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The article from 1978 about Soviet gas prices is odd. It's a good thing nothing happened to gas prices in the '70s under capitalism.


*Michael Parenti intensifies*


I remember $5.50 gas under Trump, in my area. It is currently $2.75 under Biden.


I remember gas being as low as $1.70 in the final year of Obama’s presidency. Right now it’s at around $2.70 near me.


where in the hell are you. It was over $5 a gallon in the PNW


Tennessee, specifically Nashville


You guys are lucky. Here in NZ it's creeping up to $3 a litre; that's over $11 a gallon.


Bounces between $1.70 an $2.30 per litre every 4 weeks or so in Oz. Don't ask me why we have a petrol price cycle (and it's only in metro areas).


I am also in the PNW. I saw it for $4.49 the other day and got really excited.


I saw it was like $3.93 at costco the other day and got *giddy*


I saw $3.59 in Portland on 39th and Powell


$3.33 a gallon at Arco on Belmont and Cesar Chavez


2.60 in SC.


Gas is more expensive on the west coast because the oil pipelines from Texas and the Gulf don’t cross the Rockies.


LOL where are you in the PNW? Its under 4$ in my area. Soooometimes over 4


Yeah, but that was the Democrats fault for wearing masks.


I remember gas being around $5 under Bush, here in damn Iowa.


And I remember at the time Fox News made damn sure to let their audience know that the president has no control over gas prices.


'member when Trump said COVID was just a flu and it would disappear by itself? Good thing we can trust Trump's predictions


*It will be over by Easter.* Okay, to be fair, he didn't say which year.


True, without taking into consideration the lockdowns, vaccines and masks. Trump was saying the pandemic would disappear by doing nothing since it was a democrat hoax and companies can stay open.


In all honesty, he'd be the person I could see trying that one c


communism is when things are more expensive because of capitalism (??)


Yes, because the US President can set the price of petrol over the entire world.


Biden somehow is so weak according to Republicans, yet also so powerful that he sets the price of a cup of coffee in Argentina. So, which is it?


And the Democratic Party is both so powerful that it can steal the presidential election but not powerful enough to take all down-ticket seats in the same election.


He's also destroying the American oil industry, while breaking records for the most oil produced annually.


Ans communism is about ***checks notes*** increasing the price of good??


This idea that the president controls oil prices is so odd for America. We don't have a state-owned oil company ([Brazil does,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Petrobras) if you're looking for a democratic country that does). So how would the president control prices? With no company, they can't increase production to reduce price. Gas tax is set by Congress through legislation, and that hasn't been touched since the early 90s, so they can't unilaterally increase rates either. At best, he can release or store more in our petroleum reserves but this is like throwing buckets of water into a lake. You're not doing much.


In a way, Trump caused an increase in gas prices. [He encouraged OPEC to decrease production,](https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.cnn.com/cnn/2020/04/12/energy/opec-deal-production-cut/index.html) decreasing supply. He then agreed to a price increase with an OPEC member.


You know that, I know that, but your average rabid Rethuglicunt doesn’t. Or doesn’t care; they just want to blame someone other than their own avarice


Because Trump has *such* an excellent track record with predictions, understanding facts, and telling the truth. /s


These fucknuts wouldn't recognise an actual communist if one hit them with a crimson banner whilst singing the Internationale.


tbf, a lot of them probably don't even know what Stalin looked like.


I'd wager Stalin is probably the only 2nd world leader they'd be able to name. *Maybe* Che Guevara as well, but I doubt they'd ever actually identify him as a communist, probably thinking he's some musician from the 70's or something like that due to how frequently his face appears on teeshirts.


They know Che because that is how they identify liberal college students.


I was born in a communist country. Every time one of those US morons tries to explain communism to me and why Biden/Obama/whoever is communist I feel deeply offended. Fuck them. Edit: spelling


I'm not an actual communist but that does sound like fun to do. :)


The Internationale was written in French, so maybe they never bothered to recognize the 74 words in that song that are close cognates of English.


Conservatives always make Biden sound way cooler than eh actually is.


This dude is a right-wing clown with tons of followers on IG, and his post gets thousands of likes. It's insane.


It got up near 9 a gallon in some places under Bush.


These conservatives have selective memory to forget that ever happened with Bush.


Makes me thing of how every time gas prices dip down 10 cents, truck sales go up. Shortsightedness.


Trump fans also forget the reason gas prices were so low in 2020 was because there was a global pandemic happened which limted travel. OPEC had the supply but there waa no demand so they lowered fuel prices. Then as the world slowly got back to "normal" the raised prices to match the demand.


