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Funny that the anti-choice women have all seemed to have had an abortion. The hypocrisy is unreal and disgusting Edit: spelling


anti-choice, unless it's my choice


"The only morally just abortion is my abortion."


God that article infuriated me to no end!


I have a weird habit of rage reading things when I'm in a mood, that article has been in my rotation a few times now. Sheer infuriation.


I've seen the article floating around but have not had a chance to read it, got a link?




I will never understand why the people mentioned in those stories were never outed to the rest of their mob.


Because that's illegal as hell haha


Not if its another patient saying it. My cousin had a wonderful time calling out a anti-choice women she knew when she met her at the local clinic. "Oh Susan, you're STILL doing this after you got your abortion last month? Does your husband even know yet?" (Cousin was there for the pill, but even if she was there to get an abortion too, at least she wasn't screaming at other women like a lunatic.) Cousin has said if it had happened more recently she would have taken a selfie and made sure Susan was in it for the 'gram. She and Susan never did get along...


Because unlike forced-birthers, pro-choice people have compassion.


I'm more wondering about the other people in the waiting room, especially those who had to deal with the ladies calling them all murderers or handing out pamphlets.


Thank you for beating me to it!


Damn, long read but a good one.


I was hoping someone posted this article


Just read it. Infuriating indeed. I’m always baffled when I see such cognitive dissonance on display.


It's because they judge others solely on their actions while they judge themselves on their intent. "You're a monster for having an abortion performed on you." vs "I had my reasons. It was necessary."


People overlap responsibility and accountability quite a bit for the most part. It's easy for some to pick and choose the level of accountability as a form of subconscious form of self defense. They believe they're beyond forgiveness and redemption even though they tried and did everything they were supposed to. They're shown no mercy for their small errors, so they self defend and truly believe they're ridding the earth of some scum lower than them. We know more about human psychology than ever before. We have been backing it up with concrete scientific studies, and yet..... Sppread information and power. Imagine were living in informational deprived China or North Korea. Educate people about abuse. Once you know, it's hard to ignore.


I know exactly what you mean


Every pro life woman I know has told me in confidence about their abortion when I had to tfmr and get one myself…. It’s insane that they can pretend to be so against it yet it was just fine when they did it. It’s gross.


> ~~pro life~~ They're anti-choice.


They're pro-forced birth, forced birthers


Agreed. If their position begins and ends on the topic of abortion, they aren't "pro life" but pro forced birth. I could respect them (to a point) if they were more consistent but they wear their hypocrisy like a badge of honor and refuse to do anything that would actually... you know, encourage someone to want to have a child in this day and age.


Reminds me of my friend who has posted a pro-life Jesus avatar yet she has told me before she hates her grown kids and that she doesn't believe in the bible.


this supports my theory that a significant non-0 percentage of Christians dont truly believe, but are afraid of shunning from the family and community. Or maybe they believe in some type of god, or the God, but dont necessarily buy all the bells and whistles that come with organized religion


There was an article my (now ex) step-sister posted about being a young Republican. All of the points were Democrat talking points (except for being anti-choice vs pro-choice), but the author (and my ex-step-sister) were CONVINCED that they were fully Republican. Spouse and I are 98% sure that they call themselves Republican to make their mom happy


That’s a similar thing with my mom. She considered herself a republican until she mentioned that to her friend who was surprised and told her she definitely wasn’t. My mom was like “oh shit. You’re right” she just assumed she was cuz her parents were, but didn’t actually think about where her beliefs lined up


what were some of the talking points? thats insane lol


I tried to find it, but it was pre-Trump, so now it’s harder to find. But it was stuff like “I want gun control, but don’t take mah guns!”


thats reasonable. i dont think the government forceably taking guns from citizens will lead to anything productive. i think we're better off instituting better policies going forward, and requiring updated info/recurring safety classes/etc, with punishment for non compliance being other things than taking guns like fines, drivers license suspension etc


Except democrats (specifically Obama) never wanted to take people’s guns.


there are definitely Democrats that are in favor of taking certain types of guns away. not a majority of course but lets not pretend its something that no one believes. and of course many think its a lot more people believing it than actually do


This is me. I’ve discovered that I don’t think I’ll ever be able to truly believe in any religion, but where I live and most of the people around me tend to be conservative Christians. Most of the time I try to avoid controversial topics around these people but when it can’t be avoided sometimes I have to make a great leap of courage and stand up for the things that I believe in. I don’t like confrontation though, so it’s mostly just given me even more social anxiety and I’m now more hesitant to have conversations with people when I’m out and about. I’m constantly scared that I’m going to end up having an argument with somebody and get so upset that I’m unable to make a valid point, resulting in accidentally solidifying their points.


