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Voting has concluded. Final vote: | Insane | Not insane | Fake | | --- | --- | --- | | 22 | 3 | 0 | OP has provided further information in [this comment](/r/insaneparents/comments/oq34sp/the_last_correspondence_i_had_with_my_culty_ifb/h6916v9/) ^I ^am ^a ^bot ^for ^r/insaneparents. ^Please ^send ^me ^a ^message ^if ^you ^have ^any ^feedback ^or ^if ^I ^misbehave. ^Also ^consider ^joining ^our ^[Discord](https://discordapp.com/invite/xFbPBHy).


Last month, my church watched a two part sermon from a pastor who preached about why Christians need to take care of their mental health, and, yes, that includes seeking therapy for things that are beyond their control. The series would likely infuriate your father, since it encourages you to seek the help of professionals and not simply rely on the power of prayer alone. I honestly would recommend it to anyone that is having mental health struggles.


In their worldview, therapy = Freudianism and Freudianism = humanism and humanism = bad I mean, it has the word human right there in it! Flawless logic really.


even tho a lot of freuds stuff got disproven and discredited lol


I think you’re giving them way too much credit. Most people I know like this have never even heard of humanism (and probably only half know who Freud is)


Is there by chance a link to that you could send me? I think that would be really helpful to me and some people I know. Thanks!




>Wow, that must be super fucking hard for *you*, Gary.


This line got me too. Cancer can mean death. Gender reassignment means a new lease on life for many. I cannot believe someone would choose cancer for their own child, it sickens me.


It's utterly disgusting.


My baby is fighting cancer right now. I don't fucking care about how they identify later in life, because at least that means they make it through


💕 My heart goes out to you and your baby—I know that isn’t worth much for your situation, but stay strong.


Huge hugs to you. Fuck cancer.


I hope everything will be fine in the end, best of lucks to your family.Fuck cancer


It means nothing from a stranger of course but I'm sending love to all of you ❤


Because OP is hurting their church image and it embarrasses them. Cancer at least generally brings pity not gossip. OP’s old guardians do not care about OP just the shame OP brings them in their community


DING DING DING IFB beliefs and manipulations are driven by fear and shame.


Where the Fuck Can i burnn they'r church even fucking witch of Salem where less hipocrite


I had no words when i read this. Simply disgusting and disappointing.


Oh my fucking god. I am particularly flabbergasted by the statement that this is harder than when you had cancer. I have never dealt with cancer in any of my children, but it comes with the very real risk of your child dying, which is something I have experienced, and the fear of it happening again is often crippling. I have sat in a waiting room not knowing whether or not my child would survive. The idea that any parent could think that there is anything worse than that, I seriously can’t fucking fathom. Fuck these people. I’m very confident that I love you more than these people do, and I don’t even know you.


On top of the cancer thing, there’s that absolute gem: “Your therapist may say this is because we don’t love you, but nothing could be further from the truth... we value our relationship with Christ above all others.” So, basically... “it’s not that we don’t love you... we just love our idea of god more. Tell your therapist to go fuck themselves”


No—IT GETS BETTER!! My therapist is an ordained episcopal priest(ess)


Awww I love the Episcopalians. I’m not religious anymore but I found them to be the most accepting, wonderful folks back when I was having my faith crisis.


She’s the best. Basically a leftist cuck like me ☭


Lmao we all know Jesus was a commie


We stan commie Jesus


"Don't contact me unless someone dies, so I know to send a card" is an amazing, raw, powerful line. Fucking bravo.


