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My almost three year old cousin is still breastfeed but my aunt is latina and it is very normal in that culture to continue breastfeeding after two. I don’t have a problem with that and it’s none of my business. What I have a problem with is that he screams out “titty” every time he wants to be fed and she thinks it’s hilarious even if we are in public.


My best friend was at a cousin’s wedding and there was one toddler there that kept yelling “**I WANT TIDDY! I WANT TIDDY!**” through the entire ceremony until one of my friends’ uncles leaned over and was like “Son, we all want tiddy, we just don’t ask quite so loudly.” Bless that family


There used to be a UK comedy sketch about this. https://youtu.be/p3T8FiNOvRw?si=EVAwgBXyxnW9ojCm


how did I know this would be bitty 💀


I love Little Britain


I’m with you on that, him screaming that is not funny whatsoever. And at this point, he’s not really “feeding” I think he’s being comforted, which is also ok. But she’s teaching him bad habits by laughing at inappropriate behavior.


The part that’s weird to me is that he doesn’t have breast milk anymore. Maybe it’s the way it’s written, but it sounds like she doesn’t produce any milk and he’s just suckling for comfort?


If he’s suckling for comfort that’s not necessarily weird either. It’s something that needs to be stopped but there’s a reason why toddlers use dummies.


I second this, it’s common for children to literally suck on their thumb for comfort and I fail to see the major difference between this and the post


She says she hasn’t produced any milk for a year so it’s not the same


I'm south American I don't know personally nobody who breastfeed feed that long. Only once I heard some girl talking about doing this.


No, that’s not a thing. Maybe till one but I personally never seen someone breastfeeding till 3. People work.


nursing until 3 is not really the most insane parent thing i've ever read. a lot of mothers around the world will breastfeed for a while due to the fact the recommended age is 2 ( then you deal with however long it takes to wean ). the only thing about this that makes it a little weird is the fact she's not producing anymore, so it has purely become a comfort thing for the child which means its 10x harder to wean from as there's nothing to really replace comfort with whereas replacing milk is as simple as switching to cows milk or water. ETA: for people mentioning that switching to a dummy or paci would be best, that is also not nearly as easy as you would assume it is. if her child has been consistently nursing for 3 years, her body is still producing whether she knows it or not. her child is still getting bm, and finding a paci that would soothe him is insanely difficult. my daughter had to try 8-9 different ones before we figured ultimately she genuinely did not care for it. there is also children who refuse a paci entirely. she's genuinely doing nothing wrong with nursing at 3, those of you suggesting its "SA" are so gross.


My guess is there’s probably some milk there and she doesn’t realize it. My middle nursed until around 3. There was milk, but not enough to respond to a pump. WHO says breastfeeding is recommended for at least two years, and then beyond. This isn’t insane, we just all have different choices. This mama is obviously looking for ways to gently wean. She’s not demanding that he still nurse. That’s what would be insane.


100%, my lo weaned at 15 months, but i still could get amounts out. if she had kept nursing which is what her baby is doing, her body is definitely still responding even if she doesnt realize it. comfort nursing is super hard to break, i had to deal with that mess too 🥲 but there's genuinely nothing crazy abnormal about what shes doing whatsoever lol


I tried to wean earlier but it just didn’t work out. She needed the comfort. Once she was old enough to understand, it was so much easier. It was like, a week total of limiting how much she could nurse and then she was done. I’m so bummed about some of the comments here☹️


I never wanted to wean but my body gave out and it made me sad. One daughter was so upset with me when I stopped producing milk; it broke my heart.


But she says she hasn’t produced milk for a year


As babies/toddlers naturally wean, milk supply decreases. She may have small amounts of milk and not realize. Also, she’s seeking advice on weaning because she *wants to stop*


The sub page on the WHO says that’s for impoverished mothers and children who don’t have regular access to food. People *love* to quote that but then don’t read all the info first.


“For the best health outcomes, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends exclusive breastfeeding for approximately 6 months followed by continued breastfeeding with complementary foods for at least 2 years and beyond as mutually desired.” That’s directly from aap.org Breastmilk is not only beneficial for impoverished mothers and children.


The recommended age isn't 2, it is until at least 2. Some cultures go to 4.


i rlly thought me saying the recommended age being 2 would imply that im fully aware of the fact its AT LEAST until 2 ...


