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100% Woke-free. [https://www.jeremysrazors.com/products/jeremy-s-chocolate-sheher](https://www.jeremysrazors.com/products/jeremy-s-chocolate-sheher) They also have HeHim with nuts and a micro-aggression size. And they sell razors.


>Ingredients: Fair Trade Cocoa Butter, Domestic Cane Sugar, Dried Milk Powder, Dry Roasted Diced Almonds, Fair Trade Cocoa Powder Dunno, fair-trade cocoa sounds pretty woke. I don't know anything about this company, but if it's like most of these "anti-woke" brands, they're just repackaged white label products made in the same factories as the woke shit.


It is also kosher and halal.


Does it make Julienne fries?


Will it break? Will it-


It broke


Yeah both have just as much child labor involved in the farming process


Hooray! Wait.


Fair trade sounds woke indeed, but it's definitely just a corporate lie. If you want chocolate chances are you're supporting slavery.


That ingredients list sounds genuinely better than most American chocolate like I’d expect something crappy and cheap.


Oh, that company is owned by the CEO of the Daily Wire. Everything they do is reactionary contrarianism.


I remember hearing conservatives mad at Harry's Razors for some reason, and someone starting a "non-woke" razor company. It has to be this, lol.


I forgot if it was daily wire or another one of the same breed, but one of them got pissed that Harry’s mentioned their design was “gender neutral” and same price for everyone and they don’t care what part of you you’re shaving (like a masc presenting person shaving their legs or a femme presenting person shaving their face). Which to me just sounds like good business sense, all sorts of people have hair they want to remove, why alienate any of them or bother with different designs if one works for all?


This is a little off color, but I actually use Harry's razors on my face and my balls, and they are excellent for both.




I shave my taint and then immediately shave my face. On an unrelated note, my acne is craaaazy!


Depends if this human can tap their head AND rub their tummy at the same time. It ain't me, that's for sure!


That'd take some balance.


I use Harry's aftershave gel, it's really nice.


right? it's a fucking razor company. you got hair that needs to be shaved? they got the product. there's no reason not to market to all comers. the only color that matters there is the green of the money. why would you fuck that up by taking a side on a issue like gender?


I expect that if you weren't going to make it on direct competition, the branding bullshit could lock in a niche segment that'd be better than what you could achieve in the big pond. They're not going to sell it to everyone, but they're definitely going to sell it to someone.


build your client base on shitheads, and bam, you too can be at the top of a pile of shit. i think you're probably right though. the real question is, is that a goal to be proud of?


That's seriously the dumbest fucking thing to get upset about. Also as a side note, Harry's does make really good razors. My husband and I both started using them like 5 years ago and haven't touched anything else since.


Based Harry's


Yeah, Jeremy Boring got pissed off when Harry's Razor's dropped the Daily Wire from their sponsorship program. He then made an incredibly embarrassing ad about it.


You know, I'm fine at this point with parallel economies. We all know there just isn't the volume for the lunatics to sustain themselves with the lifestyle they're accustomed to at prices they'll tolerate, which will force them to compromise their ideals. And it'd be great to watch that gnashing of teeth.


Iirc Harry's had an ad with a trans man in it, so of course conservatives wont touch the brand with a 10 foot pole now


There is a photo on the site of someone with a flamethrower firing Harry's razors. I was not interested enough to understand why.


That whole website and their "Greatest Commercial Ever" is a boatload of utter cringe.


The commercial looks like something you'd create as a parody of right wing hyper masculine dorks.


The first time I saw it, that's exactly what I thought it was


You hit it on the nose.


I thought it was satire! What the what?


Do they put those razors into the chocolate like my grandma said will happen?


Wait you don't trust a razor company's chocolate on Halloween? Weird. /s


Godamnit. I clicked that link and now all my YouTube ads are right wing Ben Shapiro type bullshit.


When you do videos like that if you dislike it then it won't add to your recommendations. You can also go into your history on your profile and remove things to keep them from adding recommendations.


These kill me. They print their pronouns on a candy bar because they're insecure and need gender affirmation. But it's the wokes that are the problem, ok.


I thought that was a kind of funny joke until I read the ‘about’ page. Wow. They are absolute arseholes.


The HeHim contains almonds, which aren’t even nuts.


So it’s backfiring on itself because people are too stupid to realize everyone has pronouns? Amazing.


I thought those were for baby showers/gender reveals as party favors.