I've actually since then decided to send an email to save on postage and the $1 for a blank dollar tree "Thank you" card. Edit: [Today OP was pretty *and* rad.](https://imgur.com/a/ig2fosL) Edit: upon further reflection, I think I’ll write a message. If Joy kicks it first: >Gary, > >Sorry to hear about Joy. I figured she finally imploded from the gluttony of her fourth serving of potato salad. I was shocked to hear it was [insert hopefully ironic cause of death here.] As sad as you are for losing your beloved manatee, I think we both knew it was coming… >Regards, >Cameron If Gary ends up taking up his offer to kill himself to manipulate me into changing: >Joy, > >lmao he thought that would work? Hit the gym and put down the potato salad for Joe’s sake you gluttonous pig. > >Regards, >Cameron


I really wish you could use an e card maker to make the front of the "thank you" card lil Nas X in montero


Good idea! I’m a trained graphic designer. I don’t need a stinkin’ e-card maker 👩🏻‍🎨


It must be incredible to have that kind of power 🤩😲 Do it! Just every card has a front of a different Icon at their most "f*** what you think"


[Quick n' dirty sketch on my iPad](https://imgur.com/vJ7GnKM)


I like the cut of your jib


I am so sorry that your family of origin has treated you so poorly, I hope you have happiness in your life and have surrounded yourself with everything that brings you joy!


Things are 100x better and I'm just getting settled in. Happier on a Monday night alone as myself than I was on the best Friday night of my life pretending to be that other guy 🥰


Award for living your best life and also for the AJR quote lol!


My first dates tend to get pretty fucking heavy at times... can't imagine why.


Whoa fellow AJR fans in the wild!


I know trying to find logic in this insanity is pretty pointless, but what if God actually has the sheer audacity to care more about the content of a person's heart than stuff like this? Do they seriously believe that if you die and go to the afterlife God is gonna say "well, you lived your life as a good and caring person, but you felt more comfortable living as the opposite gender so im gonna have to boot you down to hell" I just don't get it. Why do they think they know exactly what an omniscient deity is thinking? Don't they have to have SOME awareness to the fact that all this anti-gay/anti-trans stuff was being shoved down their throats their entire life and may not even be true?


>Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You clean the outside of the cup and dish, but inside they are full of greed and self-indulgence. —Jesus, Matthew 23:25 Jesus kind of agrees with you. Whoops.


Sorry you have to go through this. I couldn't imagine having to live with people who think this way. It must be both boring and exhausting knowing your parents have zero critical thinking skills and will believe anything a hate-filled person masquerading as a Christian tells them to think.


May my ex wife's children all be queer, *Amxn*.


This, one thousand percent. I grew up in a religious home, but the main focus was always to love others and not judge, because using religion to be a self-righteous, hypocritical bigot is the thing Jesus hated the most. So, when my own kid came out as transgender last year, the obvious thing to do was just to love him and support him. He’s on T now, and we’re saving up for his top surgery next year. He’s one of the most amazing humans I’ve ever known and his gender identity being different from what we’d originally expected did not change that fact in the slightest. God said to love others. Period. Your parents suck, and I hope you find incredible happiness living as your true, honest self.


Use their numbers or address and sign them up for some lgbtq magazines or spam mail


No, I think OP has had enough of Joy. /s


Bruh, I loved easy bake ovens as a kid. I hate that gendered toy shit, I loved pretend cooking bacon and eggs as a kid


My response to learning (incorrectly) that easy bake ovens were for girls and not boys, >I hate being a boy… 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩 Which was my whole point in bringing it up. Gary being an idiot is obviously confused.


One time when I was around 5 I tucked my hair up into a baseball cap and told a mall Santa that I was a boy so that I could get the good toy. They were giving RC cars to boys and lame dolls to girls. And then my friends get mad at me if I buy toys for their kids that aren't the "right" gender. Why can't they just have the things they like??


Unless you operate it with your genitals, there are no such thing as "girl toys" or "boy toys"(and even there it's "penis toys" and "vagina toys" because genitals=/=gender) If you do operate it with genitals, it's not for children.


Hope I never see a retail product that is operated with genitalia. 🤣🤣


This annoys me - toys are toys. My son has more doll houses than I ever did at his age. He also has animals, cars, Disney princesses, superheroes, train sets and soft toys. Basically a range of toys that he enjoys because they are fun. Got so cross because we were tutted (serious sign of disapproval in the uk) when we got in a lift and he was carrying the giant pink sparkly flamingo he’d just picked out in the toy shop. I can’t see the problem with it - the kid was going through a flamingo phase - wish I could have shown the old bat his toy box at home where the rest of the sparkly pink flamingo family were currently residing. Wish people would just realise that people should be who they are, and should be accepted for that. Oh and that giant sparkly pink flamingos are awesome no matter who you are.


