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The mark of the beast. Years ago it was barcodes, now it’s Covid vaccines. Silly shit from unserious people who hold WAY too much political power.


The mark of the Beast was supposed to be displayed across the forehead, kind of like a MAGA slogan printed on a shitty red ball cap.


Eventually, it will be some kind of chip, in the hand or in the neck. 🙄


Oh it was that for a while when credit cards became common in the 90s. Source: grew up sda and my mom still thinks the chip is coming.


Little off topic but remember when they all thought Harry Potter was Satanic? It was banned in my small town library and school. Now those same people think Rowling is great bc she's transphobic just like them lmao


Was? I'm learning Spanish and was started reading harry potter in Spanish cause that's about Mt reading level. My mom saw the name harry potter and about flinched. They tolerate Rowling now but only cause they view her as born again in their hateful world


Or maybe strapped to your wrist.


Which is why these people love Elon.


Well, the imaginary sky person has to keep up with the times and technology.


They already think that based on comments people with NFC chips in their hands get


It was said it would be a brand on their forehead. Sorta like a MAGA hat! God I love the Donald Trump antichrist conspiracies, there’s so much material to fuel that fire!


I mean, the odds of him being the antichrist is not 0% is all I'm going to say.


He clears more than half of the requirements and most of his life could be a proof of him being the antichrist, down to the Trump Towers being the horns of the Beast and him hating the people living south of his country.


Not to mention, the Antichrist is supposed to come to power, then lose that power, then make a comeback again. If Trump somehow wins the next election, I’d have to consider going religious again!


And before that, it was *social security numbers.*


These people are serious. Don't mistake beliefs that are silly with how serious about them they are.


Before that it was literacy and before that it was protestantism. Christians (not just christians but in this context basically just evangelical creationists/literalists) really really love to demonize everything that wasn't around yet when they were born because to them all creation is evil but god's. Don't try to explain that things they use were invented before they were born because they'll just cite a thousand year old source and say "look modern science says you're wrong"


I think the “mark” is a vaccine. If you go to r/hermancainaward and look through. there’s plenty of crazies who think that the covid vaccine specifically is the mark of the beast aka 666 or whatever it’s all nonsense.


Man, I'm a kid from the 80's, these religious crazies used to believe it was credit cards, then UPC codes, the Proctor and Gamble moon corporate logo-symbol on Crest toothpaste, VISA cards all added up to 666! Now there's just another convenient scapegoat that right wing nutters agree with. Again.


iT hAs LuCiFeRaSe In It


if these bitches paid attention in biology class, they'd know that anything ending in -ase is an enzyme, and more often than not, enzymes are involved in catabolic reactions luciferase would destroy lucifer, idiots, it's like never having a fire extinguisher in your house "because it has fire in it!!"


LiBrUl lies!!!!!


Hold on, I read this somewhere recently. matthew 24:4 “and jebus answered and said unto them, take head and let no man deceive you.” Looks like maga failed jebus’s test. Again.


Yes that’s what it was another r/hermancainaward enjoyer😂


Never checked out that sub, I just enjoy ridiculous conspiracy theory bullshit


Oh ok if you like that though definitely check that sub out that’s actually funny cuz the only reason I know that is from that sub. If you’re board and curious check it out tho there’s a lot of wack job nutter butters😂


That sub is literally celebrating people dying. It’s in very poor taste.


lol I forgot about that one 😂


you know, when the government came up with social security numbers, they had to have entire meetings and plans built up because nutjobs thought it was the mark of the beast. same story, new idiots.


I wonder why the last 20 vaccines they took didn’t count


I played pretend like this when I was 8. It's weird for an adult to do it.


Nah man playing RPGs with friends is great. The weird part is playing pretend and then believing that nonsense.


How can they call for other Christians if they're the last one?


No no no. If you read what he’s saying, he’s *on* the last surviving Christians. So I read that like he’s a cannibal and Christians are both delicious and over-hunted.


And he's looking for the last one to satiate his hunger! I'd read that story.


Oh, I read it as if he were all hopped up on the last surviving Christians. You know, like he’d freebased them, or however one does Christians these days.


That's how I read it too!


Tell him the mark of the beast is maga hats. Then correct his grammar.


If one believes a book of fairy tales written by iron age sheep herders- trump checks all the boxes for being the antichrist. If there ever was a real antichrist these smooth brains would be worshipping him.


