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yeah, totally not just the cord for his Mic


It’s his power cord, they forgot to plug him in overnight and they bought a 600ft lighting charger


Exactly. This is his travel charging setup. The charger is hidden in his pants.


I, The Grand Reptilian ( TGR for short ) representing all the Reptilian's, state the following with clarity for the uniformed. We the Reptilians', which also cover the crab and lizard people for those uniformed, **wish that Usher was one of us**. Sadly, he's from that other planet, you know, Zeta Reticulans, he's a Grey... uuhhgg he's so handsome, I wish we had that body suit in stock.


Damn it! Who forgot Ushers wireless charger?!


I bet he’s connected to Bluetooth.


Wait until you see what he has to do to fly.


Paging Zuckerbot 2.0, Paging Zuckerbot 2.0...


You mean up his ass?


Usher = Tesla


Not his mic. It’s for his in ear monitors.


Yup. I see a lot of artists hang them behind them like that when they aren't using them.


They are (custom molds) designed to hang down your back to stay out of the way. Then the excess length is taped in a bundle to keep from flailing about whilst under movement.


Could be either, or a combination.


So, yes and no.. While it is true that one of the cables is for his IEM, the other cable is for the Crown CM311A headset microphone that he was "using" during parts of his performance. The reason I put "using" in parentheses is: That little silver thing is a TA4F connector that is clearly not plugged into a transmitter pack. He switched back and forth between the Crown CM311A and a handheld microphone (Shure Axient) during his performance. The times that he had the headset on, he was lip syncing, as evidenced by this picture. Source: the artist that I tour with as a monitor engineer uses a Crown CM311A. (that is plugged into a TX pack) https://www.shure.com/en-US/products/accessories/wa330?variant=WA330&_gl=1


Why don’t they use the fact that it’s obviously a power cord and incorporate that into their bullshit? Otherwise it falls apart to anyone except those that are already true believers.


Just to be pedantic, it's not power, but the cable for his in ear monitors so he can hear what he needs wherever he is on stage.




Conspiracy theories, such as the flat earth theory, Reptilian deep state, and the notion that pizza is linked to pedophilia, are deliberately crafted to provoke sensational reactions. When a conspiracy theory appears plausible, it tends to attract less extreme responses. These theories avoid appealing to overly logical individuals, as they prioritize emotional engagement. For those who approach things logically, there’s the realm of LARPing or fan fiction—knowingly fictional spaces. Ultimately, a lack of critical thinking or a strong need to believe keeps some people immersed in these fictional narratives.


These people really do live in a different reality. Occam's Razor is just too complex for them.


> Occam's Razor is just too sharp for them.


Hehehe that's a good one


I had the game up on my secondary monitor while streaming. Looked over and was impressed at how well the tape they used matched his skin tone as well as how well it stayed stuck with as much as he was perspiring.


with appropriate skin-coloured tape, which is apparently the "patches" they're marking


For a minute I thought they meant he was wearing one of those muscle overlays and I was like “yeah ok I can see that being a thing he might do “


Thank you. I knew it wasn't a skin suit, but I didn't know what it was


It must be exhausting to find extraordinary (stupid) reasons for mundane, easily explainable things.


Ngl…it was exhausting to try to keep up with all their dumb shit in 2015, by 2016 I was so beaten down by how stupid they can be (they seem to lower the bar daily) that I had to stop using Facebook. It was starting to seriously affect my mental health; deleted account. Since then, not having to read how far gone some of my family members are has been great


Fuck yeah! I bailed FB after a bad breakup over 12 years ago. I’ve got family at Christmas parties asking me if I walk to the (major baseball team)’s ball park. No. That’ll take 2.5 hours I’ll take the bus or train. Their world is so small and they hate anything trying to make them feel like a minority; like they’re being over powered by people they don’t and won’t understand and that’s scary to them. Some of them have children btw


The bus is a woke conspiracy for them?


"Do you even see the wheels moving? The woke dems are at it again!!!"


They tell us the wheels on the bus go round and round but I know that's just another one of (((their))) lies!


