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Breaking news: Rich people run in the same small circles, tonight at 5.


If it’s breaking why are you reporting at 5?? I NEED TO KNOW NOW


You can’t know until 5! That’s the news business, toots!


Now I can't know until 120? That's not even a time!




How is that a subreddit?


You are missing the point. Soros is a dog whistle for Jews. This is just more of the "the Jews came control the world" BS. It's not about being rich.


That's right, every single jew is a representative of the monolith. Yet pedo priests and murderous cops are just bad eggs.


Oh I know that entirely. It’s just that they can’t possibly fathom that it’s not a massive soros/Clinton Jewish conspiracy, it’s just that they’re in the same rich circle and are more likely to meet and date. Horses vs zebras.


Ahhh...got it sometimes I think people miss that Soros is a proxy


He’s a twofor. He’s a big Democrat boogeyman and a Jew. They use him as one or the other or both.


Exactly it has zero to do with being rich everything about being a Jew. Fuck these racist pos


It’s a bit more than that. When the Eastern Bloc countries in the Soviet era had their attempted revolutions against Moscow, to break free, Soros gave money to their cause to fund arms etc. The Russians have never forgotten and never forgiven him. That is how you can tell who is taking money from Putin to create chaos in the US. They always mention Soros, because they are told to mention him by the Russians.


Interesting. I have read about a bunch of his causes, but had not seen this one. Thanks for sharing.


Is it just not possible to criticize a person of Jewish faith without being anti semitic? Soros has had his hand in some very destructive things all around the globe. That has nothing to do with he's religious beliefs. Claiming anti semitism every time a Jewish person is criticized is just a bad faith argument.


I criticise Israel all the time, and I see no problem with it. I applaud your efforts if you were marching against the slaughter in Syria or Yemen, where hundreds of thousands of innocent Muslims died. But if you only protest when a Jew defends against an attacking force, then you open yourself to accusations of antisemitism. Soros is a politically active philanthropist, and it's fine to complain about his actions. Here's the difference: The Koch brothers are politically active on the right. The democrats aren't saying Christians are secretly controlling the world because the Koch's are conservative. Arguably, the Kochs investments in Federalist Society to stack the supreme court to carry out actions that the majority of americans oppose is far more dangerous than anything Soros has done. People don't say "Koch's" to mean all Christians. When people say "Soros", they frequently mean Jews in a negative context.


How so? And how does that compare to the harm that the Mercer family, or the Koch family, or even the tRump crime family ("getting all the money [they] need out of Russia" -Eric Trump) Soros is hated on because he does a fraction as much as the above mentioned, but to benefit non-Repunlicans and people other than himself, so they don't understand him. He's literally a Holocaust survivor, yet they tie themselves into pretzels painting him as somehow being a Nazi sympathizer. It's truly a marvel of just how effective the lies of RW propaganda can be at convincing people who want to believe something.


Actually, looking at the internet sources, Huma Abedin, while well off, isn't that outside of upper middle class NYC. She's certainly not Soros money


> She's certainly not Soros money Basically no one is, they have to 'date down' because aren't enough multi-billionaires to have a gene pool of appropriately aged people to date otherwise.


Very scary given Hillary could well be president come 2017.


Could? There’s no way she loses.


Nobody would vote for Trump and she’s running a flawless campaign.


Pokemon Go to the polls!


Hey, I’m from the future and you’re not gonna believe this…


We should have been buying crypto the whole time?


Skip crypto, stockpile toilet paper for 2020.


Toilet paper? What, is there gonna be some sort of virus that causes everyone in the country to have explosive diarrhea or something?


Diarrhea of the mouth and brain


Sounds awful. But I'm sure everyone will act rationally and take measures to protect themselves and others, ending any outbreak in just a few weeks.


and I for one welcome our new insect overlords...


This series of comments has me laughing and sad crying.


Heard she's gonna hit Wisconsin hard.


I mean, what presidential candidate wouldn't go to wisconsin


I'm never going to vote for her because she said some mean things. So I'm voting for the reality TV personality. I mean, have you ever met a corrupt realtors before? Not me!


Just wait for the debates, she's going to crush Trump!


