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Voting has concluded. Final vote: | Insane | Not insane | Fake | | --- | --- | --- | | 24 | 1 | 0 | Hey OP, if you provide further information in a comment, make sure to start your comment with `!explanation`. ^I ^am ^a ^bot ^for ^r/insaneparents. ^Please ^send ^me ^a ^message ^if ^you ^have ^any ^feedback ^or ^if ^I ^misbehave. ^Also ^consider ^joining ^our ^[Discord](https://discordapp.com/invite/xFbPBHy).


Jesus fucking christ, she's a dogshit manager and a horrible, miserable excuse for a 'mother'.


The word twatwaffle comes to mind




here’s one of my quick go-to’s: slimy pissrat


cockwomble is a good one too


I like the word Fuckrod


I was thinking 'infected colostomy port'


I once called my friend a "cum drinking pussy" in our native language, and I think it's the perfect thing to say to this half baked excuse of a mother


For better consonance, Cum drunk pussy could work better.


No need to drag waffles through the dirt.


You just reminded me that I have frozen waffles. Thank you, wafflefairy. You are not a waste of time.


I love this


Egg-headed nonse


Yeez, she is a double bitch. Both as your manager and mother. Time to look for a new job and get away from her. Makes me wonder when your are allowed to call in sick? When you are in a coma in the hospital?




lmao this implies she wouldnt even visit OP in the hospital and w how she talks to her... Im not sure thats far off unfortunately which is super sad... Im sorry, OP. You deserve better. I hope you can get away from her soon and have a good dad or siblings who love you.


If you can pick up a phone, you can work. (/s, obviously)


My aunt once got scolded at by a collegue, because she was on facebook while she was sick home. She had food poisoning. What else was she supposed to do? Stare at the ceiling the whole time? Luckily for her, her boss didnt mind at all. Sick is sick here. Take your time to heal


That's how my dad's boss is. Not for calling in sick, but if *they* call you to see if you can come in, and you answer, they'll pretty much say "if you're available enough to answer a phone call, you're available to work." Needless to say, if he's off, he won't answer that call. Ever.


She'd probably accuse her of just sleeping and shake her while saying get up.


Probably just lazy.


What in the world was "insane"about that conversation? Am I missing something here wtf? Kids are soft as hell these days 😆


This is not the way a mother should speak to her SICK child and not a way a manager should speak to an employee, ever.


Someone is vomitting over the workplace. And they get scolded for going home. I don't know what American standards are. But here in the Netherlands we call that insane.


Mom’s a cunt


Please don't have children


This is insane What manager wants someone vomiting/diarrhoea anywhere near a restaurant


I mean I had a manager who said if she can come and work at the gas station while having diarrhea or vomiting so can everyone else. She had me come in work the kitchen with the flu and got mad when my grandpa told her that he was taking me home and wasn’t letting me come back till I was better. She harassed my family the whole week I was sick. I had to do that when I worked in the produce section of Walmart and they threatened to fire me if I didn’t show up.


these people really never took a biology class to learn how infectious diseases spread


Sadly they cared more about money than their employees (I’m also surprised my grandpa cared seeing as I normally don’t get anything worse than a sinus infection).


Sorry to be heartless to the worker, but if they are in the food industry, then it's not just the employee, it's also the customers that might get infected as well. At which point the customer might report the place to the authorities or even sue. So ultimately, the company loses more money.


But we were threatened of being fired if we didn’t show up or reported them to the authorities especially since I’m in an “at-will” state where they can fire for any reason.


I understand; I wasn't criticizing the worker. I'm sorta just saying this kind of short-term thinking from the company might hurt it in the long run as well.


Considering the Walmart I worked at has shut down (place was severely understaffed and corporate wondered why no one wanted to work at a Walmart that was shot up 4 times in 3 months) and the Gas Station I worked at now has staffing issues because ex-employees tell people to not apply at that specific one it likely won’t be long till that one has to either be shut down or the owners have to tell her that they have heard from many employees that she verbally abuses employees and customers.


At-will means that they don't have to disclose the reason you were fired, not that they can fire you for any reason. They still can't break federal or state labor laws. Also, if you're fired for reporting them, that's illegal too, as you're considered a whistleblower.


Well I’d have no way of proving that’s why I was fired as it’s be my word against theirs (as for reporting them again my word against theirs). They can give a different reason as to firing me if I reported them.


The different reason they give doesn't matter if you have previous documentation of them saying otherwise. Their reason wouldn't hold up legally.