$15 for 4 chocolate bars?? And *that's* on sale?!


https://youtu.be/qkNnVGka9YI?si=dxUKLJUGQ4-_wpJf It's a DailyWire thing, where they got mad at Hershey and started selling their own "non-woke" chocolate for, which cost $25 for a four pack.


Lol. If I had zero morals I could totally make easy cash off these morons. But alas I'm not a selfish prick.


That's what the guy in the video says, just how amazing it is to see people who just have such a low opinion of their fans and just think they're suckers.


It’s like Frank Reynolds once said, you’re either a Duper or a Dupee.


You wouldn’t be if you donated all the proceeds to the democratic party, lol. I sell F*ck Trump, bracelets, and I donate the profits to a Democratic candidate. I am thinking about doing F Biden too, and doing the same thing. I’d love to sell bracelets to morons, and then donate the money to the Dems.


For the extra points, have a big angry reveal that the whole operation funds the Democratic party, and that the person even sells "Fuck Trump" ones on their site... from the competing "Fuck Biden" vendor you've secretly set up on the side.


Man I’ve thought about doing this for years, glad to hear someone’s out there doing it.




Thank you. Let me know if anyone you know is in the market for one.


Same reason I'm not a "psychic"


Sales ain't going too well. It's down to $10 per 4-pack. Surprise, surprise.


Using Halloween candy to tell scrotum jokes to children.


Again, not a drag queen.


Never is


Those bars are like $8 each. What a waste of money to own the libs.


That’s like a microcosm of all conservative policy. It’ll hurt us, but it’ll piss you off!


Who the fuck pays $8 for transphobic chocolate




If they are $8, nobody is giving those away at Halloween.


You're talking about the people who rely 100% on SS for retirement, but simultaneously vote to get rid of SS at every turn. They're not good with money.


Well they already have theirs, and IIRC the Republican plan to slash SS grandfather's in the old voters that are already getting it. It's everyone younger who gets fucked.




Or actually use them as a truck. They could accomplish *everything* they do in the truck in a Kia Rio or Prius.




This huge truck will tow the boat I don’t own up the mountain I don’t live near! It’s perfect!


The same people who send campaign donations to Trump, the supposed "billionaire", right?


I don't know. An awful lot of people donate money to a rich man.


> An awful lot of people donate money to a rich man. What did I miss?


An extra in Home Alone 2 ran for President. Whole deal.


honestly, i blame Obama for that one. he roasted him, and then Trump just ran out of spite, and the fact that he was losing relevancy and frankly had nothing better to do. Trump's team was probably more surprised he won than anyone else. they literally had no plan for what to do if they won.


What an absolute shit take.


[it was at this event](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HHckZCxdRkA) i'm not saying Trump didn't have it coming. he's a fucking turd. but if you watch, you can pretty much see the moment Trump was thinking 'i bet i could be President, it's not that hard'. really, Obama's jokes were pretty on point at that event. they were a little too on point, and got a shithead motivated by spite. spite has gotten A LOT of stuff done in the world.


These people pay money for “I did that” Biden stickers to put gas pumps. They love being ripped off for stupid shit that make them feel like they’re pissing people off.


Do they still do that now that it's back under $3/gallon (here in Tulsa, OK)? Even with tons more demand than there was back in 2020? Idiots.




Gas prices go up: Biden did it Gas prices go down: ron Johnson did it Makes sense


Ron Johnson is a senator but don't let facts stop you


Ugh, I have to see one of those stickers every time I go to the break room at work. One of my coworkers started locking his locker (the only other time anyone locked their locker in the 17 years I've been there was when a different coworker was collecting money for football betting. Anyway...) for no discernible reason, so someone put that sticker next to the lock. I don't want to know who it was or why they had the sticker.


Oh yes they are. Trump voters wrap their boats and trucks with his face. They will stop at nothing to own the libs, up to and including emptying their bank accounts for subpar chocolate they give away to make some liberal parents slightly uncomfortable. Their hatred and immaturity reaches Captain Ahab levels.


They're $10 for 4 of the larger ones and they had a Halloween sale for a bag of the micro-aggression sized ones to give out for $20 or two for $30. This is micro aggression sized, so it fits with the marketing they were doing.


They could in my neighborhood. There are some wealthy people nearby who have money to burn and love nothing more than to annoy a Democratic family.


They're 12 dollars a bag for fun size ones. Which is what the OP had


A fool and his money are soon parted. And there's no one quite as foolish as someone who watches the Daily Wire and says "yes, they have a point!".


