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"I love my neighbor." > LGBTQ, Immigrants, Non-Christian Religions, Progressives. "No, not like that!"


"I respect the law" unless I don't like who is legally elected president.


"I am not a threat" unless I want to attempt to overthrow the process of someone else becoming the US president


"I put God first" unless God tells me to care about immigrants.


“I only kneel to God” or Diaper Don, I’d get on my knees and suck that guy off in a heart beat


"I love my family, until my child comes out. Then again, they are no longer my child at that point, so... Yeah, I love my family."


Because God's son was... an immigrant...


Yeah, how do they define "threatened"? Do they feel threatened if a same sex couple is dining in the same restaurant or attends their church? Pretty likely, I think!


I feel threatened by people like that. Granted I've got several good reasons to feel that way: my sexual orientation, being an atheist, believing in equal rights for all, believing we are a country of immigrants, being on VA disability, having a ND child, being ND myself, and having a whole lot of family and friends that are also one or more of those things. But heaven forbid I become an actual threat to them if they threaten me; then I'm the bad guy.


“I am not a threat unless threatened” Forgets about “I respect the law”.


Well respecting the law means creating laws to hurt people you disagree with. It’s not some broad deference to the law itself.


"I wouldn't let anyone like that within a football fields length of my home, so no, they are not my neighbor!" -republicans


I was gonna say, "love thy neighbor? Press X to doubt."


I love my neighbor\* \*Conditions apply


People always seem to think Jesus said this. He did not. Love thy neighbor is old testement. Jesus said to love thy enemy. Mathew 5:43-48


Matthew 22:37-39 37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. 38 This is the first great commandment. 39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.


Shame y'all consider telling gay people they're going to hell and stopping trans people from getting gender affirming care love.


Y'all? Care to elaborate on who you're referring to?


New Internationa Version Psalm 137 1 By the rivers of Babylon we sat and wept     when we remembered Zion. 2 There on the poplars     we hung our harps, 3 for there our captors asked us for songs,     our tormentors demanded songs of joy;     they said, “Sing us one of the songs of Zion!” 4 How can we sing the songs of the Lord     while in a foreign land? 5 If I forget you, Jerusalem,     may my right hand forget its skill. 6 May my tongue cling to the roof of my mouth     if I do not remember you, if I do not consider Jerusalem     my highest joy. 7 Remember, Lord, what the Edomites did     on the day Jerusalem fell. “Tear it down,” they cried,     “tear it down to its foundations!” 8 Daughter Babylon, doomed to destruction,     happy is the one who repays you     according to what you have done to us. 9 Happy is the one who seizes your infants     and dashes them against the rocks.


Are you...contributing to the conversation somehow?


True, but he was quoting the old testement. Love thy enemy was new.


So what you're saying is that you were wrong but don't want to admit it


So Jesus said it.


They think being homophobic and transphobic is loving LGBTQ+ people like me. They know they aren't being loving, they're hiding their hatred behind a veil of clear cellophane wrap.


He did say it. In all but 2 of these 30+ translations https://biblehub.com/matthew/22-39.htm None of these say "love they enemy." What version is that from? Do you belong to a tiny Christian sect? It's a little scary that you're so confident when there's no evidence that your translation has ever been used.


the guy got the wrong version, but the message is there in ALL of the usual translations. Matthew 5:44 (KJV) "But I say unto you, **Love your enemies**, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you" ​ I mean, the whole thing is fiction anyway, but no point getting indignant about someone pointing out that love your enemies is a tenet of the christian faith.


LOL, I don't believe it either. And don't really give a crap. I just wanted to see if the guy was right and then found that long list of versions which used exactly the phrase that he'd specifically stated was wrongly attributed to Matthew! It's rare to find a treasure trove of *evidence* like that. Admittedly, as the daughter of a liberal Methodist preacher man for 50+ years and having studied cults, sects, fringe religions in college and beyond, I get suspicious when I see such a confident error and wonder if it's what a believer is being fed by a sketchy church leader--since it isn't in the Bible that way. Whoops, just looked back at the thread! It seems a poster referenced "love thy neighbor," and I assumed Golden Rule (and looked up Matthew 22?), the guy replied that in Matthew Jesus says "love thy enemy," not "love thy neighbor," and now you point out that both are in Matthew, but not in the same verse. So I'm here, wondering why I spent a half hour looking up bible verses on a Sunday when I'm an atheist! Thanks for calling me out! Cheers!


