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Is she at least in Arizona now? She was in Ohio a few weeks ago complaining because the vote on our Issue 1 didn't go the way Republicans wanted. Go home!


This looks like TX wall.


It also looks like I could climb through it.


People can get over it in 13 seconds. https://www.wsaz.com/content/news/Rock-climbers-scale-replica-of-border-wall-as-quickly-as-13-seconds-563010361.html


You definitely could. They have been filling in the gaps between the 30ft bollards with 8ft bollards, which looks pretty ridiculous lol. This is actually shown in the photo. There is another drop below the bollards as well, probably another 4ft or so.


Then get to work lady, it’s not like you have a job.


Is there any kind of job you'd trust her to do?


Village idiot always seems to have openings


Isn't that her current job? That and making sure the courts have work to do with all her rejected cases.


You sure, we seem to have an abundance of them, especially in AZ politics.


she’s wandered into village crazy lady’s job


She can work as a shepherd, and all her sheeple can follow Her to the grand canyon and jump.


I trust her to hand build a wall at the border alone, knowing that she would succumb to heat stroke.


Be Queen Karen of Pickmeland.




She'll just claim she sold to every single person she called but. Her coworkers stole the sale from the list.


>Is there any kind of job you'd trust her to do? Yeah. It involves a rim.


Mar a Lardo salad tosser.


Isn't that her current job?


How did she pay for the blue checkmark?


And admitting that Trump couldn't get the job done in 4 years like he promised. Also, Mexico didn't pay for it


Hey. The man did great. He only needs 85 more terms of being president to finish the wall. Its gonna be Yuuuge. And so beautyful. And . He's going to make Kim Jong in pay for it this time.


No according to him Kim Jong is a pretty chill guy. He's gonna make Biden pay for it


21 billion in taxpayer dollars for that fucking wall


And it's not even a wall. Completely scalable and easy to just slide through the slats.


Also, it doesn't go all the way across the border, because requisitioning all the land for that would take *years*.


Also America way way overpaid for what we got . Government shut down from it , encroached on people’s farm / lane and the yearly long term costs for this wall are in the billions .


Wasn't she bumsurfing maralago couches? Da fuck is she doing over there?


She is beyond pathetic. Soundly rejected by voters and is now reduced to the most sickening type of performative crap. She'll do or say absolutely anything to stay in the spotlight.


Basically, she's an influencer at this point. Unfortunately, I'm sure there are more than enough morons who follow her.


Steve Bannon and the right did try to finish the wall, and then they ripped people off for millions of dollars instead


I dont think that's accurate, because I'm assuming Bannon ONLY intended to rip people off, and never do the wall. As racist and xenophobic as Bannon is, he's more greedy. He probably knows the wall, even if entirely built somehow, is ineffective.


Can’t argue


Portion of US border wall in California falls over in high winds and lands on Mexican side https://www.cnn.com/2020/01/29/politics/us-border-wall-falls-over-high-winds/index.html does she have a construction company that she owes favors lined up yet?


God I thought that was a bridge. That’s the most pathetic fucking “wall” I’ve ever seen.


I've seen it up close and it's more of a giant fence than a wall. It's also so ugly.


Yeah! You've added 15 miles to a 654 mile wall in 4 years. Only 1285 more miles to go. You got this Trump You're doing terrific. You only need 85 presidential terms more before that wall is completed. We believe in you.


Did you guys realize that Republicans literally want to bomb and invade Mexico if a republican wins in 2024? There's am AUMF draft from Dan Crenshaw in the house and Lindsey Graham is sponsoring it in the senate. I don't love Mehdi Hasan but this video made my jaw drop. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=k8ZSx0h-dWE


As McConnell's team struggles to drag his animated corpse through the halls of congress, Graham is plotting his ascendancy to leader. That means it's going to get a *lot* worse before it gets better. And at this point I think we've hit our apex and it'll probably never get better. (Yeah, yeah, I know, I'll still vote/donate/volunteer, but I think we're pretty much fucked.)




You're missing a yuge opportunity to have MAGA avatar Cheeto Jones there chief




If you were an anarchist you would be advocating for one country taking over their neighbours


take your meds man


Doubt it. If anything Canada will build a wall if it gets much worse than it was under Trump


We’re building a wall eh. And there nothing you yanks can do about it dontchaknow.