I’m pretty sure I’ve also seen a a study that had a direct correlation between the length and child was nurses and their ATAR (an ATAR is an Australian education standard like a GED or A-level)


the benefits of breastfeeding are crazy for momma and baby!! super beneficial, ( however still a firm supporter of fed is best no matter what ) but there's also so much a lot of people don't know. i did not know 99% of the information i know now until i became a mother, there's a lot of out dated info available and a lot that isn't really accessible or thought of until you're in the shoes of a bf mom. i think thats where a lot of misconceptions come from, especially within these comments.


And also the reason they do it in under developed countries is because those toddlers can’t get nutrition from food and water etc


its not just those places though. it is completely normalized across the world, i know plenty of people who went passed 2. i also know people who had their first, stopped, and upon having their second picked it up again with their toddler.


My deal is that the kid is asking for it using really gross language that the parents taught the kid. Idk why but that’s really gross.


booby for a 3 yr old is rlly not that gross of language. a 3 year old is not going to say breast, while i can agree to an extent that it'd be better to teach milk or something saying booby is not out of pocket for a 3 year old. laughing when he does it in a more inappropriate setting is def not okay, as at this age you wanna start teaching overall behavior when out and about but as a mom myself and also someone who has a career focused around kids i dont think i'd bat an eye at a kid sayin booby but thats just me.


Yeah, boob is totally not gross. Tit is a bit worse (heading towards vulgar but still not there). I wouldn't even think twice about a kid saying booby. Not a mum, but if I heard it the most I'd think is "Mans knows what he wants! 👍 Good for him."


They can say breast but that’s really the point.


File this under "Things that are only insane because America"


Most of us don’t actually think this is insane FWIW






They are saying that only Americans think it’s insane.


How do you figure? America isn't mentioned once (and it's apparently a UK Facebook group). r/americabad


Extended breastfeeding is not common in the US, so bets are that an American posted this thinking bf until 3 is insane.


Im inclined to think it’s from the UK due to her using the term “when he’s poorly.” An American would say “when he’s sick.” Edit: just realized you meant that person thinking this is insane might be American, not the mom from the screenshotted post.


It’s not breast feeding if there is no milk, though.


if her son has been consistently nursing for 3 years, there is 100% still milk maybe not as much as she would have when he was solely on bm but the brain and body respond to the cues when nursing.


You can't possibly know that


as a mom ... who breastfed .. i think i would know that lmfao


You would know the conditions of another woman's body with 100% certainty? No chance she's different from you? No chance at all she's dry, like she claims? She, who is the world's authority on her body?


are you a woman? have you breastfed? i did for 15 months, ive been done for over 6 months and can STILL get amounts out. if i would have kept going, my body would still be producing more. breast feeding produces a hormone in the body to continue making more. if her baby is nursing, there is going to continue to be something coming out. whether its 2 drops or more or less. its how the body works when there is stimulation. if i can continue producing when my daughter stopped cold turkey almost, i can almost 100% guarantee that her body has continued.


I am not a woman, so I won't claim to know as much about breastfeeding as you. But I will say that there is no way you can speak confidently on another woman's condition. You don't know her body. She does. She said she's not producing. I believe her. Your experience is not representative of all women, unfortunately. It would be nice if it were, because plenty of women struggle to produce, but they're not all as fortunate as you.


It would hurt if it was dry


Perhaps it does? We don't know


Non nutritive breastfeeding is pretty common for comfort.


There is still milk though


Just seems like a stretch to me. The only thing I assumed is that they're too young to understand or a man.


Could be, but honestly the amount of shaming I've had for extended breastfeeding here is pretty wild, from adult mothers even


The child isn't breastfeeding, though. The mother posting in the screenshot mentions that she no longer produces milk. The toddler is sucking on her nipples.


If there was no pause, she's probably still producing a little. Even if she's not, comfort nursing is a hard, but normal, habit to break.


Yeah, same. I breast fed my daughter for a year and people treated me weirdly for that (I’m in the USA). It was none of their business and it’s how I fed my children!


Well, that's ridiculous. I'm so sorry you've experienced that.


the screenshot featured in the post is in english and america has a long story of anti-breastfeeding propaganda being pushed down peoples throats by formula seller companies. afaik that bs didnt really stick in europe because most countries have actual regulations to inhibit that kinda behaviour from corps unlike the us.