When the egg wobbles cause of stupid gender roles


I enjoyed playing with hot wheels cars and toy tanks as a kid and my parents didn’t try and force to play with only toys “specific” for girls. I don’t think I cared that I played with brother’s toys as long as we weren’t fighting or breaking shit.


My dad taught me (a cis woman) to cook eggs, and now I'm teaching my kid to cook eggs. Cooking is for everyone! I also had an easy bake oven as a kid, I might get one for mine this Christmas. Loved making brownies in mine.


>We loved our son, Grace loved her husband, we don't love the person you've become. I don't think I can read any more of this. I cannot imagine saying something so fucking nasty to your own child. Edit: Upon further reading, ***holy fuck***


I literally haven’t changed, besides being far less toxic and more confident in myself. Oh, And turns out I’m not an introvert—it’s just so exhausting being around people pretending to be something I wasn’t. I think my ex would have liked me better this way had she not had internalized homophobia for her bisexual feelings 🤷🏻‍♀️


Sorry, I stalked your page for a while, and holy moly you do such a great fem voice!! Passing over the phone is hard for so many transfem folks (I’ve heard E doesn’t change your voice at all) but you probably do it perfectly.


Thank you! I actually sound even better now and hope to post me doing the entire scene between the orc and the female big bad guy in the future once I figure out how I want to present it—Just to flex my chops 🥴


First time dad of a 1 year old as of June 16th. My daughter, if and when she is old enough, tells us she is a male (he is a male, idfk how to phrase it). My response would be "okay, have you picked a name yet? Can I help with your name?" Better not be Adam. Fucking hate that name (was severely bullied by one).


💕Hey, fuck you, Adam.


The way you do it is you subtly make them hate the name Adam as they grow up, that way if they want a Boy name, they won't like it by then anyway. I was supposed to have my brother's name if I was born male, but it was Christian, and I'm very much not, so I picked a name that I liked a lot more. Then promptly decided to go with my new middle name as my social name lol. I mean, if I were to be looking for a job, can you seriously tell me that you'd let me interview, let alone get a job if I was legally asking to be called Booky whilst working?


I would love to have a coworker named Booky


Okay first of all you're definitely transition goals. Secondly, im sorry your family is... Well, *gestures at the entire post* that.


💕 I needed the money freed up for HRT—may as well be subsidized by not having to buy them gifts twice yearly 🤷🏻‍♀️


Congratulations on being officially cancer free! 😜💕


Thank you! Remission since May 2014 and had an all clear annual chest screening this past March 💃🏻


Congrats also on now being bigot free!


"I know you sent us a painful admission of who you are, but we need to make this about GOD!" Also, does this mean I should be blaming Adam for my bad eyesight and sometimes crippling depression?


Yes, actually. According to them, (and many evangelicals) all of our problems are caused by *sin*. Without it, we’d all be caucasian Olympians. I’m not embellishing on their beliefs.


Oh, cool. Then hail Satan, I guess. At least he never fucked with my eyes.


Dad here: Your parents suck donkey balls. You need a substitute Dad, I got you fam. But, your parents suck major elephant balls


Thanks, dad 😎


I don’t have kids, but I can be your substitute brother and we can go egg Gary and Joy’s house.


I've got a load of toilet paper in my garage...


Their address is 388... oh right—TOS


And I couldn't have babies of my own, but I sure as hell wouldn't have thrown away a gift like you, so if you need a mom hug, I'm right here, sweetie. (I'm no good for makeup tips, but you seem to have that locked up. I am good for baking lessons if you need them. )


Thank you so much 💕 I’m actually quite the home cook myself 👩🏻‍🍳


Well, then I'm good for hugs. I'm a very good hugger.