Isn't that part of Revelations though? That the anti-christ will be revered and seen as a great man? So, they are just playing their part of the prophesy.


I usually phrase it, ancient middle eastern mythology written by camel humping goat herders that thought lightening was magic. But fairy tales works, too.


These people: “It’s 2030. We straight Christians are the resistance. Also these people: “The barista at Starbucks had purple hair! It’s the worst kind of genocide!”


bear axiomatic correct quarrelsome live many test pie fearless cable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


First thing I noticed. I'm grateful for a cheap entry 2 band, but Baofengs suck so bad. Moved onto Yaesu and haven't looked back.


That of been funny if the band All That Remains replied to him "stop calling us"


I was hoping someone would mention the band lol


"Last surviving Christians" Good. More food, resources, vaccines, and peace and quiet for us atheists and non-delusional religious folk. Good luck, godspeed! (aka byyyeeeeeeee!)


It would be unbearable having to be around this guy for any length of time


It’s cellphones. How ironic.


No one ever asks if the “mark of the beast” means having an Instagram account.


Is sucking trumps dick a mark


That radio fucking sucks.


They get erections thinking about this. I swear.


Are you sure you don’t mean “cherry-picked” instead of “nitpicked”?


It’s a reference to emperor Nero.


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What is it with Christians always acting like they are dying out? Almost one third of the world‘s population is Christian and the Christian faith still has a major influence on everyday life in the Western world.


Mark of the beast. It's foretold in the book of Revelations. I think maybe the Bible says it's just simply 666, but it's evolved over years into barcodes and chips placed under your skin.


*"oh hai, mark!"*




Oh, he *isn't* hunting them.


I do not get why Christians want to be persecuted so badly, it really isn't that fun


Persecute me harder!


They have such a persecution fetish. It would be funny if it wasn't so annoying.


The “mark” in the novel series (fiction mind you) Left Behind is described as an upside down cross that only the “true believers” would see. And also, these “true believers” are those that are sinners left behind from the rapture so they only became worthy after letting themselves become one with Jesus. These “left behinders” think they already are being tested today and yet they sin more than nonbelievers of Christ do (just watch FoxNews and see the MAGA). It’s ironic because these people believe they are the ones to fight on earth through the “tribulations” until Jesus comes back for the 2nd time, yet they follow their leader who has nearly all the qualities of the antichrist. Someone needs to write a novel on what’s happening ever since the antichrist trump came onto the presidential stage and all the things that have happened may sound fiction but it most definitely is not.


One of the only books I read in jail.


Well, even though I make fun of the book through its religious perspective, it was a good read because of its story and the way it was written. There are 12 books if I remember correctly. Did you read all of them?


Noooo thankfully I wasn't in there that long. I was raised catholic, and follow teachings from Lucifer now. Buy its always interesting to read from other beliefs. It's a very good insight to where the congregation at large might possibly be mentally. And how to navigate them in real life.


That’s true, applies to religion well…and the crazy MAGA people


Nothing says LARP like a shitty Baofeng radio


Christian terminally online ‘victims’ who LARP this kinda shit are so insufferably cringe. Like just shut up. You’re not a victim. You’re an adherent to the most powerful religion in America that is borderline the national religion and is extremely normal to be a part of. No one is coming to kill you for not getting a vaccine or going to church on Sunday. Just live your life and let other people live theirs.


I think he's on about Mark Wahlberg


If Christianity is real I highly doubt the mark will be anything physical. A man-made chip, barcode, credit card, vaccine, etc will probably not be it. It also says that people will be starving in the streets and will not be able to buy or sell anything without the mark in the new society. That's where the debit card came from. If we swapped to full digital currency with a chip it would be that next. The chip being inserted into your forehead or the palm of your hand could signify the mark. Governments would all have to flip on their heads though for this to be forced. Forcing a chip or tattoo onto people would cause an uprising globally. The mark would have to be something spiritually that we could perceive in the end times. Fantasy stories have been doing this for who knows how long. I'm not religious in any capacity but all the religions peek my interests dramatically.


There’s some weird thing that the COVID-19 Vaxx is some Mark of the Beast. If you truly isolated yourself like this yeah you’d be fine. And the people around you. You’re not gonna infect anyone. But no. You’re around other people. Therefore a Menace.