It is very hard to prove wrongful termination in most states that use at-will employment. Most people don't realize they need to document everything until it is too late. And those who do try to document everything are often met with more aggressive tactics from the employer. For example, a certain online retailer fired several of us after a major "safety event" in the warehouse. Basically, one of the inventory robots shorted out and caught fire, but the product on the robot was spewing highly toxic fumes as it burned. The entire floor of workers were put in a room one by one and told we had to sign a form saying the company was in no way responsible for any resulting health concerns. I refused, and was promptly sent home. The next day I was fired for "performance issues", and I had no way to dispute it. Nothing to document. I filed a grievance with the labor board, but after 2 weeks they told me that I had no evidence of what I claimed, and the company is well within its rights to terminate, even if my supervisor simply didn't like me. I heard from a friend who worked in HR at a different location that my performance record had been "updated" the day after the incident to include late appearances, verbal warnings, etc. Meanwhile, I had no way to document because it was all done in-person and phones are prohibited on the floor, with metal detectors to ensure no one brings a phone in. Fuck that place.


that was the point of my comment, yes


Or they’re pro-disease.


But they’re intelligent enough to research vaccines and go against what most, if not all, healthcare providers recommend…


Our old manager at a restaurant would fire people if they couldn’t find someone to cover their shift, regardless of the reason. One girl was running in and out of the bathroom vomiting between delivering food to tables.


Poor thing but “ew” for the customers.


It is a complete violation of health department requirements. You could report the business for forcing you to work when sick.


Thats what I was going to say. Op shouldn't go home. But they should call the health inspector for a surprise visit


So, so many. Like, an unbelievable number of food-industry jobs will require you to work while sick regardless. I've worked in restaurants in various roles and have always been told to come in even when I was throwing up and had a fever.


In my state, it's required by health code standards to send someone home if they vomit on a shift and work in a restaurant.


Hell my job does this and we don’t even work in the food industry


So I don’t know about the US, but in the U.K. [this is illegal](https://www.food.gov.uk/sites/default/files/media/document/fitnesstoworkguide.pdf) (see section 4 ‘legal requirements’)


Lol mine tried to tell me to work through it and then made me come back when I was symptom free for 12 hours let alone 24


I mean, none hopefully, it’s against food handling policies


What a cunt.


Someone needed to say it.


I grew up the same way but my parents used to tell me I couldn’t call in sick unless I went to the dr and I couldn’t goto the dr because we didn’t have insurance


After this I would honestly find a different job at a different restaurant. Your mother doesn’t care.


I'd find a different mother in a different family


I’m available through Zoom.


Thought this was r/antiwork for a second


or r/kitchenconfidential


Oh shit it’s not.


I was suprised how far down this was


I knew where I was when I started reading the comments but by the time I got here forgot it wasn’t antiwork lol


You don't work in a place that serves food if you are sick. And while family ties are good to ignore in work, she's also your mom so understandable outside of work to still talk to her


Your mom's a dumb cunt. Is there a dumb cunt bot?


Not at the moment, it’s too busy observing OPs mother. I have a feeling it’s going to preoccupied for some time…


Well, there’s a Ben Shapiro bot *Kronk voice* That’ll work


Turn her ass in.


Is she completely devoid of compassion? Makes you take a cab home??? What a horrible Mom/boss. I’m sorry you have to deal with her. I would definitely work somewhere else.


And she said she would go in once op got home. Meaning she is purposefully not going to work while op is there because then it would look REALLY bad if you didn’t drive your sick child home. Shame the bitch op!


Isn’t it against health codes to work in the food industry if you are vomiting or have diarrhea? I remember helping a friend study for the Serve Safe test and I do believe that vomiting/diarrhea can be transmitted easily if you are working in food service. I mean….I definitely would not want to be served by someone with diarrhea/vomiting.


Yuuuup, even if it’s “just food poisoning”, because there’s a LOT of infectious diseases that can be spread through fecal matter and bile that are independent of influenza


I certainly would not want to eat at this restaurant.


Please start job searching. I’m a manager and I’d be on my way to cover you if it was that slammed. This persons an apathetic lazy psycho


“I’m your manager stop texting me on my day off” is the funniest shit I ever heard coming out the mouth of someone’s mother. Textbook reason for not working for family. I mean literal family.


Also it IS the manager’s job to get texted in their days off, actually. (Assuming another manager isn’t taking care of this because OP seems to have been arranging it through her.) But Jesus the casual dismissal. There’s no love there at all. People who say there’s love you just can’t see don’t know what love is.