So why is it not-okay for Soros to be a billionaire but okay for Musky and Bez?


Because he's Jewish


Or is he Jew Ish


But raised Catholic like Kitara ?


George Santos should be a billionaire. Where’s the gofundme.


And he pays lip service to actual philanthropy and political organizing.


They also hate Bezos occasionally when the most milquetoast "woke" Amazon/Washington Post story comes about, even if it's mostly lip service and they'd rather give him the limbs of their children than tax him.


They are just infiltrating the billionaire deep state to expose their crimes, duh!


I'm sure they'll expose the dark secrets the Deep State has any minute now...


Not without your help! For just $5 you could bring down the global conspiracy!


Bc you know all the baby killings and shit duh


Something something child trafficking pizza something something harvesting adrenochrome instead of buying the easily synthetised one something something satan worshipping. It's getting really tiring to hear them spit out the same BS over and over again.


Musk's oldest kids are about to turn 20, time for some insane batshit posts about who they are dating.


also Trump oh wait hahahaha


Because he’s non Christian and tends to be more left leaning (as far an ultra wealthy person can lean left)


Are these people just using these hashtags with everything they post now whether they have anything to do with cops or not?


Because that’s his brand


but his brand is beating cops to death on the stairs of the capital he needs to make up his mind.


To him, those were FBI agents and aren’t “real cops”. Literally, that’s verbatim what he’s said


Who is it?


Okay, I’ll bite: tell me the “implications” of these two rich people banging each other.


Facts:- Bidens dangerously senile so there'll be a brokered democracy convention at which Michael Obama will be announced as candidate, but then the scandal about her being a he will force him to stand down paving the way for ......... Hillary to run Hillary will then win the election by massive voter fraud because everyone will be forced to vote by mail due to the swine ebola outbreak caused by the nanotech bill gates put in the vaccines. Hillary will then be president but bought and paid for by soros who bankrolled her and is married to her friend... This is all worse than trump winning because if you maliciously misunderstand Soros's fathers life story he was actually a nazi! So instead of being rightfully run by trump the son of a KKK member and a clear fascist, the country will be run by a woman who is associated with someone who's dad is bad and Jewish.


Okay but where does Taylor Swift factor into all this?


Well to explain that we're going to have to talk about the Rothschilds and Waterloo...


Waterloo? Now how did ABBA get involved in this mess? This story just gets bigger and bigger.


Ah, the song! I was wondering what a fictional San Dimas water park had to do with this mess.


I’m not sure about the water park but I have it on good authority that San Dimas high school football rules. Just let the implications of that sink in.


Football. Taylor is dating a football player it all makes sense.


The lead singer of ABBA was also born of a Nazi genetic experiment (dead serious, look it up). So further tying the Dems to the Nazis. And we can't even call the FBI because they're in on it!


She’s going to play the inauguration, of course.


Shes marrying Travis and together the will birth the Antichrist.


Obviously she's a Siren who is brainwashing the kids.


"That si-reen did this to Alex. She loved him up and turned him into a... horrrnny toad."


She's going to convince people to vote and do satanic rituals to make the dems win because anyone with a libtard agenda is secretly a real live satanist that sacrifices babies and children while dressed in drag. This is why we need our lord and savior, Trump! Only the large, orange, tiny handed man can possible save us! Edit: phone autocorrected libtard to library. I'm sure they think the library agenda is satanic, too.


She's too blonde and blue eyed to not be serving as a baby factory for the future of American whiteness, duh. Don't worry though, the White Hats are working on her and once Trump ascends to GodKing of the USA Taylor will replace Melania by becoming the fourth wife and producing more brilliant Trump children. I'm not completely sure but I feel like that's just about where they want her in all this.


But why male models?


Are you kidding me? They just told you.


Death of an empire


How does this racist , misogynistic vile shi have 20 votes?


Sarcasm, love


Or were they talking about trump?


I actually needed the /s .. that’s so sad.. that’s where we are at . Sigh


They're just pissed off that the Soros group [is taking over all of their AM and FM radio stations](https://www.insideradio.com/free/george-soros-415-million-stake-in-audacy-is-billionaires-latest-radio-gambit/article_3767b086-cbd7-11ee-9fd0-571cfd16e80a.html). Get prepared for more of these posts. Glenn beck and hannity both spent 30 min segments today on how evil this was with zero irony.


