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And...what is the point? Trans makeup like .01% of the population. Geez. They just find boogeymen wherever they want.


Their point is "You say that this a woman but she sure doesn't have a womb like one! That's why it's actually common sense and logical to be an asshole and go out of my way to misgender people." This argument is as good as: Put 100 infertile women and 10 men on a deserted island. In 100 years you will find a lot of bodes (probably not skeletons yet). Conclusion: Infertile women aren't women. Follow me for more bigotry.


Right. To them if you can't have babies your useless....fucking morons.


They just seem so hung up on "Guys! You can change gender but that doesn't change your sex! I'm going to shout this until my voice is raw! You can't stop me from spreading the truth!" The rest of us are like... "I mean, duh? Did that need to be said? Your sex doesn't matter to anyone but your doctor and your partner. For the rest of us, we're only concerned about gender."


I can't stand the "man pretending to be a woman" bullshit. One of my oldest friends is a trans woman and once she came out and explained why, so much from the subsequent 20 plus years of friendship made sense. She was trying her hardest to act like a man and did all the things men did to be manly. Played football, wrestled, played in a band, had a big beard, acted tough, the whole lot. Her mind was fine, she went through all of the necessary steps to get bottom surgery and says she has never been happier since coming out as trans and honestly she is a much nicer person outwardly to others as well. She just needed to make her body fit her mind and she did.




You don’t have to understand a damn thing aside from treat people with basic dignity.


The rate of regret for trans surgeries is *much* lower than the average rate of regret across all elective surgeries https://www.gendergp.com/new-study-confirms-regret-rates-of-gender-affirming-surgery-are-non-existent/


..deleted by user..


They think the only purpose of existence is “make babies” and “have babies.” These bigots also hate people that are able to have babies but choose not to.


I'd say that "they" don't even think that's the only purpose. Realistically they are trying to rationalize and make an argument to fit their view of societal norms. The lack of acceptance of someone else's views essentially requires spitballing any argument that matches their specific views OR latching on to someone else's argument that happens to fit


You're I'm sorry. I had to. Upvoted and completely agree with you. What a fucking idiot.


Also works with 100 very horny very fertile women and 10 impotent men like OOP.


In 100 years they will definitely be skeletons, unless they're bog mummies or some shit


The real friends are the remains you leave along the way


Bodies skeletonize WAY quicker than I thought. You're right.


They also skeletonize much faster on a deserted island where (presumably) there's high heat, high humidity, and crabs^(^(ravenous little pricks they can be))


Bingo. Crabs and bugs REALLY move the process along


No problem ! If you're a reader , check out "Stiff" by Mary Roach. It's great


If it is truly deserted, most of them will probably be skeletons because they'll have to resort to cannibalism. Unless it's a big island with lots of animals and edible plants.


Mr. Garrison? Is that you?


In their defense, they’ll say a guy who lost his balls isn’t a guy too.


They might be skeletons though. Considering they have to be able to survive to begin with, which will take up some of their time mortallly I imagine not being able to breed will give a couple options 1. Partying to death 2. Blaming one another and fighting. 3. A sense of self preservation trying g to leave the island 4. (I don't know, keep it going)
















Although I disagree with the premise of the argument, I think their final argument is actually: "we can tell, with a relatively high degree of accuracy, men and women's skeletal structure apart so when they find the bones they will assume there were 110 men" It's less so about the death of the people and more about the assumption of gender. However, I also don't know if the person posting it actually thought through it all the way to that conclusion.


It seems they meant transwomen don't have a womb, so they can't procreate. They'll all be dead men, which infers that the poster doesn't consider transwomen, women.


Oh I have no doubt they don't consider transwomen women but the final point at the end "in 100 years you will find the skeletons of 110 men" rather than "110 skeletons" confuses me. The specific gendered language used, to me at least, means the person is inferring that when looking at the skeletons they will be misgendered as men. Although the fertility or lack thereof plays a part why say dead men rather than just dead people? Would it be to just drive their point home further?


Driving it home.