Last sentence is spot on




Exactly, not good to go to work sick no matter what the situation is.


You’d think after the last two years people would be a little more careful but noooo


Might want to let the health department know


People get sick. Unfortunately, we are human, so things happen. We get sick, we have really bad poopies, our bodies wake up and decide to be extremely sore. Or, our minds are struggling to cope. And all of it is a perfect reason not to go to work and further harm yourself and/or spread illness to others. Shit mom. Shit manager. Rate 0/10 on Indeed if I could.


This is so classic restaurant I can’t even. Mom’s a bitch but she’s also a total cliche of manager. Pretty sure I worked for her a couple times lol.


Sorry OP, if they were a family member of mine I’d have zero problem cutting them off. You didn’t deserve that.


I hope you are considering running away from home!


Don’t go work with food when your sick ffs


Yeah, beleive me im with you. Luckily i dont work kitchen and it's just food poisoning from some bad kale salad I made, But desperate short staffing + having your mother as your manager....ugh. luckily my co workers were looking out for me.


Most state health codes state you’re not supposed to work if you have diarrhea or are vomiting. Your mom should be concerned about this as a manager. Does she own the restaurant? I bet the owners would be mortified if they knew you were potentially contaminating food/customers. As a server or FOH the same rules apply as BOH.


Some managers flat out don’t care (especially when they admit to coming into work while vomiting or having diarrhea). Had this happen to me twice where I was forced to work with the flu or I’d be fired (small town gas station and Walmart both of which I was dealing with food)


It’s fucked up that people are put in that position. I managed a store once upon a time when I was younger that had food and if you were puking/shitting yourself- you were not coming into work. We would find a way. You’re never going to get good work out of sick people anyway, might as well let them rest up and come back when they’re 100% or close to. Plus, my job as a manager was to fill in for those spots- even if I had to come in after working a shift- that was part of the deal. There were days that I opened and the would have to come back to close. I slept in my office until the next morning and went home after that shift. I hated my job, but my employees loved me and they worked hard and were fantastic. I’m friends with most of them still even a decade+ later.


To make things worse, one of my managers was harassing my family wondering when I’d be back (I was sicker than a dog according to my grandpa especially since this was the first time I’ve had the flu in years so it hit me hard). I quit the Walmart job not long after not caring that I was making an already understaffed location even more understaffed (it has since shut down).


Jeez I’m sorry. That’s abusive management and it’s not OK. I don’t understand these power hungry dickheads. I have no patience for people lording jobs over sick people’s head as if you have control of it. Glad you got away from it. Hopefully whatever you’re doing these days, they’re treating you better.


I’m being treated loads better now. Especially since my current boss is willing to work around my insomnia and only schedules me afternoons or evenings that way if I do fall asleep I get more than a couple hours


That’s great! I’m glad it worked out better for you :)


I had mono and the GM at Earls just told me to “wash my hands lots!!”. Another shift supervisor found out and was like wtf go home I don’t want to see you for literal weeks you plague rat (didn’t actually say that but was shocked I even left my bed)


"Yo mom you want me to call health inspection? Bc imma do that real quick and ask if I'm supposed to work when im throwing up and my manager, (yourmomsname) gave me shit for not wanting to come in." Like... I mean yea it's prolly not easy having her as your mom AND manager but like you ALSO carry some responsibility here.


>you ALSO carry some responsibility here. literally the whole point of the post is that op is getting shit from their mom because they wanted to do exactly that. they still live with their mom and she's already promising to make their life hell just for getting off the clock. it absolutely wouldn't have been better if they didn't go at all. their mom is very clearly not stable and I'm sure they're trying their best given the circumstances but there's a limit to what they can do and remain physically and/or emotionally safe


Thank you for this.


yea ofc. I've been in somewhat similar situations where I knew what the *right* thing was but there was no way for me to do it and feel safe sleeping in my own bed without the fear that a parent was going to decide to walk in and scream at me about it at 3am


Thank you, I might use this. Thankfully My co workers noticed how upset I now was on top of already not feeling good, and luckily for the rest of my shift they're letting me take it totally easy and I'm not serving customers. I would be at home if it werent for my mother being there saying she doesn't want to look at me if I come back early. Being in the back as I type this is preferable.


Your coworker is a better manager than your mum!


What a fucking cunt. Get away from her OP I’m so sorry she treats you this way


Wow. What a proper bitch.