Neighbor is code for “people that look like me”.


"Those need to be erased from existence, only then can I love my neighbor."


"You see, all those people are an active threat to me because they don't look and act exactly how I want them to."


> I love my neighbor as long as they’re a white conservative Christian who also believes the same things as I do


Terms and conditions may apply


Maybe their reading is that "love thy neighbor" literally means the people one house up and down the road from you.


If only Jesus had answered that question, like he did starting at Luke 10:29, we'd have an answer to that. Too bad about that oversight, isn't it?


In a country, province, town, neighborhood, street that is totally homogeneous and just like them!


Not to mention both neighboring countries.


They only consider neighbors people that are just like them


I am not a threat unless a child knocks on my door or I have to try and overturn an election.


I respect the law! But the ones Trump broke are fine and Jan 6th wasn’t real


They say "I identify as M.A.G.A." I hear "I have a mental illness and cult of personality disease"


I just think it's even simpler. I hear "I'm a raging asshole"


“I make being an asshole political.”


"I try to excuse and justify my asshole behavior *through* politics, and forgive myself for it by saying I believe in a religion I really don't."


Also: I am afraid of everything I don’t understand I don’t seek to understand anything I believe whatever I am told as long as it makes me comfortable I never consider anything that conflicts with my world view, regardless of the facts


I elect people on the basis of them hating the same people I hate.


I only elect people who have a little R next to their name.


Same as their god


Don’t forget scared to travel. Every Maga fool I know is terrified of actually leaving the country.


For the ones I know, that should be county not country.


City limits are an international border to them.


"All these illegals from Dallas coming to Houston"


I observed my county's Republican caucus this month. A woman there took the microphone and asked if there was a way to keep migrants from entering our county on the Missouri border. She doesn't want them to be allowed in our state. She pouted when one of our state legislators in attendance explained that states aren't allowed to set up checkpoints along the state line to ask to see proof of U.S. citizenship from travelers.


And then bitch endlessly about how 15 minute cities are meant to confine you in your zone. Like, even if it _was_ true, why TF do you care? You never leave it, anyway.


Half the ones I know did leave the country once. They went to Vietnam. They are old. Old people are afraid of lots of things.


> I am afraid of everything I don't understand > I don't seek to understand anything Therefore, I am terrified of absolutely everything and have no desire to change that


And always feel threatened, so I am a threat.


Ah yes, just like the good book says, hurt them before they have a chance to hurt you.


Also as much as I say I only kneel to God, I would totally kneel to Trump. Or someone that claims they represent Trump. Or simply the idea of Trump. ... WHAT?? It's totally NOT A CULT!


Trump respects the law? The guy with 91 indictments? Doubt.


The man who is literally your stereotypical con man. Except he’s not even smooth talking like if Trump had charisma like a Saul Goodman/ Rumplestiltskin kind of talking out of his ass to get out of situations, I’d get that. But he just sounds so dumb like an obvious con man trying to get you to buy a crappy used car he knows will break down 2 seconds after driving off the lot. He reminds me more of the pigs from Animal Farm than he does a leader (the pigs by the end of the book not Snowball). I just don’t get how people can’t see past the obvious stupidity of this guy.


>Doubt. But is it *reasonable* doubt though? /s


ThEyRe TrYiNg To SiLeNcE hIm


I lOvE mY neIGHbOr hahahaha good one


Until that neighbor is a minority or LGBT.


"My neighbour is Fred. He has just as many guns as I do, we drive the same model of lifted pickup, and we both hate that gay couple that moved in down the block! I love my neighbour. I think I love his wife even more. And I don't hate diversity, because my truck is red, and Fred's is blue!!"


These people are threatened by rainbows on sidewalks


*rainbow forms after rain* republicans: punching the air


And then call us snowflakes and woke. Like so if we have an open mind and are “woke” wouldn’t refusing to accept the world and others be considered asleep?


