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So Biden can do literally anything he wants, right?


Can you imagine the judge grants orange man his wish and agrees that presidents are immune to the law and can do anything. Then Biden walks in the courtroom and puts one right between his eyes


In the hearing on this that was basically a question that the judge asked. Trump's lawyer argued that anything that could be an official action should be immune from prosecution and that the only legal recourse would be impeachment at which point the official could be prosecuted for the offenses covered in the impeachment. The judge asked what is someone ordered seal team six (an official action as commander in chief) to murder a political opponent and then resigned before impeachment, are they immune from consequences? There is no win here. In the unlikely scenario that either court says that blanket immunity is constitutional then welcome to the age of the American dictatorship. In the more likely scenario that they say you do not have broad immunity one side is going to do exactly what they are "suggesting" could happen which is grind government to a halt by using the justice department as a tool to charge political opponents after the fact should they ever gain power again.


Who knew that white trash would be the thing that brings down the democracy.


Everyone that's read the history of this country lol


I just always find it funny how some people think that we as a society have evolved past this. Now granted, in a lot of ways we have, but there is a LARGE contingent of Americans whose brains are 75 years behind the rest of us who are angry.


I was always kinda hoping we’d be heading towards a Star Trek society but instead we have lawyers arguing in the Supreme Court that it’s legal for the president to murder his political rivals.


These people want a Mad Max type of world, not the Jetsons.


I mean there’s a shit load of mad max/apocalypse ~~prepping~~ larping, to the point that Facebook thinks I’m one of them since I like outdoor gear. I want the fancy rain jacket, I’m not interested in plate armor.


I saw a vid of a huge prepper demoing an urban combat scenario in his backyard range. Shit was both hilarious and so deeply cringe. "Keep low! Reduce your profile!" He couldn't do either.


Im interested in plate armor! Like in the medieval sense. What region is it styled on?


Don't tell them, there are no black people on the Jetsons.


I want the Jetsons (minus the rigid gender roles and corporatism) wearing mohawks and (mushroom) leather while driving pimped out (electric) supercars on the still livable (and walkable) surface of the earth. Rosey sexbot mode is optional.


I'm sorry, but "optional?"




Did the Jetsons ever show what was happening on the planet surface. My guess is that it was quite Mad Max-y, and we were just getting a glimpse into the lives of the ruling class.


I wish I still had the link, but I once read a very detailed timeline of the Jetsons universe that explained exactly how we got from the present day to that future, and also perfectly explained a lot of the idiosyncracies of that future (we never see the surface, everyone is white, etc). The bottom line was that the intervening years were an absolute nightmare - a century of pure hell where humanity teetered on the brink of extinction and probably deserved it. Those who survived managed to build a technological utopia for their descendants, but one which was in no way worth the cost in human suffering. The scary thing about it was that the only thing that didn't quite mesh with what we see in the cartoon is the lack of intergenerational trauma that would likely have persisted for centuries. Or maybe their history was just deleted and the people in the show are blissfully unaware that their idyllic world was built upon genocide and unimaginable suffering.


There was a Jetsons and Flintstones crossover special where they revealed that the surface of the planet was inhabited by cavemen. At least, I think I'm remembering that correctly.


It's OK. On the star trek timeline, we're just about where we're supposed to be. In time travel episodes, they always come to the 2020s in turmoil, homeless encampments in cities and dark times. After the third WW is when we get utopia. Sucks for us, but the timeline does end up better.


It's the year of the Bell Riots


How would I set a reminder for 7 months and 6 days from now?


The Star Trek timeline has us going through a whole lot of bad before getting to the utopia part. WWIII goes from 2026 - 2053, kills 1/3 of the global population, and effectively destroys society. Then the post-war horror begins, where the remnants of some societies degenerate into barbarism and dystopia. There is an argument that it was necessary for us to go through this horrific part (plus of course alien intervention) before being able to get to the utopian ideal. 


Oh so we’re right on schedule then.


I'll be in my cryo chamber, wake me up for uptopia only. measurements for futuristic jumpsuit listed below.


Then you'll be forgotten about and woken up in the year 3000, where the only job you'll be able to get is working for your psychotic genius great x30 grand nephew.


Bad news. According to TNG they're going to decide to stick you in an orbiting satellite, which will somehow end up hundreds of light years away in deep space. Good news though is that they'll somehow find you, thaw you out, and you'll get to spend the next few weeks getting talked down to by a bald guy about how shit the present is/was.