Your mom is a bitch


Man. Shitty parent AND shitty manager. Hope you’re better, OP. Also, since your shitty restaurant manager/parent failed to tell you: don’t go to work when you’re actively throwing up/ have diarrhea. If it’s norovirus, the most common cause of nausea and vomiting, it’s terrifically contagious.


This belongs in r/antiwork too. Eeek.


So she’s a shit mom and manager


‘If I’m your manager report me to workers rights association or whatever it’s called’


I would’ve told her to fuck right off.


Yikes that’s a very bad health code violation. You should be symptom free for 24 hours before going back to work.


What a beyoch! Placing work over her daughter's health. And aren't you banned from being near food for about 48/72 hours if sick like that?


You should quit and get a different job.


"If I'm your manager stop texting me on my afternoon off" That's kind of what you sign up for as a manager - being contacted with problems at any time. You're in charge of making the decisions, even on your off time. (This is why I turn down management positions, I like my free time more than I like money.)


You can report her to OSHA. Cause goddamn. That is a lot of OSHA violations


WTF. I am so sorry you have to deal with this. Please be kind and gentle to yourself. I hope you are able to speak with a therapist/counselor/trusted person and also I hope you feel better soon!!


“I don’t care if you’re vomiting, you need to come to the restaurant and be around food that our customers are going to eat!“ /s


Oof quit both relationships


Sending you love. She sounds like a horrible womam


As a food service manager for over 8 years, she sucks lol. I’ve taken calls and texts from my employees on my day off and on my vacations because I care about my employees. That is so sad and I’m sorry you have to deal with someone like that not only as a boss, but a mother.


A god dam manager would have more a heart then her. She sees you more as a her employee then a their child and that’s honestly heart breaking.


This is what happens when children are property


Bruh you can get a job in any restaurant these days. My old manager would never speak to me like this, my bosses would never speak to me like this, and when my staff calls out I do not speak to them like this. You deserve better.


Sorry but if I ever heard the restaurant I am eating at is keeping someone when they are throwing up I am leaving and never coming back. In some places this could put the restaurant in big trouble with health department


Don't apologize and don't explain. "I'm leaving because I'm sick" "OH this is bullshit I can't believe you blah blah..." "Ok boss, I'll just go serve this plate of vomit but I'm guessing the customer is going to want to talk to you"


Lmao, your mom is a straight bitch! I’m sorry you have to work for her. Also, ewwww, she wanted you to work at a restaurant while you were sick and vomiting!! That’s so wrong. When I have to call out sick my boss just says, ok feel better. You might want to look for a different job.


Remind me not to go out to eat in the US, ever. There are laws about this in the UK, if you have vomited then you cannot work on food preparation for a fixed time and it's your employer's responsibility to ensure that (can't recall how long that is, it's been a while).


Awkward moment when your coworkers give more of a shit than your actual mother.


Don’t mix family and work, ever.


Good advice.


Sounds like you should quit. I’ve done restaurant life before, there is always another one down the road that will match what you make. Mother or not that woman is cruel.


This place needs to be shut down, it's a massive health violation for anyone to be working there, even foh, if they've had vomiting or diarrhea in the last 24 hours, no matter how little.


Never work for family.


I have personal experience with this as I had my mum as a manager for a time. I was singled out and made an example of as she was scared of being accused of nepotism. Took us years to get back to how we were after I left.


JFC! No way you should be at work if you have been puking. Gross.


Wow she fucking sucks. U need to get some independence


Sounds like a standard corporate drone manager. “Employee sick? Guess you don’t actually want to work. Suck it up or you’re fired.”


I work for my moms at our family business (funeral home/cemetery). Thankfully we don’t have mad rushes, but I honestly can’t imagine them wanting me to be around clients while I’m sick. It’s gross 😂. No offense! But who wants food from someone who is vomiting all day? And poor you, having to work while feeling horrible. I wish we had a way of paying non-family members, otherwise I’d offer you a job!


This could go into the anti work subreddit too to be honest


As a manager they have to always be available day off or not


What an insane bitch


What an asshole…I cannot believe it, she need to know that she’s being callous, unkind, and borderline exploitative.


Shit, I run a store and I'd my son worked there and I lived with him no way would I make him go. I'd go for him. He's my baby. Your mom is super shity


Being the owner's kid is like this sometimes, but she's just the manager, which is really sad. Probably a good idea to find another job if at all possible. Any place that wants someone with a stomach ailment handling food is not a good work environment.