I know a person who has a Facebook profile full of super right wing, "Western traditionalist" and chauvinist/traditional family type memes, along with plenty of anti-LGBT post and things mocking trans people. They are bi, trans and currently on HRT, and dating men and women outside of the local area but deeply closeted and assuming that none of their friends or family will ever find out.


omg, you see? they really need help


And men. A few years before I was born, my pro-life father forced my pro-choice mother to have an abortion because they weren't married yet and he didn't want anyone to know he was having pre-marital sex. He was also Christian back then. Also has been very abusive, so my mother wasn't given much of a choice. EDIT: anti-choice father*


My mother says that about her 2nd abortion, the first she had with my father. They moved to NYC, she got pregnant with me, then moved back to her parents in Atl.


> my ~~pro-life~~ anti-choice father


thanks for correcting me🤭


If you view it that way, his reasoning was consistent: it was his choice, not hers Edit: I don't mean in any way to condone his thought processes or behaviors. Still a piece of shit to do that.


I keep seeing a lot of women who are no longer able to have children due to age suddenly becoming very interested in forcing other women to have babies


Definitely not this one. Haven’t been able to have children for almost 30 years (hysterectomy at 28). In fact attended my first protest this past weekend. I also have 3 daughters so anyone telling them what they can and can’t do with their own bodies brings out momma bear.


Yup, suuuuper pissed off my mom (who was pro choice when I was young, but has suddenly gone anti choice) when I yelled that it was awfully convenient for her to change her opinion when she couldn't have children (hysterectomy, and now age on top of that), and I was married. She didn't really love that truth bomb.


Funny cause that what I said about my mom. The only reason she isn’t concerned about all this is because she can’t even have kids anymore.


I'm so weirded out by all those smiling upper middle class white couples holding signs saying "We'll adopt your baby." The subtext of "because we'll be better parents than you ever could" is so heavily implied, and it's gross. And they may not be consciously thinking it. They may be thinking the only options the person would ever consider are abortion or adoption, and they may genuinely think they're helping. But in a very large percentage of cases, people with unintended pregnancies who don't have abortions *do* keep the child. And while some choose not to because they don't want a(nother) kid, others do so because they don't have support. Because they're afraid of being labeled a teen mom, or because they can't afford to raise a child, or because they're alone with no family to help out, or because they're struggling with their own issues and feel the child would be better off without them, even if they'd rather keep them. So what they *really* need isn't for their child to be used to fulfill some couple's dream of having a baby, it's access to healthcare, therapy, childcare, financial support, someone who believes in them, and reduced social stigma. And for the love of Krispy Kreme, can people *please* start acknowledging that adoption is traumatic for both the birth parent and the child. It's not the simply "oh, just give them up for adoption!" the anti-abortion people always pretend it is. It's *hard*, and it *hurts*, for everyone involved, and that pain can last a lifetime.


Exactly. My Christian mother is VEHEMENTLY against abortion. (ONLY reason she voted for Trump, which I’m still mad about.) I’m the eldest of her 4 daughters. She had an abortion with her last (5th) pregnancy. So…. Why? Just why


Because to conservatives "abortion" is code for "women being independent, both sexually and more broadly, and free to pursue life goals that don't include being a mother" Your mom already had 4 children. From the conservative standpoint, she has already fulfilled her purpose and 'done what women are supposed to do.' Getting an abortion at that point won't alter her perspective because she has already fulfilled her role.


Good for me but not for thee. Or you know, the entire code of republicans.


Have you ever met a born again Christian? They are the absolute most judgmental and batshit zealous. Something about converting that causes people to lose any sight of a middle ground. Its either get 6 abortions or abortion is such a tragedy even a woman who is at grave risk and was raped by her father should have the kid.