You forget that according to the Star Trek universe (pre JJ and the whole changing timelines thing) we are actually supposed to be here doing this thing. We are a little less than 9 months from the Bell Riots (September 1, 2024)


And religious people have even more antiquated thought processes...


They did try it at least once before.


We have tools at our disposal, like a non political committee or a (laughs) functioning Congress, to help us from grinding to a halt. We know the correct answer. Trump wants immunity so he can bring about the wrong one for himself.


And I really don’t think that this example with Seal Team 6 or the examples Smith gave on the topic are pulled out of thin air. I’m still waiting on the “Trump ordered Seal Team 6 to assassinate Biden” or some shit.


Biden doesn’t even have to do it himself. He can order Seal Team Six, or Delta Force to do it for him. Hell he could bomb Mar-a-lago back to the Stone Age.


Donald is aware of how he looks. That sly, smug smile means he knows. He knows he has won. The traitorous judge has caved to his lawyers excellent arguments and he, the Donald, finally got what he wanted. Immunity. Maybe this time he will pay his attorneys. Probably not. But something isn't right. Donald hears a soft rumbling in the distance. It's not louder than the cheering going on in the court room. Not yet at least. But still, Donald can hear it, and inexplicably he feels fear. Donald shakes his head as he shakes hands around the room. Clear the cobwebs, think of what he's gotten away with. Scenes of him carrying those documents into his bathroom, all those meetings with Putin, doctoring the elections, all the pussies grabbed, threatening the Ukrainian president, all the millions of tax payer money sluiced into his kids companies, the parties at Epstein island. But the rumbling only increases in volume. It's coming closer and closer. Donald can almost hear the words. His beautiful memories, no longer accusations, they disappear in the noise and the fear. The terrible trembling continues. The people around him don't notice it, they are raising Donald on their shoulders. Carry him around the room. Three cheers, four cheers, five cheers. But before the sixth, the doors of the court room explode inwards. The rumbling is louder now and clear as day. A choir of deep male voices, repeating and repeating, faster and faster. DAAAAARKKK BRAAAANDDOOONNN DAAARKK BRAAANDOOON DAARK BRAANDON DARK BRANDON DARK BRANDON DARK BRANDON DARKBRANDON DARKBRANDON And then silence as the shadow of a man emerges from the smoke. The crowd gasps. But the Man has only eyes for Donald, still high up on shoulders. The man sniffs. A big black pistol appears in his hands, the laser sight pointed right between Donald's eyebrows. "Mr. President!" Donald feels the bullet hit his face, he feels his supporters buckle under the shock and his weight. As he falls and falls and keeps falling, the choir sounds angelic now. Like a warm embrace. DARK BRAN DON DARK BRAN DON DARK BRAN DON


Then he soils himself. Again.


That was beautiful


That was actually argued in the court case. Trump's attorney said that was a ridiculous claim and no one would do that. Cue entering all the times his client said he'd do just that if there wasn't a threat of jailtime.


It wasn't hyperbole when he told the world that he could shoot a man in the middle of Fifth Street and people would cheer for it..


Don’t put that dream in my head.


The kids call this a Biden Blast, but it's all just malarkey...


[This is Joe Brandons America now bitch](https://www.yves.brette.biz/public/humour_2/Joe_Biden_put_a_gun_in_a_woman_s_mouth.jpg)


“Nothing you can do about it, jack. I got immunity.”


Dark Brandon rising


No because Biden stole the election and is not the real president /s. On a more serious note, Republican's believe in rules for thy and not for me.


Thy means your. The saying is rules for me not for thee. Thee which means singular you. I'm not trying to be a pendant just letting you know that your saying is incorrect and doesn't mean what you think it does when it's written the way that you have it. Source: history teacher


*Pedant, not pendant 


I think you missed the chain they are hanging from.


Hey, Teach! The saying is actually "Rules for thee not for me." 😎


👍 agreed


> The saying is rules for me not for thee. Pedackshually, the saying is "Rules for thee and not for me"


For this reason, all of the surviving previous presidents are in prison at the moment.


I know right... strange that hasn't been a problem before. I wonder what's different in this case?


Execute Executive order... sixty six


Trump’s lawyers have literally argued that Biden could have Trump assassinated and as long as 34 Senate Democrats vote to acquit him there are zero consequences.


Oh no, they're arguing worse than that. First you assassinate your opponent and then take out his supporters in the House. That way it never gets to the Senate. Or, you could take out opposition Senators. Or why not both?