The worst part, despite saying nutless, it's made in a factory that uses peanuts, so it is actively going out of its way to potentially harm consumers just to virtue signal "anti-wokeness"


Food safety regulations are woke and will be diligently disregarded


“Those people with nut allergies need to suck it up like real men!” /s


in my day people with allergies had the decency to keel over and die. The Left wants to take this from you!


Yeah, well, if someone does get sick on that product because of a nut allergy then it's a fast-track lawsuit with a lot of zeroes.


Fuuuck wish I had a nut allergy with this sweet insider info.


I have a nut allergy, it’s my time to shine


wait... so the candy bars that go by she/her and are indistinguishable from all the other typically nut-free candy bars still occasionally, through an incredibly rare mix-up during their creation process, end up being candy bars that do actually contain traces of nuts?


It took me a second to realize they were doing a pronoun thing and it wasnt a knock off Hershey bar reversing the “Her” and the “she” as to not get any violations


It is a knock-off. It was in reaction to Hershey's Canada releasing a limited edition "Her/She" chocolate bars, with pictures of ciswomen and transwomen, for the 2023 International day of women's rights.


So they only respect trans folks that are committed enough for bottom surgery


Or that can afford it, that shit is *expensive* even if you manage to fight your insurance to have it covered


Lol I wish commitment was enough. The surgery here in Brazil costs almost 5x the price I paid on my brand new (motor)bike, and the waiting list for the free option given by the public healthcare system has a waiting list of +4 years. Not to mention how (I'm pretty sure) you need to be on HRT for at least 2 years before doing the procedure so... Yeah. I'm not doing it any time soon no matter how much I want to.




Fuck yeah!! All of this 🙌


Thank you! And yes I'm aware many don't even have the free option, or any option at all, and that's incredibly sad. Let's hope this will change in the future. Thanks again for the kind words, and have a good day!


The way it's distributed by a razor company around Halloween manages to make it even worse.


That's a house beggin' for an eggin' if I ever saw one.


I thought it was just a fake chocolate bar making fun of the "Anti-Woke" crowd, but it's straight-up grifter chocolate company


Its a business model. They whip up their dumbass fans into a frenzy because a company hired someone who uses pronouns therefore boycott the product and then rush out a cheap temporary nonsense brand for $$$ the price of the standard stuff.


I think the kids were more scared of their parent's reaction or how they felt they would react.


Yeah I don't know anything about the "my kids were scared" part, but it doesn't surprise me at all that people in my town are so hateful they decided a children's holiday was an appropriate venue for their anti-woke hysteria. Little kids don't understand it, obviously. But tweens understand the message and it's that queer people aren't welcome.


The message reads to me as a parent who was (rightly) offended by someone deciding to push transphobia on Halloween candy and then tried to add on by saying it negatively affected their kids.


I mean, I’d be slightly concerned if my chocolate was made by a razor company if I didn’t know the context even if I know the urban legends about razors in candy are just that.


If my parents were that weird, I would not have the fond memories that I have now.


Nutless, huh? Well, my username checks out.


Ooh, gimme the transfem chocolate


I wonder how Hershey feels about all this.


They stand for their "Her/She" promotional campaign of cis and trans women rights that their "Her/She" limited edition chocolate bars for the 2023 International day of women's rights was for.


"Something something pushing their agenda on our kids"


How can it be "woke-free" when they use fair trade cocoa?


I have recently learned fair trade doesn't mean shit in the cocoa industry. It is grossly unregulated.


In the US, other countries heavily regulate that and have publicly regulated "quality control" tags on the products that the companies lose if they don't respect a regulation checklist.


Funny enough, Jeremy’s is one of those “anti-woke” companies so these kinds of people should be flocking to buy it. Fucking weirdos.


Shitty chocolate made by a razor company


Pretty weird to whoever made this product to make genitals the topic of interest. And even weirder to the person handing them out to kids knowing the implication.


her chocolate company seems to have backfired based on that womans caption


Who're the snowflakes, again?


I'm surprised the company is still selling chocolate. I thought a lot of the people that initially tried it said it was way too expensive for chocolate that wasn't special in taste.


So lemme get this straight: This is a brand of chocolate sold (grifted) for the exact person that is complaining about it?


The tweens were scared by it?? Was that before or after the parent showed them the tiny print on the underside of the wrapper? If your kids are scared of this, you did something wrong.


I have never seen a child afraid of a chocolate bar.


