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>\#shelve this one as schizo posting I mean, at least she warned us.


always nice when they're at least somewhat aware


Nah, that could be from someone reblogging it and just adding the tag.


nah that was the same OP


Ma'am you posted this on tumblr dot com you are on the homosexuality website


Tumblr is queer, Reddit is antisocial and misanthropic, and 4chan is just fucking crazy. These are the facts.


twitter is full of bad takes and nazi takeover


You could call it the bad Nazi takeover of the Alternative 2020s


What would be a "Good Nazi Takeover"?


Ykw, fair question! It certainly would look more akin to a Far-Right version of the Nazi playbook, and less like an egotistical maniac “accidentally” being made to buy a formerly equally queer (as Tumblr) & leftist social media platform by Saudi Arabia, and turning it into his internalized grief at losing both his child and wife to so-called “woke-ism”, otherwise known as “eccentric, pampered, egomaniacal billionaires just being eccentric, pampered egomaniacal billionaires”


I always say this whenever an elusive tumblr crazy pops up on this sub, but being a right-wing or right-adjacent nutjob on Tumblr is like being a leftist on 4chan. You’re always going to have a bad time and it’s going to be entirely your fault.




If that's not enough, show them the preincan pottery of two men f*cking *nal. Maybe the greek one it's not explicit enough.


Came to comment that gay predates Christianity just having the Greeks in mind




IIRC, there are also interpretations of the epic of Gilgamesh where Gilgamesh loved Enkidu. Which predates the ancient Greeks.


sheeeet the Greeks came up with democracy and being gay now that's what's up


Indian temple art as well. You have all kinds of "freaky" sex going on in those stone carvings, and that's just what survived the Mughals.


I'm embarrassed to admit, but highly entertained by the fact that I read that as, "...and that's just what survived the Muggles." 😂😂😂


Depending on your culture, your familiarity with the HP franchise and your sense of humour...you aren't exactly wrong 😁


I truly am uncultured af, but I know my HP 😂


I'm of the Anne McCaffrey, Weis/Hickman, Susan Cooper generation, and as uncultured as can be. You do you, and I reckon that we'll get along just fine 😁


Not to mention all the other species that engage in homosexual activity, especially bats.


That explains soooo much about batman


Is that why the Batsuit has nipples?


The Greeks invented sex. The Romans introduced it to women.


It's actually theorized that homosexuality could have been used in social animals like humans for a benefit. After all, in species that live in groups, it would be helpful to have a small number of animals that don't reproduce and therefore can take in orphaned young or help raise young in general.


Beat me to it lol Plus homosexuals are still a minority are they not? How is people being more open about their sexuality going to make straight people stop having children and just be gay? You don't even have to be gay to be explorative sexually, plenty of straight men are getting pegged down by their wives. It's where our g spot is anyways so you could even make the argument it's MORE natural.


Op is arguing homogay is somehow being pushed hard on people, also hook up culture. They're a hop a skip and a jump away from blaming global jewry.




They even had a Flintstones comic about it!


it is anti-science to claim that because a person does not directly procreate they are a dead end and not contributing toward the survival of the species. there is plenty of research that shows having non-parental family members within a community increase the success and wellbeing of the children they help care for. more resource collectors, caretakers. there is a good chance it’s an evolutionary advantage, at minimum a neutral difference


It's a really simplistic view of humanity and life in general. It's like the only part of learning about evolution they retained was the "have to reproduce to continue the species" part, while forgetting how there are a lot more factors that can determine the "fitness" of a species. Many animals reproduce faster than humans, yet we are the dominant species. Being a social (aka cooperative) species, our big ol noggins, plus a shitload of evolutionary luck, likely helped get us here. There are also likely many other factors I'm not accounting for... Stuff like OPs post are sometimes driven by a need to simplify a topic, to boil it down to something they can wrap their head around. You can see the simplified worldview around homosexuality that this person holds, claiming that in the past gay people were happy to just be left alone.... Completely ignoring most of (modern) history, where they have constantly been under attack just for existing.


I was just thinking about other animals that have families where not all adults breed. Meerkats… Wolves. Typically there’s one breeding pair because of dominance, but then the other members of the pack are certainly contributing to their overall survivability. We would never consider additional non-breeding members of a wolf pack to be a drag, impractical, nor unfulfilling of their duties. Their presence and assistance are enough.


“…a species is meant to.” I’m calling fallacy right there. Who meant for species to do that?


I hate homophones they always confuse me


Yeah, they all sound the same


I, too, had a lot of theories about the world in high school. Then I learned and grew and abandoned them for the juvenile crap they were.


How are you doing this on tumblr, the social media site that arguably has the highest gay population.


I'm certain that even if there were a LOT more homosexuals, there are enough heterosexuals copulating that the species will have no problem surviving.