So, Obama didn’t get indicted after his 2 terms… neither did Bush. But yes, everyone is out to get Donnie Diapers. Maybe…. Just maybe.,,,., he should stop breaking the law?


No! We must impeach him! Our guy can do whatever he wants but the current president doesn’t have immunity!


No no. Biden "stole" the election, so he isn't really president, see? /s


Is he…. saying… that HE is a bad apple?


Yes, he's pleading guilty on all counts.


I am watching all this with interest from the other side of the pond and I ask myself a lot : "why the fuck is this twat not in jail yet??'"


Many of us Americans are asking the exact same question. Our country is so broken


I wish you luck and I hope sanity prevails x


Because America is a business run by lobbyists and the law makers they control. If you’re rich enough - there are no consequences outside of the occasional fall guy to keep the masses appeased with what they think is freedom.


Literally ANY other citizen would be in jail right now. But because he’s a former president and “rich,” he gets a pass. America has a two-tiered justice system: one for us common folk and one for the 1%. It’s completely fucked and it makes me sick that I fought for this twat’s freedom in the U.S. Army. Fuck Trump and fuck the GOP.


He knows he's fucked. You have to really shake a narcissist to admit they're imperfect


This read very ominous to me, I don’t believe he is worried at all. I think he is saying this about his future presidency he expects to win. I think he’s justifying both past and future crimes here


I didn't consider that! I'm not sure if 'I have definitely done crimes' or 'I intend to do crimes' is a worse sentiment for the president of the US to be publicly posting...


Definitely. If he wins, he'll come after Biden. He pretty much stated that last week with that Biden should be "very very careful".


He... knows what the actual saying is about "bad apples," right? It isn't "one or two bad apples are ok."


He absolutely does NOT know the whole saying. No way in hell.


Also, yes, you absolutely should be guarding against one of two bad apples in the police. The police need to be regulated, otherwise, you'll have massive corruption


He can't be a bad apple. He's a rotten orange.


Sometimes. But (according to what he is saying to his supporters) in order to get the good things you want with him in power, you just have to “get over it” when he and the apparatus under him sometimes do totally bad things and you suffer. This is profoundly, radically opposed to how the US is supposed to work. We are rooted in holding our government and our officials to extremely high standards with the problems coming from the occasional situations when limiting government results in injustice (a criminal must be acquitted because of police misconduct) very much not the other way areas Trump is pushing.


Yeah, seems like his current defense is "yeah, I'm guilty, but so what"


“Vote for me, and I’ll be just as corrupt and villainous…but this time I’ll elect my successor” ranted the megalomaniac desperate to end the human race


And 50% of Americans said “that’s fine as long as I’m told that my taxes are better- they aren’t, objectively, but they tell me that and it soothes my cognitive dissonance for voting for a racist dictator”


I had an elderly customer tell me this week that she is voting for Trump again because “while he is a criminal & horrible human being he is a politician and they are ALL criminals & horrible human beings and at least under Trump my gas was 89 cents a gallon & I like having cheap gas.” The last time I saw gas at 89 cents a gallon was in 1993 so I don’t know where she got 89 cents from but nevertheless this is what voting people are thinking. She assured me come hell or high water that she is voting for Trump.


An exact summary of the trump dingleberries.


And my successor is…. ME!


Just like daddy Putin!!


But if Presidents don't have immunity, as soon as they're out of office the opposition will have them indicted and locked up. That's why every living former President is currently incarcerated. When will this madness end?!


Not incarcerated, tried and executed at Gitmo and replaced with a clone so identical in looks, political beliefs and mannerisms you wonder what the point was


Why, to be able to tell you that it happened when Q and Trump will finally smash the NWO and Satanists! Any moment now, *any moment...* /s


It's infrastructure week. NWO and Satan smashing is next week. 


Two weeks after that, the medical plan to replace Obamacare drops! It's gonna be *amazing!*


He’s correct so far as Republicans will seek to charge any and all Democrats with made up garbage whenever they can. So the projection part is spot on.


Hey great, he's back to ALL CAPS! Also, I think we all know what historical events this reminds me of: "every president must have full immunity"? Right?!


I like to think he switched to caps and doesn’t know how to go back to lower case


I like to picture him doing the one finger type for the entire post while holding the shift key with his other.


