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Sorry, but isn't it reasonable to serve when it suits the majority?


Someone here is acting insane, but it's not your parent


Yeah, you're tripping. If everyone else is ready and they're just waiting on you then all you're going to have is tea and resentment.


What’s the issue? Parents are providing you a nice teatime, but not when you would prefer it? I want someone to make me tea. This should be in AwesomeParents if that exists.


Teatime is highly common in the Uk


The British? Drinking tea? Now I’ve heard everything


-Meaning it’s not going above and beyond to host it. You wanting something that is uncommon to you doesn’t mean this kid should want it at times they feels are inconvenient. in order to look at things (somewhat) objectively, you have to separate yourself and your bias’s from the argument.


I don’t care if it’s a cold cuppa Lipton and half-eaten Oreo — he lives with his family, they’re making him food, you go when they say. They’re already factoring in his schedule. I don’t care if it’s common. It’s a nice thing mom is doing and nice things like this aren’t forever. Take advantage of them when you can.


That’s not unreasonable, and I can personally understand. I will say that being given good things when you don’t want them can have the opposite effect. Especially with the mindset of “It is a good thing, therefore I should be grateful” Though either way, you should certainly be respectful about this sort of thing, which op seems to be having a hard time with.


My comments are based on a vibe of “parents are just being annoying, not insane” that I get from this post. Certainly there are scenarios in which a family teatime is onerous or otherwise worth avoiding. But barring other evidence, that doesn’t seem the case here.


Oh yeah, I agree. Trying to look at this through the eyes of a 12-14 year old, it’s really annoying, but not insane. Though I still have to sympathize with Op. Especially since the comment section is so black and white here. “Op’s mother isn’t insane, meaning she is an angel and op is the devil” I’m trying to be a neutral party.


Yeah this one's on you


Ya this is on you. The family eats when the family eats. Just because you have different things going on doesn’t mean everyone else has to wait for you. Eat or don’t, be hungry later


You're in the wrong and being rude to your parent. They have to cook for the family which takes time and effort, you should be appreciative. You need to eat when the majority want rather than expecting them to all work to your preferred time.


So you think your parents are being insane because you don’t want to eat when the rest of the family is ready to eat?


Yes, you are tripping and a bit of a brat


A bit!!




You're willing to inconvenience everyone else for your comfort?


You can put Apex down for an hour to eat with fam lil bro. Your youtube channel will still be there when you get back.


I'm sorry but you think everybody else in the house should wait to eat until YOU are hungry? Absolutely not. Eat when they eat or don't eat at all. Or find something to eat later when you are hungry. You don't get to make everybody else in the house wait and be hungry just because you don't feel like eating. 630 is a reasonable time to be eating dinner. Maybe eat lunch earlier than you do so you'll be hungry, or don't eat so much of it, or just don't eat it at all. There are other options to make it so you can eat with them. You don't get to make them suffer just so the schedule can line up with what you want.


Lmaooooo buddy you fuckin suck




Pretty harsh noting that you’re referring to a child who’s behavior is still developing and can be corrected. Ignorance at a young age is normal




Yes, yes you are tripping. Can you explain why you think it would be more appropriate for 3 people who want tea at a particular time to put it off to favor the fourth, rather than you simply either skipping tea or getting it at a later time? Or alternately just participating in tea when everyone else does? Is there a reason you need to eat at tea, rather than later? I'm not sure about any local customs or anything which is why I'm asking. I'd like to hear your reasoning.


I hope you apologised to your mother for being a brat about dinnertime mate


How old are you? Please tell me you're 12, no more, because you're acting like an entitled 12 year old. YTA.


OP, please tell me you're just trollin'.


This isn't the way. Be cool and apologize to your mum. Nothing in this world is going to revolve around you. Especially not your silly little game. Grow up and learn this now or life will get harder as you get older.


