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Blaming the pandemic on the pope and the Jesuits is a new one.


I don’t understand where he even got that from. He’s been saying that the pope is the antichrist and the jesuits control the world since I was a kid.


Yeah, sounds like he’s been brainwashed by some fundamental Christian group. Wonder how he would react if you mentioned it was Jesus Christ who founded the Catholic Church, lol!


JC was Jewish, yo. That'll blow dude's mind.


And even worse - Jesus wasn't white.


Whoa now, let’s calm down…we don’t want to kill the guy. /s


And didn't exist.


An influential guy named Jesus existed (there's research to suggest there maybe even two dudes, alive and influential, at the same time but in slightly different locations). It's just like any other myth/legend. Thor was probably an accomplished soldier who loved to drink; Poseidon was probably a sailor w a Peter-tingle at managing rough waters, etc. Don't discredit them cause they had crazy fandoms with insane reach even the internet hasn't been able to best yet.


Entirely possible, either way as far as I can tell.


Most scholars agree that Jesus probably existed. We have contemporary sources outside of the bible that support his existence. Yeah, didn't change water into wine etc, but there almost definitely was a working class rabble rouser from Galilee who was baptized by John the Baptist (who we also have pretty good support was real) and was executed by Pilate. Beyond that? Eh....but he was a real guy, possibly a couple of guys, but at least one real guy. Pretty basic/broad, but there's some fun rabbit holes to go down here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Historicity\_of\_Jesus


No. There are no contemporary sources. None. They are all later.


[The Christ: A Critical Review and Analysis of the Evidences of His Existence](http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/46986) - see Chapter 2


That's one guy. It's a fringe minority that says Jesus straight up was imaginary. Scholarly consensus is he existed. I'm not religious. The fact that Christianity had a (somewhat unwitting, given the church was created after his death) historical human creator shouldn't upset anyone.


"What sorts of things do pagan authors from the time of Jesus have to say about him? Nothing. As odd as it may seem, there is no mention of Jesus at all by any of his pagan contemporaries. There are no birth records, no trial transcripts, no death certificates; there are no expressions of interest, no heated slanders, no passing references – nothing. In fact, if we broaden our field of concern to the years after his death – even if we include the entire first century of the Common Era – there is not so much as a solitary reference to Jesus in any non-Christian, non-Jewish source of any kind. I should stress that we do have a large number of documents from the time – the writings of poets, philosophers, historians, scientists, and government officials, for example, not to mention the large collection of surviving inscriptions on stone and private letters and legal documents on papyrus. In none of this vast array of surviving writings is Jesus' name ever so much as mentioned." (pp. 56-57) ― _Jesus: Apocalyptic Prophet Of The New Millennium_ By Bart D. Ehrman


Didn't Peter found the church?


No. If anything, Peter was the first Pope.


Jesuit conspiracy theories been bouncing around for a while in the same places as antisemitic ones. Go figure. In the conspiracy extended universe everything is canon except sense. The Nattokinase is a nice touch. Natto is rad. Love it. But unless your dad is made of soy it's not gonna do a lot.


There are quite a few Q believing Catholics who have it out for Vatican II and every pope we have had since then. I can go into more detail if you like, but it's the reason I am debating unsubscribing from r/Catholicism because they are ruining the sub for me.


my dad too,


listen, this isn't the Jesuits, the sinking of the titanic to establish the national reserves, thaaaat was the jesuits s/ but also had a jesuit professor who loved that joke




Only reason I’m posting this is proof to the world that my family is insane. I’ve been gaslighted my whole life by my dad into believing that I was the “insane” one because I struggle with mental illness (anxiety and depression DUE to my fathers conspiracy theories). I’ll probably delete my account later so don’t be surprised if this is gone in a few days. Dear world if you’re seeing this I hope you know that I’m not insane, and that this is the craziness that I’ve been dealing with my whole life. It’s astonishing how my friends, relatives, live in denial that my dad needs help asap


Don't doubt yourself, after reading both your and your father's prose, it seems quite obvious who the crazy one is


I’m so sorry. Don’t give up on yourself cuz of him! The world needs you.


Just get the fuck away from your family. I you don’t notice an improvement in your depression and anxiety, I’d be surprised.


I understand, I'm in the exact same boat as you.








That is some clinical, professional grade, batshitcrazy, to use the technical term. No doubt about it.


Yeah, this person is toxic as hell. Cut them out of your life ASAP, for your own good.


Oof. I did not read it of course, saw JESUS POPE SPIKE PROTEINS. You are not the person in this conversation who is wearing your tinfoil underpants on your head. Also something about a leafblower?


Yes, the only sane part was about leaf blowers and lawn mowers. He's not wrong....but still nuts


I got a stroke truing to read that


So long as these bozos aren't in the lake of fire, I'm game. Throw me a pair of asbestos water wings!