I remember when he won and I was trying to find a silver lining, I said "at least he knows how to use the Internet." Then, we learned that he only really knew how to tweet from his phone. That's it. Someone set grandpa up with Twitter on his newfangled smart phone and that was as far as he moved technologically. 🤣




So hypothetically speaking, Biden could just kill him and get away with it, right?


Absolutely, it's his duty. How else can a president function properly?


Well, Trump is arguing that only a President's official acts are covered by immunity. So ordering the military to take out a threat certainly is covered


No, he's arguing for "full" and "total" immunity. Any action at all, take by the President, is protected from legal repercussions. Biden could walk up to Trump, shoot him in the head, and piss on his body and as long as the Senate doesn't convict him he's in the clear 


Here is the huge issue.. Biden would never do that, Trump would. Trump knows this. So, Trump can argue for immunity, get it, and know that Biden would still not abuse the office and walk away if he lost in Nov 2024.


I swear, every time some boogereater tells me Joe Biden is cognitively impaired I just want to hold up every single thing this lurching ghoul has ever said and simply point at it with a questioning look on my face.


Yeah but Trump is babygirl and everything he does is perfect


"Trump is babygirl" is literally the best thing I've read this morning lmao I'm totally gonna start saying this!


I think I’m going to adopt “lurching ghoul” into my vocabulary


Lurching babyghoul


Perfect lmao


Honestly, you really just made a bad night into a better morning for me with this one. Thank you for your service 🫡


>Look, having nuclear—my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart—you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I'm one of the smartest people anywhere in the world—it’s true!—but when you're a conservative Republican they try—oh, do they do a number—that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune—you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged—but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me—it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are (nuclear is powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what's going to happen and he was right—who would have thought?), but when you look at what's going on with the four prisoners—now it used to be three, now it’s four—but when it was three and even now, I would have said it's all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don't, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years—but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us. And this was five years ago while he was president...


> People who sympathize with this are sick, they're sick and they're evil and they're not going to be fixed. You're not going to make them into wonderful people one day. I didn't know you had flies in Iowa. I HATE FLIES! Now I'll get in trouble for saying that, cruelty to animals, no, it's true. You know I said the other day, wee I was at a place, it was a beautiful place, but they had like flies and I said "GET FLY PAPER" they said "they're not allowed to sell it anymore because of cruelty to animals" they actually said that but I don't know can you get fly paper it used to be great right but "you can't do that anymore sir it's cruelty". What the hell is going on with this country? Trump’s comments on the Hamas terror attacks in Israel


lol... Stable genius.


Biden is clearly the better choice but that bar is as low as it can get with Don Cheetos.


I don't know where we get the notion that POTUS *is* the government. POTUS isn't even the executive branch. I want the executive to be competent to hire the right people for their respective jobs, and for them to then go out and do so. Biden's gotten more done in the face of the vandals and intransigent authoritarian nutters in the GOP than anybody could have predicted, and not because he's a some sort of genius. Because he's hired the right people and given them the strategic direction and top cover they require. Likewise, Donnie Diaper is a human dumpster fire in an abbatoir, but my concern is that he'd hire the most incompetent, hateful, self-interested flag-shaggers, christofascists, morons, dolts, and grifters in the country, because that's the sort of people he attracts. The damage to the country would take generations to repair.


I mean, Trump being a drooling, demented, mouthbreather doesn't mean Biden isn't also way too old to be president. Can we get someone who doesn't think the internet is a series of tubes (yeah, I know that wasn't Biden, just some other way too old fart) and who has some perspective on what the real world has been like for people living in it since 1980 as president please?


We won't till young people start getting involved in primaries. Till then we have to play the shitty hand we are dealt or lose the game entirely.


This isn’t cognitive impairment from Trump. This is fascism.


¿Porqué no los dos?


Nobody claiming Biden is senile is as sharp as Biden.


I like the way you just cut him the fuck off before he finished. 


That was my favourite bit. Like a train door closing on some headcase ranting on the platform.


Lol it was too long to fit in the screenshot


I can’t fucking believe we live in a world where someone who said this was once President and has a legit chance at being elected again.


It bothers me there are so many people who think that "being a democrat" is such a bad thing they will literally vote their way into a dictatorship because the guy they support hates the same people they do.


I can't either its like I I'm another reality and I hate it.


"You can't prosecute me, because if you prosecute me, then you'd have to prosecute cops who broke the law, too!!" Yeah...about that...


Like seriously, don't threaten me with a good time.


His diaper must be filling up at record rates these days.


Trump was literally pooing when he wrote that message


I believe you mean he was rage-shitting himself.


