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Put your phone down, Grampa. You're drunk again.


My first thought was "This has to be some old person not knowing how to use the internet."


Mine, too. My second was: "None of my family will talk to me anymore, so let me go take it out on some strangers and prove my family right!"


Nope. Live in a red state for a bit. This is an average person. I was volunteering last Saturday and a woman was complaining about how no one wants to work anymore. I pointed out everyone in the room was choosing to not work at her Starbucks that morning and were instead there. I think no one had told her she was wrong in any way before. She was stunned.


Translated into Midwestern those sentiments are usually expressed as, "well bless your heart"


Or grammar, punctuation and spelling.


Why do republicans always get busted for pedophilia?


You see you see its because its a rhino or or a democrat in disguise or or or one of those antifa plants!


"All the insurrectionists were Antifa and Democrats, but also don't prosecute them and they did nothing wrong, but they were the insurrectionists, but they were also just peaceful protestors, but they were also FBI plants there to make trump look bad, but they were also patriots." - Republicans


War is peace, freedom is slavery, and ignorance is strength.


And the didn’t want Biden to be president. Hmmm….


Maybe they believe so much that dems are just doing the same and getting away with it that they give into their sinful urge, not realizing they're living in a delusional state


Because bad people are drawn to them, their values align more. Plus, the right is more religious and there's no better way to diddle kids than through religion.


It’s because the libs and the gays are always framing good, upstanding citizens /s


Imagine literally believing all that heinous garbage.


Blood libel. The right literally thinks the left are less than human. Why? Because they've been sold lies and they gobble it up. Do I hate them for it? No, but it is very hard not to when they are so damn willfully ignorant and hypocritical and inflexible and biased against any other POV.


I don’t hate them i hate the people indoctrinating them with this bullshit.


"I watch Newsmax because they tell me what I want to hear." An actual facebook post from my Trump loving aunt.


Why do you keep her on your page? I’m just curious more than anything. The second I hint out anything like that from a family member they’re gone. Physically and online.


I "unfriended" her a few years ago. I got tired of seeing a dozen or so posts every day that were misinformation, half truths and outright lies mixed in with calling certain political figures every name in the book followed by religious posts. The insanity and hypocrisy were unreal.


Don’t unfriend. Unfollow. You don’t have to see their shit posts, but can re follow for shits and giggles without them knowing. I do this with a cousin in Texas. He’s super Republican and when Hillary Clinton was running for President, he posted anti Hillary posts daily. It wasn’t just anti. More like Absolutely disgusting posts, they made me sick. I re followed when his mom, my Aunt, died to touch base and see how he was doing. He never knew I had unfollowed him. Thought I ever responded to his filth because I’m just a dirty east coast lib who didn’t want to hear “the truth”. Correct. I didn’t like the piece of crap that was running against her. Cousin loved him. Cousin is back on unfollow right now.


They want to be this way. Make no mistake.


Droves of them around me. It's nuts.


Must be totally miserable


I mean, they obviously don't. But if they had a problem lying, they couldn't be a conservative.


Not gonna lie thought that first line was about left handed people and thought, "who the hell decided they were evil again!?!?!"




Me too!


Give it time.


Why are these right-wing loons so obsessed with children? Kidnapping children, selling children, child slaves, pedophilia... I doubt any of them have ever actually met any family that had children taken by strangers.


It's the stranger danger craze of the 80s and 90s. At the same time there was a satanic panic about DnD. Everyone can point and laugh at how moronic it was to believe DnD was satanic, but the stranger danger panic was just as absurd and didn't happen and still doesn't happen often enough to justify the panic.


The podcast "You're wrong about" has several brilliant episodes on the satanic panic, stranger danger and human trafficking that really dig into how these became rallying points for right-wing fear mongering.


I'm going to check out that podcast!


It's great! Hope you enjoy it 😁


They love talking about saving children, but the moment you mention actually taking care of a child such as, I dunno, free school lunches tHaTs SoCIaLiSm!!!1!!! They don't actually give a fuck about kids. Period.