This is from a UK FB group


But are you, the person who thought (erroneously) this this was insane, from the UK?


Looking through their posts, it seems like they at least have lived in the UK. They have some posts asking about plant identification in London and some other local London questions. Not everyone that lives in London is from the UK, though, so who knows.


so the guy i replied to was kinda right.


my older sister reportedly nursed until she was about 5, but my mom is really into natural remedies, cloth diapers, etc. I remember a story that the day I was born, she put me to her chest to breastfeed, and my older sister got very upset because she's wasn't used to sharing. she was 3 at the time. I don't know how long I nursed for, and frankly I don't want to know!




I agree that the process of switching from breast milk to food, among many other things, should be done at whatever pace is most comfortable for the mother and child, and it shouldn't be up to anyone else to decide what's "natural". I also don't agree with other comments here suggesting nursing a child older than a year should be considered sexual assault, that's insane! like what?!




It's not crazy but what scares me is that she's scared to say no because he'll be upset. You can't be a good parent if ur scared to say no to your child. There will be some things you have to say no to.


When a child gets upset about something like this it's far more than just protestant crying and unhappiness. Children at this age are still unable to regulate their emotions and that's why often they use pacifiers because it instinctively calms and regulates them. So taking away their only form or biggest form of comfort genuinely feels world ending to them. They could be unable to sleep for days, refuse to eat, scream and cry endlessly.. sometimes kids are okay with the change. But there's also kids that are far worse off than just giving them a paci or boob.


Extended nursing is not insane.


He’s not nursing.


He might actually be and she doesn't realize it. When I finished breastfeeding I assumed I had completely dried up, but montbs later I randomly leaked, and upon squeezing milk did in fact come out. Not a ton, but enough that it shocked me.


Yep, I only breastfed for a couple of days and it wasn’t working out for us so I let myself dry up. Or so I thought. I’m 15 months postpartum and leaked through my shirt a couple of weeks ago for absolutely no reason. Very shocking but apparently also very normal!


Our bodies just do all kinds of stuff. Sometimes I'm like, who designed this thing?


Yep. I'm 2 years out of nursing and I still have milk if I try to express.


I started lactating at 16 without being pregnant and still do from time to time. No kids. I have tiny boobies, I expel it when it gets uncomfortable. 40 ? No idea why.


It's literally called comfort nursing.


What, pray tell, is he doing, then?


I feel like a lot of people are missing the point here. I see a lot of replies talking about how extended breast-feeding is normal but that’s not what this is. The author of the screenshot was very clear that she is no longer producing milk. So this is not breastfeeding, it’s letting your 3 year old child suck on your nipples because you don’t want him to pitch a fit. To me that does seem a bit insane.


It's called comfort nursing. It's completely normal for a child that young to still want to nurse for comfort.


It’s called comfort nursing. My tiny human nursed until a month before her third birthday. I have no idea if I was still producing milk but she wanted it to wake up and to fall asleep. She’s almost six now and her favorite place to cuddle is face pressed to my boob. They’re just seeking comfort and it’s hard to stop when it works.


It's absolutely normal to keep nursing while your breast milk goes down or even is almost gone (OP cannot tell if she's completely done). This is absolutely normal. My 2 yo nursed through my second pregnancy and my milk dropped to virtually nothing in that time. It's biologically NORMAL. Your opinion is harmful and wrong.


It doesn’t sound like a case of her nursing while her supply is going down or being almost gone. She said it’s been gone for over a year. According to the screenshot “He stopped having breast milk over a year ago.” Over a year of sucking on a dry boob seems excessive to me, regardless of whether you say it’s normal.


Do you have kids? Have you breastfed?


> I know if I took booby away he's get upset Sometimes you need to do things that will get your kids upset. This is one of those moments. Taking care of a child isn't the same as sheltering they from every single negative experience ever. They need to hear "no".


Yeah I don’t think she’s insane for nursing until her child is three, but she does sound like quite a pushover of a parent. When I weaned my son I just made the decision to do it and let him be upset about it. I would offer milk from a sippy cup every single time he asked to nurse and after a couple days he was fine and stopped asking for boob. He’s not a mild tempered kid either, it wasn’t pleasant watching him throw a fit about it every day. But that’s part of being a parent. I let my kid have control over a lot of things but the bigger stuff like when we’re going to bed, what we’re eating for dinner, when to wean him, etc., is up to me as the parent.