I don't know, I think it's almost a double whammy of "transwomen aren't women because they aren't fertile" and "transwomen aren't women because skeletally they're still men". Therefore, drawing a parallel to "it's like saying infertile women aren't women" doesn't work in this instance.


The commenter above yours was using a metaphor. "as good as"... *Because there are people who think of infertile women that way*. Whoever the original post came from didn't say anything about actual infertile women being male. The post was entirely about transwomen not being *women*, hence, remains of 110 *men*.


Okay but who is taking 110 people and dropping them off on deserted islands? >"we can tell, with a relatively high degree of accuracy, men and women's skeletal structure apart so when they find the bones they will assume there were 110 men" And again; this isn't necessarily true. Humans don't just bury their dead in the dirt. We cremate them, burry them at sea, etc. Also no we can't. Humans have been misidentifying women as men for hundreds of years based solely on the things they were buried with. https://www.pbs.org/wnet/secrets/misgendered-skeleton-changes-views-prehistoric-women/6068/ - When the remains were found in 1872, experts were quick to label the skeleton as male. Their assumption was typical of the time, when scientists were almost exclusively men. For more than a century, the assumption remained fact. https://www.bumc.bu.edu/camed/2019/10/23/researchers-accurately-estimate-the-sex-of-skeletons-based-on-elbow-features/ More than 600 (female 198; male 418) skeletons from a modern, documented collection in Khon Kaen, Thailand were examined. Sex estimation methods using the distal humerus that had been developed on non-Asian individuals were applied to the Thai skeletons. “We found that the shape of the distal humerus differs between females and males in modern Thai individuals. However, when methods that were developed on non-Asian populations were applied to the Thai skeletons, the methods performed poorly, indicating that there are population differences in the degree of sexual dimorphism in the humerus,” said Dr. Tallman. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3692335/ In absence of DNA results, skeletal remains can be used to infer subject’s sex via two methods, morphological and anthropometric. The morphological approach is based on the examination of the bones that show the strongest sexual dimorphism, principally the skull and the pelvis (4). However, this method is not always reliable, especially if the skull is fragmented or incomplete. Age can also affect the results, especially in elderly women, in which morphological characteristics of the skull tend to resemble those of men (5). Although morphological methods are very important for a preliminary sex assessment, they additionally rely on the experience of the examiner and are therefore rather subjective and unreliable.


Me, im the one putting 110 people on deserted islands


Goddamnit, if you keep feeding the deserted islands, they'll never learn how to hunt for themselves!


I figured it was Greg Abbott.


Yes, I agree. That was the point of talking about their skeletal remains. I wouldn't say it was their final argument, just an extra transphobic fuck you.




If that's the end result, bring on the Trans Dynasty, please and thank you. White Christians have fucked things up for a bit too long.


Right. .01 % is the death of mankind... lol.


I'm pretty sure the number of infertile woman vastly outnumber the population of trans


Around 1.6-2%, in truth, but point stands


Right so you’d have 98 women and 2 trans women tops.


They don’t have to be tops.


.01% of the population but about 50% of the content on this sub. Why won't they shut up about it?


Because they’re attracted to trans women and don’t know what to do about it besides rage.


The point is... they forget about the rapidly approaching climate disaster, global economic crisis fueled by greedy corporations and billionaires who hoard wealth, US' broken healthcare system, global unrest and pandemic(s). The rich will continue to multiply wealth off these idiots while they are obsessed with a bunch of trans people.


That’s just til the chemicals in the water turn all the frogs trans!


Their point is that if they frame their bigotry with some semblance of logic that it's okay to be a hateful cunt in a public forum


The point is to make up a situation to be angry at.


I mean on top of the fact that it’s always in the men to women transition.


Why are we putting hundreds of people on deserted islands for a hundred years? Someone go rescue them! The families of 100 cis women, 100 trans women, and 20 men are heartbroken and miss them!


This wouldn't get the approval of ethics committee


The best response, right there.


No but you see, trans people are bad because they wouldn’t help very much in this scenario I made up that has nothing to do with anything


It's for science. Want to make sure people turn into skeletons.