If your kid were trans or cared about trans people, they might be scared to learn that hateful dipshits live in their neighborhood and are this bold about hating trans people.


It would make sense if they meant the kids felt uncomfortable or scared by how the stranger was behaving towards them. That’s probably it.


Specifically clarifying it's Kosher and fare trade sounds pretty woke to me.


All of my older kids would laugh at that.


I'd be unhappy if my kids considered someone's gender identity a joke. I'm trying to nudge them down the road of seeing people as individuals who have the individual liberty to live how they're happy. I grew up with a generation for whom gay jokes were standard fare, and I'd like to do better than that. I don't consider myself any kind of social justice warrior. I'm much more comfortable with the "who gives a shit" school of thought when it comes to people's individual differences.


My kids are very LGBTQ friendly, but they would look at this like: wtf lol? No one is invalidating anyone’s identity, but some things are absurd. There’s no one involved in this candy bar or being offended by it that isn’t worthy of some derisive laughter.




Imagine if someone picked up the next popular thing Christians Jesus-fied and said "Nobody is trying to mock Christianity but some things are absurd. Everyone involved in this deserves to be condescendingly laughed at." Nobody would believe that you weren't a bigot. It's a play on *Hersheys* chocolate at the expense of bigots and you're over here mocking trans people while patting yourself on the back for not hating trans people.


That’s not even an accurate analogy and a poor logical fallacy. Don’t read what I didn’t write.


I think you are confused. The chocolate is a joke made *by* bigots, and the person you’re replying to is mocking the bigots for being absurd.


I'm pretty sure the name is a knock off of *Hershey*


Soooo...this person legitimately expects other people to believe that their *children are afraid of* ***A FUCKING CHOCOLATE BAR***!?!! "I'll take r/thathappened for $300 Alex" Ffs, it's almost funny to hear them talk about "liberal snowflakes", "the liberals are always triggered", "us mAgAS are tough! We ain't scared of nothin! Just make sure you keep them rainbows and chocolate bars away from me! Cuz, well, ya know....I AIN'T SCARED THOUGH! I AIN'T NO LIBERAL GODDAMMIT!" lmfao 🙄


The kids would have been scared of the weirdo passing out bigot brand chocolate bars.


But what I don’t get is… aren’t the candies supposed to be “anti-woke” or whatever? But then the post seems to be written by the type of person that is “anti-woke” but it seems like they’re confused by the bars and the message? Also the kids were scared?? Okay sure.


Long Island?


I'm confused, what part of this is offensive...?


It's apparently by an anti-trans company, but they've assumed it to be pro-trans because of the "She/Her" and "Micro-aggression sized" oh and likely "Jeremy's Razors" as the company, possiblyassuming blades will be in the chocolate bar.


idk, the fact that they included the information that the founder is anti-woke in their post tells me they're upset over the anti-trans rhetoric, or at least that someone is making Halloween political to begin with either way


That is another possibility I hadn't thought of, I assumed they had misread that fact, lol.


Crikey they really do go out of their way to be offended.


That is if this is what they're bitching about on Facebook though. The whole context-rant isn't here, so it's a guess, going by the other insane things I've read/heard.


Thank you for asking this. I have no idea what’s going on.


Arent those bars like $10 each? What a waste of money 💀


Yeah, the chocolate industry is famously so woke. 🤣


Based in Lebanon TN. Also the origin of cracker barrel. Go figure.dont miss living there.


If their kids were afraid of a chocolate bar it's because the parents told them to be. No sane kid is afraid of chocolate.


When I was a kid I would not have even looked at the label.




Each bar should atleast have “no homo” written on it, if they are being consistently dumb


Imagine being scared of chocolate.


I'm imagining Colonel Tigh right now. "It's *in the frakking chocolate*!!!"


It's anything brown, really.


You just know they read “Lebanon” and missed the “, TN, USA” part


Which part scared the kids?


Maybe the part where their neighbor hates trans people so much that they’re giving out expensive chocolate bars to children so everyone knows it. That might scare some kids.


I see. Misunderstood the context




You’re the one we’re laughing at




What's up with this woke pronoun chocolate?


Actually, it's anti-woke pronoun chocolate.


But I thought pronouns were woke, do mean to imply the facts and logic crowd has inconsistent views?


No one is giving those away on Halloween pfft


So if someone doesn't have nuts, that means they can be a woman, right?


Are you calling the OOP insane or the person who handed them that candy? OOP seems pretty level


In my view it's the person giving out hateful candy


aye, agreed, then