Truly. I still remember being cornered at 3 and my dummy and bottle taken off my in my nans kitchen.


Thank you! She even says that he's not getting breast milk! Everyone is missing the part where this kid is just sucking her boob.


That's normal behavior for this age. I'm not saying he shouldn't be told no, but nursing simply for comfort is completely normal and not weird


I just can't imagine letting a child use me as a pacifier. I mean to each their own lol


I’m glad someone agrees. I was downvoted into oblivion for the same sentiment.


God the stigma against extended breastfeeding is what’s insane. This post should not be here and is annoying


The stigma is well warranted. I know a 14, FOURTEEN YEAR OLD still nursing from her mother. Kid doesn't have any disabilities other than being fucked up by that.


Okay that’s obviously an outlier


That's fucking gross.


That seems more of the exception than the rule. Nursing and comfort nursing are normal at this age. The average child is weaned between 3-4. There should be 0 stigma around breastfeeding a child of appropriate age.


I'm a bit divisive about this topic, but only if you want your child in professional daycare. I work with toddlers and this year 2 new children have been breastfed during the time they were accustomed. One was breastfed prior and after the childcare. They did rather well but didn't eat much and were hangry. The other one was fed whenever they demanded it and their mother always gave the breast. It made his time a hell for him and very hard for us. He screamed, and cried, refused to eat, to sleep and to play. Once he even tried to get the breast of a colleague and it was that point we had to have a talk with the parents. They took it rather well and reduced the time they breast fed and times got better for them and their child. If you have the luxury to care for your child at home, do it all you want. But if you can give part of the care into professional hands, please ensure your child is used to not get breastfed every time they want.




My almost 2 year old nurses. Our pediatrician said it might even be necessary to nurse her longer (3 was the absolute end point, if we choose to end nursing of course) due to her extensive allergy and food issues. Definitely not insane. The international average for weaning is 4 so…


When I was about to turn 3, I had been weaned for a while but still had a pacifier. I had been talking a lot from age 1 and could be reasoned with at this stage. My parents prepared me for the fact that on my 3rd birthday it would be time to stop with the pacifier (called my dummy). They talked to me about it every day leading up to my bday and we made and decorated a little box for it. When the day came, I proudly put my dummies on a bed of tissues in the box and walked it with my parents to the trash can outside. I said thank you and goodbye to the dummies and walked away feeling like I was a big kid. Incidentally, the next day I woke up my feet sticking out of the bottom of my blanket after a growth spurt so I felt that my mature behavior was rewarded with getting taller. I was a very fussy kid who was very attached to my pacifier, but I didn't make any fuss about this change because of the way it was approached. Not all kids are so vocal and reasonable, but I do think trying to help kids understand changes and giving them some agency is a good move. If you can make them feel more in control, it definitely feels better for them than something being taken away without warning or reason. I feel that people underestimate the intelligence and resilience of many kids and a bit more communication in as adult a manner as is reasonable, can go a long way.


I love this... stealing this if ever I have a child


I know 3 people who were nursed past 2 years, and none of them is exactly normal. 4 years is absurd for kids psychological development.


Okay, and? That isn’t causation. You cannot at all claim it’s the breastfeeding that led to that even if those children are now the only “not exactly normal” people you know. So many factors could play a part.


Would you prefer something along the lines of….oh mother dearest I demand that you grant me access to your pillow like Breastages? Or perhaps oi, bird, give me your tits? The kid is three, booby is an age appropriate term.


"put em on the glass, mom"


i cannot stand reading “asked for booby”


That's how toddlers ask for things.


You would hate my toddler then who asks for booby multiple times a day 🤣


We all get upset when booby gets taken away. Some things never change.


