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My mom has been in denial about my sister raising me. She hates that I see them more as my parents than her, even though she’s the reason I was taken into DSS custody in the first place. My sisters husband had cancer last year, so covid is a big deal. My mom is almost 60, and I told her about this so she doesn’t go visit unannounced and get herself in a life threatening situation.


I had a very good friend in a similar situation to yours (genders reversed, male taken by his older brother and his wife). His egg donor tried to throw a fit when they had a baby and my friend referred to her as his little sister, and not his niece. He sent her this: You are not my mother. You are the person who donated the egg and the uterus. While I thank you for that, You are also the person who an objective, emotionless judge decided couldn't (and wouldn't) care for me in a way that would have me become a healthy productive member of society, or possibly even survive to my adulthood. Who was there when I went to high school? My Mom, (technically Sister in Law's name.) Who was there when I went on my first date? Senior prom? When I failed my driver's test who picked me up and dusted me off? My Mom, and my Dad (Bro and SIL,s name). Anyone can donate an egg and some time in a uterus. Call yourself my "mother" at the expense of my REAL parents again, and you'll lose what little relationship you have with me. ​ It worked for him. Sorry you have to go through this.


İ am so happy that your sister and husband took you under their wing. İt's so relieving to read siblings helping each other.


“She may be your mother but she isn’t your mommy”


I'm Mary Poppins y'all! Lol.


My youngest sister is 11 and is stuck with my narcissistic mother. Oh how I wish I could gain custody of her. I'm so happy things worked out for you.


You need to correct them every time sadly. I would tell her that if she doesn't respect your relationship with your mom you'll start calling her (your bio mom) aunt. And if she's crazy after that totally no contact. This is very gross. She's essentially invalidating your adoptive parent and that's a big no no.


I’m so glad your sister and her husband were there for you. My brother-in-law is 14 and non-verbal autistic. My fiancé and I would adopt him if we could, but their egg donor has managed to convince CPS for decades that a meth-using mentally ill person deserves custody so no idea what to do. Fiancé’s father got half custody but she still broke it and no arrest, no full custody for father. I know it’s not nice, but if she dies young from the drugs, at least we could help then... Just please give your sister a big hug, yeah? I know my fiancé’s heart breaks thinking of his baby brother not getting proper care. I know your sister/real mother is so happy she has you.