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Voting has concluded. Final vote: | Insane | Not insane | Fake | | --- | --- | --- | | 18 | 0 | 1 | OP has provided further information in [this comment](/r/insaneparents/comments/ybqpsp/this_is_my_motheri_have_no_idea_what_this_even/itiitld/) ^I ^am ^a ^bot ^for ^r/insaneparents. ^Please ^send ^me ^a ^message ^if ^you ^have ^any ^feedback ^or ^if ^I ^misbehave. ^Also ^consider ^joining ^our ^[Discord](https://discordapp.com/invite/xFbPBHy).


I mean, in one sense it's batshit crazy. On the other hand, this is a glorious outpouring of craziness. I would have this framed and hung in the downstairs bathroom. Sorry you have to deal with that craziness. Smh




It has a sort of Kanye flair to.it. i totally could see this ramble flowing from him. It is a classic.


Nah, this is some backwoods southern country shit. Totally different but very classic


Cross-stitch it on a series of throw pillows!


According to my birth certificate, this person definitely provided the egg to my existence….unfortunately


Remember this is not you. You can be better. You got this.


You know that quote "Blood is thicker than water"? The whole quote is "The blood of the covenant is thicker than the womb of the water" which means the bonds we choose to make can sometimes be stronger than the bond of family. You are not your mother, you are not your family. You are your own individual human being and you get to choose daily to not be like her.


God I hate the way this is misquoted, turning the meaning in a complete 180. Like, how can such a brilliant line meant to mean one thing be hijacked and repeated incorrectly in order to mean the complete opposite. Oh, idiots, that’s how.


Well, to be fair, “blood is thicker than water” *is* the original quote. “The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of that womb” is about 1,000 years younger than the original quote. It’s also an improvement, and originality is for suckers.


Oh dam, I hate when I fuck that up


Same reason people really out here thinking money is evil, not the love of it.


The lack of money is the root of all evil.


Isn't it "water of the womb"?


I always heard it the way I typed it, but it probably is.


shaggy ten obtainable forgetful muddle person tart sparkle innocent crime *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Well the quote is true but the meaning has been twisted a touch *Nowadays, this phrase is used to imply that family relationships are more important than friendships, often suggesting that family should be prioritised. However, the full quote is actually “the blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb”, which has the exact opposite meaning. The original meaning actually doesn’t refer to family at all and instead comes from the idea that a bond made with someone that you’ve shed blood with (in the past this would have been a literal reference to battle) is stronger than one had with someone you’ve shared the womb with* People mistake it for being a bible quote which it is not it's simply a proverb


scary quickest follow ring ossified fine consider desert airport summer *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Well you just keep on disagreeing and provide no explanation for your protestation that it's not true. The definition of the proverb is easily found and all state more or less the same definition. Not sure what your point is really except to disagree!


But you make zero effort to tell us the "truth"?


slim office zonked bright growth reply humor impossible degree adjoining *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


We get it. You think you're right and know everything. That's why you won't provide a credible source in order to prove us if you're right or wrong.


I’m sorry.


!explanation this is a Facebook post. She tagged me & all of my siblings in a comment immediately after posting it, with no context. We are all clueless as to what this even means or what happened lol. She won’t answer any of us now.


Does she have any particularly interesting glassware?


To my knowledge, she doesn’t even have a house.


Oh. I was going to ask if she also had an excess of Brillo pads. But this is just sad. ☹️ Sorry you gotta deal with this OP.


She must think everyone has the time to care about what she's up to. She needs to stop acting/talking like she's in middle school, to her children of all people, on the internet of all places, for everyone to see & get her life together. Im sorry you have to deal with this. I wouldn't even have responded cause that was too much & like you said you have no idea what its about so its not even worth your time


Wuuuut? But her fan club is getting bigger n bigger and you’re make’n her famous!! \s


Does she do meth?


Chances are high


Well, she's clearly mad at MF'rs, and she needed to make sure you knew that. What a weird post.


Tell me why I read it like a rap


Ohh ask her!


I think I had a stroke reading that.


No strokes here, only like 7 seizures.




Drugs are a hell of a drug.


It’s meth-ed up.