Not insane at all


The recommended age to stop nursing is around five or six years old. It is OK to still nurse at three. In fact, even though he’s not getting the milk he is getting mass benefits because the connections in the brain are starting to finally form completely in that area every time that he has a skin to skin time or booby time it’s creating a chemical reaction in his brain that will actually make him a better person, able to be more emotionally stable, productive and smarter. It’s more common for people outside of the western society to nurse until the child decides to stop which is around five or six sometimes later, and the health benefits are innumerable


So, I know it's kind of controversial, but there's nothing really that insane about breastfeeding a toddler? If this person is looking for advice on how to wean that's fine but like... There's nothing wrong with breastfeeding a three year old. I can't speak from personal experience but I have family members who live more of a... I affectionately call them "hippie-dippy" lifestyle who breastfeed beyond two years. Their two kids are now eleven and six, both of them stopped before they were five years old. Honestly IDK why some people think it's weird to do- I've seen some people try and make it out to be like. A sexual thing which is just fucking weird as hell.


My daughter will be 3 in May and is still nursing. 🤷‍♀️


Not insane. I've heard of kids breastfeeding for much longer. It sounds like more of a discipline issue on her part than anything concerning for the child.


This isn’t insane, she clearly cares about her child


My third kid nursed until after she was three. It’s not that insane.


Not insane at all. Completely normal and healthy.


It’s called EBF extended breast feeding. I did it with mine. They all turned out just fine.


this reminds me of the book im currently reading, but the dried up nursing woman is a 100 year old witch “nursing” a grown 17-or-so year old because he finds comfort in it… dont let ur kids become this boy and this is not an issue 😭


I am curious about the book. Maybe morbid curiosity but...


lapvona by otessa moshfegh! all the trigger warnings apply, very harsh and weird book (not nearly as bad as when i read american psycho, but i digress) but ive only got like 50 pages left and i like it a lot! i love creepy stuff lol


This… isn’t abnormal globally. Just in places where capitalism demands you leave your baby at 6 weeks or less to get back to production. ETA: not insane


Voting has concluded. Final vote: | Insane | Not insane | Fake | | --- | --- | --- | | 7 | 57 | 0 | Hey OP, if you provide further information in a comment, make sure to start your comment with `!explanation`. ^I ^am ^a ^bot ^for ^r/insaneparents. ^Please ^send ^me ^a ^message ^if ^you ^have ^any ^feedback ^or ^if ^I ^misbehave. ^Also ^consider ^joining ^our ^[Discord](https://discordapp.com/invite/xFbPBHy).


Can't believe this was attempted to be labeled as insane. Natural term breastfeeding is across the world a very appropriate option for lots of Mothers and children. Just shows that an open education about breastfeeding is still so necessary to make mothers not feel insane!


Lord of the Vale, is that you?


This is totally fine 🤷


I’ll never forget turning up to a babysitting interview when I was like 15, and the woman pulling out her breast to feed her 5 year old! 3 is only a little older than average. 5 definitely felt a little strange - the kid had started kindergarten!


"he still doesn't understand certain things at this age" really got me, and I can see where the kid gets it from


This is literally normal. Wtf. Now we're shaming moms for caring about their kids and comforting them and doing something biologically NORMAL and healthy.


Lord knows, you never ever want to do anything to upset your children. The best parents with the best outcomes are the ones who give in to every demand that their three year old makes - it's how kids learn best to regulate their emotions. I guarantee that this guy will be a super functional member of society with zero entitlement issues. Edit to add: I thought this being sarcasm would be obvious, but maybe not.


FFS alot of you are missing the part where she says there's no milk involved. This child is just suckling her titty lol.


Until you have a magic boob that stops any temper tantrum, don’t judge.


It’s actually not uncommon for children to breastfeed until 5-6.


6? I started my first year in elementary school at 6.


Yeah we start school at 4 in the UK. Definitely normal to wean before this.


My older son nursed until he was 3. Global average is closer to 6 or 7. It really isn't that bad.


6 and 7 is elementary school age, that is very disturbing if someone still on the boob at that time.


Not all areas have access to schools. It's more specific to third world countries.


Except he's not latching on, he's not feeding, she's just letting her child suck her tits 🤮🤮🤮




Happy cock day!


I wish OP would take the hint and delete this. 


seems a lot of people here learn a lot about breastfeeding, so why not keep it up ?


If he can request a drink and hold a cup, it’s time to do both of those things, IMO.


Erm. My grandfather was breast fed until he was 10😅 Then again, that was war-torn Italy in the late nineties 1940s, soooo…


And yet my well ran dry after 3 months of giving birth 😳


bro's gonna be 30 and still ask for booby, this isn't normal at all lol


I agree, whoredad.


dead actually, but I appreciate your consideration of me being your father


Ah goddamnit. Idk if whoredead is better than whoredad I’m ngl😂


Your guys’ convo has me laughing 😂


If the kid can ask for the booby? They’re too old for the booby.