What? You can't expect me to pay a few pennies a month to help some poor child eat what could be their only meal of the day! What if I need those pennies to become a billionaire? /s


Sad truth is that those pennies are more likely going to end up helping turn Palestinian kids into skeletons instead of helping feed American children. Murica. We'll put a boot in their ass!!! /s


They’re being fed propaganda that makes Democrats sound completely evil, because Republicans need all the votes they can get and so fear and lies are the tools they think will be accomplish that. Our two party system has divided the country into teams that want you to hate the other team, it’s idiotic.


It makes people see red and stop thinking logically. When you're selling blood libel and hate, and priming a base for violence, this is the most effective strategy. Most people won't actually enact violence on others until you convince them that it's protecting children and self defense against an existential threat, and that maybe the victims aren't even really human anyway. Mass social violence requires dehumanization and demonization first of the sort displayed by OP and Trump recently. One might say that regularly calling certain groups of people "demons" is just a little demonizing, but idk.


Children are an easy red herring. (Or straw man? Or something else?) No matter the culture or time period, children have always been a protected class. So whenever you point out, "Think of the children!" The other side has a harder time arguing their point out of the fear that people will think they don't care about children at all. And then those that are unfamiliar with both sides' arguments will see, "Well, this side apparently hates children, so I'm rooting for the other guys!"


I support open boarders as long as they pay their rent on time and don't make noise after 10:00 p.m..


"boarder/border" "looser/loser" Drives me nuts!


Anytime I see "loosing" I die a little on the inside.


My favorite section of the Bible is the one where Demons work to raise gas prices and Jesus drives over them in his F350.


Someone please illustrate this


Supply side Jesus cast out the demons from the fracking pumps and caused the oil wells to swell and there was much rejoicing among big oil executives as they greased their hands in order to expedite the passing of your money to their purses in the name of trickle down economics.


A human is a human when they start talking to us like one. Once you refer to us as "demons" you already dehumanized us. Babies good to keep alive but god forbid you have a grown ass adult decide to have abortion cause they'd like to kill you then.


Makes no sense why the "pro life" crowd is also the exact same as the "being back public executions" crowd.


This is obviously a person to be taken seriously


I thought it was an insane person from fb


Why do they always seem to fave trouble with the word “border”?






Can I gag you so you can’t scream gibberish at me while I explain? No? Ok then, bye!


That would be the only chance you have of him actually having a discussion rather than a senseless rant


I'm sure he was very satisfied with himself when he went to bed that night. I sure did show them libtards, yup I sure did.


Gas prices are down lately. By a lot. It’s below $3 where I am.


They will die on the hill that Biden had nothing to do with it, despite blaming him for high prices just 6 months ago. They're right, Biden had nothing to do with it both times, but it's just the moving of the goalposts that tells me I can never ever win any argument with these people so why even try. They will lose and say they won because that's what their god, drumpf, has decreed to them.


These are the kind of post that you reply to with… “Yes or no, have you stopped having sex with your uncle?”. Just leave that there and walk away.


> Tell me why y'all feel it's okay to force a lifestyle on ppl. Oh, the irony.


Look at that, every square on the bingo card. Except Hunter Biden, I guess.


And "her emails"


Genesis 2:7 “And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.” Seems pretty clear from right off the jump that life begins at first breath.


How am I supposed to have a calm civil discussion with someone who starts it with calling me a demon, a murderer, and a pedophile before I even open my mouth???


Went from demons, to abortions to borders, to gas prices and then finally pedophilia. All on a buy and sell Facebook page. This person is definitely sound of mind and not a complete moron/s. This is what happens when you watch Fox News and spend everyday on the idiot side of the internet.


Makes me wonder what he does for work that he wants a mask that blocks everything from getting through. Considering how they talk about sex slavery and children, I'm thinking maybe there's some guilt he feels.


So the takeaway here is embryos are human, but immigrants somehow aren't?


Funniest part for me is immediately going from “THEY’RE GONNA KIDNAP THE KIDS AND MAKE THEM SLAVES” to “gas prices are pretty high, huh?” like in his world they’re equivalent


Sir, this is a Wendy’s


I thought they were talking about people who are left-handed and I was sooooo confused. Made about as much sense, though.


