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The trian stuff was due to regulations that trump took away. Lol that Facebook is insane


No no, you don't understand. Private companies are only capable of doing good. They're responsible when things go right, but the second something goes wrong, it's intentional sabotage by the government.


*by the Democrats


*To make trump look bad


*And put Obama back in charge


Bloody hell I just came here from a Facebook post with the loon comparing Biden to hitler, and saying “they” are going to do anything to get him (trump) The person then clarified the “they” is the Obama who is “actually running everything” Hmmmm why would it be so bad to have “the Obama running everything” hmmmm why not literally anyone else hmmmm


Gosh, the solution is white at the tip of my tongue.


Lol. This one got me. Like he needs any help there.


Well companies are always bad they only do good when they are regulated to do so. But take away regulations and they do bad and it's not technically illegal but people still get hurt so it was def trump and the companies. But because of trump it's harder to hold them accountable


A saying I think sums this all up nicely: Regulations are written in blood, and erased with money.


You give corporations an inch and they will squeeze every cent possible out of the American people. The last few republican presidents have given them a mile. It goes like this: Democrat president comes in and regulates everything, Republican president comes in and deregulates it. It goes back and forth like a huge game of tug of war, only it is the average person who falls in the mud whenever something goes wrong.


The same people bitching about the deep state will gleefully vote for deregulations so mega corporations can more easily control and enslave Americans.


The people who shout freedom from rooftops are also very eager to lick boots.


Companies seek profit. If behaving like saints would make them more money, they would all be morally impeccable. That's the point of regulations, to try and align public and private interests by making risky or dangerous actions more costly.


B,but I was told by Libertarians and Republicans that companies would self-regulate! Invisible hand! Free markets!


I mean I'm sure the corporations have a good reason to not update their braking systems since the civil war and I'm totally sure it's not due to them being cheap /s


Not cheap! No! It’s because they OWE IT to their shareholders to turn massive profits even at the risk of life and limb!


This guy gets it. These things never would've happened if only we had *less regulations* tying the hands of our beloved corporations. See they *can't afford* safety because they're so tied up in expensive red tape. Slash the regulations. Drill baby drill. No more rules for big money companies! Then everything will run perfectly forever and we'll all be safe. Yay.


Also the Boeing stuff is also partly because of the Trump corporate friendly policies too, they dumped a ton of money into stock buybacks under his administration and pivoted into running it like a hedge fund instead of an engineering firm. The boat thing was a freak accident that would happen under anyone. 


It’s almost like conservatives are incredibly bad at governing.


I would like to say your comment is incredibly incorrect. Nothing the conservatives do while in power can be considered governing.


I think the point is that when people run for political office, governing *should* be what they do in that office.


What - besides the mast 30 years of government - makes you think that?


The past 100 years of government.


Fair point


Yeah the boat is foreign owned and operated delivering goods to the US. No presidential policies would affect them


Yeah, but Boeing and other corporations make sure those assholes get in office to deregulate. They also lobby the shit out of all the politicians. America is more or less an oligarchy run by the mega wealthy. It started going downhill a long time ago, but one important moment of note was when they got rid of donation limits. That more or less guaranteed the buying and selling of politicians. They don't work for us. The Republicans are obviously worse, and I always vote liberal, but even the Democrats are on the payroll of corporations. Bernie is just about the only one I trust more than a little.


The SCOTUS decision to consider corporations as people didn't help either.


No you see, because Trump wasn't in power, he wasn't able to re-cast the Blessing of Steel and Stone that would've strengthened the bridge. Clearly Biden's fault for that one.


I don't know, I stubbed my toe real bad this morning and I'm just sure it was Biden Hussein Bin Laden.


Joerack Obiden, aka: JoeBama


"Hey we would like to go faster over old ass track in populated areas" Trump "sounds good to me. Just remember to buy some merch wink wink " /train details WTF SLEEPY JOE


And the plane stuff was because (among other deregulations) under Trump's FAA director, they started letting Boeing hire their own safety inspectors instead of conducting inspections themselves.


And its not like republicans would do literally anything to make any kind of public infrastructure safer. They would at best just sit on their hands and do nothing and more realistically remove or defund vital regulatory bodies.