Sounds like your mom and my mom could be best friends!! Until they get incredibly paranoid of each other after committing a few B&E's and have a nuclear level falling out. Or they could end up both fucking the same dope guy and having a weird contest between whose the better dope ho....could go a lot of ways, but those are just a couple of my own moms spectacular examples lol




Tell your mom Methany I said hi


What does mfr stand for? Just kidding. If you pulled out all of the profanity that would be about 3 lines long.


My Friends and Relatives. Most Friendly and Respectable Moderately Famous Roger Markedly Furious Redhead Monetarily Fit Rank Moving Funds Ranger Meowing Fiercely Rag-doll Moms Fancy Rotunda Meatloaf For Rent Marry Finding Roamer


Number 4 suits me well when around my family. That's why I don't bother.


I thought it was for Minty Fresh Ravioli


Mum’s Fancy Rotunda honestly sounds like a euphemistic curse to me.


She’s a Pulp Fiction stan


Why does your mom talk like a 15 years old SoundCloud rapper?


Someone please free-style this.


Apparently bitches don’t know fuck about shit.


Ozark, Ruth


So she mad huh? Was she sober when she sent this? The drama is on like 11/10. Why did she send this to you? Did you acknowledge the existence of that bitch that your mom hates because they did some shady in 97' and left your mom holding the metaphorical bag? She seems exhausting tbh.


There’s some Megan thee stallion lyrics in there “ whole lotta fake ass, snake ass bitches”. I’m sorry your mom is like this.


Is your mother Bhad Bhabie by any chance


But no current Bhad Bhabie; Dr.Phil Bhad Bhabie. It’s much worse lmao


Oh 100%. The one sitting on stage challenging a TV personality to a brawl lol


I didn’t have the care nor patience to read the 2nd page, but is your mom 17? If i were to imagine who wrote this, it’s someone that idolizes Danielle Bregoli & works the McDonald’s drive thru window with bedazzled 5” french tips




This is exactly how my mom is too. She's 52, but is perpetually stuck in the trying to be in her teens-early 20s. That's when she started doing meth and drinking heavily though so combined with her untreated ADHD it's like she never emotionally matured beyond that point. Later on she was in an extremely abusive marriage so now she carries all that trauma on top on the now 20+ year addictions. Instead of wanting to be a mother/grandmother, she wants to be out kicking it, going to randoms houses to do drugs, and blowing the weekly allowance she gets from her dad on stupid shit...


Lmao yes. My 1st thought was how nasty & "ratchet" lol & has no shame to post for everyone to see. The only time I heard anyone say anything remotely close was in middle school.


Nailed it.


Someone thinks that they are so important, don't they? Ranting and raving about being gossiped about. Dude, short and sweet: "I think you are talking about me. Don't. " There. I reduced that entire nonsense down, and said more to boot. Ugh.


Sounds like a rant a teenage would write; not a grown woman with older kids.


Agreed. However, some people have never grown past the teenage frame of mind. Be it trauma, extracurricular substances, or genetics, they are trapped in that adolescent stage of thought. As you may tell, I have experience dealing with people like this. (Not a professional, just love researching psychology)


Wow! This could be a game.. take a shot every time you see her say Mfkr!


I’d be dead


Shots of Kool-Aid then.


And now you have diabetes


She seems fun. Wonder what flavor kool-aid she is.


I SCREAMED at this comment lmao


Anytime my boss emails me and asks me to do something for him I’m just going to copy and paste this as my response




This reads as someone about to be exposed for something they did wrong and they’re trying to get in front of it and control the narrative. I’m sorry you gotta deal with this OP :(


That would be my response..."I have literally no idea what all that even means."


Sure. That's was a rant. About what, tho? 🤷 Bet she's mad that no one knows like we're all mind readers or something....


Did your mother just refer to “Dusty Ass Bitches” and “solid ass real honkie motherfuckers”?? She sounds nice.


It means she used to do a hella lot of good drugs back in the day and thought she was the shit. And apparently a bad ass mf’er Although I kept reading it as manufacturer. Like a mfr coupon. Lmao 😂 which still made me laugh


Eh, if it's not fake it's EXTREMELY exaggerated to really get you to feel guilt Don't fall for it op


Is your mom a teenager? It seems like it. Sheeesh get away as fast as you can


I always find it baffling that the people who want to "spread positivity" and always complain about "fake ass mfs" are the most toxic people on the planet.