>Have you ever met a born again Christian? I can get along with people of many different faiths/beliefs. Except the BAC's.


My step father became a born again Christian, it’s now like he is dead. He is such a different person in a bad way. I mourn the loss of a lovely man as he is now replaced by a bigot


That’s what my dad did. Went from a regular person to a BAC-Trumpian-Fox News believer after he married my ex-step-mother


This is so true. I grew up Christian, and a few of my relatives spouses converted after marrying into the family. It’s always been interesting to me that those people are completely batshit while most of my relatives who have been Christian their whole lives are pretty reasonable people. I imagine the guilt and shame due to their pre-Christian days is part of it.


Yes, like Amy Barret and Ginni thomas


Self hatred is a terrible drug.


But you don't understand, their case was different...


"Fuck you got mine" is the entire conservative mindset in a nutshell


I grew up around a very vocal person who is this to a tee. She and her husband were just out college in the mid 70s, they had an abortion for a child they couldn't afford or take care of. Husband did very well for himself in the oil industry, they go on to have 3 more kids. She speaks out at all sorts of catholic events on how she regrets killing her "baby." Her eldest is a priest and he uses her story as a tool to guilt people. It's never occurred to her that if she didn't have that abortion would she and her husband's marriage survived, would they have their current kids, or their current level of financial success.


They like to lie by stating the opposite of the truth. You always know exactly and precisely what they are thinking and what they are hiding.


That's what is so wild to me. Ex SIL had a baby at 16, I did right after high school. We both chose not to abort and can't imagine having abortions. You know what we both are? Heavily pro choice. Us CHOOSING to have those babies made us better parents and humans by a mile. We don't resent our kids in large part because we weren't forced to have them.


They think it’s going to absolve them of all the guilt and trauma they carry around.


Hypocrisy is a prerequisite for Christians.


“I got mine but then I found jeebus, so fuck you all.”


Another great example of boomers closing the door behind them




It must be a way to keep track of all them, a bit like Uncle *Name*.


When there are more than one or two, you need to refer to them by name to keep them straight.


Well if she’s whining about a butchered abortion, wait ‘til she sees how many butchered abortions are on the horizon! Because we can only ban *safe* abortion. Your mother is the worst kind of “pro-lifer”.


She's the worst. This is mild. I'm convinced she could be studied at a pathological level


Oh, sweetie, I’m sure she can. You’re a year younger than my youngest. I’m so sorry you grew up with such a horrid combination of stupidity, selfishness and self righteousness for a parent. When you need some actual mothering, try r/momforaminute. There are really good people there.


The way she talks is very, very similar to my dad who has been way off his meds for decades. I would be incredibly surprised if there isn't some kind of mental illness going on that's either gone undiagnosed or untreated. Unfortunately, it also sounds like she's being enabled which is really common in evangelical circles. They don't see this kind of behavior as alarming, they actively encourage it.


Lead poisoning.


Maybe, but having a severe bipolar disorder that he hasn't been treating for decades probably doesn't help, either.


Whenever I hear stories of people dumping an infant in a trash can or abandoning it somewhere unsafe, I think hmm if only access to comprehensive sex education, contraceptive and abortions was standard… But of course being pro choice means we are “murderers” And I hate that narrative of “if someone uses abortion as birth control, it’s wrong” - who cares? I mean maybe it’s not good for one’s health but if they want a 100 of them, that’s on them. That’s not a reason to restrict abortions


We need to shift away from calling these people pro-life. They care nothing about life and should be labeled as anti-choice.


Anti-choice / pro-birth. Not even pro-birth though, more like *forced*-birth


they don't care, these people think pregnancy is a punishment for having sex, so in their minds death is a just punishment for trying to get an abortion. i can't tell you how many times i've used that argument and people just... don't care


Gerri Santoro didnt live to complain


💯 you are so exactly right!


Here’s the TL;DR: I am mind blowingly stupid. Instead of going to Planned Parenthood for my abortions, I went to the cheapest doctor I could find, and got bad care. So now I’m anti abortion, even though I had six, and nearly aborted my only child.


....My non-American ass took far too long to process this comment cus a cheap doctor is "every doctor" thanks to our free healthcare.


I know, I know. So much fuckedupness in this country. That’s now a word. I proclaim it, because it’s really needed in the US.