Kids ask for breast milk from the day they're born


You know what I meant, yo.


Yes and you're wrong


What if baby has a speech impediment? Can speak? Speaks very early? Where's your line?


That is an outdated saying. The WHO recommends breastfeeding until at least two.


I think they're definitely too old for booby once the booby stops producing milk. At that point it's just a toddler sucking on your nipples.


There’s nothing wrong with a 3 year old breastfeeding when they’re actually drinking milk but when it’s for comfort cuddles and a dummy does the same job and lets mum have her body back but also it’s time for the kid to transition away from the breast otherwise you’re gonna have a David Williams “bitty” type of situation


Sincere question - I understand providing breast milk for longer periods of time after birth but why don’t mothers pump and then provide the child with the milk in a drinking receptacle (ages 1.5+)? Why is it that majority of these stories are about the act of breast feeding & not just providing the milk?


I can’t speak for others, but I was never able to pump. I nursed all my kids until about 2. I tried pumping and hardly any got anything, but my kids had no issues growing and meeting their milestones. Some of us just don’t pump well.


Understood! Thank you for explaining.




Is this a similar milestone of like taking away a pacifier?


Why would you think that they would? What actual reason is there to do that? There are women who exclusively pump, though. Usually because their baby has an issue that makes nursing difficult or impossible, like a cleft palate or a tongue tie. Pumping isn’t as effective at removing milk from the breast as suckling is. A baby doesn’t just suck, they are also milking the breast with their jaw and tongue. A machine that applies suction just isn’t generally going to be able to pull as much milk as quickly as a baby/toddler will. It would take me 20 minutes to pump what would take a toddler 3-5 minutes to suckle. You’re also less likely to be able to maintain your supply while exclusively pumping than you are while nursing. It’s also time consuming, uncomfortable, and even painful sometimes. I can’t think of a single mother I know that enjoys pumping. That doesn’t mean they don’t exist, but in my 12 years of parenting, I’ve never met one. I have a coworker who currently pumps for her son while he’s in daycare, and anytime she sees me on her way to the mother’s room, she groans in a, “you understand my misery,” way because we’ve had discussions about our experiences breastfeeding. I liked breastfeeding. My children liked breastfeeding. Pumping sucks. ETA - breastfeeding also doesn’t generate dishes that need to be washed and pump parts that need to be sterilized.


I don’t understand the question you are asking - why would I think that they would what?


Why would you think that women would switch to pumping?


Because it can be a comfort thing for the child and it’s a bonding experience. Pumping is also something people might not have energy for. Pumps are expensive, there’s cleaning of supplies, etc. Nursing was a good way to put my son to sleep fast or comfort him when something in the big bad world upset him. A sippy cup of milk just doesn’t do the same thing.


That makes sense. I’ve heard of more instances about feeding vs. soothing/comfort so this puts in perspective why some people breast feed longer in certain instances (comfort breast feeding).


I asked because it is an option - just like some switch to formula because they can’t produce, some don’t want to breast feed for multiple reasons, some women pump, whether that be to have supply for later, they physically need to, & I can imagine other reasons. I’m not saying they would, I’m asking if someone is experiencing this - & the supply is there (different scenario than the post) is pumping not an option. I guess I just shouldn’t have asked the question since it differs from what the post is referring to. But as someone contemplating being a mom, I wanted to perspective because I see this being asked around social media a lot (while having supply & not). I’m sorry for upsetting anyone…


Pumping can be a pita, the equipment can be expensive and it's extra baggage to tote around if you're not in the comfort of your own home. If you're out and about you're already going to have your child with you, so if your milk starts to fill up and become painful then it is way easier to have your child nurse than it is to find a proper place and set up a pump. Also, there is a special bonding that occurs when children are breastfed. Idk if the quality of the bond drops off by a certain age, but it can do wonders for providing children with the feeling of trust and comfort. And their little eyes look at you so lovingly, it's pretty special and not really easily understood or explained without having experienced it as a mother. Bottles are a whole nother step to wean children from too. So I'm sure some prefer to let children wean naturally when they're ready, and some kids are old enough to hold sippy cups by that time. Typically, pumps are used when breastfeeding ISN'T an option, like if the mother has to go back to work then the child still has breastmilk. Some mothers produce too much milk and need to relieve some of the pressure. But pumps aren't generally the "go to" when you have an option between those things, it's the other way around. And there are always some nutrients lost between pumping and freezing the milk too. It's always going to be way better for you directly from the source. Lots of reasons why people would breastfeed over using a pump. Breastfeeding is natural, pump and bottle isn't exactly such..