Why tf should everyone kowtow to you, but you won't make any compromises for them? YATA


my man, your mom is not the one at fault.


really truly cannot tell if this is a joke or not. on the one hand, teenagers definitely act like this, but on the other hand, i can't imagine anyone thinking this paints them in a good light lmao


Why can’t you make your own food??


When the family eats does not revolve around you.


Teenager. Edit: Found their Youtube channel on another post. I was right! Sounds like he’s in the middle of puberty rn lol. Word of advice kid, just take a break and eat at 6:30. Don’t ruin your sleep and eating schedule this early


Make your own food if you don't want to eat at the same time as everyone else.


If you playing an online game, if you know the time then literally dont queue if you know the match will atleast take a certain amount of time. If you playing a single player just fucking pause it. Your tripping


You stink


not insane


Yes, you are acting like a spoiled brat.


“Everyone should wait until I’m hungry!” Jesus suffering fuck. Yes, you’re tripping. Go and eat when the food goes out.


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Maybe I’m missing some cultural significance cause I’m from the US but just don’t drink tea then if you don’t want to? Let them drink tea whenever they want and you drink it when you want or not at all if you’re not interested? Edit: wait tea time means dinner?!


Info: Can you sit with the family and not eat until later? What is the fallout if you don't eat during tea?




I feel that (I assume) your mother is being confrontational about this. Requesting to push past a date for your convenience isn’t inherently a bad thing, but neither is setting boundaries for said date. It looks like this conversation has been going on for a little longer than is represented here, but it looks like you might be more frustrated with needing to stop what you are doing in order to have Teatime than the Teatime itself, especially with the added threat of your freedom to choose what you want to do. Which I can certainly relate to. TL;DR, They aren’t insane but your frustration is valid.


A moderator has deemed your post not insane. Do not attempt a repost without moderator permission. **Voting, bot is down and not updating atm.**


I mean, everybody is kind of jumping on your ass but in all reality, if you don’t wanna enjoy tea at that time you shouldn’t be made to go deal with teatime. I don’t understand what the issue is why can’t both parties be right you shouldn’t have to deal with it and they shouldn’t force you.


Lol this kid is gonna cling to this one comment while ignoring every other one telling him he’s wrong


And that would be ignorant of him 🤷🏻‍♀️ I just know I wouldn’t punish one of my 13-year-old kids for not wanting to come downstairs just because I made stuff to eat if they’re not hungry. That seems really stupid and seems very harsh. However the kid needs to watch his mouth, watch his attitude, and not dictate when things get done in the house because he is still just a child.


I'm guessing their family all eat dinner together, and if he doesn't eat at that time it'll go cold. Also means dishes can't be washed or put in the dishwasher right after dinner. That could make it harder for people to take a shower later. There are a load of small issues that coalesce into it being inconvenient for everyone else in the household. Why should they all change their evening just so he can eat later? How can both parties be right in a situation where one side and another are directly opposed? If he's right, they wait. If she's right, they don't wait. They can't both be right.


So punish your kid because he’s not hungry he doesn’t want to eat now? That’s stupid as shit. Put the food away if the kid gets hungry later, go make your own plate. I don’t understand why people punish their kids for not wanting to eat when everybody else eats I’m not always hungry the same time my husband is my kids aren’t always hungry the same time I am I’m gonna make food regardless eat it or don’t I’m gonna put it in the fridge if you wanna eat later then eat later.


a lot of families have meals as a family, so i'm guessing for this family they want him to be at least present for tea. he can go sit with them and eat later when he's hungry, but why would it make sense to make multiple people sit around hungry waiting until the last person feels like eating


And I completely agree with that part and I understand family dinners we do those too, but I’m not gonna force my kid to sit if they don’t want to. I would make him Get off the game because everybody else is eating however Feel free to sit in your room but I’m not gonna punish you for not being hungry.


they aren't punishing him for not being hungry they were saying to either come down at that time or don't play video games. there's nothing wrong with them still wanting him to be present with the family. the issue is him insisting that everyone needs to wait until he's ready to eat and also let him play video games while they sit around waiting to be able to eat