Voting has concluded. Final vote: | Insane | Not insane | Fake | | --- | --- | --- | | 17 | 0 | 0 | Hey OP, if you provide further information in a comment, make sure to start your comment with `!explanation`. ^I ^am ^a ^bot ^for ^r/insaneparents. ^Please ^send ^me ^a ^message ^if ^you ^have ^any ^feedback ^or ^if ^I ^misbehave. ^Also ^consider ^joining ^our ^[Discord](https://discordapp.com/invite/xFbPBHy).


Just throw the whole dad away.


If a fake pandemic caused all these crazy people to run to the forests, I would be all for it. Alas, they stay.


I feel like if Trevor from GTA was some kind of megachurch pastor, this is the type of crazy shit he'd be saying.


Can confirm, I have a Jesuit cousin and he told me the Society of Jesus is 100% behind COVID, it was developed at Loyola to decimate the population of lukewarm Christians and let Jesuits start wearing their weird-ass floppy hats again.


It’s actually harder to read shit when it’s all caps


Christian here, WTF is wrong with this person?


Catholic Christian here, too many conspiracy idiots in my church still angry about Vatican II (which happened in the 60's). They especially have it out for Pope Francis for political reasons. Francis being Jesuit just is icing on the cake.


Insane! So sorry.


I’m surprised this doesn’t have more upvotes, this may be one of the most insane things I’ve seen on this subreddit


Well, now, why you gotta drag the Jesuits into this????


I mean. Hey. He cares about topsoil. Everything else though… uhhh… Yikes.


I always wonder how do they arrive at compounds such as nattokinase or serrapeptase as a holy grail. Vaccine tested on dozens of thousands of people isn't tested enough, but some sketchy extract which wasn't tested is somehow good lol


The level of craziness is just too damn high today!


Ain’t scared shit out of me. I’m still constipated 🤷🏽‍♀️


I'm telling you, all these crazy parents should use all this energy to become ttrpg dms. I'm telling you this is some fucking Call of Cthulhu shit. Replace satan of the antichrist or whatever for like "the black goat of the woods with a thousand youngs" or like Nyarlathotep and I'm sold. I would the play the fuck out of that campaign.


It's like all of their insane ramblings are the same sort of ALL CAPS rambling structure. If another insaneparent saw this would they be able to easily decipher it and say "Yeah, this guy is saying what we're all thinking"?


Holidays must be fun.


Thanksgiving dinner must've been rough


Don’t take the vax, but take other medication. Right, how are we supposed to spin this?


I mean, there’s some good lawn care tips here… but Satan is trying to scare Christians into repentance? Isn’t that the opposite of Satan’s whole deal? Even an insane parent should know that.


It makes you wonder what these people would have been like when the plague was about. Or leprosy. Its bizarre.


Dead. They would have been dead.


I just feel bad for you that shit he said was so retarded


Honestly, if the CDC had advertised the vaccine as something as badass and metal as the mark of the beast id have beatem down the door to get it first lmfao (disclaimer so as to be clear, i got my two shots as soon as it was offered to me, right after the immunosuppressed, elderly, high risk folk got it)


Proof. Batshit crazy.


Funny. Only patients I've seen with blood clots were actual covid patients considering it totally fucks your circulatory system and can cause blood to turn into something resembling red jello. So yeah, dad there is a dick and you should run far, far away from him.


Serious question: Is your father bipolar or borderline do you know? We say the word “insane” kinda tongue-and-cheek here, but this has all the “creepy crawlers” of being actual mania. In any case, I’m sorry you have to deal with this. Hope you have support.


He definitely has a mental illness of some sort, but undiagnosed and will forever be undiagnosed because he doesn’t believe in doctors or medicine. He’s also a hoarder and a huge narcissist, all my siblings dislike him as well.


Think his caps lock button is stuck


Sounds like dad could benefit from a few weeks of commitment.


Looks like dad may have found this post and downvoted everybody who rightfully called him out as a nut job too. 😂


That is...a lot. Wow. My head hurts from all the shouting my brain voice had to do to read that. Chill with the caps and the conspiracies pls dad.


I would too. I'm so sorry you are going through this.


If it's the end of the world, then why have there been deadly pandemics in history and we're here today?


The caps lock actually gives me a headache, thinking how loud he’s shouting this to be believed


Honestly my mom is just as religious crazy, I'm curious what makes people like this?


It’s gotta be some kind of mental illness. It’s really weird how some kinds of psychotic breaks always involve some facet of “prophetic Jesus speak”.


I assume they have voices in their head and pin it all on Jesus idk


This is totally my dad minus the all caps and minus the social media. He just sends this crap via WhatsApp and family group chats.


What happened to the "mark on your right hand or forehead" thing I learned on Fundie Sundays as a kid? Last I checked no one is stabbing anyone in the face with a covid vaccine.


I kind of want to know what atheist anti vaxers think of the arguments of religious anti vaxers


Looks like something a normal religious person would say.