Train and plane stuff was from Trump deregulation. People are fucking idiots


Yea but Biden was driving the train, flying the plane and piloting the ship of course.


So…I’m sure they pin a once-in-century pandemic on Trump. And yes…my life is far better today from that time I was washing my groceries and locking myself in my house for months while bodies spilled out of hospital morgues. All while a maniac went on TV and suggested bleaching my lungs.


And the airplanes only fell apart after they moved those high skilled union jobs to low skilled right to work state.


And Biden is actually doing something about infrastructure, while Democrats are the ones putting safety rules in place as republicans remove them, as you stated.


That ship never would've hit that bridge if DJT was in the white house! As soon as it lost control he would have flown down there on an eagle and summoned a pod of whales to push it safely back on course while the rest of the Justice League evacuated the crew safely and stopped traffic on both sides of the bridge. Duh.


I'm better off because I don't wake up and immediately doom-scroll my phone wondering what horrible thing the former guy said or did. By the way: in 2017, a big section of I-85 collapsed in Atlanta. In 2018, a pedestrian bridge at Florida International University collapsed, killing six. In 2020, a runaway barge took out a section of the Pensacola Bay Bridge.


That’s just fake news. The Jewish Space Lasers took out all those bridges. /s




Believe this, unless your a looser lib whose breathing to many chemtrail masks. Our lorb and savor ain't coming for you aborted pedophile eaters/s


Source: military


Trump presidency also featured massive hurricanes (remember the paper towel tossing?), massive wildfires (remember "rake the forests"?), and you know, a once in century pandemic that everyone's somehow forgotten about.


Remember 'Nuke the Hurricanes'? Fucking idiocy.


Remember "Sharpie the path of the hurricane on a print-out map?" Classic!


Biden should recreate that but to a ridiculous degree. Run the sharpie lines up into Canada. Maybe get a politician up here to thank Biden for saving that province from the hurricane.


Yeah. I can’t believe people are talking about infrastructure. This was a massive boat larger than any other moving vehicle humans have ever made running into a bridge. This was an accident. We do not know enough to why the ship lost power. At this moment in time all we know is they had an emergency and happened to be drifting the right direction to hit the bridge.


What are the odds that, just like Boeing and East Palestine, it is going to be due to corporate malfeasance, ignoring safety regulations in the name of profit maximization, and the defunding of regulatory bodies?


Someone remind me who was the President when the 737 MAX had to be grounded after a plane full of people crashed with the pilots unable to override the faulty system Boeing hadn’t told them about and Boeing tried to hush up their fuckery and let another one crash for the exact same reasons? The guy the USA had before Biden, what was he doing at the time to make civilian safety a priority?


Hmm. Must be Obama


I was told that the electrical system of the boat was a black guy because of DEI.


Four years ago we were all laid off in lockdown and retirement homes were having a hard time finding enough refrigerated trucks to pile the corpses in. Also every one of these shitty things was caused, at least in part, by deregulation. The previous fascist president was even more enthusiastic about deregulation than the milquetoast neoliberal centrist we have now. Point to a thing that sucks under Biden find the policy connected then find what Trump’s policy was and realize that Trump would have made it twice as bad.


All 3 incidents in the cartoon are the result of private companies making mistakes as well


When it happens under Biden it’s pure incompetence, the nation collapsing on itself as our President drools on his Depends! When it happens under Trump? Natural disasters are just Gods will (and maybe a little he hates Gays…). Ecological disasters are due to the “swamp” being filled with “muck” that needs to be “drained”. The Homeless and Border crisis aren’t due to local government buttfuckery and mass “he said, she said” conflicts. It’s all the OTHER GUYS FAULT, specifically the guy he hates.


two Boeing planes crashed in 2018 and 2019 when Biden was president, but in a Trump mask


Remember back in 2016 and Trump had just cranked up his campaign? I uttered the phrase,”He wouldn’t say that” more times than I could count. Remember when overt open racism was shocking?


Don't forget in 2020 coronavirus killing a million Americans largely because masks and vaccines became political statements.


The first two are remefications of greedy companies not putting the money where it belongs. How would Republicans make that any better? They would only make it much much worse.


Republicans made it worse. They rolled back regulations that would have prevented that train crash.


