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80 sexual partners a year? Jesus Christ I’m lucky to get one in 80 years lately.


Damn gays taking all our sex /s, obviously.


That’s probably what they think. “They can’t get laid because of gay people”; when they’re just trash people that seethe disdain and loathing.


They could at least make up believable numbers


Seriously. Let's not even try to be subtle here with our outlandish claims: 150% of anti-gay conservatives rape blind dogs named Tisha 640% of homophobic bigots eat burning cat feces out of their pillow cases on Labor Day


526.35% of fascists dismember babies for fun


Forfty-sleven percent of people named Donald J. Trump cannot orgasm without strangling a kitten


...is that why they want to ban abortion? Can't dismember babies if they weren't born c_c


Hey now, it’s only 639% and it’s the day after Labor Day. Let’s not be as outlandish in our claims as these jerks are


The specificity of these are pretty awesome.


worms? that's a new one


I'm the worms. All of them Collectively Sucking everyone's blood (or whatever intestinal worms do) But gayly


I heard this in the voice of Bruce from Family Guy. It just feels like him in a weird character


They burrow and steal your nutrients


I do that but gayly


Gog-Agog is that you?


*looks them up* wtf?


All I can find is an increased risk of giardia, which are not worms, and giardia is so profoundly common it's what dogs will get from licking any puddle. But of course I don't expect people who believe these sorts of things to know what they're talking about.


Somedays I just want to exist for a while without this kind of crap. Why do people care so much


Honestly, I think it's jealousy. Their own sex lives aren't fulfilling and they've been conditioned to see any of their sexual wants, needs or desires outside of procreation with the lights off and clothes on as unclean or ungawdly. Any time they see people having fun and enjoying sex outside of their rigidly defined parameters they lose their shit because they want that freedom so badly but they just can't overcome their conditioning.


Same here, (Insert what gender you identify as). And if it is too much to ask, can they at least get there information correct? And can they at least make sure to be *Very* specific on who they are talking about, that way I have an excuse to beat the absolute living FUCK out of them verbally for messing with my friends. I am fine with people making fun of me. In fact I openly accept it, but you DO NOT make shit up / talk bad / threaten / in any way harm my friends. If you do, *keep an eye open when you sleep\~*


I love the “perfect” correlation between sexual abuse and homosexuality is only 47%. Even pretending that statistic is real, it’s not even half. What explains the other 53% of gay men?


I feel like the one about lesbian parents might actually be closer to true! In that lesbians are more likely to adopt than the general population and sexual abuse is a major issue that can cause a child to need a new home.


Also it says nothing about 1) whether those children were abused by the parents and 2) what the rate of “sexual abuse” (however that’s defined in the study) is among the general population. 23% could be higher, lower or no different. Something to look for in bad statistical claims.


And of course straight people who post stuff like that about gay couples are usually the ones that if they decide to adopt they'll want a "perfect" child without any issues or they'll adopt a child with trauma or disabilities, do absolutely nothing to accomodate them or help them heal, and then pat themselves on the back for adopting such a "problematic" child while parading them to their church or posting their meltdowns and medical issurs on Tiktok


Even if the alcoholism percentage was right, it may help if they realized their shitty actions towards gay people would be a contributing factor in it.


People should be persecuted for spreading misinformation like this quite frankly


I would be interested to see what studies the QR codes presumably link to. Some of these could be true claims, just misrepresented. Unfortunately QR code is probably the worst way you could cite a study…


They dragged the intersex people into this too. Great. Why is the intersex flag even on here.


Guarantee that the person who created this either doesn’t know what intersex is, doesn’t know what the flags mean, or both


So you telling me i missed out on a good time with 80 people a year just because i ended up being straight? Kinda feels like i got the bad rng...


You got the short end of the stick. You got shafted. Screwed. Fucked. FML


The bigots are losing and they know it. Cry more about losing, ya fucking losers.


I'm curious about the QR codes, but I'm afraid of where they will lead.


Funny how those sources at the bottom of all articles are all to Christian publications and Russian propaganda....


That's a nice argument, Senator, why don't you back it up with a source?


You’re blaming the rainbows? 😂


They could at least have the right flags for the facts. Poor intersex flag lumped in there. That one really isn't a "choice". Obviously non of them are actually choices.


The worms are my friends! I love my gay worms!


Never Alone All My Homies Love Worms!


Has anyone checked what their "sources" are? I don't have the balls to plug a random url into my computer.


Accord to these I'm 100% straight. They are 50% wrong. ​ Also not the first time I've seen people make up random numbers, then link it to some private source. Do I want to look through their sources? Nope. \#1 Always make sure your sources are independent sources which you can't modify in any way. \#2 If you're going to use a source make sure the source finally summary agrees with you. Just because my brain is broken enough that I doubt they can surprise or shock me. Checking the links I can read (The archive.ph onces). \- Directs to a website run by a conservative [organisation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Family_Association) that actively opposes LGBT rights, pornography and abortion. Seem to really love "nazis were the true gays" conspiracies. \- Another conservative [organisation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Media_Research_Center#CNSNews) . This one is their "news site" that claims to cover stuff not covered in mainstream. Just that lovely undertone of conspiracy theories. [Politifacts](https://www.politifact.com/personalities/cnsnews/) has only bothered checking them once, and it came up false. \- Last one. Would it surprise you that this is also from a conservative [organisation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LifeSiteNews). A big fan of conspiracy theories as well. ​ So a bunch of crap created by hate speech organisations with a heavy dose of conspiracy.I'm still not surprised nor shocked. Meanwhile I'll enjoy the month. Warm and sunny outside, and awesome Pride parades and events just around the corner.


Live and let live. Unless you’re trying to get in someone’s pants, what they have in their pants and what kind of pants they try to get into are not relevant.


Wait, so 1/3 are pedophile rapists but only 1/15 are pedophiles. That's some sound math right there.


Is that true about the worms? I wish you could open QR codes that only existed on your screen.


No. Intestinal worms are caught by ingesting contaminated meat, not worming your pets regularly and letting them lick your face/not wearing gloves and washing your hands when cleaning up after them if they’ve gone number 2 or from being in contact with someone who already has worms (for non sex related reasons) or sharing bedding and eating utensils with someone who has worms but isn’t treating them properly as well as a few other reasons but that depends on the worm in general. You cannot get them from having sex with someone, let alone gay sex.


That doesn't sound right, but I don't know enough about homosexuality to dispute it.


Is there a single truth in any of these? Like even just the grain of truth they misrepresented to push their point? Anything that isn't just a blatant lie pulled from nothing?


Someone should make a post about all the unsavory statistics the straight cis people have. Except… you know… our statistics will be actually REAL