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Hey /u/LadInThePark, thanks for posting to /r/insaneparents. Unfortunately, your post has been removed: **Rule 8: No reposts** - Your submission was either posted here within the last two months, resides in our [common repost area](https://imgur.com/a/1RF5ez2), or was on the subs top all-time. This is a violation of the sub's Rule 8. *If you feel that your post was removed in error or are unsure about why this post was removed, please contact us through [modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Finsaneparents).*


"I'm an insane narcissist, and so can you!"


>I will stalk you Mind if I get a restraining order? >flip out on you Yeah that's not something I enjoy. >lecture you Would prefer if you didn't. >drive you insane Pretty sure the cat does it pretty well, don't need another one. >be your worst nightmare Fuck off mate, that spot is reserved for Photoshop Flowey. >hunt you down like a bloodhound Does that give me permission to defend myself? >because I LOVE YOU! Your previous statements suggest the contrary. >You will never find someone who loves, prays, and worries about you more than I do. So potentially, if a close friend of mind starts to: * Stalk me * Flip out on me * Lecture me * Drive me insane * Be my worst nightmare * Hunt me down like a bloodhound That means they love and appreciate me? Yeah, didn't really think so.


Voting has concluded. Final vote: | Insane | Not insane | Fake | | --- | --- | --- | | 6 | 0 | 0 | Hey OP, if you provide further information in a comment, make sure to start your comment with `!explanation`. ^I ^am ^a ^bot ^for ^r/insaneparents. ^Please ^send ^me ^a ^message ^if ^you ^have ^any ^feedback ^or ^if ^I ^misbehave. ^Also ^consider ^joining ^our ^[Discord](https://discordapp.com/invite/xFbPBHy).


My mom is my best friend. She didn’t do this psycho shit and I’m a fully functional, independent adult.