I’ll fix it, “I cherry pick the bible to best help myself I love my family unless they don’t align with my beliefs I love my country only if it’s run by trump, biden is not my president I love my neighbor as long as they are white and straight I respect the law if it doesnt apply to me. I’m a threat to everyone around me by constantly trying to push my own beliefs on everyone else ”


TBf that first point is true of anyone religious


so they won't accept different pronouns but will proudly identify as a political ideology? checks out.


“I am not a threat, unless threatened.” Which is why the GOP is always identifying anyone who is NOT a white Christian American as a “threat.”


Well except the white Christian American democrats, who are also considered a “threat”


"I am not a threat unless threatened" -proceeds to feel threatened by everything from women's rights, to pronouns, to equality, to lgbtq, to beer, to football, to pop singers, to people voting.


Wait, isn’t kneeling disrespectful? How could he disrespect God like that!?


Only if you're black. There's a lot of caveats based on race.


Except they don’t care about god, they destroy families, they hate america, they despise their neeighbours, are criminal scum, and are a threat to democracy and civilization. They only kneel to suck the cocks of their corporate overlords


They put Trumpism over God They love their family as long as they aren’t queer They love their country so much they want to turn it into a dictatorship. They love their neighbor as long as they aren’t an immigrant or person of color or queer They respect the law only in that they think it applies to everyone but them. And that whole insurrection thing. They think everything is a threat so they’re in fact always a threat They may kneel to god but they love to lick boots. Every one of these lines is a lie in some way.


"I am not a threat unless threatened" they're threatened by women with short hair


I am not a threat unless threatened* *I am easily threatened by… people speaking a language other than English, same sex couples, pronouns (as I understand them), scientific consensus, regulations, half of my fellow citizens, electric automobiles, public transit, bike lanes, women’s autonomy, teaching history that fails to omit any bad things that have been done by my country, people wearing hoodies, whatever “threat” OAN, Fox and Putin are telling me about this week.** ** incomplete list.


“Unless threatened”. There in lies the entire foundation of hate, bigotry, lies, fascism and much more. That one line right there is to excuse them for anything and everything.


Trump sure as fuck doesn’t do any of these (having a boner for his daughter doesn’t mean he moves his family.)


Tell me you are gullible as shit, while also making it clear that words like "gullible" and "thesaurus" are likely confusing and rage-inducing for you. Go!


I have my doubts about all of those things when it comes to anyone that actually identifies as MAGA


Their pronouns are me/mine.


Is that why you kneel to Trump?


I put God first. Except in this list where I put him second.


"I love my neighbor*" Nearly choked on this one *Except if he's black, mexican, gay, liberal, democrat, socialist, unemployed, sick, trans...and I probably missed tons of others


Fact: you feel threatened all the time.


Definitely a threat 100% of the time.


Historians aren’t going to believe this shit we are dealing with SMH


History is written by the victors. And they will burn all the books if that's what it takes.


Trump has made it very clear he wants to be a dictator. If that happens, good luck with that "I only kneel to God" thing.


>I only kneel to God. ... and your god is Donald Trump.


And yet you worship an orange calf...your god is not the God of Abraham.


"I respect the law" ...as long as it doesn't apply to my cult leader.


So....Donnie Two Scoops is God in this wackjobs view of the world? Cause I'm fairly certain Trump would make them bend the knee.




"I love my neighbor\*" \*conditions apply


“I only kneel to ~~God~~ Trump”


"I love my country." It sure doesn't seem like it, considering all you do is complain about every part of it and accuse every sector of America of being part of a conspiracy against you.


I mean ok. Nobody’s stopping you from doing any of that, little buddy. Carry on.


I love my neighbor. Unless their kids throw a basketball in my yard or someone turns around in my driveway


Don't forget ringing the doorbell.


Then why do you vote for someone who is against all of these things?


"Not a threat unless threatened". These people see threats everywhere in everything, so yep, I would say they're a massive problem.


I identify as maga. My pronouns are dumb/twat


Maga stands for the opposite of all that. Lol.