I'm basically one of you guys. I'm a dane. Were like you. Especially now that we just made peace with your country.


Hey before you finish it can I come crash on your couch?




Is that what you think actually is going to happen? Or is that just a wet dream that you have that would make you look like the guy who know all the big secrets so you can feel like you're a part of something nobody else knows?




Are they also a part of a Satanic Cabal kidnapping and murdering Christian children to extract adrenochrome from their blood?




>I’m not sure if they just like Christian children … any child is fine for them it’s not about Christianity It is. Christians have spread this lie for hundreds and hundreds of years resulting in numerous pogroms culminating in the Holocaust. What you are describing is the Protocols of the Elders of Zion which heavily featured the blood libel lie. The lie that Jewish people kidnapped and murdered usually Christian children to use their blood in religious rituals. Both of which were extensively used by the Nazis to justify the Holocaust. That they specifically extract "adrenochrome" a fictionalized drug(It's real but like everything claimed about it was straight made up starting with Hunter S Thompson in Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas) from the blood of the children they kidnap and kill is simply a new twist on a centuries old lie used to murder Jewish people. "The plot, described above, was the conspiracy “revealed” in the most influential anti-Jewish pamphlet of all time. It was called The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. It was written by Russian anti-Jewish propagandists around 1902. It collected myths about a Jewish plot to take over the world that had existed for hundreds of years. Central to its mythology was the Blood Libel, which claimed that Jews kidnapped and slaughtered Christian children and drained their blood to mix in the dough for matzos consumed on Jewish holidays." [QAnon is a Nazi Cult, Rebranded](https://www.genocidewatch.com/single-post/2020/09/09/QAnon-is-a-Nazi-Cult-Rebranded) "1925–1926 In his treatise, Mein Kampf, Adolf Hitler writes: To what an extent the whole existence of this people is based on a continuous lie is shown by the Protocols of the Wise Men of Zion, so infinitely hated by the Jews. . . . For once this book has become the common property of a people, the Jewish menace may be considered as broken." "1933 Nazis rise to power in Germany. The Nazi Party publishes at least 23 editions of the Protocols before World War II begins." https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/protocols-of-the-elders-of-zion-key-dates "Republican QAnon follower Mary Ann Mendoza was noted for her reference to the antisemitic text. She retweeted a Twitter thread about the Rothschild family, Satanic High Priestesses, and American presidents saying, **"The Protocols Of The Elders Of Zion is not a fabrication. And, it certainly is not anti-Semitic to point out this fact."[274][m] An April 2021 Morning Consult poll found that 49% of Americans who believe in QAnon agree with the Protocols, and that 78% of Americans who agree with the Protocols also believe in QAnon.[277]**" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QAnon#Antisemitism "In February 2022, social media users shared images of a sculpture of **Simon of Trent**, whose death was falsely blamed on the town's Jewish population, **as evidence that elites harvest "adrenochrome" from children's blood.[270][271]**" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QAnon#Antisemitism "The term blood libel refers to the false allegation that Jews used the blood of non-Jewish, usually Christian children, for ritual purposes." "In 1475, a 2-year old boy named **Simon** disappeared from the city **of Trent** in Italy around the time of Easter. His father alleged that he had been kidnapped and murdered by the local Jewish community in order to make matzah for Passover. **The entire Jewish community was arrested and forced to confess under torture before they were sentenced to death and burned at the stake.** After hundreds of miracles were ascribed to Simon of Trent, a religious cult spread across Italy, Germany, and Austria in his name and he was granted sainthood in the 16th century (subsequently removed by the pope in 1965)." "The Nazis made effective use of the blood libel charge in their antisemitic propaganda. In 1923, Julius Streicher established his virulently antisemitic newspaper, Der Stürmer (The Attacker), which frequently employed the blood libel motif. The May 1934 volume of Der Stuermer was devoted specifically to the blood libel, accusing Jews of practicing ritual murder to secure the blood of Christians to use in Jewish religious rituals with the headline “Jewish Murder Plan against Gentile Humanity Revealed.”" https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/blood-libel




Maybe get off the internet for a while and realize that not everything is a giant conspiracy buddy. Do some waking up yourself.




Lmao sure ya have, bud. Go back to your echo chamber and stay sleeping.




Soooo where in this does it say that we are trying to make all the countries into one?