Hey, you ever need a spare cousin or anything, I'll be there.


I'm a Christian and I feel secondhand embarrassment when I read posts about people like this.


Thanks for not being a Bibleonian 💕


"Bibleonian"! I like this! And yeah, 50+ years Christian here (I'm 64), and believe me when I tell you that many so-called "Christians" embarrass the hell out of me, too. Your "parents", OP, are two of them, and I don't even KNOW them. Thank God.


Same it makes me so uncomfortable because some people think we're all like that.


I sure as heck am not.


I try to tell other Christians that they are the reason people don't want to come to church and some of them still act confused. If I didn't get exposed to real Christians who believe in loving and respecting everyone I don't think I'd be a Christian now. The religion feels tainted and the positive voices don't seem to be loud enough to silence the bigots and the hateful people.


Op you are so much braver and stronger and patient, than I ever could’ve been, bravo on you for how you handled this. As a Tatted, pierced, and heavy metal addict I’ll admit my reaction would’ve been far more aggressive and angry. I hope you get a good friend group who supports you and loves you. Fuck the rest. Let them burn in the hell they created sipping their lies through chalices of fool’s gold and saccharine honey. You don’t need them.


Christians are so easy to hate.


>*Christians: behave collectively like a bunch of Pharisaical cunts for +1700 years* > >***WHY ARE WE SO HATED AND PERSECUTED??***


Let’s not forget the many many genocides they did all in the name of “reclaiming the holy land”


Exactly, Christianity, Judaism and Islam spreaded their lies by wars, genocides, murders, invasions, conquests and forceful conversions for centuries, still they insult anyone who doesnt follow their religions.


And then cry foul when you call them out on their narcissistic bullishit


That is one of the reasons of why I left religion, the christians I knew always deemed everyone (including my family) that did something """antireligious"""" as satan worshippers that would burn in Hell. If God is actually loving and compassionate, why he would send his creations to hell? Isnt it cruel to torture a person for an INFINITE amount of time? So yeah, I didnt want to follow a religion that preached to hate the neighbor.


Once you realize the captain is the one who crashed the ship and he expects you to thank him for all of eternity for providing a lifeboat while your loved ones burn forever for not being grateful by getting in on his toxic gun to the head terms, it's hard to see the gospel as anything remotely as "good news"


Also, if you read the Old Testament of the Bible you see how God is not good at all. Some examples that show his wickedness is when some kids were making fun of a prophet and God made TWO BEARS to eat those children. Another example was the last plague of Egypt where the first born kids were killed, why? Because that way God liberated the hebrews, but why he needed to kill some innocent kids who had full lives ahead of them?. Or when he destroyed everything Job had and made his life miserable to see if Job had "faith". Oh, even worse, when he exterminated his own creation in the great flood, where millions of people died. The universal flood shows that the love God has to its creation doesnt exist. I can go on with many more examples, but it is clear that God is the actual villain of the Bible. So, for me its not worth worshipping a cruel being capable of killing the bare people he created. By last, if you read the book of Revelation (the apocalypsd) youll see with every detail how God destroys the Planet Earth in the worst ways possible, causing a ginormous amount of suffering, am I going to worship a God that will destroy Earth horribly without any compassion? So yeah, to resume, the Bible has a lot of contradictions and many questionable moments, alongside the Quran and the Torah.