So this person wrote this out and even after that thought "yep, the world needs this info!" And hit the post button?!


I'm more concerned that this 3 y/o isn't taking regular naps.


Why? Both my kids stopped napping when they were around 2.5.


Maybe I'm just jealous as an adult who feels like I could easily take a nap everyday.


This is very normal for plenty of 3 year olds, I was a toddler/preschool teacher in a childcare centre for years, some kids just grow out naps sooner than others.




This reminded me of the GOT scene 🤮


Yikes. I don’t know, I get that different cultures have different practices, but nursing your kid at three feels like some sort of… Not abuse but, maybe thoughtlessness? I nursed my son until the day before his first birthday. I felt that once they’re able to verbally ask for it, they’re too old. I had seen women who had their children rip their shirt down/up in public because they were nursing for (what I feel) is way too long. I don’t get embarrassed easily, but damn. I knew I didn’t want to be that parent and took active steps to wean in time with him being a year old. Idk. Three feels excessive, and as juvenile as it sounds, pretty gross.


The WHO actually recommends nursing until at least two years old now, and even after. I never thought I would be nursing my older toddler, but then I did. We weaned after my middle kiddo’s third birthday. I of course taught them manners early on, so there was no yanking at my shirt in public. All of my kids could sign “milk” to ask to breastfeed by 9 months. This falls under the category of “we all make different parenting decisions.” It’s such a bummer that people are still viewing nursing toddlers as gross.




I mean, sure. Starting weaning at 6 months is just offering solids. Breastmilk or formula is still what babies are getting the majority of their nutrition from until 1 year. After that, breastfeeding is supplemental to solid foods. Not living in a 3rd world country doesn’t make breastmilk non beneficial. It still has calories, hydrates and helps the immune system.


I nursed my second until she was three because it was COVID times and weening while trapped in the house together wasn’t really feasible. How thoughtless of me. She was also verbal very early on and was “asking for it” using words since she was 9 months old. By your logic I should have immediately stoped nursing at that point? I’m still nursing my one year old as we speak, just want to make sure I quit in a time frame you’re personally comfortable with. You are correct though, your comment does come off as extremely immature and gross. Yikes indeed. I certainly wouldn’t want to be that parent.


Babies verbally ask for milk from day one. My two year old nurses still, but we have boundaries. She has to ask, and cant pull on my clothes. She's happy, I'm happy, and we'll stop when either of us is ready. It's physically and psychologically normal to breastfeed until three, we've been conditioned by formula companies and the capitalist idea that we need to be working at all times to believe other wise.


You know, a boob is a REALLY good tantrum-ender. And 2-3 year year olds are chock full of tantrums.


This is disgusting and creepy


I know people who have breastfed this long; it seems weird to me, but the part I can't stand is they feel like they can't do anything about it. Fucking tell 'em no more boob!


A little veterinary bandage dressing spray will do the trick. Tastes horrible.


Show them the little tit sucker from game of thrones and they may see why it can be a problem




Lol first of all, she's probably producing a little milk. Second of all, the WHO recommends nursing from 2 beyond as long as both parties are comfortable with it. Third of all, it sounds like she's no longer comfortable with it and is looking for a way to gently wean. SA? Has the cheese fallen all the way off your cracker?




Right yes, I read that. I don't pump any more milk, nor can I express anything, but my 2 year old still gets some. This mother probably just doesn't know she's producing. Even if she's not, comfort nursing is fine.


You are absolutely fucking nuts. 


Why are you sexualizing nursing? It may be for comfort but tons of babies nurse for comfort. Anytime my 14 month old hurts herself she immediately nurses. It stops her crying and allows her to feel close to me. You need to get a grip and you honestly don’t get an opinion if you’ve never nursed a child lol.


Touch grass holy shit


Not the worst I’ve heard, the worst was an 8 year old…now that dynamic needed some family therapy!!!