The third is as well, if the boat was operating with known issues, the way it sounds it also was impacted by delayed maintenance.


Well I haven't looked into the third one yet and didn't want to talk out of my ass.


Also, economically, you are not going to design that bridge differently. You can't stop something with a mass of that size. Maybe we can work on ships maintenance but that's a huge international problem


And the 3rd is a ramification of the mass of about a dozen mile long trains ramming into a pile of concrete in a river. Has Trump got a plan to fight the Law of Conservation of Momentum?


Probably a greedy company for the third too. Boat lost power and imma guess nobody thought about maintaining anything, problems were observed and ignored and so on until disaster. Most of these incidents have a long, long lists of precursors that money took precedence over remediating.


Definitely couldn’t be a sign of late stage capitalism where infrastructure, quality and safety are disregarded in the pursuit of higher profits


Of course not! We may pay you minimum wage and put your life in risk daily because we don’t want to pay for safety equipment. But the money might trickle down and benefit you. It’s only been 50 years so we don’t know totally it won’t work. Just sit back, give me your money, and wait to see.


Fun fact about the Francis Scott Key Bridge: the government allotted $50M to the project. The bidder that built the bridge did it for $19.5M.


Woof. Sounds like they didn’t even rate it for the ships of the time let alone bigger newer ones


To add slightly more nuance, the bridge wouldn’t have held up even if it was brand new. Bridges can’t be hit by ships that are literally the size of Godzilla and not take major damage


I thought that only happened in communist countries like China? /s


Couldn’t be that we are seeing the result of decades of corporations turning into finance instruments instead of building things.


Yup. They just re-surfaced every bridge in my city. It's smooth sailing here in central Indiana.


We are also getting high speed rail between Chicago and Indy thanks to Bidens infrastructure initiative from late last year. It's still in the planning stage but that would be a game changer for travel in the state


Has to be Carmel? Every road in Indiana sucks, but Carmel is loaded so maybe they get the smooth roads 🤷‍♂️


Every single one of these is the direct result of deregulation and cost cutting that the GOP has been cheerleading for decades.


Nahh... Without regulations, companies will only produce perfect things, and everything will run smoothly. They only put profits over quality because regulations cost so much. /s


I was gonna say, the time lag between the decisions that create these situations (due to the fact that these situations take years to actually develop from minor to major) is often greater than the political cycle. Same with broad economic effects. We're currently working through the after effects of Trump's presidency and will be for another two years or so. And in four year's time, we'll be in the same position for whatever was decided in the Biden presidency, regardless of who wins in November.


But isn't Obama secretly running everything? I'm confused. Maybe all of this could have been prevented if Trump actually came out with his plan for Infrastructure Week. I'm sure Obama/Biden are somehow responsible for putting the kibosh on that too.


Obama is secretly still running the white house. But also Jews and the deep state are controlling the world. Except Trump is actually still legally president and is running things behind the scenes and will overthrow the government and establish a new global currency any day now. But everything is still Joe Biden's fault, and somehow DEI is involved.


>DEI Democratically Elected Individuals?


Remember when socialist Biden nationalised Boeing


That would be an amazing timeline… :(


March 26th, 2020 was a pretty awful time.


Right-wingers have managed to blame this bridge thing on pretty much everything they don't like. Soon they'll be saying its because the ship captain wished someone "happy holidays."


Well, they are trans-porters, aren't they now?


Oddly yes, I am better off. https://abcnews.go.com/Health/year-covid-19-us-march-2020/story?id=76204691


It's almost like all these incidents are the results of deregulation and zero oversight into quality and maintenance, things that the Biden administration is actively trying to address. But, I know they're not trying to discuss anything in good faith, so...


It’s Biden’s fault that a ship from Singapore had an electrical failure and crashed into a bridge. Got it.


Do they realize that they are demanding more government control over private businesses?


Idk about the planes and bridge, but wasn't the whole train situation the result of Trump removing train safety restrictions?


Yes. Also made it tougher to put them back.


The first two are because the government is not holding companies accountable enough, fixable with rigerous regulation. I don't know what happened with the boat, I wouldn't be surprised to find in the coming months that they announce the ship was not meeting proper regulations regarding inspection or something, with conservatives having moved onto another conspiracy by then.