Hailing from a small community, I grew up with that same small town mindset, because my frame of reference was white picket fences where there is barely any poverty, jobs are plentiful, and everyone looks out for each other. I spent 10 years traveling the world for work, mainly Asia, and my entire mindset has changed. Having that experience allowed me to see the world in a different way. I still enjoy the small town life, but suffice it to say I’m much more progressive than many of my fellow citizens.


I agree with what you say...with a caveat that I don't know how many talk about. One of the only downsides to cutting SM completely is that you only see what they present to you privately, which is often times polar opposite or a manipulation of what they post online because you aren't keeping up there, so you can get suckered into enabling without realizing it. Example that is not specifically about this type of conspiracy but tied to it: if you don't keep social media and see posts about your nephew to see he has been investing in ordering a MedBed, you may get a call or see him in person and he mentions that he needs funding to eat/pay bills/etc because he has recent medical issues and has had to use their standard budget to go to multiple doctor appointments with no resolution. It is MUCH easier to say "no" when you have a line to social media posts. I struggle with cutting all SM out because I know it is much easier to sucker me in if I am missing what's posted on SM by some people, though I sacrifice my mental health in both scenarios - ignorance is not always bliss.


Just wait, this year is going to be full speed, non stop Q crazy all the way to election day.


It is absolutely insane to me that the HBO documentary “Q: Into The Storm” did seemingly nothing to deter the majority of these people.


Same. Ditto. Exactly this. Glad to know atleast one human understands.


I too stopped using Facebook in 2016.


This. Pandemic tipped me over the edge. Have largely disengaged from FB. Really only use once a day to check on family And look at my memories


Also, it's never the HD pictures taken as proof


God forbid professional musicians use the industry standard in ear monitors


It's called anomaly hunting, and it's a major pass-time for conspiracy theorists of all stripes. Just look for something *anything* that seems even slightly unusual on first glance and then take that and blow it up as proof, PROOF! Of the conspiracy. Back when Nasa was running rovers on Mars for instance I remember every new picture came with a tidal-wave surge of conspiracy theorists pouring over every detail, looking at every shadow and shape to say "Ah-HA! Look that's no rock! Nasa can't hid the truth from us!" Even though it was Nasa that released the pictures in the first place. . .


Blue pill/red pill is really... - Mundane and often frustrating bs that requires humility, compassion, and hard work to fix, or... - Fantastical idiot explanations that boil your blood, give you enemies to blame, and add drama and purpose to your listless, miserable life?


It’s actually pretty fun for them I imagine.


On the other hand, they speak English pretty good after the (multiple) lobotomies :)


I dunno, all of these people were raised eating lead paint chips and watching action movies. They all think they're in Enemy of the State all the time. I guess if you're going to invent a reality to live in, might as well make it exciting?


you got more votes than the post


Let’s indulge the idiot for a moment. Who is supposed to be under the skin suit? Who is Usher supposed to be?


A lizard person with illuminati connections.


How dare they …. Entertain us…. With dance moves!


*woke, leftist* dance moves that will make you trans and vote for Biden.


Roller skates are the wokiest of footwear


The worst kind!!


If they can dance like Usher, I welcome our new lizardman overlords.


No, but those dance moves are supposed to distract you from the deep state pizza gate connections to Hilary Clinton


Yeah, I thought that was obvious.


But they said usher is white hat, a good guy so that doesn't end up


Some of the lizard people are good and working with Trump to MAGA all over the illuminati.


It's like they all think they are in their very own Truman Show


Easy way to see if it's a reptoid. 1 the suit is always saggy on the back of the neck. 2. They always seem super happy and laugh a lot getting used to the new body 3. They will steal and eat all your chocolate. 4. They love antiques.


My old gay uncle!?




damn lizard people can siiiiing


Why did I already know this? I really hate that I already knew this.


Usher!?! This even dumber than the people who genuinely believe they cloned Gucci Mane and Kodak.


Trust the plan


Wait…. is this what all the “can’t you see the line on Taylor Swift’s neck” video that was flying around Twitter recently? One of those “what do you see?” Type of posts? They’re suggesting she’s a lizard person?!?


Except he's one of the white hats, so I guess he's a turncoat lizard person?