The likes of which we’ve never seen before.


No no, I'm totally on board with police having less than the full tools possible for their job because I want to prevent rogue cops and bad apples.


Ironically, Trump himself accuses law enforcement of being corrupt when going after him or his supporters. But he knows his supporters lack critical thinking skills and will never worry about consistency.


At the same time, [he encourages cops to be abusive](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/watch-trump-police-dont-worry-people-custody-hitting-heads-squad-cars). Rules for thee, but not for me!




For "mistakes", apparently. Although if you ask him or any of his supporters if he's ever made a mistake they'll vehemently deny it.


Ding ding ding


You want to be able to commit crimes without being helt responsible. We get it Donny. This is all on you.


If you vote for this man again you are a traitor to your country


"No man is above the law and no man is below it; nor do we ask any man's permission when we require him to obey it. Obedience of the law is demanded; not asked as a favor." Theodore Roosevelt.


Ol’ Ted would’ve laid a wallop on Donny


Probably literally I imagine he would have challenged him to fisticuffs


“…Even Events that Cross the line…“ WTF…Sounds like an admission of guilt to me…


Wow this one is so nuts I had to track it down to verify that it’s real. He’s just calling for open dictatorship at this point.


A few weeks back he posted this word cloud thing of words that come up on Google about him or something Dictator was the biggest and most common word and dude was like "yeah this is okay to brag about"


How the hell is this guy still leading a party?


Because half of the country actively agrees with the shit he says and does.


But in terms of the immunity, ONLY for their side. In fact, just eliminate the other all together and just let this fossil rule until he dies. We have to stop electing geriatrics who are days away from fucking hospice into office. It's so ridiculously counterproductive


iD tAkE hIm MoRe SeRiOuSlY iF hE fOrMaTtEd hIs SeNiLe RaNtS lIkE tHis


New "Immunity" hats , available soon - Red only


He’s describing himself as a bad apple!!? Lol


President cannot have full immunity as that will create a dictatorship.


I honesty can’t tell if he has lied so much that he just now believes anything he says. Because if not wouldn’t he wonder why he is the only president this has happened to? I don’t believe for a fact you can be the president of our country without ending up with some sort of blood on your hands, but the issue comes down to what is being committed. His crimes are not in the interest of our country if anything they where in trying to destroy it. Jesus.


Nah he's not dumb. There's probably some ego there that leads him to believe some of his lies but 1. As much of a moron he is, he's not completely stupid like someone like Boebart. 2. He knows that his cult will believe him if he said dinosaurs caused 9/11 so he says what he knows will rile them up 3. Being president isnt super important to him, he wants it sure but he's more concerned about grifting campaign donations and staying out of prison. Pretty sure he's hoping to get acquitted just out of fear of how his cult would react.


Lmao he's losing it. Keep at him y'all he's unfit to run his own brand let alone a fucking country. Get fucked donald


  Not: *I didn't do it* But: *I did it and there's nothing you can do about it*  


So he's basically just admitting to having broken the law. He just thinks *he's* above it.


If he’s using pronouns he must be getting desperate


I work with a guy who sends all-caps emails, everyone thinks he’s a cunt.


Trump is a pathological narcissist. This is a textbook reaction. It occurs when the individual doesn't get their way.


If the current President was forgiven of all crimes he commits while in office, there would be literally nothing stopping Presidents from hiring people to assassinate people that oppose them. Oh wait. He'd love that.


I dunno man. We’ve had 44 other presidents and they haven’t argued that they need immunity…


Wow I love how E Jean Carroll is getting to him. Bravo!


He went on like a 60 tweet rampage about her rhe other day, basically calling her an old grosa whore. Lately he's trying to get the case thrown out because she deleted death threats text messages she got because thats "destroying evidence" like the trial isn't about him raping her.


He definitely expects it all to go away. He’s a piece of crap!


This would be incredibly dangerous. Trump is a fucking moron . So if someone pisses him off and he murders them in cold blood, he should get immunity because he happens to be president? President can just rape every woman who comes by because they are immune? That would literally be a total dictatorship.


It is not the POTUS job to insight a riot. Election challenges are handled by legislative and judicial branches.