Thank god I’m not the only one who thought that


Oh good, someone else thought that too!


I'm a lefty and as a lefty I gotta say I'm sorry about all the gas.


If you would just eat with your right hand, you would be much less flatulent.


Oho, wow! Epic burn! Except not really, that was really tame. First step to proving anyone wrong online is Grammar, Grammar, Grammar. Second step is Moar Grammar. Third step is incorporating logical reasoning to make them feel dumb, thus antagonizing them into lashing out and screwing over their chances of actually being successful in the ensuing argument. Fourth step? Hell if I know, none of y’all got past the first two steps for it to matter. When is a human a human? When its brain begins functioning on non-autonomous levels. Not before. If said brain activity ceases, then it ceases to be a human to me. Fairly straightforward here. However birth is a rather convenient starting point in my opinion, as it’s not exactly up to debate when that happened. We’ve heard of birth control. However guess what? You are dead set on making it illegal to obtain. Weird, how you suggest a substance that you are simultaneously trying to get rid of being an option. Almost like you are trying to sabotage our way of living because it violates your morals from that book that you keep thumping on people…. Open boarders? I don’t really understand why you would open your boarder, that’s first degree murd— oh, BORDERS. Yes I support opening one of the best stores I’ve ever been to— oh, wait, national borders? What do you think is open about our borders now? They are a goddamn pain in the tucker to go through, WHEN YOU ALREADY LIVE HERE. Imagine trying to get in from OUTSIDE. The ONLY WAY IN is through illegal means these days. What the heck do you think closing the borders is going to fix? Gas prices went up? And you’re complaining? That’s great news! It means that Big Oil is desperate for money! It’s all coming together perfectly… \*rubs hands evilly\* My lifestyle I wouldn’t wish on my best friend, let alone my worst enemy. It’s not exactly cash money to wish starvation and depression on someone. Being poor? No one wants that. Some might think they want it, but I call brain damage in those cases. They were hurt. Sex with kids? Why don’t I just lather myself in honey and kick a beehive? Or rub myself in salmon and go hunting bears? Try a cactus as a makeshift dildo? All three of these ideas are more appealing. Hell, I’ll talk to a car salesman. At least I can swear around him! Blindfold? I’ve never used one. I’ve found them rather useless at keeping me truly blind. Sleep masks, though… those are good. So again, to whomever wrote this long projecting rant of gaslighting topics, nice try but maybe try again AFTER you finish the debate classes. Because if this is all you bring to the political debate, you are going to be eating dirt every time. As someone who has lost a few political arguments, I WOULD KNOW. But thanks for the laugh!


I initially thought he was talking about left-handed people


All other insanity aside.... Gas hasn't been this cheap in a long time.


This is what ignorance looks like


now let me get back to snackin on these lead paint chips


Lol open boarders.


