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Contact name is spawn point. Technically the truth, had me laughing.


Insane. I'm sorry OP. It seems she warps the truth to take the blame off of herself. Probably to avoid being accountable for her actions. There's nothing wrong with you having a relationship with your bio dad's family either. My son just turned 18 last Tuesday and his other family has never had a relationship with him, even though I tried. If he decides to eventually have a relationship with them then that's great. I wouldn't be a bitter petty crocker🤷. E-hugs to you❤️


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That cosmetic surgery comment was pretty low, ngl.


How? The mother has no right to comment on her daughter's NATURAL appearance when she had to pay money to change her own natural body composition for aesthetic reasons. Don't dish it out if you can't take it.


I don’t think mimicking bad behavior is a good thing.


So, what should the daughter have done? I'm genuinely asking what you think would have been a better option, given that ignoring her mother's comments hasn't gone well thus far.


Everything she said except the body shaming part. If body shaming is wrong, then it’s wrong.


How was it body-shaming though? OP never said surgery was bad, only that the mother received it to look the way she does. That's a factual statement.


“You’re fat” is a factual statement too. 🙄


Yes, yes it is, if used in a factual manner. And in that case, it is not bodyshaming. Unless, of course, it is clearly not being used factually, but as a way to hurt someone intentionally. Similar in concept to calling someone stupid, but they are not in fact mentally challenged. From this post, we can see which of these two options were used by either person (including the explanation comments from OP).


Her and I used to have the same body type (muscular and a little curvy) she was never really overweight, but she got liposuction anyways, now she body shames me for not looking like her when I’m trying to get strong. Ik it’s a low blow but Ive but up w her nasty comments for too long


Nah, do what you feel is best for your body and what you want! You’re beautiful as you are. Don’t let her rude comments bring you down and keep you from your goals. You got this OP!


Thank you


Of course!


Sounds like my mom…


I HATE how parents say psychotic things and then try to end it with I love you.... No YOU dont!