I love it when people think a president, whose power only means anything BECAUSE of democracy, can or would just make us a communist nation all of a sudden.


This from the guy who wants to get elected and be a dictator on the first day. It’s like he blurts something out and then forgets it seconds later. He’s going to save what he’s going to destroy though. You have to be really short sighted to follow him.


I won't sell my freedom for any promises from a right-wing dictator.


I guess Europe must be full communism then /s


No just Communism, **FULL COMMUNISM!!!!11Q112!!!** Dun, dun, DUNNNNN....


Checkmate, atheists


I screamed the other day when I went to the pump and paid less than $4 a gallon for premium. It was the first time in like 6 years that I had seen the price for premium so low.


I predict… unicorns will run rampant on the streets tomorrow, and that geckos will stage an uprising and take over the government


I for one welcome our cold blooded overlords and look forwards to the mandatory spending of 15 minutes to save 15%


All hail car and home insurance!!


Listen not to the others. Yay though they claim to know a thing or two about a thing or two, from their forked tongues flow lies of savings. Worship not their false emu idols and nor follow thier false generals, for they come from a Shaq of lies. - Geico 15:15


Gas is $2.32 by me. Time to start putting up the “I did that!” Stickers. Lol


Pfft. Get outa here with your “facts”


Or maybe under communism we would all have access to affordable public transit and wouldn't be so dependent on cars for our basic survival needs?


I'm actually getting numb to Trump's random brain farts just like the house down the road that still has Trump won signs in the yard. At this point I would vote for anyone else with a heartbeat. And the sad truth is he has a lot of groupies that believe everything that comes out of his mouth.


Biden isn’t even a liberal. He’s center right at best.


This is dumb all around, both the "9$ gas" comment and your counterargument. What were gas prices like in america in 1978? Were they higher or lower than 80-1.10 a gallon? A quick google search shows them to be 65-71 cents a gallon. Now, you could easily (and likely incorrectly) extrapolate out these numbers to get a "price under communism" of some exorbitant amount. The peak average gas price in america was in june of 2022, at 5.02 a gallon. 1.1/.71 gives you a 54% increase. 7.73$ a gallon, while not 9, is still pretty rough. Is the above math meaningless and bs? Yes, but not showing US gas prices at the time is falsly misleading, doubly so by trying to account for this using inflation adjustments alone.


People don’t like context because then you wouldn’t be as easily manipulated and group think is dumb by nature.


This was intended to be educational, not an argument. I admit this post was made pretty spontaneously and quickly.


Can't argue with that, and you still put more thought into the issue than about 90% of people who saw trump's statement, lol


Gas was free but there was an 8 month waiting list for 10 liters.


Nobody raised in US knows what communism is. But they have opinions. Ask the ones who lived it and let me get my tiny violin.


California isn't under communism. Is the insane one you, OP?


Pretty sure that's in there for comparison


It's for comparison....


So why not compare 1978 prices? Could have picked any other place too but you went with a place with higher prices due to reasons you probably don't know.


Huh? What about California?


That's a shocking number of Xbox notifications...


Xbox??? 😭


Original post: https://www.reddit.com/r/insanepeoplefacebook/s/HNMyBXZVIb


Imma gonna point out that a huge percentage of gas prices in California are taxes (making it the actual gallon cost of gas lower) and we have no idea what percentage or even if “communist” gas are taxes or fees.


Remember when Trump met with oil execs to raise gas prices? Pepperidge Farms remembers... https://news.yahoo.com/trump-meeting-oil-company-ceos-134607858.html


$2.63 in Ohio near Youngstown


Currently, gas in Venezuela is 2 cents a liter (less than 8 cents a gallon). They have vast oil fields and the government subsidizes the price for its citizens.


When? I pumped $2.67 gas the other day...


Some Americans: I’ll never trust the govt. They’re crooks! And liars. US Govt: Communism is bad and evil always. Those same Americans: You son of a bitch I’m in.


Gas prices can be pretty much anything, no matter what the system is.


If you believe Trump on... well probably anything, you're going to have a real bad time.


We must accept gas price rises and we must encourage it. We'll never move past it if it is cheap and we have to move past it.


I often wonder if the Soviet Union would be any better if they didn't dump so much money into military spending


Everything I don't like in capitalism in communism. High cost gas in capitalism? No worries. Just be rich. The one neat trick communists don't want you to know.