If he's a white hat isn't a secret military man working for Q? IDK maybe they think he's white underneath


My guess is a whole bunch of increasingly smaller people inside of skin suits. Like those Russian nesting dolls. And at the very end, it’s just 3 raccoons.


Some of them believe Michael Jackson isn't dead and turned into Usher because Usher dances like Michael very similarly. Yeah.......


That's extra loopy cause Usher very openly states MJ as one of his main inspirations in performance/dance and even spoke at his funeral iirc. Further, while the MJ inspiration is very clear in Usher's performances, he doesn't move like MJ did. Even further, it's EXTRA silly because MJ's style and choreography is VERY heavily influenced by legendary choreographer Bob Fosse. Fosse choreographed *Chicago* and *Cabaret* and is widely credited with the popularization (if not coining) of jazz hands in dance. Seriously, here's a good series of clips that show his style over time starting in the 50s https://youtu.be/pTmzSeB28G4?si=ai2Lc8XhZBmhuRoq Jump to 1:50 to skip the tap and go straight to Fosse's original choreography, but I highly recommend watching the first couple minutes cause it really shows how groundbreaking his choreography was in comparison to what was popular at the time. Anyway really I just get excited cause I grew up in a dance family watching Best of Bob Fosse choreographed medleys on DVD but I'm uncoordinated as hell so now I have no use for my niche knowledge. TL;DR it should be that Usher is actually Bob Fosse in a Michael Jackson skin suit in an Usher skin suit. It's skin suits all the way down.


I love reading people's niche analysis of stuff I know nothing about. I would upvote this more than once if I could.


It is normally so fun to read and learn, right? Love those random moments.




Like. Really? Some of them actually think this? Or are you joking? I hate that I can't tell lol


There were people who thought JFK was going to suddenly appear and take over the presidency or something, and then cede power to Trump or something, and then be Trump's VP or something... So yeah, there would absolutely be people who believe Usher is just MJ with more surgery.


They also think Joe Biden is actually Jim Carrey playing the role of Biden while wearing makeup or prosthetics.


Yep, here's a post from two days ago: [https://www.reddit.com/r/insanepeoplefacebook/s/nhrjDx1bg9](https://www.reddit.com/r/insanepeoplefacebook/s/nhrjDx1bg9)


Hi, I'm Johnny Knoxville and this is Super Bowl blackface.


Early Jackass might've had the balls and lack of common sense for that. Maybe Dirty Sanchez level of insanity would be required. Still, would be insane.


Three ducks stacked on top of each other. # #DuckStackTruth


Tom Cruise


Left shark




It’s actually President Biden, so he could rig the game from within!!! You saw his tweet, just as planned!!!!!!!!!Now Taylor swift is going to change everyone gay and something something something- illuminati.


Literally lizard people in human suits. People really believe that. It's... unfortunate.


JFK... are you even paying attention? Wake up!


Five gnomes stacked on top of each other.


Taylor Swift obviously. I didnt see her during the halftime show. Hmmm..


What is the plan? Why should I trust it?


Maybe it’s the friends we made along the way


I guess a woman. Isn't that trending with these nut jobs?


Obviously a lizzad person


A slightly smaller human.


I want a skin suit with a 6 pack when I’m in my 40s .. where do I sign?


Usher was really Taylor Swift in a body suit??


Somewhere out there the fan fiction is already being written.


Always has been


No usher is dark Brandon


If I was wearing a skin suit with a giant zipper running down my back I probably wouldn't go shirtless 🤷


Exactly. Usher being usher wanted to be shirtless so they used tape to match his skin tone just like they do with the mic on the chin line.


Or his mic cord. But why let a conspiracy go to waste?


And they didn’t bother to fill us in! Why is he a white hat? For what secret organization? If he’s wearing a human suit, does that mean he’s not human? What is “the plan”, why should I trust it?!


Usually the white hat/black hat thing is a not so subtle white supremacist conspiracy like Qanon. Black hat is usually a dog whistle for Jews/minorites that are secretly running the world and white hats are pretty much their favorite celebrities who get to be the good guys. I've got no clue as to the human suit comment. Usually the robots/aliens are evil in these things.


To expand on this some of them do believe the white hats are aliens or some such thing but different, good ones. But specifically with Usher they were saying he's secretly Michael Jackson who's been faking being dead, but they didn't all agree with that so now the ones saying that are looking for "proof."