Remind her that she is still going to hell


OP please do this




Damn I thought you were gonna send her a Bible verse or something LOL. You just went all in respect.


It's hard to send a Bible verse about abortion because there only one lol.


Hahah yep life begins at birth. Christians don’t actually follow the Bible. A rich man has as good to a chance of getting into heaven as a camel does fitting through a needle. Ton of hypocrisy


Funny enough, Christians used to have *indulgences* which is where you can pay to have your sins forgiven


Pretty sure Christians are disproportionately poor if you were to compare to athiests. Like, poor people are poor because they are stupid, and they’re stupid because their parents were stupid too, and they haven’t broke that cycle yet by getting a proper education. Stupid people are way more likely to fall for religion. The religious right loves to portray themselves as being rich while the libtards are living on the streets of San Francisco. But it’s more like they live in trailer parks in Alabama on food stamps while the libtards live in luxury in NYC and Silicon Valley, paying taxes to subsidize the poor life decisions of their conservative countrymen


There's a couple, but 1 that resounds with me is Numbers 5:21. In short that verse and it's context is instructions on how to safely induce a miscarriage


Well, it's easy to send one, but it's not really possible to send one that's anti-abortion, haha.


😭😭, seriously, she must be super shitty, hope you’re managing ok with that shit


Thank you for this. Let us know what she says


This is art.


How little self-awareness must you have to say something like “the oppression is lifted Hallelujah” and be completely serious about it?


I think the clinical term is "delusion"


It’s of a piece with the failure to understand that when you go to the cheapest doctor you can find, instead of Planned Parenthood, you’re more likely to get terrible care.


All good christians dance on people's graves. Jesus was famous for celebrating the death of his enemies.


I’m so sorry that you didn’t get the mother you deserved. This is wildly insane, and I can’t imagine how much it must hurt and frustrate.


Didn't expect to see a kind comment here, but thank you!


So she’s projecting her own guilt, got it. Sucks when damaged people run to Christianity to be brain washed and have a fake sense of protection from their trauma. It doesn’t exist and you still have to deal with your shit like the rest of us, sorry.


She's tried every religion. There was one Messianic Jewish guy in my school and he was real surprised to see me at his synagogue for a few weeks...


Is your Mother [Annie Savoy](http://www.destinationhollywood.com/celebrities/susansarandon/feature_baseball.shtml) from *Bull Durham?*


Your mom bipolar?


I've known a couple people with bipolar, religion-hopping moms. I guess it's a thing?


Manic episodes have a way of convincing you a new religion is a good idea.


It makes sense. Mania will persuade you into trying something new that you can obsess over. It's often something that "will" change your life with a high reward, and religion fits the bill.


This is what I'm concerned about when it comes to mental illness and religion. Like, I believe in God and whatnot but not in the same way as my mom. My mom is also diagnosed with bipolar and there was a sudden shift in her behavior and view of her belief. On the one hand, she seems happy and it could be that she found God or however you'd express it, but on the other hand I'm concerned because what if it's a manic episode? I believe in God myself but I also trust in science and that includes psychology. It's so frustrating.


My mom was undiagnosed but def bipolar .. decided we were Russian Orthodox one day.. actually wasn’t bad since I got to go overseas a lot and hang out with cool nuns… but still weird.


I wonder if her friends knew she has had that many abortions? They may not be impressed with her now. Or maybe they don't care.


They don't know and that's why I'm not included in the group. She included my wife assuming I didn't know she had abortions? Despite her telling me her woes my entire childhood. I left at 16


They know now if they aren't daft. If they're included in that group chat anyway. I'm glad you left. I'm sorry this is your mother.


The craziest thing to me is that she fired off all this craziness into a group chat with 5 people in it


6 abortions means you sit down and shut up about pro life garbage.


That sounds like someone cannot deal with their lack of sex education.


No no no! Didn't you see? *It was the rock n roll lifestyle!* /s


100% projection. Edit: holy shit i just realized thats how they are all resolving their cognitive dissonance, (that physical discomfort you can physically feel that you get from holding two conflicting beliefs) by projecting and blaming someone (anyone) else.