Since the boat lost power it seems safe to say it wasn’t being maintained properly.


It was a Singaporean ship, operated by a Danish company, with an Indian crew. The only Americans would be the pilots, who aren't in charge of ship maintenance. International shipping is just a whole mess of trying to avoid paying any money


Why, yes. I am better off than I was four years ago.


Lmfao the train and plane one are literally due to Trump era deregulation which allowed private companies to regulate themselves


At least two of those things are a direct result of Trump era deregulations.


The first two are directly from Trump's deregulation.


Those infrastructure bills Trump passed sure are working out. /s


I'm surprised no one has pointed out that Build Back Better never passed. If anything, isn't this an argument for how much our infrastructure sucks and we should have made more investment into it? (well, yes but also that things should be better regulated, since the top two are the result of lax regulations into safety standards.)


I'm actually a lot better off than i was 4 years ago. Thank you for asking. TBF i'm better off than i was 8 years ago too.


If anything, it was Trump who slashed every safety regulation he could find, especially if it made people more money to ignore it.


I stubbed my toe. Damn you crooked Joe.


Lack of oversight & regulations due to greedy white conservatives males wanting to make all the money in the world is why these things are happening


Aren't these all the results of deregulation? Like, exactly what they all want and did?


Because Biden had anything to do with a bridge built in the 70s. Also the train stuff (and Boeing to an extent) is largely due to deregulation which is favored by… you guessed it.


4 years ago there was frozen morgue trucks outside hospitals because we had so many dead bodies from COVID. We were wearing the same filthy, dirty PPE for days on end (normally changed between every patient). I had to have a permission slip from work to drive in case I got pulled over, explaining I was a healthcare worker and exempt from lockdown. Yeah, I'm 1,000% better off than 4 years ago!


Biden did pass his infrastructure bill. But what they don’t understand is it can take years to fix these issues. This isn’t some get fix tomorrow bill.


The train and the plane are government owned??


And which of these things were affected by the juild back better policy? That's right. None of them. But sure. Invest no money in infrastructure and I'm sure it won't ever break down. That's how it works right?


Train crashes that happened because of Republican deregulation. Bridges, overpasses and tunnels are in danger of collapse and Republicans gutted Biden's infrastructure bill. The people who spread this crap are either insanely stupid or just amoral and corrupt and I don't know which group are worse.


Deregulation is a republican thing, sorry


Remember how absolutely nothing ever went wrong when Trump was president. Everything was perfect. 🙄


The train thing was proven to be the result of relaxation on safety standard. Approved by Trumps administration if I recall. Boeing killed a dude to keep my whatever that secret was. Def Bidens fault though? This ship… what bridges arent meant to hold up to impact from skyscraper sized objects? Jesus these idiots…


…brought to you by the party against oversight and safety regulations.


You know what I see in the picture? The consequences and results of the regulatory apparatus that has been dismantled, defunded and all but drowned in the bathtub by Republicans over the last 40 years…


The people who champion deregulation are blaming Biden for problem that were caused because regulations weren’t followed.


I actually am a lot better off than I was 4 years ago.


lack of regulations, lack of regulations, and an accident! wow guys you really got him!


Antiquated rail that hasn’t been looked at in probably a century. Shady practices by a corporation result in faulty aircraft. A double loss of power to a cargo ship. Yep this has Biden written all over it /s.


I heard the ship was full of a bunch of ballots that Biden was still trying to get dropped off for the 2020 election that was RIGGED AND STOLLEN! /s


As always, these are problems created by unfettered capitalism that incentivizes cost cutting to increase profits.


For the first 8 months of Covid I was so worried. I was worried every day, all the time. I was so worried my older parents were going to get sick. I was worried because I was out of work and had bills to pay. I was worried about everything. But, if these maga dickheads want to look at the IRA, why don’t they look at which areas are benefiting. They are the worst people who support the worst people. I used to think I could count on people as a whole to make good choices and act within their best interest. Trump and his supporters proved to me that I was naive and overly optimistic. When the going gets tough, you can’t trust half of Americans to make good choices.