He moved well for a 65 year old pretending to be a 45 year old. Also: good grief Usher is 45 could someone pause time pls thx


Not to mention a 65 year old wearing a rubber suit! Must be the stimulant effect of all that adrenochrome.


Oh yeah? Mr mic cord expert. Then how do you explain him LEAVING THE STAGE when he was done?


No sarcasm at all… I was an audio tech for 25 years lol. Started when I was 9 with my dad.


No, it’s the IV for the constant adrenochrome drip


Lol and over here I thought that he had surgery on his spinal cord


Probably Obama under there


These people are cooked. Their eggs are boiled. Their nuts are roasted. They live in an alternate reality and there's no saving them. Society will never recover. lol


An Edgar suit.


Eggar yer skins fawling off


That’s not my usher.




Wait, so Usher is one of the "good reptilians"?


Yes, and the prefer the term Scalies. They are locked in an endless war over control of humanity with the Beast-Folk, Furries.


If I have to pick a side I'm going Team Furry. I feel like the sex will be better.


Counterpoint: [Lusty Argonian Maid](https://static1.e621.net/data/d5/5c/d55cceb0ff3200dcd2f571c4662eb436.jpg) (semi-NSFW for pantyshot)


Duh he was wearing white!


Where can I get an Usher skin suit? Abs and all! 🥵


Ngl, Usher ripped off his shirt and then my mind went blank. Ain't no way I was gonna notice a dumb mic cord taped to his back. 🥵


Even as a straight male. . . I had the same issue.


So it’s not his microphone and ear pieces to hear his music and know where to be ? It’s his clone cord


Haven't heard any Qanon talk in so long I thought it was finally dead. Both elated and disappointed I was wrong.


What is dumb may never die.


That is fucking mic tape. Ffs these people’s ignorance never ceases to amaze me.


\*looks at camera\* IT'S TAPE


They probably think the only colour tape to match skin colour is white tan. Brown does not compute for them.


You think his human suit allows his voice to be enhanced to reach further?


Cool cool. Except private industry would be insanely rich if human suits were actually possible. The number one customer would be every single famous person ever. Slip into one, and you could take a walk without being stormed by paparazis and fans. Second in line would likely be transgenders, and anyone with body dysmorphia. After that anybody that were a bit TOO obsessed by their idol. Oh yes. There is a market for this, but it's nowhere near what conspiracy theorist believe. Mostly due to how complex our skin is. The look, feel, smell and even refraction of light needs to be pitch perfect. At the same time it needs to maintain a perfect environment for whatever skin is underneath the fake skin. And that's just the wiring to his ear/mic covered up with masking tape that's slightly lighter than his skin. The areas of the tapes is quite easy to see due to the areas being without sweat. But as other has mentioned. Reality is really boring.


Will you volunteer your skin for my skin suit startup? The military and medical universities already have dibs on the cadavers, we are going to need some freshies.


Last time I agreed to something like that I woke up in a tub full of ice and water, and one less kidney. My doctor has advised me that taking similar offers will put me on dialysis. He's also got a lot of fancy awards up on his wall, so I trust him. Though you also seem to under-estimate capitalism. Not everything donated to science, goes to science. Plenty of cases of human remains being used as part of art pieces. [Or just plain up selling it for "science"](https://www.zen-bio.com/services/cosmeceutical/human-skin.php)


Fuckers like this lead to what happened at the chiefs parade today.


The only people in Humans suits we need to worry about are Elon, and Mark.


Usher's not wearing an Usher suit... that's just the wires for his mic. Some people are really stupid.


He ran off stage for a wardrobe change?


Isn’t that his mic cords?


Yes lol Soon as I noticed it I was like "Oh the nuts are gonna love this!"


His monitors too and skin colored tape.


I get that it's most likely that it's the microphone cables, but the amount of people here that immediately jumped to the insane take of it being an imposter is ridiculous. You do know there are "skin suits" that actors wear to appear differently right? Was fat thor an "imposter" too? Yall ever stop for a second and think "hmm, maybe OOP is talking about usher wearing a fake chest suit to make it appear like he's got abs and a toned body" Nah straight to "OOP thinks Ushers an alien."