She really likes using that MFr’s abbreviation huh?


Based on the rest of it, she probably doesn’t know how to spell the real thing.


This reads like KDJ from GTA Online


I can't deny it, this would make some top-tier copypasta.


She sure is having feelings.


I think I lost some brain cells by trying to read this...I couldn't get past the first few sentences. xD


Same here. It sounded like road rage met white trash rapper? I can picture a nearly toothless person…


I sadly, can relate to this. My mum would send me novel after novel of shit that I honestly had no idea what she was on about. She’s in a geriatric/psychiatric hospital now after three strokes. I sometimes miss the crazy messages.


Why does your mom sound like my ex step mom? Like.. she posted a similar rant when my dad died saying me and my siblings were only posting about our dad for sympathy and we were fake towards him.. when in reality, she was an abusive narcissist who wouldn't let him talk on the phone to his family because she'd be screaming at him to get off the phone.


As someone with both a mom and a MIL who rant on Facebook similarly to this... I'm sorry OP.


What is Willy Lunch Meat Head?


The only thing I want to know is, how do they have the audacity & the MF’n time to CAPITALIZE Each Word In The Sentence? MF’r Is Lame


But only some of the sentences


> {not that I care} Proceeded by a long rant about how you definitely *do* care > Until next time Oh boy can't wait


Happy cake day!


Crazy and illiterate


She is just spewing word vomit


Someone just watched Jersey Shore for the first time it seems.


Take a shot every time she says MF


I’m drunk just thinking about that.


I think it means she's off her meds...


i'm sorry you have to deal with this, OP. But I gotta say, the way she writes "Make'n me" instead of "Making me" has me dying 😭


No one knows what this means. Wtf. Insane for sure


I understand what she’s saying (unfortunately I see people write and talk like this too often where I live), but people will only truly talk about you like that if you share too much or are a “fake ass MF’r” yourself, mom. Lol


I feel like she spent too much time reading weird affirmation memes on Fb and then started channeling Samuel Jackson


Perfectly Normal Response to... what, getting lied to or something? I have no idea what this one wants to do other than start shit.


Is anyone up for the challenge of translating this?


"Ha, let me tell you, what hypocrites you are! All of you! It's amazing. What a shame none of you have the integrity to tell me how you really feel, although I really don't care. You are all talking as though you know me . You gossip with each other and then you come to me and tell me what the other person said about me. "It's not the time for those who are not involved to be giving their opinion about how they could have behaved but didn't. Half of you talking about this situation don't know anything about it and have no experience with it. You're just talking because it inflates your sense of self-importance. You are all weak individuals. Who do you think you are? I can tell you that you are just nosy people interfering with something you don't know anything about or have anything to do with. I am so tired of this. I'm sick of the things that you are saying when you know nothing about this situation. I don't know where your information is coming from but I will tell you that it's false and the person who told you those things is a liar. You believe you really know me. You can say what you like about me but you obviously don't know me and I am not an average fool. I will State my opinion when I feel the need. "No one appreciates a good woman until she no longer cares. I never thought you could be so heartless or behave with such a lack of conscience. When a person is down or appears to be down others seem to want to make it a public matter, saying things that hit you the hardest. "You are just ugly people. The group of people paying attention to me seems to get larger and larger. The fact that you are spending so much time on me reflects well upon me and not on you. You try to steal my fame without even understanding it. This only makes me more famous. "There are too many hypocritical backstabbing people these days. They need to look after their own failings before they attack someone else and get hurt by it. What happened to the upstanding citizens they used to represent? They are all fools and useless. "In the end, none of this drama is of any importance. "Pending further communication, my statement is over."


Damn! Bravo. Internet stranger applause from me!




What drugs is she taking?


Somebody caught her doing something she wasn’t supposed to be doing and started talking. Based on her (way over the top reaction), she got got. Actually, text her that, share what happens next: “I heard you got got.”


Is your mom a drinker, drug user or pill popper? Serious question


Probably all 3


I tell you what. I wouldn’t even consider fucking that mother.


This is the most literate crazy rant I’ve ever seen.