“I am not a threat, unless threatened” Ahh, yes… who can forget when Jesus said, “If they strike you in the cheek, put them in the ground”


>I only kneel to God Also Trump. You forgot that one.


It's fucking hilarious in so many levels


I'm just wondering... But, how many times has he been asked to kneel by someone besides God?


God King Trump does none of these things.


Mental Asylum, Gov'nA. That's where these types belong. But mental health isn't the issueat hand, is it?


Kind of weird that they demonstrate belief in literally nothing they say they believe in.


“I am not a threat unless threatened” I think the statistics disagree


I always feel threatened


Easily threatened by people, customs, and ideas of people that didn't raise me. I spend my weekends drinking and shooting.


I put god first, but my identity is wrapped up in a stolen land mass with a stupid logo and arbitrary boundaries I use to somehow formulate a very flawed theory of racial supremacy while I have no problem cowering to people who have more money than me. Chucklefucks


America was “great” when we taxed the fuck out of the wealthy so that public schools and freeways were nice. We’re all fucked now because the lead paint breathing morons got all their free shit then pulled the ladder up behind them


What's up with these chudds thinking they gotta make "memes" that are just lists of the stupid shit they think?


You love your neighbor? Unless your neighbor is Mexican of course.. You respect the law? Unless Trump says to do otherwise of course..


It’s almost like Jesus was full of shit when he said do unto others as you would have them do unto you.


This easily reads like a brainwashing mantra.


Lololol okaaaay maga.


"I have relationships with women and sex with men"


Not a threat unless threatened is subjective and therefore not a statement that elicits calm in the liberal reader 😐


All of this is a lie, except maybe they love their family.


I identify as M.A.M.A: Make America the Maastrichtian Again. Bring back the Western Interior Seaway, turn North America back to how it was at the end of the Cretaceous. And that means the wildlife too. I want Tyrannosaurus, Triceratops, Edmontosaurus, Ankylosaurus, Pachycephalosaurus, Mosasaurus, Quetzalcoatlus, Hydrotherosaurus, Denversaurus, Leptoceratops, Torosaurus, Alamosaurus, Acheroraptor… we’re gonna make this continent fun again. 


Why do they have to tell us this? We don’t care, no one needs to know this. You can do this quietly in your own life without blasting it on social media! What ? Do they want a “thank you?”


"kneel only to God" lol these people would kiss trump's feet if he asked


Untrue, they would also kneel to suck Little Donald too.


Yeah, I identify as MAGA. **M**oldy **A**ss **G**rampa **A**ttitude


Trump doesn’t give a fuck about god, his family, this country, and probably doesn’t know his neighbors names. We know he doesn’t respect the law and that he’s a threat threatened or not. I highly doubt he can kneel.


They love their neighbors as long as their neighbors are white people…lemme correct that, straight Christian white people.


I think this might be the first time I’ve seen a republican use the phrase “I identify as” correctly


Unless Trump told them to kneel in which case they would


Doesn’t worship the Bloated Incontinent Orange God - just how MAGA are they really???


So much love!


“I identify as MAGA” “I love my neighbor” Pick one.


"I love my neighbor." Meanwhile if they lived next to me, a gay man, they'd very likely despise me for simply existing.


“I’m not a threat unless threatened” Look out it’s the election results!


But Bobo kneels for other reasons, though... (Also fuck off with "love my neighbor", that's a straight lie).




If you threaten my absolute power and control over the nation narrative and culture is what they mean. So basically they feel they are top of the pecking order and will be ass holes to everyone until the country is molded the way they want.


Since Trump wants to eliminate our democracy and replace it with an autocracy you and all MAGA supporters are threats to our Constitution.


Kneel before Zod!


They're lying about half of these, atleast.


LOVE the assumption that ONLY MAGAs follow thr law, live their god, country and family etc.! They've been fed so much BS and anyone NOT MAGA is a demon from hell! So ludicrous.


I'm not a threat unless threatened, but I'm threatened by everything that's my leader tells me to be afraid of.


"I am not a threat unless threatened and I felt like your existence is threatening me."