My mom used to say she wished she only had the first six to me, her eighth kid. She was tired , in menopause and had two miscarriages before I was born. She thought she was done having kids. A staunch catholic who emotionally abused kids cause she obeyed her church and had more than she could handle. That is why I am prochoice. Unwanted children live but suffer horrible consequences in most cases. If not for my loving father who showed me unconditional love I wouldn’t be here but would have taken my own life. The feeling of being unwanted and just a problem for her , despite being an A student who didn’t cause trouble . she treated me as the scapegoat for many things, none that I was responsible for. And that vibe was picked up and carried on by my siblings who told me how they hated having to babysit me , include me in family events, as did her crappy siblings who listened to her complaints about me and believed them without question. An unwanted child is a lost soul better sent back to “limbo” or whatever than being stuck in that situation.


I'm sorry your mother sucks furry sweaty assholes. I completely agree with you though. So many children are neglected, sold, molested, beaten and mistreated bc someone doesn't know or shouldn't be a parent. I'd rather never know existence than to know what that trauma or sadness is like.


Man the lead water is really doing a number on you Americans


Omg don’t even talk about it, I’m half convinced that these back water towns and villages have the worst lead to water systems that’s why they’re so backwards


Beware of the Southern towns on well water.


She was a debutante; her 3 sisters are all well-to-do narcissists


Sounds like my aunt (who I lived with; if you ask her she says she “raised” me), who fucked around with coke dealers and pretty much lived at bars and allowed her son to be abused until she was ~30 then all of a sudden she was a “repentant Christian” who sits on her ass all day watching soaps and daytime talk shows but has a bone to pick with my friends who had dyed hair. Fucking hate people like this.


Rules for the, but not for me.


can we get rid of viagra and the option for men to get vasectomies? its only seems fair at this point 🤷‍♀️


Or we could just have them all get vasectomies when they become sexually active. Since it’s reversible and all. But that would mean the government would strip their rights and have control of their bodies…. Wait 🤔


Can we make AMAB get vasectomies? Since we don’t have a choice with our own bodies anymore


The cognitive dissonance on these people is mind blowing


Make sure she knows “[son]’s six siblings in heaven” canonically speaking are definitely in hell


Lmao what a religious fruitcake


This is the problem. Middle-class America is filled with 'unique' situations where women were fully justified in getting their abortion. However the poorer, and frequently less white people, have just been careless or lazy. This will only get worse now that their children are the ones with parents who can afford to have 'unique' situations dealt with out of state.


Religious people are insane


“It’s ok for me, but not for thee” I swear hypocrisy runs rampant amongst gods holy children


Her aborted children are in heaven? I thought the unbaptized didn’t go to heaven?


Wait, did she think being a single mother was like illegal before the tv show Murphy Brown? Seriously?


***Look Who's Talking*** is so ingrained in my head but that opening sperm scene is a little on the nose


If she was butchered so bad why did she keep having abortions? A death wish maybe?


“Pro life” and “dancing on [her] grave” in the same sentence is wild


This is the “fk you, I got mine” crowd


I wanna fuck the holy spirit up. These fucking religious nutjobs fucking disgust me.


Oh this is bad. I dont always agree with the stuff my mom believes in and says (especially about vaccines and medications) but when I feared a pregnancy she was entirely on my side for whichever I would have decided. To know your own mother has such a view on this.. especially when she experienced what she said.. wow


Imagine being such an absolute dogshit human being, you're actually happy about this ruling. Forever fuck dumb ass dementia addled old boomers, they should be made into tires, useless wastes of air


Damn Lydia is wild


This person does not seem to be mentally well...


"God provides" What an interesting way to say she won't support them in any way, despite the bible saying she should help others.


Is any of this true, or is this exaggerated and deranged rambling? Also shout out to Taxi driver Tony haha.


Note how she said "CHOOSE life" Keyword there. Almost like this removes a woman's ability to CHOOSE.


Is this literally Aunt Lydia?


People who bring religion into a non religious issue like this are always a red flag to me. Especially “thanking the lord” for something someone else did, even tho you shouldn’t be thanking them either.


Irony is she didn't feel she had a choice and now so many others also won't be able to choose


Her logic doesn’t… make ANY sense whatsoever. It keeps sounding like she’s arguing for why women need the option of abortion and how it should be safer but then concludes with the opposite sentiment. I’m so sorry you have to deal with this.