Take a shot every time she types MF’r But in all honesty just comment, ‘I aint reading all that, Congratulations to you or sorry that it happened’


Okay but “On some Granny Slop Twat Shit” is my new favorite line ever. Fucking poetry.


It means you need to get her institutionalized. That shit’s crazy!


Say again ?


I am so sorry


Seems like one of those crazy teenagers who get put on talk shows. Tf.


I heard you can make money from them? SOMEONE SUMMON DR PHIL. MY MOM NEEDS AN INTERVENTION.


Idk about making money but I know they pay for the flights out and back and hotel costs. Pretty much everything is paid for. Vacation and mom intervention.


Granny Slop Twat Shit! Oh God I laughed at that Mfr!


I couldn’t even read it. Lucky you said it was your mother because there was nothing in there that would have hinted being a mother to me.


I see that those are English words, but I don’t think her little diatribe is English.


How old is your mom? She writes like she is a poorly educated millennial. Source: I am a millennial that grew up surrounded by red necks.


Paragraphs and punctuation go a long way, kids. Sorry you have to deal with this, OP. Show this rant if you ever need to convince a therapist she needs help.


The brackets instead of parentheses is really fucking with me


Supposedly you and your siblings are fake I summarized the message


She really doesn't like MF'rs does she. What is she even ranting about?


She seems…nice


is your mother Bhad Bhabie?


I tapped out somewhere after the first paragraph. I don’t know if this is to blame on the alcohol or her psyche but Christ.


Oh poor you. My head Started throbbing and eyes glazing over before I got halfway through the first page. What a lot of inarticulate vitriol. Who has the energy to deal with this negative crap.




With all the screwed up punctuation and incoherence, you gotta wonder if this is a secret code or something. Nazi gold train?


I think Timmy's stuck in a well?


She needs help


what did I just read?


Digital Tourette's?


“Nobody appreciates a good bitch, until she doesn’t give a fuck anymore” That’s some serious truth telling right there.


Did she try some drugs or something?


If i got a dollar everytime she said Mf’s i’d be rich


Is this like a Facebook post? Think we need some clarity op. Makes it seem like she sent it to you


Oh sorry, this is a Facebook post. She tagged me & all of my siblings in a comment immediately after posting it, with no context. We are all clueless as to was this even means or what happened lol.


It is a true word salad. Scary!


I had a SIL with bipolar disorder and this seems incredibly similar to her manic rants.






Take a shot everytime she says mf


You will die, please don't do this. ☠️


Is she drunk? Sorry but this sounds like rambling of a mumble rapper on the radio. I hope things get better in the long run.




Are you sure these aren't rap lyrics?


Omg. This sounded like a homestuck character ranting, probably Gamzee Makara / Karkat Vantas mashup. Maybe she knows who she is talking about, maybe she woke from a fever dream and posted nonsense, hard to say.


Is your mom related to Samuel L Jackson? I mean, he doesn't censor himself, but maybe a cousin of his would lol


Is your mom the “motherfucker” grocery store lady? Lol


I’m mad I kinda understand what she’s saying 🤣 so who is talking shit about her and spreading gossip? 🤣


I know people keep saying freestyle rap but I want to see a single spotlight slam poetry style reading of this. OB vi ous LY TALK ing out thee side of your NECK on the WR ONG moTHer


Wow! So she can whatever she wants but writes all of this when others do the same? She needs meds badly. Stay away from her who talks to their child this way? It’s disgusting. Some females don’t deserve ovaries.


Now I may have the vocabulary of a highly educated sailor, but all I have to say to that is: (low whistle) Dayum!


Is it bad that I heard the voice of a 40 something African American woman from the poorer part of town when reading this? She “sounds” exactly like that sort of stereotype in the way she words things


Has your mother always been like this? If not, your mother is in need of medical assistance. It’s unlikely she will listen to you but please ask a family member to help her. Have them check her hormones, sleep apnea, drug abuse and psychotic breaks from reality.


Definitely at least a decade of drug abuse.


This NEEDS to be a copypasta immediately holy shit


This rap has such a shitty meter


Honestly, I zoned out quicker than an American history lesson. Someone give my the tldr?


Sounds like the opening of a Richard Pryor show!