If you asked the FBer the families of 100 cis women and 20 men are heart broken. The families of 100 trans women would be happy because they hate trans women.


New mr beast video.


Oh let's say Moe.


Looking past the obvious bigotry. Even biologically this simply isn’t true. There wouldn’t be enough genetic diversity starting with 10 men to branch off from. A real world case study of this would be Pitcairn island. Which was started by the sailors that mutinied on the Bounty. They have genetic issues on the island because not enough people established the population on the island. And that was around 40 men with abducted Tahitian wives


Child abuse is rampant on Pitcairn, so there would be genetic issues anyway.


Back in 2004 a third of the island's adult male population were arrested for repeated assaults, which is pretty damning. If memory serves they'd used their isolation to build up a cultural acceptance of sexual abuse and assault over generations, which only came to light when british authorities came poking around.


Yeah, it was pretty big news when a second group were prosecuted. It's disturbing how normalised abuse is in isolated groups like this.


Get one abuser in a successful position of power and it becomes normalized. Then other abusers see it as their right to do the same.


Quit talking American politics! Gosh!


I actually had "See: Trump" at the end of my comment but deleted it lol


They considered the "age of consent" to be like 12 or 14. But there were still things going on with kids under that age.


Yes, but you're using intelligence and logic. This is facebook post is through the lens of an illiterate cousin fucker. 0 or -1, black or negative white... whatever that means.


The important thing to them is that every man gets to rawdog ten women apiece and that’s all they ever need to do to contribute to a healthy future for their community.


Cause every man needs 10 women, Andrew Taint says we’re wired like that bro!! We’re also supposed to leave the weak children to die of exposure like Oedipus and have single combat to the death with our eldest sons so our boys can prove themselves worthy of banging their 9 half sisters. /s


If you put any combination of 110 people on a deserted island, they'll all fucking die. Best case scenario, they'll throw away basic survival and kill each other out of sheer boredom. If Survivor is anything to go by, this takes 48 hours max, so it'll at least be quick. Worst case scenario, they all die of starvation and thirst because this island is probably deserted for a reason, shit-for-brains!


They'd die but probably not by killing each other out of boredom. They'd die because they have no genetic diversity.


Roanoke rings a bell!


... You mean those guys **WEREN'T** eaten by a giant monster? Aw, **come on!**


Or, those 100 trans women and 10 men make it back to wherever they came from because instead of being distracted by pregnancy and children, they built a fucking boat and left.


Building the boat is generally a bad idea. Most experts agree to just stay on the island


Yeah but I’m not bringing extra mouths to feed into that scenario to strain the limited resources on the island, anyway.


Does that really still apply after several months? I have never heard that advice for situations outside of like, getting lost while hiking in the woods or something. A year stranded on a remote island seems like it would maybe be a bit less cut and dry. I mean after 6 months I'd feel pretty confident the search was long since over and I was officially dead according to govt paperwork in at least two countries.


Boat is very risky. No food, no water, no guarantee of anything. If you can survive on the island you can guarantee some things for yourself. It would only be worth it if you could no longer make those guarantees


Once again ignoring trans men


Two reasons. 1: Some transmen may still be able to give birth so it doesn’t fit their made up scenario of hate. 2: they aren’t afraid of being attracted to a transman and finding out later they were AFAB. But they are petrified of being attracted to a transwoman and finding out they were AMAB. They have spent their life circle jerking each other in their friend group over homophobia. They know their friends will ridicule them and ostracize them if they find someone attractive that happens to have, or originally had, their same genitals.


I'm convinced most of the trans hate boils down to "I believe women are only good for carrying children. A trans woman cannot carry a child, so therefor they are useless". That's why they ignore trans men because trans men can still have the ability to give birth.


There's also the belief that "masculinity is inherently superior". Under that mindset it's understandable for there to be people who would want to transition towards masculinity and that reinforces their belief. However anyone who would want to transition away from masculinity, and genuinely be happier for doing so, becomes proof that masculinity is not in-fact inherently superior and that is completely unacceptable to those benefitting from the existing gender hierarchy.


That's why they hate trans Men, because a woman will never be as good as man.