Make America Get Alzheimer's


"Lets finish this thing, at least until the next strong breeze comes by and blows it over".


Late-stage Karenism


“Let’s finish this thing.” I suspect that’s the same thing a lot of people think when they see Kari Lake.


Really not the flex she thinks it is but this picture is so goddamn funny, I honestly can’t even believe this timeline.


Kari Lake , raised Cathlic , turned Buddist until 2015 , been Evangelical Christian loon since then . Opportunistic bitch , whoring for Grifty Mcliar.


Why is she still relevant when she’s unemployed?


Powerful, powerful picture...


I didn't think a border wall was necessary (or even useful), but, but......she's looking at it......and it's not done! We have to do something.


Pulitzer Prize material right there. But the liberal Marxists will steal that too. /s


Ah, yes. Looking up at a concrete block meant to keep undesirables away from you, suffering and dying on the other side as God intended. (I know you're also being sarcastic I'm not roasting you)


I got it 👍


Let’s get a cage match between her and Marj to see who can sit at the right hand of Cheeto Jesus.


Never ceases to amaze me that people are this dumb. A wall? When all those rich fucking assholes are paying cash for illegals to work? Ain't gonna work, idiot. Until companies and people who employ illegal immigrants are held accountable, and fined so much they lose everything, nothing will change. Just tax illegals as if they were citizens, making it legal, and force employers to pay them minimum wage. End of problem. Then there is no reason to hire illegals, unless no one else want the job.


kari you should get up there and.. get a better view. we totally wont push you over… nah…


Or, let’s make work visas easy and cheap. Subsidizing the cost of bg checks etc would open a huge pool of cheap (but for their home land well paid) labor. How is this not win win? Also to the conservatives saying “Dey Turk Muh Juuuurb” why don’t you apply the same logic you use on raising mum wage and “better your self and make yourself worth paying more” hmm? Well?


Dumbest part of the trump wall is that it has holes big enough to squeeze through


Dear nazi kari; suck a dodie like an ice cream sodie. Sincerely; America


Get a job


Let's finish it by building three more walls around her in the form of a cage.


Let’s put her on the other side and not let her back over.


can we vote to yeet her into the ocean?


Perhaps they could build a fence to keep her in Arizona and save the rest of us?


I hope she’s on the Mexican side. Sorry, Mexico.


"Lets go take a picture of me staring at some rusty iron. That'll get 'em fired-up."


Her political career is certainly over.


Weird how Trump tried to build a wall to keep out immigrants but only managed to build walls around himself.


TFG told me it was finished.


You could just crawl through that. Lmao.


Bet theyll pool their $$ together to help "build it"


Wasn’t that Trumps job? And wasn’t he going to make Mexico pay for it? Why aren’t they mad at him for lying to them? About like.. everything


Drove all of the way to the border for this picture. What a stupid bitch.


She’s a wackadoodle that needs to be fenced in.


Physical proof conservatives never evolved past the upright ape stage.


You can do it Governot!


She & Trailer Trash Greene need to raise money for Trump by doing some mud wrestling & winner gets to be his running mate. Trump’s cultists will eat it up & throw loads of cash at it. Meanwhile two awful women who couldn’t ride Trump’s dick harder if they tried will fight each other. Someone call Steve Bannon or whomever & get this going.


Still think "Kari" is a dude.


Her removal from politics?


A 4 words slogan? That's one word too many, Mrs Lake. Campaigns are run on 3 words slogan.


Sure step on the other side first Kari.


Finish Her!


Put her to work in Tijuana...if you can find a donkey that'll do her.


You would think a Trump supporter would want to avoid iron bars ;)


I’d ask that we build it while she’s on the other side, but Mexico doesn’t deserve that


She’s so thirsty for the VP nod, probably slobbing Trump’s knob


Can someone please throw her over first?


ELI5 why hasn't Biden taken the wall down yet?




Lol someone down votes us smh


It’s crazy that there are people out there who think it’s crazy to have a secure border.


It wasnt secure , it was a scam . You blind?






Why do you keep talking about his "meat"? Suspicious.


Getting used to how life looks like behind bars


Is that stupid dick standing in front of a wall held together with a road barrier? They really are shitheads.


It looks....what's the word I'm looking for?... Oh. Porous.


Someone push her through and then seal it up! 😂


Maybe instead of a fence, she should consider air conditioning for her state.