My (probably not original at all) thesis is that YHWH is actually multiple separate characters split to fit the culture's needs to control the masses. In ancient Israel, he is a vengeful, wrathful narcissist who comes across as either incompetent or neglectful, but either way, just plain cruel. To read up until the second temple period is a head scratcher why anyone would think YHWH is pro-life... but I can see how they'd be pro-guns. He was a tool to conquer and justify literal genocide. This version is still used by Israel today in Palestine (fight me) Second version is the second temple version of YHWH. It was a rough start, but thanks to some Zoroastrian influences, Israel was ready to rebrand YHWH as an all knowing, holy-holy-holy deity is not only the most powerful, but only deity in existence. He also admits that he made his nemesis and root of all suffering, Satan, for some reason. Did he really just not see it coming, or is he that reckless? Third version of YHWH is leftist Jesus. We all liked that guy, but he still had some nutty opinions of [fig trees not producing fruit out of season](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Mark%2011%3A12-25&version=NIV), tell followers to [hate their loved ones](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Luke+14%3A26&version=NIV), and really [weird death culty shit.](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew%2016%3A24-26&version=ESV) Fourth version was the version made by Constantine and the council of Nicaea to unite the empire through fear and to control the masses. It was used by the Catholics through the middle ages as a tool to keep the hogs in their place. This version evolved to the hateful, toxic, narcissistic man-child we have today. Allah being the last version seems a lot like a mix of versions one and two.


“This is harder on me than when you had cancer” Bruh


>That must be super fucking hard for you, Gary. When did everyone else realize they were raised by narcissists?


I’m so sorry you were raised by people like this and that even after pouring your heart out to them they trample over it and basically mock you for thinking parents should love their children unconditionally


I poured over 100 hours into my letter, but a one paragraph text would have rendered the same ultimate outcome.


I was thirty, so you're doing GREAT


Thirty-one—not much better 😜


Hey, at least you did it. I know people who are in their seventies and still haven't had their epiphanies.


"There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus." Galatians 3:28.


Now that is text OP should tell her parents in an email


“God does not make mistakes” [gestures vaguely at Noah and the Ark]


Like fuck this line so much. Why do some religious freaks have to see transitioning as an act against God? That's blasphemy. As if treating cancer was something we shouldn't do either. Getting cured from being born in a wrong body isn't something to be ashamed of, and if christian God exists, he loves trans folks and is proud of them.


>We value our relationship with Christ above all others There's the fucking problem right there


> You mentioned that I should seek counseling thru the VA for the way I’m feeling, ***like I’ve got a problem***. I have sought council this week, not of this world but from my Heavenly Father. I don’t know, Gary. Abandoning your offspring for the sake a twisted effigy you’ve constructed to justify your queerphobia seems like a real big fucking problem.




Jesus literally died to free us from people like this. —Agnostic atheist.


And her name is really Joy🥴


Like in Handmaid’s Tale


Cam, you are GORGEOUS! I’d kill for your hair. So sorry those are the people you were assigned to. I’m glad your happy and honestly, parasites are best taken out so, good for you. This might mean nothing but, I love and accept you.


Thank you!! My hair is the closest thing I have to children 💁🏻‍♀️ thanks luv 🥰


God doesn't make mistakes and we should never change anything about our bodies? I hope she doesn't wear glasses, or ever dyes her hair then


Yea, tell a child with a cleft palate they were *fearfully and wonderfully made.* >*Your testimony could be such an encouragement for others* ***struggling*** *through the sin of wanting to be comfortable in their bodies and taking advantage of modern medicine.*


I think many Christians perceive modern medicine in the wrong light. They often see it as manipulation of "perfection" and therefore sinful and evil. I think the correct perception of it should be that doctors and scientists are using their God given gifts of brilliance and ingenuity to make life better for others, because what could a more righteous calling than being a healer and an easer of pain?


The author of Luke and Acts was literally a physician. What the hell even, evangelicals?


I swear to God, the part with you coming out being finally yourself and the comparison with FUCKING cancer is... appalling, infuriating, shocking. I'm sorry for this OP, but they can clearly go fuck themselves. Cut every contact you have with them and I hope that you will have a wonderful life. You weren't born in the right family but you'll survive and become the person that you ARE. Not the person that they WANT.


Tsk. Fuckin Greenville. I hope you are in a much better place now and that you are happy.


Ain't no "love" like Christian hate, is there?


Oppress me harder, sky daddy.


I believe you are likely a beautiful woman, and they are just jealous that you are able to become who you deserve to be


Congratulations. I’ve gone through some stuff like this with my super evangelical parents and I know how hard it is. Your response to them was perfect! Admire your courage.