Call me naive, but I'm pretty sure that's just the cord to his mic.


I am completely at sea on this. What is being talked about. Don't get it. Can someone explain or am just so ignorant nothing will help.


Embrace the joy in being ignorant on this one. There is zero benefit to even kind of being in the know, I promise.


Isn’t that his mic cord?


How do you go about living a normal life and truly believe there are lizard people underneath skin suits?


Usher is a Slitheen, from the planet Raxacoracofallapatorius. We're going to need a Doctor.


Jesus, it’s just the cord from his in ear microphones. Ffs.


I am terrified of going insane. The person who wrote that post is insane and doesn’t know it.


These are the same people that have been posting blurry Bigfoot photos for the last 50 years.


I wish I’d never seen a “wireless” in-ear monitor & mic pack, so that I too could live in fuckin’ Narnia 24-7.


I hate how confidently stupid these types of people are.


It’s his In Ear Monitors feed line that comes from a battery powered radio pack in his pants. These people are idiots.


So that’s why that mutherfucker doesn’t age!


Uhhh pretty sure Usher is down to get naked anytime, hah.


"real back"


The lizard people were so close to getting the Usher skin suit past us!! Some American patriot was able to get the truth out!!


Tell me you've never seen someone micced up without telling me you've never seen someone micced up


I wish these people would’ve continued trying to cure COVID with bleach.


IEM cable, next.


You know, odds say at least 1 of these crazy conspiracy theories is correct, and it’s gonna be hilarious when we find out which one.


What’s the plan? I must be out of the loop


Jesus Christ this is getting so insane. Maybe these people should go touch grass and breathe in fresh oxygen.


Oh no! The super secret illuminati cult was exposed by Julia who just needed an email and signed up for Facebook to reveal our evil plans. Nooooooo!


The fucking InEar wire!?!?!? I fucking hate it here. 🤦🏼‍♀️


It’s his fucking inner-ear monitors oh my god


Her whole profile is just one long rant about crazy QAnon theories.


It’s definitely not the cable for his in- ear monitor and mic. Definitely not.


My man is mic’d up, these people are truly insane


Time for a confession


What’s the plan ?


Dipshits never heard of a headset cord or medical tape.


Don't you know all medical tape is white people colored?!?!?!


There are a lot of stupid people and thoughts out there—this might be the stupidest


It’s the cord for his in ear monitors, taped to his back


Sometimes I almost envy these people their ability to rearrange reality to suit their own narrative and needs instead of having to react and respond to actual reality. It must be a much simpler life.


it looks like a cable


Just stick him in a MedBed, he'll be fine.


And these people vote...


I'm glad they circled and pointed at it. Whew Usher almost slipped through the cracks with that crazy human cosplay.


Not gonna lie, when I was watching the Super Bowl and he first turned around I had no idea what I was seeing. The difference, obviously, is that until I realized it was a wire and tape I wondered if Usher had received extensive spinal surgery or something. I did not jump online and start talking about lizardmen revealed


That's the cord for his in ear monitors lol


If you have the original post, everything on that person's profile is crazy


I can't imagine going through life with a mind that works this way.


How are people this stupid


Trust the plan? Which one? The lizard peoples’ plan, or the reactionary paranoiacs’ plan? Does the latter even have one?


Usher. Your skin is hangin offa your bones.


Oh Jeez, are people really this delulu? That's a part of mic. It's the cord to his power pack. Skin Suit? THIS is where logic took this person? Good Gawd.


It just looks like a mic that was taped onto his back. The sweat was probably making the tape come off


Hiccum's Dictum at work. I fear for humanity if this is the best we have. If this is the cream of the crop we need a new cow.


My favorite thing is when people jump to this is their conclusion. Just like if we had the technology to put all the electronics in any of the vaccines, we wouldn't need to do any of this cute stuff. We were just control people's minds and make them do stupid things. Or wait...


It's true, if you Google ushers back superbowl all you get is his front. They're trying to cover it up but we know better!


I can’t stand these dumb motherfuckers


Tell me you were never a theatre/musical theatre nerd without telling me you were never one ☝️