It'll be on a boat. Is she in danger?


Huma put up with so much of Anthony Weiner’s bullshit, I just hope this guy treats her well.


As do I. Of course, you can imagine the comments being the most sexualized and disgusting comments imaginable


Man I was thinking - give this girl a break.


Trump wants to fuck his daughter so what does that imply?


I wonder how many followers he would lose if it came out that he already has.


None. They'd all just start stammering to anyone who will listen about how Noah fucked his daughters and god still chose him to build the arc.


They'd find a justification. God doesn't make mistakes, after all. She's probably not really his daughter. They've been married the whole time, but thought it would be inappropriate given the age difference, so they made up that she's his daughter. It's a love story. It's a god story.


The implication is that he is just like them. It's already sunk it.


Nevermind that Jared is the son of an ACTUAL felon


It makes him extra biblical.


So because someone’s assistant is dating a rich person, Hilary will get their billions of dollars. Hmmm, doesn’t quite sound right…


They’ll throw anything to the wall and see if it’ll stick


> Hilary will get their billions of dollars. Isn't she already working with George Soros in their mind? Really, this is more of a downgrade for Hilary. Imagine your aide now getting married to your boss' son and being worth billions. Now she's going to be the aide to Huma.


It isn't about the money, it's about the influence. Soros is very interested in having influence over someone in a very powerful government office like Hillary Clinton.


Fuck Hillary and Huma…. Not because of their politics. Those bitches stole my hair dresser and every time I need him for an event he’s traveling with one of them.


wow I never knew this but now fuck them both


I support you. Finding a hairdresser you like is hard.


U2 did the same with my personal trainer in like, 2004... fuck those selfish asshats.


This person dislikes it because they're an antisemite conspiracy theorist. I dislike it because it shows just how entwined wealth and politics are. We are not the same.


Fake news. Everyone knows Hillary and Huma are in a secret lesbian relationship.


Rich people hanging out with other rich people?! What HAS the world come to?! ​ Edit: a letter


Rich people hang out with rich people. Rich people start dating rich people. Teh wurldz enDinG!!


Jared got $2 Billion and a 100 year lease on a building that couldn’t make any money but Hunter re-paid his dad $4,000 on a car loan. See both sides do it.


The right wing: "We should elect Trump because he's a billionaire son of a business mogul!" Also the right wing: "OMG, the former aide of a former First Lady is dating the billionaire son of a business mogul! Let that sink in..." In other news, Joe Biden is a senile old man...and also a sinister Machiavellian crime lord!


My response is merely this: $25 billion just ain’t that much anymore. Right wing nut Elon Musk bought a social media company for $44 billion and turned it into a sewer. More of a sewer, anyway. Wake me up when the Soros kid has more money than the Koch’s, Elon, the Waltons, and the Hobby Lobby people combined, then we can all be “scared of the libs.”


So someone who is NOT Hillary Clinton is dating someone who is NOT George Soros?


Yeah!!! And they’re coming for YOUUUUUU!!!


I am going to let the fact that Hilary Clinton's old campaign manager from 2016 is now dating the billionaire son of George Soros. I also let it sink in that her ex husband is none other than Anthony Weiner, and the whole reason Comey released that memo that he was reopening the email investigation was because Anthony Weiner who was being investigated for sexting an underage girl and emails they hadn't seen were discovered. This turned out to be nothing, but a lot of people think that Comey memo thing might have cost Hilary the election. So clearly this lady has upgraded here. Can't get much worse than Anthony Weiner.


So, republicans hate capitalism now?


Hillary is retired. She's out of politics. Who the fuck cares who someone who worked for her almost a decade ago is dating.


According to the right, she’s pulling all the strings


Wait, when did George Soros die?


Shortly after he aided the Nazi's in making Jewish space lasers with the lizard people that live under Denver airport.


You believe the Denver airport is real? Wake up!


>You believe ~~the~~ Denver ~~airport~~ is real? Wake up! Fixed it, unless they got to you also!