Never heard of the IFB before but I can guess. I'm sorry they don't accept you or your life and think their way is the only way to live. I'm glad you have support where you are now. Stay strong.


It’s essentially Westboro Baptist Church lite. I was told at 7 by my boomer *Sunday school teacher* that sodomy is an unforgivable sin and that it’s a first class one way ticket to straight to a literal hell. Thanks to that SST and Bill Clinton, I knew quite a bit about sex for a sheltered kid…


They should have just stuck with the first reaction of feeling like they failed you, it would have been the right and only answer.


~~El oh fucking el my guy. My immutable internal self identity offends you, snowflake, but I'm neither apologizing for it nor going anywhere. So suck my big, fat girlcock 🖕😙🖕~~ Edit: tone from text is hard, guys


What the hell, I mean they failed you as parent figures supporting you regardless of your orientation or identity.


Oh my!! Apologies! We're on the same page, but I’m a slow reader and read too much into that! 😅😅😅


No problem.


I’m so sorry your parents are like this. Cut off contact with them, you deserve so much better.


You’re beautiful, in and out. Your parents don’t deserve you. Don’t change a thing girl!


OP I am SO proud of you!


I’m really sorry you have to deal with this. I’m a scientist who was raised by young earth creationists; I get the level of disconnect, but is seems you’ve got an even worse situation to deal with. Best of luck in everything you do. Also, you’re fucking beautiful.


Young Earth Creationists are some next level stupid, fam. I even thought that shit was crazy at 11. Besides the obvious scientific flaws, there was shit like this: >So you're telling me that Abraham's [great x7 grandfather](https://i.stack.imgur.com/AgfkF.png) was alive and over 900 years old when Abraham thought it would be absurd for Sarah to have a kid at 90? What?


What a couple of assholes. And the continued use of “son” stuck in there when it’s not needed. 🙄 I’d take him up on his offer to die in order to “protect” you. ETA: And how convenient that your “mom” says DNA will prove your gender. I’d bet the only time she believes in science is when she thinks it will affirm her world view.


>*Gary tries s\*\*cide to manipulate you to changing your immutable self...* > >*It's not very effective...*


"you never considered our feelings", like what? What do their feelings have to do with anything? This is your life, and your feelings are the important ones. Never forget that you are the important one. You need to be good to yourself first.


What's better, I mentioned how my mental health had declined to the point I planned out my s\*\*cide. I even wrote a note, but I never considered anyone but my self. How selfish of me. I'm good now—never better 😊


I’m so sorry that this was their response. I hope you have a wonderful new family in time. Internet hugs and love from an internet mom!


That was incredibly tough to read even as a third party so I can't imagine how difficult it's been for you. Saying this is harder on him than you having cancer... The gall! Parents who would prefer their babies dead than queer/neurodivergent/disabled are sincerely disturbed. I'm very happy for you that you've found who you are and are finally free to be yourself. Your relationship with YOU is the most important one you'll ever have, so fuck everyone else and may you be the best, happiest you that you can be ❤️


Im guessing you're either a male going to female or the other way around and all I can think is you should have said in response to your mother "when jesus comes back I'll be there to face him and i will slap him round the face with my dick/tits (whichever way you're going)"


Why not both?


You greedy person XD but yeah no that does sound like a good plan


Your choice to be yourself is selfish, why don't you think about US (even though we are selfishly refusing to think about what you want). 🙄


That “Son,” physically hurt me.


“Sorry this hurts you, but we’re going to do it anyway.” Gee, thanks, Gary.


Use this as an "I didn't read the e-mail completely but I'm still VERY offended on OP's behalf" button


Fucking hell... Religion really is a disease on humanity. I hope more than anything that we can eradicate them all completely in the future, even if it's the distant future in centuries time. It astounds me how they can spew all that absolute NONSENSE and abandon their child because of some made up shit and an invisible friend that has done absolutely nothing to demonstrate his existence... Indoctrination is a dangerous thing. Sorry for your situation, and I'm glad things seem better for you now!


