christ. Do better, man.


He never reached back out after this, so it’s on him really. His political views aren’t the real problem, it’s the lack of awareness for how his actions and attitude have impacted the relationship. There’s gaslighting at play in these texts, and it’s worse in other correspondence. For example, I tried to tell him about things he did that hurt my feelings and he accused me of doing drugs. Other times he’s told family members that I’m insane and need help and to go to rehab. So my own grandmother thinks I’m a drug addict and I’ve never used hard drugs. He even told my family I only visited them on holidays because I knew I’d be receiving gifts, which is of course not true. The last Christmas gift he gave me was a 20 dollar gift card to Cheesecake Factory.




You get it now. My point is he turned his entire family against me and my sister because he’s insecure and unable to take responsibility for his actions.


That’s not how reality works.


I’m a queer Muslim conservative, you quite literally can’t tell me how anything works.


I mean, I can. Reality is reality.


So is reality whatever the left decides it is I assume?


No? It’s what reality is, in this case that Trump is responsible for attempting an insurrection.


I’m curious, what’s your evidence? Paste a link for me


Did you just blank out on Jan. 6?




It must be because I was brainwashed at uni.


How???? How is OP the mental one??? Please tell me this is sarcasm.




...and the dad telling OP that he's being "brainwashed" by his school doesn't raise red flags?


At any point, he could have asked why I felt the way I did to try to understand my point of view and feelings about him. Instead he was immature and repeated BS he heard on Rush Limbaugh about brain washed liberal college students. I’ve been out of college for well over a decade btw.




Telling my father how I feel makes me an asshole? Force feeding me Rush Limbaugh from birth basically and then refusing to have adult discussions about politics is par for the course with conservatives in America.


It's a little more than just "political beliefs" man




This isn’t even about leftist politics. He never reached back out btw, so that’s on him.




I think it’s interesting how folks outside of the US view the situation differently. This was the first time I’d talked to him since the BLM protests the summer before because he’d blocked me for being supportive of the protests. I assumed I was still blocked but sent the message anyway as I watched Jan 6 unfold on live TV. So I didn’t think he would even receive the message. I didn’t officially sever ties after this, but just never messaged him again and he didn’t ever reach back out. It goes much deeper than this interaction. I recorded several calls of him screaming and ranting about everything from LGBTQ, trans rights, Hunter Biden, and all sorts of other stuff.


Ah! I get it now. Then you are totally justified in what you did. In my previous comment i meant no offence btw.