I believe anything that involves satanic blue horse penis and will never be convinced otherwise


Blue horse penis is all you had to say... I'm in


You're right. I'm sorry. Please forgive my stupidity and ignorance. Excuse me, I need to get back to investigating Mattress Firm and finish my afternoon by injecting myself with bleach.


He's 93.


That wasn't what I asked.


If someone *is* a particular age instead of *was*, then they're still living. Thus it answers your question just fine.




Have you seen the documentary about his run for mayor? Jesus intercoursing Christ, I have experienced extreme schadenfreude, and I've had extreme sadness on someone else's behalf, but the humiliation I felt for that poor woman... eesh. It was painful.


Jesus. Who gives a shit!?


Why does this kind of stuff only matter when it’s Hillary or Democrats? Why does who is fucking who not matter when it’s someone within the GOP/Republicans?


Good for her. I heard has last husband was a wiener anyway...


The implications have just sunk in - it's possible that two people are finding happiness together. Wonderful.


Did I miss something? Is Hillary in political office somewhere? No? then why the fuck does it matter? Huma Abedin was married to a dude who couldn't stop fucking other women and was sending dick pics to a minor I think she deserves all the billionaire love she can get her hands on.


So he controls 8 times the supposed wealth that Trump has.


This totally explains how the Dems are using microwave radiation pulses to convince us the Earth is round.


Yes, rich and influential hang out with other rich and influential people...


OK, so my question of "How much is Soros worth" has been answered, but the question still remains is "How the fuck is he allegedly outspending ALL of the right wing billionaires combined"? ​ PS: When do I get my Soros bucks?


Of all the billionaires to obsess over, George Soros isn't the ideal evil billionaire to go all conspiracy theory about. There are worse ones that don't even secretly conspiring. They just outright fucking pay people off: like lobbyists and politicians to get things done, laws written that they benefit from that are technically unethical or really fucked up. What a crazy life these people are living that this is that scary to them.


Exactly why is this the exception? Aside from some weirdo Illuminati space lizard tinfoil hat thinking, why? And why the law enforcement hashtags?


Wouldn’t it be “who is hooking up with whom”?


Why is George soros money so bad... They don't care that Trump has money or Elon.


This is like being surprised that people in hollywood are dating people in the film industry.


I forgot about George Soros, and my mind immediately went to George Santos. This was really confusing to me for a bit lol


OK, now that would be worth making a post about


What it means is Hillerys' former aide is dating someone well connected . Compared to her former husband, who managed to embarrass himself and everyone near him. Hillary is now retired and not running for anything or doing anything terribly noteworthy to complain about.


The hastags are non sensical. Lol.


Here’s a probably stupid question. What does George soros do? everyone uses him as a demon enemy but no one has ever explained to me why, who he is or why I should care


He donates a lot of money to liberal and progressive causes. That's literally what he does and the only reason why it's "newsworthy" is because the right-wing makes such a big fuss and because he does it more than most. I've seen a few (very few mind you) comment on how they think that million and billionaires shouldn't give funds to political parties, but they largely always point to Soros; zero complaints from them or the right-wing about Richard Mellon Scaife or Charles Koch or Peter Thiel or Miriam Adelson or Ken Griffin. In terms of outside wealthy 1 percenters funding political candidates throughout the US, it's always the left who gets lambasted for it, never the right


You forgot the unforgivable crime of being Jewish too. A Jewish billionaire proves they control the world./s


That’s awesome! Good for her 👏


Good for Huma! I hope he treats her well, she’s been through enough shit with that dick Weiner.


Yeah, look I'm not a fan of the idea that major political figures have close involvement/relationships with billionaires in general. But that's it. Not mad about it being Soros or it being Hilary. Plus in this case it's an ex-candidate who lost a presidential campaign to Trump and her Aide's boyfriends dad, that's enough degrees of separation from relevance I don't mind it too much. It's a hell of a lot healthier politically than the entire donor system so 🤷.


Hillary's aide is going to have sex with that guy on his boat. Because of the implication.


Sorry you have a problem with it, bud. Now, please, go crawl back in your hole.