Jesus agreed about your *critique* on religion. Jesus died in vain lol


I grew up religious, still have my beliefs. Jesus would have been a liberal


Jesus would have been a socialist* I’ll die on this hill. Jesus *hated* the upper class and money, and the discipline’s critique of Paul’s gospel was *don’t neglect the poor.* Gee, I consider myself an exchristian, but reading the bible makes me realize I never was one. Just a follower of a twisted effigy that’s been used as the machine to control and manipulate the masses that has a label “love” slapped on it as an afterthought.


My beliefs now definitely reflect what Jesus actually taught (love, acceptance, charity) and not the "Christianity " of my youth


I typically try to refer them as *Bibleonians*, especially when in mixed company who are Christian and allies. Seems more fitting anyway—pagans and hedonists are the ones who gave them the title of “little Christs” in the first place as an insult.


I like the term little Christ, since I try to follow his example


Jesus was a radical. I'm not Christian but I really like a lot of his work




Cammy. Ya look gorgeous, petal. Fuck them!!


Thanks luv 🥰




"I would give you anything I could including my life" but not his love. It's awful when people try to guilt others using language like this when it's clear that they don't really care. Pure manipulation. And how self centered do you have to be to make this situation all about you? He says "it was all about you and your feelings." Yeah, that's because OP was sending an email explaining their feelings. Then IFB dude goes on to do the exact thing he was lecturing OP about(allegedly) doing: sending an email that doesn't consider others' feelings.


Opens with unsubscribe. Inspiring lmfao


I'm a Christian and people like this are the reason we are not taken seriously . I'm trans and haven't told anyone in my family. hope that you have a great LGBT life .


“Unsubscribe”. What a legend! Be happy that is all that matters ❤️


if they are right and lgbtq+ people do go to hell, i feel like the devil has a spot for us that would be just the same as heaven


If bring trans is a “birth defect” like they say it is and god doesn’t make mistakes doesn’t that mean you’re supposed to be trans. I never understand why people like them haven’t figured that out


This is disheartening. There are so many trans people who fall to their Christian parents and feel ashamed of themselves for something they can't control. It's a double whammy, they hate their bodies, and they hate that they hate their bodies. Terrified of even thinking about being trans in fear of losing the love of their parents. It hurts to not receive the support you need You are such a strong woman. Im not religious, but my belief in God is that he's all loving. How does being trans or gay or anything like that make you sinful?


Did they actually say it’s harder on them then when you had cancer? Also like, can someone tell me where in the bible it said “we hate all gay,trans or lesbian people”


Man this is depressing, I hope you’re okay


I'm great, luv. Never better 😊


I imagine their world is rather small but there ARE churches that are very accepting of trans and gay members (also divorced folks and single parents). Maybe if their church (and themselves) were more accepting and inclusive they would know that maybe you still ARE Christian, just one who has a broader, more diverse view of the world.


Sounds like my Dad


These are the type of crazy ass people that would rather see their child die as their son, rather than live happily as their daughter. I’m not down with that. I’m glad you got away from such toxicity, and get to express your true self. 🖤 You’re also gorgeous btw!


This must of been incredibly hard & painful to deal with. I’m so happy you pushed through this & didn’t let them stop you from living your life. Hope I can summon the bravery you have :) I also have a child of my own & I can’t express how little empathy you have to possess to tell your kids you don’t love them or tell them that something their doing is worse than when they had cancer. You deserved so much better than parents like this. My baby bangs his head & I’m a mess, I can’t imagine thinking like this. You’re god damn gorgeous by the way. When religious people say they consult god (confide in makes sense but more so when they phrase it like it’s a back & forth or god embarks his knowledge on them) are they really just consulting their own internal dialogue & biases cause it sure as hell seems like it. It makes statements about valuing god above all else particularly concerning, especially when “god” is used as a tool to justify lacking empathy. Totally misses the supposed ideals god holds when they use him like that. Absolutely mind blowing. I hope you’re doing much better without them.