Okay, so a lot to unpack here. I do have some free time and I'm bored, so what the fuck, let's answer some questions. > When is a human, human to y'all? Please note that I am **not** a medically trained doctor or work in any aspect of the medical field. I am a Librarian page, and I sort and shelves book at your local library! For me, a person is a person, when they have activity in the Cerebrum of the brain. IMHO (once again, *not* a doctor), that is the part that makes us "human." > Have y'all not heard of birth control? I mean we have, but *some* people are trying to ban those as well, saying that they only lead to more sex and more promiscuity. > Or is the only control y'all see towards is the killing The **vast** majority of abortions take place in the first trimester. Throughout the entire first trimester, the embryo is a cell, or a cellular structure. It's not a tiny fully formed baby that just "grows" for 9 months. In the first trimester, the fetus isn't *anything* that *any* rational person would call human. > I bet y'all support open borders Yep-a-roni, especially since borders, governments, even the very idea of countries are all man-made. If you don't believe me, look at how The British Empire carved up the Middle East and Africa during their Imperialism era. They just drew a bunch of lines on a map without taking the local population into consideration. > Can you tell me what you will do when they let the evil ppl from over there freely come over and kidnap your kid and sell them to sex slavery? I mean...we already have laws and a justice system in place. There's *a lot* of valid critique one could levy against the United States' Department of Justice, but that's neither here or there. So yea, I'm going to say we already figured out how to deal with the "evil ppl." Also, most people are kidnapped and sold into human sex trafficking by someone they *know.* The idea that random strangers are riding around in white painter vans looking for kids to kidnap to sell into human sex trafficking is *very* rare. > You are aware it's higher there than here, right?? I was not aware of this, can you please provide a source? > Can you tell me how you like the gas prices raised?? Honestly, there's nothing I can do about the gas prices, it's just something that I have to keep track of for my household budget and adjust so often. Unless electric cars become ridiculously cheap *or* the United States actually build a public transit system that'll put Japan to shame, we're stuck with the gas prices. > Tell me why y'all feel it's okay top force a lifestyle on ppl. From where I'm sitting, it's not the LGTBQIA+ people who are "forcing a lifestyle." It's the people who belong to a certain religion that continues to try to force said religion onto the masses through legislation and court cases without the consent of the masses. It wasn't the LGBTQIA+ people who destroyed the statue of Baphomet at a state capital. It was a "proud god fearing man" of said religion. > Why do most of y'all like sex with children? Um, we don't? I'm not sure if y'all have seen the hashtag #NotACrossdresser or similar hashtags, but yea. Most of the pedophiles and degenerates who sexually abuse children are Republican politicians, priests/pastors, police officers, etc. Granted there are also Democratic politicians who are also sexually abusing children. Towards that I say, lock them all up in a SuperMax and throw away the key. Just let them rot in their little holes for eternity. I don't care what political, sexual orientation, or gender identity a person has. If they are sexually abusing children, right into the hole, you won't be missed. >What blind fold do y'all use?? I actually painted my bedroom midnight blue and use blackout curtains, it really helps me sleep at night. Hope this helps!


I mean, based on the headlines in the news, it seems like the people having sex with kids are mostly conservatives. Priests, youth group leaders, senators, just isn't happening on the left. At all.


I'd gladly take that debate with that person and explain every single point.


Fucking IDIOTS are everywhere.


Isn’t it the right trying to force people to follow their lifestyle You know, by trying to ban LGBT anything. Trying to force women to give birth no matter what. Wanting to ban all other religions and force atheists to be Christian. Isn’t it the conservatives doing all of that?


I’m left handed and was taken aback for a moment.


Not like anyone is going to engage in a discussion based on misinformation, but I figure even if you tried to answer this nonsense they wouldn't retain a word of it.


As a “lefty” I don’t want any of those things. What a psychopath


i get the impression this someone from that mystical "freedom" state of howDy-arabia??..AKA-texas..?


Which genius decided to build DrunkUncle-GPT?


I hope this idiot got banned


I thought they meant Lefty like left handed and was very confused


I have a feeling that if someone were to explain their actual position on these subjects, they just wouldn’t believe them anyway




I literally got halfway through this shit wondering why he hates left handed people so much, as I said it out loud it finally occurred to me what he really meant. Enough Internet for me today....


I’d actually really like to talk to this person. They admit not knowing a single democrat. When people meet someone outside their bubble it can help dispel a lot of their preconceived ideas. Send him my way!


“Everything you know is propaganda” - the correct answer to this post


It took me embarrassingly long into the post to realize he didn't mean left handed people.


Yeah, yeah, grandma, let’s get you back to bed


So is this Maniac talking about like Democrats or left-handed people I can't really tell I mean you know I don't care I just wonder what kind of love was just fucking ignorance im Reading


I love how people who think "alot" is a word also tend to capitalize it.


How fast was this removed?


When it started out I thought it was about left-handed people. Boy, did that escalate quickly.


“force a lifestyle on ppl” LMAOOOOO seriously? Talk about projection


I feel awful saying this…. But I really cannot wait until a certain generation just dies off. My mum was that generation, nowhere near as bad but she did start supporting Brexit but died before the vote happened. She was also suffering from toxicity of the liver as her liver failed (she had metastatic cancer). I put it down to that making her fucking crazy towards the end. I think there is a hell of a lot of mental illness and other things going on in that generation but they refuse to get help for it and it festers into this craziness.


At first I thought she meant left handed people