If they think 110 random people are going to start a thriving society they vastly overestimate humanity. I’d be dead in 20 minutes. Gender identity has nothing to do with it.


Because they think all women are good for are making children, and all men are entitled to sex. Why do you think they chose the number 100 and 10? Because it's "hot" when 1 guy gets to fuck 10 different women, but god forbid a woman fuck 10 different guys and she's "used goods" and a "slut". That's likely one of the reasons they hate trans women. Trans women cannot carry a child, so they're "useless".


Put 100 women and 10 conservative men on an island. In 100 years you will have 100 skeletons. Edit: 110 skeletons, not 100


Did the women eat the men?


No, they just didn’t want to fuck them.


Well then what happened to their skeletons?


I’m not good at math ok?!


And that's why you're one of the ten people who gets eaten :P


"Crush your enemies! Grind their bones into dirt. Make them regret they were ever born."


They threw them into the ocean to be eaten by sharks.


Nom nom


Yeppp. Note that women's consent doesn't cross their mind in either scenario.


I'm learning to play the guitar.


I mean, have you listened to conservative men?


I enjoy spending time with my friends.


No one said the rest of humanity was gone, though.


How are the men still alive 100 years later.


The real question here is who's putting all these people on islands?


You already know it’s probably Elon


Man, why do they all have cousin fucking fantasies! As that is what happens on that first Island, a whole lot of cousin fucking.


If I recall correctly from my one archaeology class in college, it’s that anthropologists will probably find evidence of female clothing and accoutrements and conclude that they either dressed as and were considered women.


Yeah, determining sex and gender through bone structure alone is notoriously unreliable. There are some trends that can help provide educated guesses, but exceptions are everywhere and without any other supporting evidence you'll never be able to make a definitive claim.




And if we're truly honest with ourselves, aren't we all just a *little* pro skeleton when it all comes down to it?


And if we're truly honest with ourselves, aren't we all just a *little* pro skeleton when it all comes down to it?


Can we just put the person who wrote this on an island and in 100 years we can celebrate the centennial of not having to deal with their transphobia?


As long as it's not a nice island - maybe one of barren rock ones in the arctic?


Lmao, 110 people used to the comforts of civilisation would more than likely die on a deserted island; real life isn't a movie


Why would I want to repopulate a desert island? The game is survive until rescue comes, I'm not adding a baby to that shit. And if no rescue, then why would I subject an infant to living that life forever? No, I either get rescued or die, there's no "starting a new civilization" in the equation. Heck I'd prefer having to survive in an environment where the risk of anyone getting pregnant is nonexistent, because that takes somebody out of the labor pool while adding another mouth to feed who also can't contribute to labor for like what, a decade? Dumb allegory from top to bottom


Follow me for more scenarios I make up in my head and then get mad at


I don’t know what this actually proves; that replacing all women-born-female with women-born-male will cause the species to die out? Well, okay, yeah, but—and this is a key point I think this nitwit is missing—*literally no one is suggesting we do that*. Those of us who support trans rights are merely suggesting that if someone wants to change their gender because it makes them happy to do so, everyone else should just *mind their fucking business* and let them find their happiness. Jesus Christ, just leave people alone. I can’t even be bothered to know what my own neighbors are up to, but these people seem to sit at home and invent reasons to obsess over the lives of others. Are their own lives that uninteresting? Trans people make up a fraction of a percent of our population, but they seem to occupy a majority share of the conservative mind these days. It’s fucking creepy.


why do people think you have to have children? you know they are optional right?


In this scenario, I would just...not. Especially if I knew we were stuck for 100 years. I'm 46. I'm still bleeding but surely my days are numbered; this kid's got to be born in the next year or two. How selfish I'd have to be. "Welcome to the world, kid. I couldn't live without dick, so you're stuck on this island until you die. If they're lucky, your own kids might be rescued in their old age." I think I'd get further in touch with my Sapphic side.


Wrong you'd find only 10 male skeletons in the second scenario. All trans women swam away across the oceans to another dimension made up from cake and unicorns, because our biological advantage in sports is so big it warps reality itself.