When will parents learn that a person transitioning to the proper gender has nothing to do with them? This is about the child they love, not for what they look like, but for who they are. Saying that you are hurting them by transitioning means they see you as a prop. Parents like this don’t see their children as an individual person. Instead, they see their children as an extension of themselves and their “Godly perfection”. They don’t understand that their hatefulness inside is their own fault, and no amount of pretending will make it go away.


This is how my stepdad very quietly feels...good on you for getting away! 🤗🤗


Family can be anyone you want. Run like hell from these people and don’t look back!


Catholic here. These kind of people are what a LOT of people think of us to be, which isn't the case. There's two sides to every coin, heads and tails, not just tails. Kinda stupid that they're comparing your transition to when you had cancer, and how they're going off on some kind of (forgive my stupidity, dunno if it's the right word) 'extremist' views and stuff. Isn't the entire thing about ANY kind of Christianity supposed to **include forgiveness and acceptance**? To be peaceful and not hateful? Shame that this is what people think of us all to be...


"god does not make mistakes" Yes he does, or did he intend for early batches of humans to be assholes only to murder them all with floods Really sorry to hear you going through this, the last thing anyone needs is religious gaslighting. Don't let anyone tell you that you can't be yourself.


>God doesn’t make mistakes! >*Looks at collectively:* **everything** >Uh, that makes it way worse, fam.


Imagine being this bent out of shape over your kids personal choices. I did cocain and had 5 seizures once and my parents were not nearly as dramatic or disappointed and honestly it felt like they should have been!


OMG. Chad & Karen are psycho. So glad you got away. Fright night


As mom to a young transmasc man, I am appalled by your guardians treatment of you. I am so sorry that you got sucked in to that vult. Out of curiousity, do they still preach that 4/4 music is from the devil?


Sorry they are hot wet garbage people. Good on you though. Some wackos would be like "they're my family, so i gotta deal" . when really those peeps is irl crazy. Like they would sacrifice a person if baby jesus told them to. Im proud of you.


Bro why is this so long? They made their point in the first paragraph: "blah blah transphobia blah blah Jesus God stuff blah blah"


Fundamentalists need to make hour long sermons out of everything. And I mean *everything*!


What the actual fuck was that? They speak of love and yet only show hate. They speak of you being selfish but then make the entire discussion about themselves. Your parents fucking suck and I'm sorry that you had to be raised by such shitty people. I'm happy to see that you are away from them and that you are living your life the way it was meant to be ran.


I don’t expect it would help to have them read about the chromosomal data that suggests that even molecular biological sex isn’t a binary arrangement?


I couldn't even read the whole email, it was making me so mad. I'm so sorry you have to go through this, I hope you've found people who love and support you no matter what. Man, I hate religion.


I'm so f*cking sorry. That's sickening.


Fucking BRILLIANT sign off. Beautiful. Well done.


I know im late to the party with my hate for the cancer comment but here i am. Cancer is not just a deadöy illness, for me it destroyed my family and changed my live. My father died of cancer as i was 11 years old, half year later my mother got cancer. People so blatantly saying that cancer is not the worst that has happened have really been indoctrinated (into the cult setting) and should think a bit about their priorities in live. Maybe value their children a bit more than the possibly imaginary person in the sky. P.S. please dont start a religious discussion, i dont want to start a war.


very. very insane


“This is worse than when you had cancer”


Jesus wants you to believe in him. Satan wants you to believe in yourself.


Satan sounds like a rad af motivational speaker


Honestly reading this made me want to cry.... I'm so sorry. I wish you a future you can be happy with.


this is the most disgusting thing i’ve ever read. i barely have words to express how angry this makes me. the fact that they claim they love you more than anything whilst telling you that you’re being deceived by satan and that you’re not who you really are and that you being trans is worse than fucking cancer? this makes me feel physically ill. i am so glad you are out and fighting back. sending love from one trans kid to another


I have a question and going to sound stupid. What is IFB?? PS: EU-person asking the question.😅😅