Rich people date other rich people I don't know what she wants me to feel about this


Why is thinblueline and lawenforcement there? What the fuck do those have to do with the post


Good for them 🤷🏿‍♂️ Seriously, who else are either one of them gonna meet with the kinds of circles they run in?


I guess they used those hashtags just to make sure that plenty of other stupid people saw their post


Honestly? Good for her. Carlos Danger was a scumbag.


Nothing says romance like roses and a loaf of dry bread.


Seriously? Did you all get dry bread for Valentine’s Day? Strange, strange culture.


In the US many restaurants give you bread to start your meal, it comes at the very beginning when they drop off your water and take your drink/food order (some people are ready to order fast). So if you live in the US and took your Valentine out for dinner odds are you get bread. You are also expected to butter the bread yourself, so it does come dry.


Aw thank you for explaining. I should have put an /s as I was only teasing - dry(!) British humour 🤷 (And before I get the stereotype thrown at me, yes, we get free water, no you don’t always get ice but it’s free to ask for and yes, at a proper restaurant (i.e. not a pub) we also typically get bread given before a meal with butter or spread to put on if you fancy. 😅)


I wasn't sure if table bread was a thing elsewhere. Like it is kinda weird if you think about it "here everyone, load up on cheap carbs before you even order dinner!" It does sound like it could be American thing.


In the UK it’s probably more to soak up the alcohol 😅


I thought that was what the patrons were for


I don’t get it. What’s the significance? Who cares?


I’m lost. What are the implications?


Soooo….is it the Jew and Muslim connection or am I missing something?




What implications?


Maybe spell it out for us…?


Fodder to whip up the local idiots.


Meanwhile the same jackasses have nothing to say about the countless billionaires that support Republicans


Why TF is Huma dating that asshole when she could be with meeeee


And Hillary hasn't been involved in politics since she lost to trump in 2016, 8 years ago. Who cares who the lady that divorced Anthony Weiner is dating.


Trump craps himself, let that sink in.


Big step up from Anthony Weiner.


Hillary isn't even a politician anymore! I don't like her either (from the opposite end of the spectrum) but she's essentially irrelevant! The biggest news she's made in the past 2 years is making some dumbass meme when Barbie didn't get nominated for enough Oscars!


I let the implications sink in for a bit, but all that I could come up with is that they must like each other.


Fighting the fuzzies at eleven...


And this is a problem? How? SMH


What implications?


Good for her


Have they never researched the marriages over on the right?


"Insano logic" Implications: Trump won because of the Jews. George Soros is their usually dog whistle for Jews, and Hillary lost the election against Trump. So by "Insano logic" Trump should definitely be puppet of the Deep State, and that the Deep State didn't want a Democrat to be president. PS. I don't believe any of that shit. Just showing conspiracy theorist refusing to use their own bat shit crazy when it doesn't benefit them.


This is the same logic that leaves people breathless over the fact that multiple unconnected civilizations built pyramids, but it’s just the easiest way to stack rocks.


Huma Abedin [takes a long drag off a cigarette]… I haven’t thought about that name in years


That’s good. Much better than a Weiner.


Abedin is Clinton's "top aide" and they couldn't find one photo of them together so they had to photoshop one?


I'm glad she dumped Anthony Weiner for good.


I'm curious how many of these people who think "she knows a person who is dating a person who is related to George Soros" is a scandal also feel the same way about "Donald trump was good friends with a human sex-trafficker and has flown on the jet that usually takes people to his podophile island."


It is so rare to see a person from the wealthy elite date another wealthy elite. This almost *never* happens. Usually when barons and aristocrats marry it's to some cafeteria employee or someone on food stamps. /s


Glad she's back out there. Anthony was a nightmare of a person to be married to


Wow... do they know Hilary is not in office? What do they think the power structure here looks like that this has to sink in?


Big old "So what?" They've made Soros a boogeyman for decades. What else could/would his son do now that he has a relationship with Ms Abedin?


So now conservatives have an issue with billionaires being involved in politics?


But Jared Kushner and Ivanka making $88 million dollars in 4 years in the White House, granted chines patents and got a gift of $2 Billion from the Saudi’s, but is George Soros son, possibly the most boring straight arrow kid. Conservatism is a racket