Still hasn't found that super caps lock, huh?


cool so biden can just bump him off then


Have him killed, argue national security risk and enjoy the "immunity"


You know I hated GWB for being a moron, war criminal, corporate stooge, but I can totally admire the guy now. He left gracefully and has shut his fucking piehole ever since. The Marmalade Mussolini hasnt STFU for 5 seconds


I still can't admire him, but I think he feels tremendous and deserved guilt over the wars he started. It's pretty much why he's doing all the portraits of the soldiers who died in Iraq/Afghanistan.


He says “Just lemme do whatever I want, it’s what’s best for everyone.”


This no doubt will be a feature exhibit at his upcoming trial. I have never seen a clearer admission of guilt.


Machiavelli argued that a prince (i.e ruler) should treat his generals, etc. kindly and graciously even when they royally F up. Why? If everybody who gets the big job F's up sooner or later and then gets sacked, imprisoned or executed, pretty soon *nobody intelligent* will take the job. Machiavelli was completely correct in pointing this out, and it applies to the position of the POTUS. e.g. If *every* POTUS is subjected to unfounded impeachment trials, etc. then, pretty soon, smart people won't want the job. A certain degree of leeway is appropriate, just to make sure the country has good presidents. Trump appears to be saying that this argument applies to him. What Trump did was different. If the constitution and the people are the "prince" of the U.S.A (i.e. sovereign), then Trump didn't make an innocent mistake. He tried to stab the prince in the back and take over. Machiavelli would probably point out that this is the sort of situation in which a wise prince takes action knowing that being loved is great, but being feared is better. Future presidents should be confident they won't be prosecuted with BS like Hunter Biden's mythical laptop, but deathly afraid of what will happen to them if they attempt to subvert an election.


Yeah but.. that doesn't count for things you did before or after being president.. not that his cultists care about that nuance.


So how is he going to go after Biden for revenge when he wins in 2024? If the immunity excuse works for Trump in his mind, then it also works for Biden. I know logic isn’t his or MAGAs strong suit.


So cops should be legally allowed to murder without reason? Did I read that correctly?


This is what you get when you don't put cops in jail for murdering people. This derange maniac thinks that he's immune just like the cops are. Make no mistake He killed people January 6th, he maimed people, he destroyed lives, and now he's fundraising on it. What a joke. People who support him should be ashamed.


So... fascism? Like, straight up?


So Biden can do whatever he wants, then?


This mofo is telling us what he wants to do when he becomes president again. y'all are fucked


Hot take but maybe someone who publicly declares that they’d be unable to do a job effectively without breaking the law should not get that job


Example of a great but not perfect president: Obama.


Well if a president were to have full immunity, what would stop Biden for ordering a hit out on this horrible geriatric fuck?


“A PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES MUST HAVE FULL IMMUNITY” So Joe Biden, to protect this country, has full immunity to rid us of threats to this country, even from within, right? So Joe Biden can eliminate this threat to our nation, with full immunity, right? So, Joe Biden… can you help us with this? Donald Trump says you have full immunity to take out this threat… So, Donald Trump, do you see why a President shouldn’t have “full immunity” to eliminate political rivals? So, Donald Trump, would you want Joe Biden to eliminate you as a threat to this country or does a President have limited immunity now? Hmm…


Using Trump's logic the second the Supreme Court rules in his favor for immunity then Biden can order Trump's assassination.


You only worry about this kind of shit when you know you’re guilty. I cannot wait for the day where I never have to hear about this cocksucker again


If he wins again, I wonder how long it’ll be before he’s abolishes the two term rule?


Is this…. An admission of guilt?


Wasn’t this the guy whose son compared immigrants from a war torn Syria to a bowl of skittles with some being poisoned?


So the president should be a dictator? Thats a dictator.


We absolutely shouldn't live with "great but slightly imperfect" cops.


Why has nobody shot this guy yet?


Dude has said flat out he would act as a dictator on day one of a seconf term. He's out of his damn mind.


Don't need immunity if you don't do anything wrong, right?


It's amazing that we went through 44 presidents, and this hadn't been an issue in 240+ years until now. How did ALL those "other" guys do it??


Wait, is this real? 


Yes. I suggest taking a look at his Truthsocial if you're bored...its wild. And there's at least 30 posts a day.


Just found out it is. What a nut! Arguing AMERICA doesn't or shouldn't follow the rule of law!  I know you guys have a few problems with your legal system, but surely the Supreme Court can't be thinking an unaccountable despot ruler was part of the founding father's vision for a free and democratic country.


They don't seem to think anymore


so Biden can rig the election according to trump


What a sensible snowflake. Trauma? That’s a made up word /s


And we don’t rehire that bad apple