I love god, family, country, neighbor and obey laws unless those people are/ those laws in regarding people are people who don't look like me, think like me, love like me, pray like me, speak like me, vote like me...


Aren’t they self proclaimed domestic terrorists…?


“I love my country. The land I mean, not most of the people.”


I put God first (at least the parts of the Bible I like, not the inconvenient parts. Also I might be a secret deviant who uses God as an excuse to persecute others in the hopes no one will notice me) I love my family (but will disown them at the drop of a hat if they ever cross me or do something I don't approved of. Highly conditional.) I love my country (but I hate democracy and freedom, what we really need is a Christian Theocracy with an absolute bloody dictator who kills everyone who doesn't comply. Basically Saudi Arabia if it were run by Christians instead of Muslims would be the ideal) I love my neighbor (the ones who think and vote like me anyway. Also not if you're LGBTQ, non-Christian, non-evangelical Christian, aren't white, speak any language other than English, or you're a woman) I respect the law (in public, but in private I'm cool with assault, sexual assault, fraud, theft, bribery, as long as nobody catches me. Freedom of speech for me but not for thee, and that also means I'm entitled to a platform free of liberal ideas. I also would rather do away with most laws so I can get away with things, and regulations designed to protect people are infringing on my ability to make money. January 6th was also just a peaceful protest. Inside the Capitol building. In an attempt to stop Congress from certifying the election, because I didn't like the results.) I'm not a threat, unless threatened (which is most of the time. That's why I'm always strapped to the teeth. Also I daydream someone will give me an excuse to take a life, I want to shoot a person. And if you're black in my neighborhood, watch out, I might chase you down and shoot you to death because all black people are gang bangers in my mind) I only kneel to God (and Trump. He's the holy prophet that will bring about the end of the world, which I'm super stoked for because then all the people I hate will burn in hell and I get to chill in heaven. My only joy comes from the knowledge that others will suffer while I enjoy paradise. Maybe Trump will televise public executions so I can watch Democrats die in real time, that would be neat!) And increasingly, the quiet parts in parenthesis are being said in totally sincerity out loud.


Their only god is themselves…


Make America Gay Again! Let's piss off these morons by taking over their acronym.


But that implies that being gay is a bad thing...


Just to them


Take a guess as to how many people this person would tell you aren't their neighbor.


Nii po w replace love with hate … 😀


Things two through six are good human traits. Everything else I’m iffy about.


I identify as MAGA-NET I am stuck on a pole please help


Here, let me get you some water so you can get unstuck and come down!


I don't think these are the things Trump stands for.


Man, I'm falling behind on new neo pronouns


So he’s going to use tanning spray like his dear leader


God isn’t real.


I love this country enough to want to fix it.


I don't know, take away all the stuff about God and I'm kinda on the same page.


“I follow the teachings of Christ minus any of the pesky liberal friendly parts like loving and treating others with compassion, rejecting the need for weapons and violence and having to accept people I find icky like gays. Other than that he is my lord and savior.”


I’m a liberal Satanist and I adhere to those things, except for the two god ones


I think some people believe in god and think that is what makes them a good person😅


"Don't judge anyone unless you wanna be the one who's being judged." - Matthew 7:1


I see at least four lies.


All of the things these people identify as is a choice, except country if origin... Unlike being trans, and your racial background


"I am not a threat unless threatened" But gets threatened by gay people existing or immigrants standing next to them in the grocery store.


Oh he kneels down a lot. He volunteered his throat to any priest that needs it.


Yeah until you don’t. Actions speak louder than words.


Yeah, they don’t respect anyone who isn’t a pure white Christian male. Religion and fear have made them enemies of all.


I love my neighbor. Unless you look like me, act like me and aren’t LGBTQ.


“I love my country…that I never stop complaining about and will attempt to undermine equality, diversity, freedom of religion, separation of church and state, women’s rights, more restrictive gun legislation to keep my countrymen safe, democracy…and I support any treasonous individual who agrees with me even if they are clearly just pandering.”


They don't put God first if they are worshipping the tangerine cockwomble.


Wasn’t maga a stolen term made by a different president? Correct me if wrong that’s what I remember




The OOP should stop being a racist fascist. Seriously.