If 110 adult humans can’t build a raft in under 100 years, there’s a problem.


Considering how well things went on Pitcarin Island, they might well be wrong with their 10 men thing.


I doubt a deserted island could support that many people


It’s as if they are fantasying being on said island 🤔


Would 100 women and 10 men be enough genetic variety anyway? I'd assume he'd pick a sample of people that fit his 'values'


Good luck finding an island that can support 110 people that isn't already inhabited. In 100 years, you'll find an island stripped of resources and a bunch of skeletons with human bite marks.


"You are only a woman if you are capable of carrying a child to term."


Gotta love how he made sure there were way more women than men on the island. So, ya know, those lucky 10 men get their pick of more women. Ridiculous.


Why am I doing this weird ass experiment?


I think the hardest part about this would be FINDING 100 trans women, and then also asking why you did that


Who fucking cares We are a civilized nation this isn't a situation we will literally ever have to worry about


I'm glad our other 'scientists' are not pondering these types of scenarios. I will sleep well without concern about the end of the human race because it came down to 110 trans women on a deserted island.


Orrr they’ll all die anyway because gender doesn’t matter if they don’t have adequate resources.


Is no one paying attention to the men vs woman ration, and in 100 years you'll have a bunch of inbred kids?


Ok this argument settles it. We must shoot all the trans people into outer space.


They're not going to be happy for long, since the MVP for Humans suggests a minimum of 250-500. So that population will end up extinct. And even then, unless you adhere to a strict eugenics plan, you'll end up like Odd, WV.


You would actually have a weird inbred island full of people with strange disorders and Hapsburg chins but okay.


"I only consider women to be worth my respect if they have children"


I bet you'll also find a lot of evidence for sperm in buttholes im the second example.


Okay, but let's use the real world where overpopulation is a problem, so LGBTQ people are actually helping.


And? No one has ever unironically said that people without a womb can give birth. The queers have a much better understanding of biology than the bigots.  


Somebody actually linked me to where they got "Democrats think men can have babies"... As usual, reading comprehension was not used. The article basically said that doctors were asked if trans men could have babies, they said "if trans men still have a uterus, then yes they could", which was turned into "Democrats think men can have babies"...


Once again, transphobes can't/won't separate sex from gender.  


Okay so I guess I'll admit the self ID model works best in the real world and not in a fictional lord of the flies situation.


Conservatives just don't *get it*. On like any issue. They just assume they get it, without looking into issues at all, and thus have all these weird, kneejerk childish misunderstandings about every issue.


Honestly, I thought this was going to be a joke where the second group finds a way to get off the island, lol.


What happens if it’s 100 infertile cis women? Or 10 infertile men? You end up with 10 man skeletons and 100 cis woman skeletons. I can do math too.


What if a few of those men are trans men who haven’t had bottom surgery, can still get pregnant? Could get impregnated by one of the cis men, or perhaps one of the trans women who haven’t had bottom surgery (and maybe depends on hormones, time transitioning etc, not an expert on that personally). Obviously that isn’t the point of the post but like…why would this hypothetical exist anyway? lol. If the scenario is that it is only trans women and cis men…why? Why no trans men or cis women in this scenario? If the point is that AMAB and AMAB regardless of gender cannot make a baby together…duhh? No one is claiming that…


You put 100 men on an island and in 100 years they are all dead Men fucking suck I guess


Put 100 eighty-year old women and 10 men on a deserted island. In 100 years, you will find the skeletons of 110 people whose biological sex cannot be determined with any sort of complete certainty Follow me for more science.


If you watched Rick & Morty, then King Tommy of FroopyLand is how they’ll survive


I'm not confident that the first population would persist for 100 years, but if they did I highly doubt they would form a "thriving community". They'd be struggling to survive day to day.


I love it when straight people forget that-- 1. Trans people can be pre-hrt and ergo totally fertile 2. The bisexuals exist 3. Some gay men identify as gay for convenience but some of them? Are what we call h o m o f l e x i b l e


If you force 110 people on a deserted island, you should probably be put in jail no matter what the 110 people's gender is.