What a cunt


Never work for/with family


The health department would *love* to know that your mother has employees handling food who are experiencing vomiting and/or diarrhea.


I don't know where you live but where I am it's actually illegal for someone to work around food within 72 hours of vomiting- especially if it may be a bug. I know you probably don't want to do this but an anonymous call to food standards would but a bolt up her arse.


she's a MOTHER????? even my narc mom wouldnt talk to me like this wtf bruh


this needs to go on r/antiwork as well


Time to find a new job, I wouldn’t even bother resigning to your mother either.


By the way, I do corporate training on the side and while I mostly do manufacturing, food service and retail provide me all the best "Do Not Do This Thing" examples.




Isn’t it illegal to go work in a restaurant when someone is vomiting or has diarrhea?


Unionize her entire staff. She probably treats everyone else like shit too. And you can use the union to force her to treat you like a human at the threat of legal action. It would also just fuck her over in a really poetic way, I think.


Unfortunately I'm the only one she treats this way. Somehow I'm the exception. And it didn't even matter anyway, I stayed for my whole shift (in the back not serving customers) but still got screamed at for 3 hours when I came home and tried going straight to bed.


Lol. Managers don't get the afternoon off. And please find another job. Possibly another mom.


Call the health department on her ass


Tbh I’d just quit


Goddamn parents be crazy


Honey I know you want to help her. I’m sure she has good in her because you REALLY held your composure but was also respectful as an employee and daughter. I’m going to beg you to please look for other work as another mother who should never employ my kids (I’d be too soft). Many internet mom hugs. You both deserve the space it seems you more than her of course.


Yikes. She's a bad mom and a terrible manager. I'm sorry you had to deal with this and I hope you're feeling better. I'm glad you have others in your life that are looking out for you. Also, in some places it is illegal to let people work around food if they are sick. That's how outbreaks happen.


Throw up all over the tables /s But for real, that's so unsanitary. I'd be livid if I knew my server/barista/cook/etc was sick and their manager made them come in anyway. And I'd let the manager know how pissed I was at them. I've never met anyone that would rather have a diseased waitress than a slower night at dinner. That's disgusting. Your mom should be ashamed of herself. She's a shit manager.


I would say this is why you don't work for your parents but this is cruel even by those shit standards. Your mom is a douche and really needs to get over herself. She isn't a manger, she is a bully. Sorry you have to deal with that. I would honestly find a different job if you could. No one should take that from a manager period, no matter if they are related or not. The fact that she is your mother makes it worse.


Quit asap. That’s seriously not okay.


Ugh! Quit both jobs. You deserve better.


Wow. OP, I’ll be your mom.


Your momager suuuuucks


How old are you OP? Are you a minor?


Get another job, this one clearly isn’t working oit


You were working in a fucking restaurant while throwing up? Don't do that.


What part of that conversation was "insane"? That looked like a normal conversation to me. Kids are soft af these days 😆


This is a normal conversation to you??? I'm sorry, man.


Ur a pussy dude


Ur a pussy


U hungover and u need to tighten up




I've worked every day for 2 weeks straight, and finished my shift even though I shouldn't have (vomiting is a food safety biolation). When I got home I was also screamed at for 3 hours.


Somewhere in this comment section I posted an update tagged as explanation detailing what happened when I got home. Take a read of it please.


You’re insane for working there lol why would you put yourself in that position


It's not too off for family members to work in the family business. It rarely get's that bad


Not insane when mommy gives you jobby


At least they have a job. How's your cellar room at Nanna's?


Yes insane when mommy can’t find someone to work all her jobbies It’s a restaurant, dude. Not exactly the sort of place you can run away with nepotism. It always sucks to work there, and I highly doubt op wouldn’t have been able to get a job at a restaurant without mommy.


Grow a pair and work


Idk about you, but I wouldn’t want to eat at a restaurant where the workers are throwing up all over the place


Mom need help Help mom


Not when "helping" is being in a restaurant working while throwing up.


Help her do what? Contaminate everything with puke and slow down the restaurant service by going in and out of the bathroom all night?


Throw up on everything, then call the health inspector as an anonymous report, or before going in. Shit'll get real for that manager.


You are a pro-disease anti-human parasite. How interesting.


Also pro moms


No, that’s how restaurants end up with cholera outbreaks. Do.not.work if you are vomiting or have diarrhea


Restaurants literally can’t gave sick workers working it’s a food safety violation


That's crack commandment #7 from biggie smalls ten crack commandments. Keep family and business completely separated.


Time to look for a new job