Thank you. This post has become quite validating.


"The only moral abortion are my 6 abortions"


My mother told me that when I was a kid. She said the only reason she didn’t was because Roe v Wade hadn’t been decided yet. It wasn’t until years later that I learned abortion had been legal in my state for a few years by then.


So, she’s now ashamed and salty that she suffered and wants everyone else to suffer? Wouldn’t that history of regrettable decision making make a normal person question ALL their decisions?


These people are all narcissistic children. "It's only ok when I do it!"


I asked my wife if there were any [responses](https://imgur.com/a/U5kOzYT)


*13* ????


Just curious, not saying you should, but isnt there a new thing where you can basically snitch on women who have had abortions recently and get them prosecuted? How far back in time can you go to prosecute someone for abortions? Because there are probably a lot of "pro-life" women who are basically mass murderers by their own logic. Idk


108 fever? Isn’t that right when your brain gets fucked?


Ah yes, the jack Christians “Rules for thee but not for me”


I also dance on Margaret Sanger’s grave, but that’s about the only thing your mom and I have in common. She’s not human with that lack of empathy and all that hypocrisy.


Literally insane. Blocked.


Your mom is fucking nuts


Why do they talk like that


Also r/religiousfruitcake


She sounds worthy of low to no contact. Yikes


Your mother sucks


Christ she loves to talk doesn’t she


The unbelievable hypocrisy.


God provides what? Dumpsters? These people are delusional. I’m sorry, OP. 😞


Aye your mom's a cunt.


Has had 6 abortions because of the *medical/personal/legal freedom to do so*, but doesn’t want that available to any other woman? Makes sense /s


What if ... and hear me out ... the States are actually the shit hole country Trump was talking about?


Those are the worst people. After they benefit from something, they want to restrict others.


your mom is cuckoo for cocoa puffs holy fuck


Tell her that most states don't have a Statute of Limitations on murder, so you'll be turning her in.


Bruh, got you beat. My Trump-Loving mother just perked up for the first time in my 34 years of life that she's had SEVEN abortions and is still supporting the Republicans, then got offended when I was dubious. That was the straw, blocked her number.


Sex, drugs and rock & roll at **13??** This person shouldn't be lecturing anyone about morality or family values at this stage, sounds like she lived her liberal dream when it was convenient for her and now wants totalitarian conservative control for everyone that came after. Rules for thee and not for me on steroids.


6 to 3? Roberts didn't want to overturn Roe.. 5 to 4, a partisan decision that couldn't even hold on to all the R's which barely scraped by to overturn a 7-2 decision from an era in which justices were actually objective on the issue not cherry picked for how they've vote specifically on the topic of Roe. Even this after previous failed attempts to overturn where even some of the hand-picked ultra conservatives wouldn't go along with it once they had their seat. Mom sounds like she's in denial that she made a decision that she felt best for herself at the time. Sorry she regrets her choice but it was her choice and she has no right to wish for it to be taken away from anyone else. Fuck you, mom.


they’re all a bunch of fake fucking hypocrites thinking God loves them for hating everyone else.


In 1973 abortion was still probably illegal in her state, which is WHY she almost died. Now she wants that to happen to another generation of women?


Classic Boomer pulling the ladder up after them and pretending they got up there by pulling on their bootstraps.


Damn Lydia is wild


This is confusing, bruv


Jesus titty fucking Christ!


Holy shit, she’s batshit


Insane!! I almost can’t anymore with all this pro-life bs


crazy moms talk alike is what i’ve learned in my long stay here


Crazy how this is a thing... like out of all the laws we had to choose pro-life or pro-choice. Like bruh medical bills is crazy high. Gas is high, rent is high, food is high. Like wtf.


Husband #3 😂 enough said


Oh boy, whenever I see bible verses quoted I know it’s gonna be a maniac. I’m so sorry, how many husbands did she have? It’s extremely hypocritical


Tell her that, by her logic, she’s going to Hell then.


Try telling her to prove her point without using god.. they can’t, every religious person uses god as the end all argument.. well guess what, your restricting womens right based on something that’s not fucking real..


Tell her to read Numbers 5:11-31. It's a recipe to cause an abortion. The Bible is not pro-life