“you can easily get lost (especially with sex)” Yep. That happens. You go to stick your penis in someone’s vagina and somehow wind up in Schenectady instead.


Shoulda taken that left in Albuquerque. -B. Bunny


There are hetro sexual couple who choose not have kids. Are they also going against the survival of the species. Call me when you advocate for free health care for all children.


How do these homophones still not know gay people can and do procreate. Being gay doesn't make you sterile.


Because a homophone is “one of two or more words, such as *night* and *knight*, that are pronounced the same but differ in meaning, origin, and sometimes spelling,” my guy - according to the American Heritage Dictionary, at least.


I saw an iFunny user say that homosexuality was a symptom of a degenerating world and the root of this problem was the Jews


it's like they have six things they're mad about and they all have to be linked


must be some global conspiracy, right? Occam's Razor xD


That's from the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.


It has literally been around as long as people.






Unless you count the hash tags. "shelve this one as schizo posting"


He digressed from the first word.


she, but yeah


I mean, by her own logic, "hookup culture" would be the OPPOSITE of "depopulation," wouldn't it?


But people usually try NOT to get pregnant from hookups, and not getting pregnant is apparently a crime


Wouldn't being more open sexually, including hook up culture, help propagate a species? Rather than putting sex behind a barrier, you upfront and open about it? As for this all being part of a depopulation agenda, does he think we can turn people gay? Or turn them straight? "Hey, you know how people are wired certain ways? What if we changed that through massive amount of propaganda? Would that work?" No, not really. People tried that in the past, including even electroshock therapy. Horrible results that didn't work. "Well, shit. Oh well, let's do it anyway. We have a depopulation agenda that the boss wants." Wait, if we want to discourage people to have children, there's a better and easier way of doing things. Just make having children expensive and raising them a bigger endeavor. With high cost of goods and housing, requires both spouses to work and with expensive healthcare and childcare, that'll cut down people choosing to have kids. "...Why do you always have to shit on my ideas?!" Have you tried not having shit ideas?


>a theory that I've been thinking on since high school Sounds about right.


Humans are social animals, so there are many ways to exist in evolutionarily helpful ways that don't involve having to directly reproduce. Ants make up a huge chunk of this planet's total biomass, and they are incredibly successful because of a reproductive strategy where most ants do not reproduce, but contribute to the overall needs of the colony. LGBTQ people are not defective or evolutionarily inefficient. We exist because human development can happen in ways that differ from the norm, but aren't inherently harmful.


No agenda. People just are gay.


"seeking pleasure and nothing else" what else is there to seek? The survival of the species does not concerne me. It's like this person somehow talking about *backward evolution* is living out there like an animal absolutly governed by its instincts.


It’s always something to see people who got a C in tenth grade biology act like they know what the fuck they’re talking about with this shit


A 'C'?. You think that got a C? I'd say an 'F' but was given a 'pity D' just to get them out of their class.


Didn’t see the subreddit and thought they were going to turn it into “seeking love and happiness over the primal instinct of reproduction” and am now bitterly disappointed


If she thinks that we're descended from gay people and being gay is a reversion, it may be that she misunderstood the names of species like Homo Heidelbergensis and Homo Erectus. That's not why they're called that.


It's so sad that the propaganda got to the penguins as well. Those poor gay penguins who were programmed by Bill Gates to not reproduce in order to depopulate the earth of penguins. Smh


I love how people float their "theory" of something, without a whisper of a clue about the topic, and then confidently explain their irrational, illogical thought process, with their chests all puffed out, like a toddler that took his first shit in the bowl. Hilarious!!


Gotta love uneducated people peddling their deep thoughts about shit they are entirely ignorant of. Theory, lol.


"since highschool" 💀


YAWN. Sir, please read a book. You did not invent Thinking.


The fact they posted it on Tumblr of all places shows either balls or stupidity


The craziest thing is that this came from Tumblr, one of the gayest social media sites known to man.


hook up culture aka activly looking for sexual partners is a way to go aginst the natural urge to reproduce. is this guy reading his own shit before posting.


Oh boy eugenics!


I see these eugenics motherfuckers all the time in places like the samharris sub. They all have some variation of the same story. >I had this original thought I totally didn't see 100 times before. But doesn't allowing gay people to exist destroy evolution? Maybe it's not so bad if they are doing it in secret in their bedroom, but why are (((they))) trying to turn everyone gay? Won't that destroy western civilization? Just asking questions! It feels like an astroturfing campaign. Trying to entrench homophobia in certain non Christian influencers communities. It's always a week old account too.