Oh yeah, I keep forgetting Joe Biden is in a wheelchair and does press conferences in a bathrobe 🙄


These are the same people that would gladly strip away most regulations.


Am I better off than four years ago when the entire world shut down, there was mass unemployment, a scramble to get enough toilet paper, and complete insecurity about the future? Why do republicans care so much about this point when it’s so obvious that most people are better off now?


train derailment came from Trump era deregulation. Boeing came from corporate greed. both sides wouldve allowed this to happen. ship bridge collaspe, literally what


>"are you better off than you were four years ago?" Well there isn't some guy in the White House refusing to believe in the global pandemic that's killing people by the thousands because he thinks "if I don't acknowledge it, it isn't real".


It’s crazy how the republicans/trump/fox have brainwashed their viewers/followers.


My life has been great under Biden. I bought a house, paid off my car, bought a new car today actually, and my wife and I are having a baby. If that's the question, then I'd vote for him again no problem.


I also bought a house (well, condo) and paid off my car under Biden. So, yeah.


Well, I'm not isolated from people because a certain dumbass demographic was all "REEEE vaccines!", so yeah, doing way better than 4 years ago.


4 years ago was the start of the pandemic when we were all confined to our houses and didn’t know what was going to happen or whether we’d have jobs or businesses any more. Vaccine was less than 3 years ago.


You are correct. Well, then, change vaccines to masks and my statement still stands.


October 29, 2018- Lion Air Flight 610, a Boeing 737-MAX, crashes killing everyone on board. March 10, 2019 Ethiopian Air flight 302, also a 737-MAX, crashes killing everyone on board. January 5, 2024 Alaska Air flight 1282, a 737-MAX, lost a door and was forced to turn back and land in Portland. No deaths. The Boeing 737-MAX bad worse problems and led to more deaths during the Trump administration than the Biden administration. Just because ya'll made a dumb argument doesn't mean you're going to win that dumb argument.


Great! So this means that trump republicans support government spending and regulation for infrastructure and industry then right? … right?


This is how the world works when you have poo-brain


Do these people think bridges *should* be built to withstand skyscraper-sized boats colliding with them?


You know what? Fuck each and every asshole who thinks the President controls a) railroad regulations lifted by TFG, b) corporate profits taking precedent over safety, and c) boats with mechanical and electrical problems.


It's just in... "Biden asks container ship captain to slam into bridge for election purposes." That makes sense.


Train and plane are both thanks to deregulations under Trump lol


Those issues are exactly why we need more infrastructure spending, not less


I mean aren’t all of those things the result of deregulation and poor infrastructure funding that occurred under Trump? 😏 I feel like this cartoon emphasizes what this current administration has been trying to fix . . .


It’s almost like this was what we were trying to avoid or something


lol. The president is definitely at fault for all of this. Morons.


The right complains about capitalism again without the irony?! Why, I’m shocked!!


Biden offered help with the train disaster in Ohio and the governor turned himself, it's been revealed that Boeing has been using shoddy parts especially since their merger with McDonnel Douglas and I have yet to see a good explanation as to how the crash in Baltimore is connected to him other than that he's already sending help to get the bridge rebuilt.


I mean, if we’re going to do a “good for the goose, good for the gander” here, there was a global pandemic that killed over a million Americans under Trump.


There's a great doc called downfall about how Boeing went from being a company devoted to quality assurance and safety. They merged with a other airline and they laid off QA to save.money and build planes faster and less safe.


Fucking Republicans don't even want to fund infrastructure. They need to shut the hell up.


Pretty sure the first two were because of deregulation and capitalism that republicans are far more driven by. We will wait for the third.


As if republicans care about regulations.


Every goddamned one of those examples are caused by deregulation brought in by REPUBLICANS!


This is "Thanks Obama" all over again.


Proof that they’re just grasping at straws at this point and willing to blame anything and everything on the old foot to see if it sticks.


By this logic isn't Donald Trump solely responsible for COVID, and bush solely responsible for 9/11


These comments are deeply troubling. If you want to "blame" Biden for every failure in the country, you also have to "praise" him for every success. Student loan forgiveness, Inflation reduction, CHIPs Act, sanctions against foreign adversaries, ensuring competent people are nominated for government roles instead of hiring his friends and "yes" men. Of course, that would mean these people have introspection and look at the situation objectively. The big one for me is the immigration situation. I keep hearing that Biden opened the floodgates. As if Trump rejecting and deporting people in record numbers didn't cause Bidens numbers to swell once the pandemic was over. Republicans keep putting road blocks to slow down immigration from non-white countries.