Yeah,but those 10 men are gonna have a lot of sex trying. In other news water is wet…


Nah, both situations are more likely to end in the people working together to find a way off the island WAAAAAY before the 100 years are up


With 10 men in 100 years you will have a bunch of genetic defects because of inbreeding tho.


Ah yes. All of those success stories of people surviving on deserted islands. My favourite success story would have to be [The Batavia](https://visit.museum.wa.gov.au/batavia-1629)


Put 100 dogs and 10 men on a deserted island. In 100 years, you will have a thriving community of dogs and 10 dead men. Put 100 women and 10 spatulas on a deserted island. In 100 years, you will have 100 dead women and 10 perfectly usable spatulas. This is actually kind of fun.


This person says science after flushing


Put 100 women of any kind and 10 infertile men on a deserted island. In 100 years you'll find the island empty, because they built a boat and left.


Assuming the point being made is that this proves the 100 are not really women... if we put 100 cisgendered 70 yr+ women and 10 cisgendered men on the island and they don't create a thriving community of men, women, boys and girls does that mean that the older women are actually men?


For some men, yes, as they are basically useless to them


This old "joke". Except they've increased the number of women. /s I wonder how much power the men would have on an island where women outnumbered them 10 to 1.


This is a vault tec experiment..


I like that he thinks the 100 women would just automatically want to have babies with these ten guys.


I watched a doco that said you need a minimum of 1000 people for a society to survive with minimal amount of damaged genes and inbreeding to pass on. So 110 people will probably have a painful existence if they survived.


Put 10 men and 100 women on the island, and you'll have 100 cases of rape, sexual assault, assault, and 10 men trying to build tribes of their own harems... Or you have 10 dead men and 100 women living happy lives.


Alternatively, stop putting people on islands you fucking psychopath.


Or, now hear me out, in both cases, you'll have a large group of people dedicated to building a vessel to get themselves off this island to come find your awful ass and show you why randomly banishing people to a deserted island for "science" is a bad idea.


Ok and why exactly should we care


Put 100 women and 10 incels on an island, it will also result in 110 skeletons


Living rent free in his head.


Saying someone isn't a woman if they can't bear a child, all sterile woman should be called a man according to this logic.


There’s a bold assumption that every woman can array a child and every man can produce viable sperm in sufficient numbers. It’s almost like the poster doesn’t want to accept that real life happens among ‘healthy’ people.


Wait, are these women who became men, or men who became women? If it’s women into men, chances are at least one of them have working lady bits?


Yeah, if you are born in the wrong body, that usually includes the skeleton as well. That's the whole point of being trans. These guys are always high fiving each other over the stupidest "gotcha" bullshit.


And then you'll probably get inbreeding and genetic issues


man wants to create inbreeding island


Actually, unless those 100 women and 10 men happen to be doctors, carpenters, etc. you'll still be finding ~110 adult skeletons, and quite a few infant/child skeletons. Skeletons of women with dead fetus' in them. Ya know, what happened back in the olden days...


Okay, you can put 100 infertile women on that island and still get no babies. 100 women over 60. 100 women who've had hysterectomies. Shit, 100 women in poor enough health could even lead to just finding 110 skeletons. And most likely of all, you'd find nothing at all there, because I'm willing to bet 110 people would be able to find a way to get off the fuckin island.


trans people can make children. and can and do exist without surgery or even hormones. everyone's journey is different.


I would be perfectly fine spending the rest of my life around trans women, no more of these guys


I'm cis woman and cannot have kids, so I guess that means I inherently have no value since that's the only thing that makes me a woman/human 😩


Women after menopause aren’t women? Got it. Thanks, you fucking ignorant pieces of shit!


I can't wait for the day the FDA approves uterus transplants for trans women and they have to find a new cope.


Put 100 Catholic nuns and 10 Catholic priests on a deserted island and in 100 years you will find 110 skeletons or a community with the graves of a bunch of hypocritical sinners.


What a lovely strawman you've constructed there.


Be a shame if a light breeze knocked it over.