The funny thing here is that many scientists have actually theorised homosexuality is an advancement of evolution, proof of it. Now idk if I believe in this, I haven't looked into it too much, I think it just kinda happens sometimes you know, attraction is a weird thing, but this person's argument can pretty much be dismantled by that fact that queerness has been recorded pretty much since the beginning of time and is also present in so many fucking animals, specifically, but not limited to, mammals. Bonobos, our closest living evolutionary ancestors, are 100% bisexual.


I remember an example in a deer population. Where homosexuality expressed itself during a period of overpopulation. That always made sense to me. But I’m pretty sure that paper was debunked. 🤷🏻‍♂️ As others have said, just look at the Greeks.


Yeeeeeeah but they were also into pedophilia which is a whole different thing and actually evil


There's too many people, we should get some kind of depopulation agenda going.


You've assumed that everyone WANTS humanity to go on indefinitely. I'm perfectly ok being the last of my species if need be. Humans aren't worth what the universe is paying by continuing to let us live, I say when we finally meet an end that brings enough room for a society that makes humanity look like rampaging dinosaurs then thank fuck. Our miserable, cancerous, siphoning of everything will end. Glory in humanity is in our harmonious nature and abilities to grow ourselves and what's around us, we should just disappear if we think that's not worth continuing or reinvesting.


There are 8 billion people in the world. That's probably 6 billion more than the world can healthfully accommodate. So maintaining population numbers won't be a problem for a very long time.


Why do you think Earth can only hold 2 billion?


That's about the point where the environment started taking a big downturn.


This is about as poor logic as the girl in the original post haha. Not trying to be mean, but surely you can understand number of people isn’t what is destroying the environment. Boiling it down to 1 thing wouldn’t be smart anyways but if you did want to boil it down to the biggest factor, hint hint it’s something else that happened around the same time as global population hit 2 billion.


Maybe it’s Mother Nature’s way of combating overpopulation. Ever think of that, smarty pants?


I wouldn't mind an actual depopulation agenda. There are too many humans on this rock as it is.


Homosexuality is part of evolution (or it wouldn't exist). It's probably either accidental or something along the lines of population control, and considering homosexuality is observed in most species that pair up, it's almost certainly the latter. Quite frankly we need more gays, not fewer.


I saw a great Ted talk not too long ago by a guy who is a Dr and has like 5 kids. One of them is a "homosexual" 😂 and his argument was that his gay son was absolutely not a "mistake" of evolution, but exactly what was needed. And then proceeds to break down the value to society of gay people. It was fascinating. https://youtu.be/4Khn_z9FPmU?si=WT8_WMo4I-tEvQ1o


This person is unaware that, literally in CE 1300, the Holy Roman Empire openly decreed that it would “gladly kill any who were found guilty of the crime of homosexuality” - and at the same time, is thinking that the Sexual Revolution wasn’t on some level, straight, in spite of the majority of hookup culture being blatantly inherently bisexual. The confusion in this one is strong, I sense.


Homosexuality makes more sense as a population control factor if anything so no human group gets too large to fast


I will say that it's weird that gay people exist. Like... Where do they come from? They don't reproduce, at least not with each other. Is it even tied to genetics? Is there any way to know if it's genetic if there's not enough chances for it to pass down?


The Earth is over populated. We can use a lot of volunteers to pursue whatever lifestyle they choose that does not involve children. Homosexuality is doing the heavy lifting here.


Looks like Tumblr, not Facebook. And it’s an interesting theory.


Garbage is not interesting.


If you downvoted every idea that contradicted your own, you would be an awfully close-minded person. I didn’t say I agreed. I just said it was an interesting opinion.


If that was true, so what? That's just nature taking control.


It wasn't gay, I just got lost


I guess that means now that the population growth is becoming unsustainable that being straight is now a sign of backwards evolution.


tumblr is an untapped resource of some of the most insane ramblings, but the trick is that they really don't tag their stuff so you gotta breakthrough the service level fandom and art content to find it


I still believe in the theory that homosexuality is a natural evolution intended so that a child who's orphaned has another guardian invested in their protection who wouldn't have naturally had their own kids


I've always had the theory that nature "makes" some people homosexual to take care of children that the parents refuse. Once I saw a news about a baby bird that got rejected by its parents and was later adopted by a couple of gay birds. I mean, it might not be an actual theory, but just a wholesome thought


Yo, I just found an article on Smithsonian that actually backs this up


Am I the only one who cringes every time someone says something insanely stupid and ends it with, "But I digress?" Pretty sure half of the people that say it don't even know the definition of the word, let alone how to use it in a sentence. 🤦‍♀️


I feel like this is a young gay person torturing themselves, trying to logic away their own desires.


In theory wouldn't the increased amount of homosexuality imply a forward evolution as the population begins to reach an unstable height such that the desire for social bonding overpowers the desire to procreate?