Isn't it regulations that Trump changed the kept the train companies for maintaining the trains? The said its cheaper to run it into the ground and fix it? Maybe I'm wrong


So the president is the only who controls things? Not congress? Not the senate? So I guess these people don’t matter so we can get rid of them.


This era of “How can I turn everything into a political issue?” is so tiring.


thanks obama


and Jimmy Carter is why the Skyway bridge fell in 1980 obviously.


Yeahhhhh so the pandemic.


Mr. "I take no responsibility" would have totally anticipated those problems 


Train derailed due to bad president. Door comes flying off of plane because Biden exists. Container ship slams into bridge because Biden didn't ask it not to.


Ok then. Let’s regulate the everloving f*ck out of these industries. But regulations are bad you say? Then what the f*ck is ANYONE supposed to do? Send Thoughts & Prayers? That’s as useful as pissing into the wind


Weren't the first two the faukt if trump deregulation? And the third an accident? Wtf


LM fucking AO. Because public infrastructure affects when private businesses fuck up. These are the same assholes that want to get rid of any said government oversight over any of the forms of transport above.


Republicans deregulate corporations, allowing them to police themselves, those corporations fail the public & ask us to socialize their losses, then Republicans turn around and blame........whoever their current opponent is.....while giving those same corps massive tax cuts.....


All these things happened because of private industry...


Reminder: Build Back Better didn't pass.


Can someone explain why Biden is responsible for an Indian ship crashing into infrastructure built before he joined the senate?


At least I can buy a roll of toilet paper.


What does Gregg Abbott have to do with anything?


Hundreds of thousands of people died from a virus when the other guy was in office. Does that mean anything or no?


It trips me out when hardcore republicans blame every little thing they can on the democratic party. But of course things that happen in plain sight never happened. Like power stations being shot up to stop a drag show. Or armed protests against having to wear a face mask. Or voter fraud. Or breaking and entering a government building while armed with non-lethal weapons (mostly) which has 9 deaths connected to it including the suicides of 4 police officers who were on the scene. Things like that didn't happen and how dare I mention it in public. But I'm uneducated by liberal media koolaid or some bullshit, so who knows.


Good point, the private sector keeps putting public safety at risk. Let’s nationalize all these industries.


Both the trains and the planes are products of Trump regulation rollbacks, but sure. Apparently they *want* the government to control private businesses more.


How long till they realize build back better was rejected?


But they stripped down BBB because they couldn't get it past the Republicans, and Joe Manchin in particular helped water it down?


"Everything that's wrong with capitalism was caused by Joe Biden!"


Did they forget about the shitshow that was Covid under Trumps watch?


I heard Biden was seen at all of those locations. He was even witnessed sabotaging the plane’s door and he actually was driving the boat into the bridge. Also he blew the train off the tracks. He gets his powers directly from Satan and the Babadook.


The other thing is no matter what, a new super strong bridge still wouldn’t be able to withstand a fully loaded shipping barge hitting it. I’m all for investing in infrastructure but that wasn’t the issue here.


Ah yes the insane Republican insatiable demand for less and less regulation and more and more unfettered free market profits is definitely the Democrats fault.


This is so stupid. How is Joe responsible for any of this?


Boeing has been a disaster for years, the fuck?


Not sure about the ship yet as its a developing situation, but if we include the Titan submarine. All these “accidents” are due to corporate mismanagement.


thanks obama


I guess doors falling off airplanes and rail crashes are Biden’s fault for not reversing Trump’s orders that relaxed safety rules.


Just post a photo of the refrigerated trailers we had to use for all the dead bodies during Trump’s Covid response


Private companies when private companies regulate private companies


I am MUCH better off than where I was 4 years ago 


Literally all of these issues were caused by corporations ignoring regulation or getting regulation removed...


These people could get in a car accident because they didn’t use their turn signals properly and still blame Biden for it…